Read King Sized Page 3

  Callie’s eyes went wide.

  “You have to hide!”

  I scowled. “I have to do nothing of the kind.”

  “No, it’s—” she swallowed, her face burning bright red. “It’s my bridesmaids! If they find you in here, like this?”

  I smiled hungrily. “Then I’ll tell them exactly what I’m doing.”

  She bit her lip, her big blue eyes looking up into mine.

  “Which is?”

  “Stealing you away.”

  Callie blushed, and fuck did it make me want her even more. Something about the way that glow teased across her cheeks made me want to take her away from all of this even more.

  “Please, let me handle this? If they walk in find you in here, it’s just going to be this huge thing, and then I’ll never get rid of them.”

  I grumbled, but slowly, I nodded, my eyes locked on hers.

  “This isn’t over, angel. And you’re not marrying him.”

  “I— I don’t want to,” she whispered, leaning in and kissing me gently.

  “And you won’t.”

  “But how?”

  My jaw tightened as I let my eyes burn into hers.

  “Let me handle that.”

  I kissed her again, deeply, letting her feel the full of heat of that kiss, before I slowly pulled away and begrudgingly helped her to her feet. I watched as she blushed, smoothing her dress back down, and knowing she could feel my cum all over her skin between her legs.


  The knock banged gain. “Dude the door is locked!”

  “I assume you have an escape hallway hidden behind the bookshelf in your bedroom?”

  Her brows arched. “How did you—?”

  I grinned. “Because my palace has the same thing.” I leaned in and kissed her again. Fuck, I never wanted to stop kissing her. But first, I had to fix this.

  “I’ll be back for you, angel,” I purred into her lips, kissing her once more before I pulled away, ducked through the doorway to her bedroom, and made my way to the secret exit, the taste of her still on my lips, and the feel of her against my cock keeping me rock fucking hard.

  Chapter 5



  He’d barely gone, and it was the only thought blaring through my head. I wanted more.

  God, I wanted everything with him. I wanted him back between my legs, and kissing me, and touching me, and doing all those crazy wonderful things he’d done to make me scream.

  But the fist on the door hammered again, shaking me from it all.

  “Callie, are you fucking asleep? Let us in!”

  My heart raced, and my pulse hammered as I smoothed my wedding dress down. I shivered when I felt his cum rub deliciously between my thighs, feeling so fucking dirty knowing the mess we’d left under my dress.

  But there was no time, not with my friends banging on the door like that. I quickly crossed the room, unlocked it, and swung the big heavy wooden door to my chambers wide.

  “Holy fuck, took you long enough.”

  Riley brushed past me, her long blonde hair wild and free and her pink bridesmaid’s dress billowing around her like a chiffon storm. Riley had a way of always entering a room like that.

  Behind her, Lola snorted, rolling her green eyes as she pushed a lock of dark hair behind her ears and followed suit. “Seriously, why the heck was your door locked?”

  “Maybe she just wanted a little privacy before her big day?”

  Faith, my only relatively normal friend, smiled as she followed Lola into the room, closing the door behind her.

  “Oh, right, yeah, she probably just wanted to reflect on what a special and magical day this is,” Riley deadpanned dryly, sarcasm dripping from her lips.

  Lola scowled and elbowed her.

  They knew the deal. These girls, as different as we all were, were my best friends, even if I’m not sure any of us knew exactly how that’d happened. Riley, though especially out of control today, was always a bit of a wild child. So was Lola, who always had a little edge to her. Faith was the more sensible one — maybe not the goody two-shoes they always teased me for being, but she definitely avoided the kind of trouble Riley and Lola seemed to actively seek out. I suppose having parents as strict as hers were probably part of that.

  And yet, we were all best friends. I guess it was because we’d all grown up in the same royal circles, which is really a small world once you get to know it. Also, all four of us may have been royal princesses, but none of us really bought into it the way some princesses did.

