Read King Sized Page 4

  “Mind your business,” he muttered quietly.


  My friend smiled. “Just don’t do anything that’s going to get us kicked out of this wedding.”

  I grinned. “You really want to be here anyways?”

  Xavier chuckled. “For the sheer entertainment factor.”

  Cole and Sven’s shoulders dropped as the tension evaporated.

  “Besides,” Xavier muttered. “You’re not the only one I’m worried about getting us kicked from this shitshow.” He turned and leveled a hard look at Cole, who couldn’t do a damn thing to stop the sly grin from creeping over his face.

  “Who, me?”

  I arched a brow at my notorious friend. Prince Cole had a way of sussing out trouble. Most notably, sussing out trouble when it came to women. The man was no priest, but it wasn’t like he was some sort of huge man-whore either. He just had a way of finding himself in compromising positions, even when he wasn’t even looking for anything.

  There’d been the royal shitstorm a few months before when the King of Urun had arrived at his summer palace early to find his wife, the queen, skinny dipping with our boy Cole. Now, the truth was, Cole had been given permission to stay at the palace, and since no one was around, he’d gone for a swim without a suit. Queen Jemma, perhaps looking for a little strange with her marriage in a bad place, waltzed in, saw Cole, stripped down, and jumped in with him. King Rodney had strolled in right after, spotted the two of them, and almost blown Cole’s head off with a hunting rifle.

  Cole had smoothed things over and assured the king of his innocence, but word spread. And that was just one of about three dozen stories just like it where Cole just found himself in compromising spots. Add to that the wild shit that Cole did actually do, like the odd bender or heading to Vegas and dropping a million bucks on the craps table, and the man had what the more cultured members of the royal world referred to as a “sullied” reputation.

  And the damnedest thing was, he loved it.

  “What the hell are you up to?” Sven growled at him.

  “Nothing, I promise,” Cole said gleefully, clearly lying through his teeth.

  “Don’t think I didn’t see you,” Xavier muttered.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Xavier bristled but Sven and I grinned. That Xavier was older than the rest of us meant all sorts of nicknames like “dad” and “old man” were way too much fun to pass up. Especially since they got a rise out of him.

  “Well then,” Sven raised his glass. “Cole’s up to no good, Xavier’s finally caving to the temptation the rest of us would have caved to years go, and Hayden’s sneaking around with the fucking bride. Does that cover it?”

  I frowned at him. “And you’re the innocent one in all of this?”

  “Not in the slightest.”

  We all chuckled.

  “To the happy couple,” Cole snickered. “And to what I’m betting is going to be one shitshow of a wedding.”

  We toasted. We drank. We made small talk. But my head wasn’t there. Neither was my heart. Because both were firmly back in that room with Callie. Walking away from her had been torture. Staying away from her like this was hell. I needed more of her. Fuck, I craved more of her. And I wouldn’t stop until I had all of her.

  All for me.

  Fuck this wedding. She was mine.

  Chapter 7


  Eventually, I managed to break away from my friends. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be around them, it’s just that I needed space to clear my head. Back in my normal gown, my wedding dress with the seamstress, I roamed the empty halls of the east wing of the palace. My pulse pounded, my skin tingled, and my every thought involved him.

  I could still feel him on me, so sticky under my dress. And it made me feel wild, and so dirty, and hot.

  And I wanted more. I craved more of him, lusting for his touch in a way I’d never wanted anything before in my life. I knew we hardly knew each other, but with Hayden, I felt what I’d never felt before with any boy — certainly nothing I’d felt with Milton. No, with King Hayden, I felt that spark of heat everyone always said you were supposed to feel with someone special.

  And oh did I feel that spark. I felt it engulf me entirely, burning through me like a forest fire.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I never saw him, not until I walked right into him. I gasped, my palms falling against his chest and my heart jumping into my throat.


  He grinned hungrily, catching me as I tumbled into him and letting his big arms circle around me.

  “You seem surprised to see me.”