  Whatever it was though, we’d grown up thick as thieves, and now they were all here as bridesmaids on my ill-fated wedding day. And yeah, they knew why I was doing this. They knew it wasn’t like I was madly in love with Milton, or even remotely attracted to him. They may have been against the whole thing, but they got why I was doing it.

  …What they didn’t know, though, was what had just happened. They didn’t know that I’d just felt things I’d never felt before. They didn’t know that the dark, dangerous, rough man I’d been secretly fantasizing about for months had just strolled in her, kissing me like I belonged to him, and then made me come — twice — harder than I’d ever done to myself. They didn’t know that he’d left his hot cum across my skin, covering my pussy and sending a naughty, illicit thrill through me.

  “You know it’s my job to give you a hard time, right?” Riley grinned. She put her heeled foot up on a chair and hiked her bridesmaids dress up, revealing a little metal flask tucked into a garter belt on her thigh.

  Faith sighed heavily.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  Riley shrugged. “Yes? It’s a wedding, Faith. Relax.”

  “Maybe you should relax,” Faith muttered back. “You’ve been hitting that thing ever since you got here.”

  She wasn’t wrong. Riley was always a little on the wild side, but she’d been a little bit of a hot mess today — a little more wild than usual, even if she wouldn’t tell us why.

  She glanced a the three of us and finally groaned as she moved her hands away from the flask and dropped her leg back down.

  “Fine, we’ll be lame like that.”

  She sighed as she stepped towards me. “Sorry, I know it’s my job to give you a hard time, but it’s also my job to tell you we’re all here for you no matter—”

  She scowled, pulling back from me. Her eyes darted over my face, and one brow arched highly.

  I swallowed. “What?”

  “You’re all flushed.”

  I swallowed back the heat from my face. Or, at least I tried to.

  “No I’m not yet.”

  “Uh, yeah, you are,” Lola said, looking at me curiously.

  “Just excited.”

  All three of them gave me dry, flat looks.

  “Right,” Faith muttered.

  Yeah, they got it. They got what was going on with me marrying King Milton, but they were all good enough friends not to push it. This was our world, the one we’d been born into. And sometimes, princesses married men they didn’t want to. Men like King Milton.

  …But then, maybe I wasn’t. Maybe instead, I’d be running off with the man who’d just barged into my dressing room and my life and turned it all upside down. The man who’d left me breathless, and aching for more, and the one who’d done things to me I’d never imagined.

  “I still think we should have a drink,” Riley muttered.

  Lola smirked. “Think you brought enough to share, you wino?”

  “Okay, uh, fuck you?”

  Faith and Lola dissolved into giggles as I put my arm around Riley.

  “Hey, it’s my wedding and I say you can do whatever you want.”

  “Thank you,” she said primly. “Well maybe later you and I can have a drink and I just won’t share with these two hags.”

  Lola laughed harder. “Or I could tell these two who I saw you canoodling with earlier.”

  Riley — the always unflappable and alwa
ys unflusterable — suddenly went bright red. Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide.

  “I wasn’t canoodling with any—”

  “She was,” Lola smirked.

  “Ooo, who?!” Faith grinned.

  “I don’t know what you think you saw, but—”

  “King Sven,” Lola said smugly, arching her brows.

  Riley dropped her face into her hands. “I hate you.”

  I laughed, hugging her tighter.

  “Hey, King Sven is handsome!” Faith said cheerily.

  “Uh, no, he’s hot,” Lola smirked.

  “Yeah, well, hands to yourself,” Riley muttered.

  Lola snorted. “Cause he’s all yours?”

  “No, because your daddy might get mad.”

  This time, it was Lola’s turn to blush. Deeply.

  “He’s not my dad,” she said quietly.

  “He sure acts like it.”

  They were referring to Lola’s guardian, Xavier Danes, the Duke of Bandiff. He wasn’t Lola’s dad, but he’d watched over her ever since her real one took off years before. So no, the Duke wasn’t really her dad, but he definitely had this protective way about him when it came to Lola, which we liked to tease her about.

  That and the fact that he was gorgeous.

  My mind wandered, and suddenly, I wasn’t listening to the teasing between my friends. No, I was thinking about what I’d just done, with my own gorgeous, older, powerful man, not a minute before my friends had strolled in.

  The man who’d made my pulse skip, who’d made me feel alive in ways I’d never felt before. I blushed, thinking of the way he’d touched me, and pushed my dress up. How he’d slipped my panties from me, and put his mouth on me. Or how he’d slid that huge cock between his legs up and down my virgin slit until he’d made me come like nothing else I’d ever known.

  One thought stuck, and suddenly, I whirled, my eyes darting across the floor next to the vanity.

  …Where the hell were my panties?

  “Okay, anyways…” Riley said loudly.

  “Oh are we done with the subject of canoodling and King Sven?”

  Riley flipped Faith off as she turned to me.

  “By the way, the seamstress is waiting downstairs to give your dress the final going-over before the ceremony.”

  The ceremony. Where I was going to be married to a man I loathed. I thought about the things Hayden had said to me, about stealing me away and taking me from all of this. But, more and more, and without being in his arms and glowing anymore, they were starting to just sound like words. I mean, when exactly was this stealing away going to happen? And how could I even do that? After all, Milton was paying off my parents’ debts, and I was pretty sure that wasn’t something he’d still do if I ran off with another man on my wedding day.

  Riley must have seen the look on my face, because she smiled as she pulled me close and hugged me.

  “Hey, you’re going to get through this, okay?”

  I nodded glumly.

  “Alright, so lose the dress.”

  My brow shot up. “What?”

  “Your wedding dress? You know, that big white thing you’re wearing? So that the seamstress downstairs can put the finishing touches on it?”

  My face paled, thinking of what I had one under it — or rather, what I didn’t have on.

  “Uh, no way,” I said quickly, shaking my head.

  Lola sighed. “Callie, you’re aware that we all have tits too, right?”

  I blushed furiously. Yeah, it wasn’t even that I was naked under the dress — I mean, why I wasn’t wearing panties would be an interesting story to spin for them, but it’s not like I hadn’t changed in front of my friends before.

  No, what was stopping me was the fact that under that dress was the mess that Hayden had made of me — his cum and mine still sticky and glistening over my skin. Not wearing underwear was one thing, but revealing that was mortifying to even think of.

  “Okay, you’re all flushed looking again,” Riley peered at me curiously. “You and ole Milton haven’t been sneaking around before the big day have you?”

  She grinned widely at me, and I groaned. “Uh, no. Not a chance.”

  “Oh thank God.”

  Faith immediately covered her mouth, looking shocked that she’d actually said it out loud, but the other two just giggled.

  Lola finally turned back and slowly peered curiously at me.

  “Your hair is down.”


  “The hair I spent about an hour piling up on top of your head earlier?”

  I remembered Hayden’s hands sliding into the hair, and tugging my head back as he’d kissed me, pulling it free from the piles Lola had worked so hard at.

  “Sorry, it, uh, it fell.”

  She pursed her lips.

  “What are you hiding?”


  “No, you’re definitely being coy,” Riley chimed in.

  “Oh go run back to King Sven,” I muttered.

  Faith cracked up, but our blonde friend arched a brow as she jabbed a finger at her.

  “Oh, you want to point fingers? How about I tell these two who I saw you getting all cosy with out in the rose gardens.”

  Faith’s jaw dropped. “I was doing nothing of the sort!”

  Lola snorted, waving a hand at the two of them as she sighed and moved behind me to start fixing my hair.

  “Okay, fine, be bashful if you want. Whatever. We’ll leave, you change out of that dress, and we’ll send the seamstress up. And then we can get on with this wedding, okay?”

  I nodded quietly.