  I blushed, biting my lip. “How did you get past the guards to this wing of the palace?”

  “I’m a King, Princess,” he purred lowly. “Also, Milton’s guards need to be fired.”

  I smiled, feeling that heat rush through me as I felt the nearness of him. His powerful, muscled body pressed to me, his strong hands holding me firmly as he gazed down into my eyes.

  “And what has you so lost in thought?”

  My blush burned even hotter through my face. And even as I searched for words, I saw that grin creep over his face.

  Oh, he knew. He knew exactly what had me so lost in thought.

  “Perhaps you’re just excited for your big wedding day.”

  I shook my head, my eyes locked with his.

  “No, not that is it,” he purred. His hands tightened on me, making my pulse skip.

  “Then perhaps it’s something that happened earlier,” he growled, his gaze never faltering from me.

  “Perhaps,” I whispered.

  “Perhaps that’s what’s got your gorgeous face so flushed,” he said quietly. “And your heart racing so fast.”

  “Who says my heart is racing?”

  “I do,” he grunted, making me gasp. “And perhaps it’s also the reason I’m betting that pretty little pussy is dripping wet for me right now.”

  My eyes went wide, my pulse jumping. No one had ever spoken to me like that before. And I knew it should have scandalized me, or gotten me furious. But I had a very hard time feeling anything but the raw heat pulsing through me as he said it.

  That, and he was right. I wasn’t just lost in my thoughts of earlier, my body was aching for more of him. Every inch of my skin tingled for him, every part of my body hungered for more of his touch and his kisses.

  And there between my legs, I was soaking wet — my panties clinging wetly to my pussy as I squeezed my thighs together.

  But then, my other thoughts from earlier started to creep into my head like a poison. Here was this gorgeous, dark, powerful man — a king — who said he wanted to take me away from all of this. But was it just words? Was I just some stupid silly little naive princess who’d fallen for the lines he’d probably said to countless other—

  “No, Princess.”

  His rough words tore me from my swirling thoughts.


  “What you’re thinking. It’s written all over your face, beautiful. And the answer is no.” He shook his head, his hands tightening on me as his eyes blazed fiercely. “No lines, no lies, and no bullshit. Not when it comes to you. Not ever. When I tell you I’m going to steal you away from all of this, and take you from this sham wedding?” His eyes sparked dark fire into mine.

  “I am going to. If I have to carry you out the front door over my damn shoulder in front of everyone, I will. But only if you want.”

  I swallowed, my heart racing as my fingers tightened on his jacket. And I nodded — slowly at first before I moving my head faster and faster as the grin spread across my face.

  “Yes please,” I whispered fiercely, moving closer to him. I shivered as I felt his body rumble with a growl, and as he leaned in, I felt my whole body leave the ground. Our lips touched, and then seared together, and the rest of the world melted way.

  I moaned into Hayden’s kiss, losing myself in it as my pulse thundered through my body.
He groaned into me, his hands sliding over my body and pulling me right against his hard body.

  His very hard body. I whimpered at the feel of his thick bulge throbbing against my belly, and this time, I didn’t hesitate. Forget being “princessly” and “demure and reserved.” Screw that. He was breaking me out of that mold I’d been forced into, piece by piece. With Hayden, I knew what I wanted, and I was done pretending a princess like me shouldn’t want those things.

  My hands dropped between us, and when I slid one over the front of his tuxedo pants, I shivered in excitement.

  God he was so big. So enormously, almost unbelievably, panty meltingly big. Like I said, I didn’t exactly have anything to compare it to, but there was something about the power in his size, and the feel of his thick, huge cock growing so hard for me that sent this thrill through me I’d never felt before. My fingers curled around his length through his pants, feeling him pulse and throb, and feeling the raw heat explode through me.

  “I need more of you,” he groaned into my ear, his big hands sliding down my small body until he was cupping my ass firmly and pulling me into him. “I need to taste more of that sweet pussy.”