  “Hey, you never know,” Lola smiled at me. “Maybe some handsome prince will come steal you away.”


  Chapter 6


  The drink was almost to Sven’s lips when I snatched it from him, brought it to my own mouth, and tossed it back.

  Whiskey. Good.

  “Help your-fucking-self,” my friend snarled, grabbing his now-empty glass back and glaring at me. “The fuck is your problem?”

  “Needed a drink.”

  “We’re standing at a bar,” he muttered.

  They were. I didn’t care. My blood was still running hot, my whole body on edge and sizzling with what’d just happened.

  Her. She’d just happened, in a major way. The girl I’d been obsessing over for months, and probably longer than was appropriate. As I said, tonight, all the waiting, and all the holding back was over. There was no way she was going to marry King Milton, and if I had to throw her over my shoulder and walk out the front fucking door with her that way, then so be it.

  Kissing her had been heaven. Tasting her had been the sweetest sin. I’d thought I was addicted before, but I knew now that I’d been so wrong I almost couldn’t comprehend it. She wasn’t just my addiction, she was my everything. Leaving her had been harder to do than I could have ever imagined. Walking away from my angel after having her so close to me, and kissing her, and making her come like that, and marking her as I had was torture.

  So, yeah, stealing a drink out of Sven’s hand instead of waiting to order one from the bar was highly necessary.

  My friend glared at me again before he turned and ordered two more drinks.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Cole probed, arching a dark brow over the rim of his glass. The tattoos on his neck, peeking out from under his tuxedo shirt and jacket, rippled as he swallowed back the whiskey. I had to smile.

  That was one reason he was such a good friend of mine. Neither of us “fit the part” of royalty. None of us really did — maybe Xavier just because he had that regal and cultured look about him. And because of his being a bit older than the rest of us. Next came Sven, who’d been born a king in a long line of kings and looked it. Of course, if you knew him, you got to see that particularly un-“kingly” way he could be when he let loose with friends like us. At least his tattoos were mostly covered by formalwear, unlike Cole and me.
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  But differences in age, and in how we became who we’d become aside, King Sven of Northlund, Prince Cole of Luthane, and Xavier, the Duke of Bandiff, were all close. Maybe we were all “un-royal” enough to spot it in each other. Whatever it was though, the four of us were close as brothers. We fought like brothers from time to time too, but there was never any lasting bad blood there.

  Why any of us had managed to be invited to Milton’s fucking wedding was a bit of a mystery. None of us liked him. Actually, Xavier and I weren’t even that discreet about our disdain for the loud, slovenly king. But one of Milton’s many character flaws was the need to brag — the need to show off.

  …That day, it would be the reason he lost his bride.

  “You’re up to something,” Xavier said evenly, his eyes fixed on me.


  “And perhaps it has something to do with Milton’s pretty young bride-to-be?”

  I glared at my older friend. “Easy.”

  “Which means I’m dead on the money, doesn’t it?”

  My jaw tightened as I narrowed my eyes at Xavier. “You really want to start throwing stones up in that glass house of yours?”

  Cole and Sven hooted, and Xavier chuckled, smiling darkly at me. “And what does that mean?”

  “It means don’t play pious with me. I’ve seen the way you look at her.”

  His jaw tightened. “Who?” he growled, a hint of warning in his voice. I didn’t usually push it with my best friends like this, but my blood was running hot from Callie. And if Xavier wanted to dog me about looking at a girl I shouldn’t have been looking at, I was very prepared to throw it right back.

  “Maybe I’ve got eyes on the bride of the evening, but I’m not the one with his eye on his own pretty young ward. You want to talk about Princess Lola?”

  Sven shot me a look that screamed “shut the fuck up.” Cole’s look was more “fuck, here comes the fist fight. Whose side am I taking?”

  And I could see Xavier wanting to lash out, or explode, but he bit it back down. Yeah, he was good like that. Instead, he just smiled coolly at me, though he kept that air of warning.