  I whimpered, gasping as his lips crashed into mine again. This time, He swept me into his arms, my legs flinging around his waist and my arms around his neck as he lifted me from the ground. He kissed me hungrily as he turned and strode down the hall, kicking open the first door and striding inside. We were in one of the guest quarters — the room dark, and the bed made. And my heart skipped a beat.

  This was it. This was when my gorgeous, amazing king was going to make me his and claim what I wanted no one else in the world to take but him.

  Hayden moved us to the bed, and when he pushed me back onto it and crawled over me, my pulse pounded in my ears. I moaned, kissing him hungrily and wrapping my legs around his waist even tighter as I felt his big, hard body press into me.

  “I— I’m ready,” I whispered into his lips, whimpering as I felt his hands pin me to the bed. “I want you to have me — all of me.”

  Hayden groaned, kissing me even fiercer before he slowly pulled away.

  “No, Princess,” he said quietly.

  My heart dropped, but his hand came up to cup my cheek, keeping me from hiding my face.

  “What I mean is, not yet, Callie,” he purred. “You’ve waited for the right man—”

  “You’re the right man,” I whispered fiercely back.

  He grinned, his jaw twitching and his eyes flashing as he leaned down to kiss me again.

  “I will be taking you, Princess,” he groaned. “I’ll be taking every single piece of you, and making you mine and mine alone, forever. But not until we’re wed. Not until we’re husband and wife.”

  My eyes went wide. Was that a thing? Was that even something that could happen? Him stealing me away and running off with me from this sham wedding was one thing, but he wanted that?

  My whole heart swelled at the thought, and my hands clung to him even tighter.

  “Do you want that, Princess?” he growled. “To be my queen, my one and only forever?”

  Rational thought would have said to think about it. And the normal me would have said to slow down and really think about what the hell I was doing. But I was past those, and besides that, I knew what I knew. Something about Hayden felt more real than anything I’d ever imagined before. Something about him made me feel like he was exactly the piece of my life I’d been missing without even knowing it.

  So I didn’t have to think. Not when I already knew the answer.

  “Yes!” I gasped, throwing my arms around him. “A hundred times yes!”

  “Be mine, angel,” he whispered into my lips as he kissed me hungrily. “Mine and only mine. Be my bride and my queen.”

  I moaned as we pressed together, our lips locked and hearts pounding as one.

  “There’ll be trouble,” he growled. “There will be. But I’ll stop it from ever touching you. I’ll never let a thing in this world hurt you, my love.”

  “I know you won’t,” I moaned into his kiss.

  My blood ran hotter, and as I coiled myself against him, I could feel his thickness throbbing against me. I moaned, rocking my hips against him, still wanting him so badly even though he was going to make me wait until he could marry me himself.

  “I— I still want you so much right now,” I whimpered, panting as his body rocked into mine.

  “Good,” he growled, the ferocity in his voice making me shiver. He flipped us around and then sat up on the edge of the bed, setting me on my feet in front of him. His hands slid to my waist, pulling at the ties to my dress and undoing them. He moved higher, tugging at the strings across my chest, loosening the whole garment. His hands moved higher, to my shoulders, and slowly, he pushed the dress away. I gasped as I felt it slide down my shoulders and my arms, tumbling over my bare breasts and then dropping to a soft pile at my feet.

  Hayden growled, his muscles clenching and his eyes sparking as they slid up and down my body.

  “Beautiful,” he groaned, his hands reaching out to my hips. He pulled me close to him, his lips teasing across my belly and over the lacy edge of my panties.

  “So fucking beautiful and so fucking mine,” he growled into my skin, making me tremble. His fingers slipped under the edge of my panties, and he slowly began to peel them down. I panted, my breath catching as he achingly slowly peeled them away from me, baring more and more until he’d slid them down to my thighs.

  “Show me, angel,” he groaned, pushing my panties down to my ankles, his breath teasing over my slick pussy. “Show me that pretty little cunt.”

  I gasped, my face blooming red, but my blood running hotter than ever. I slid my hands down my tummy and my hips, whimpering as I felt my fingers slide across the slippery, sticky heat between my legs. I spread them, and I slowly opened myself for him, letting him see all of me.

  “Perfect,” he breathed. “You’re perfect, angel.”

  He leaned in, and when his mouth slid between my legs, I cried out in pleasure.

  His tongue dragged slowly over me, teasing across my lips and bumping over my clit. His hands slid to my ass, holding me firmly and pulling me into his mouth as he started to push his tongue deep inside. I moaned wildly, my hands sliding into his hair and my whole body trembling as he started to tongue my little pussy.

  I could feel him reach down with one hand, and when I heard his zipper, I trembled in anticipation. Hayden’s tongue pushed deep inside of me, gently fucking my pussy with his mouth before he teased higher to curl it around my clit. I screamed in pleasure, my fingers tightening in his hair and my hips moving against him with a mind of their own as pleasure rippled through me. Suddenly, he stood, tearing his jacket and shirt off and shoving his pants down.

  He pulled me back into him letting me feel his big cock pulsing against my thigh and against my pussy as his lips crushed to mine. I could taste my own sweetness on his lips, and it only got my blood roaring even hotter as I kissed him wildly. He pulled me back on the bed, groaning into the kiss as I fell on top of him. Hands slid down my body, grabbing my ass again, and suddenly I felt him pulling me up. I whimpered as he broke the kiss, his powerful arms lifting my small body and dragging me up his muscled, chiseled body. He pulled me higher, my legs spread around him, and I moaned as he started to tug me down onto his mouth.

  I cried out as he settled my pussy down on his mouth, his tongue pushing deep inside. His powerful hands rocked me, moving my hips back and forth and letting me ride his incredible tongue as he started to tease me. Pleasure exploded through me, and I threw my head back, letting go completely as he drove me wilder and wilder.

  I glanced back, and when my eyes landed on his thick, throbbing cock standing rock hard and tall from his muscled, grooved abs, I felt my core tighten. I reached back, and when I curled my fingers around him, he groaned into my pussy.

  “I— I want to taste you,” I whispered. “I’ve never… you know. I’ve
never before. But I want to.”

  God did I want to. Hayden made me feel so damn sexy and dirty at the same time. He made me want to wrap my lips around his big beautiful cock and worship it with my mouth.

  …And I was going to do exactly that.

  I squealed as Hayden spun me around, turning me so that I was facing the foot of the bed before he pulled me back to his mouth. I groaned, feeling his tongue drag across my lips as his hands held me firmly by the hips. I reached down again, wrapping both of my hands around him as best I could, though they couldn’t even reach all the way around him. I leaned down, feeling my pulse hammer in my ears and moaning as his tongue pushed deep inside of my pussy. I stroked him, whimpered as I felt the silk and iron hardness of him. Thick, creamy white fluid beaded at the tip of his fat cock and trickled down, making him glisten and making my hands slick.

  I opened my lips, lowered my head, and slowly slid them over his thick, swollen head.

  Hayden groaned as I let my tongue tease around his crown, my cheeks hollowing as I sucked at his head. I moaned, trembling in pleasure from his mouth on me as I started to bob mine up and down his big cock. I whimpered around him, slurping wetly on his big dick and feeling that thrill from before rush through me. That I had so much power over something so big and so masculine had me tingling in pleasure at the rush of it all.

  I stroked him as I slipped my lips up and down his shaft, making him slick with my tongue. Under me, I could feel Hayden’s muscles coil and ripple. His hands tightened on my hips and my ass, pulling me down onto his hungry mouth as he started to tongue my little clit harder and faster. I moaned loudly, pulling away from him and feeling my whole body start to melt as his wicked tongue dragged back and forth over my aching clit, driving me absolutely wild.

  I moaned hungrily around him, whimpering and sucking wetly as my mouth slid up and down his thick, gorgeous cock. I dropped one hand to his huge, heavy balls, letting my fingers trace gently over them. Hayden’s muscles flexed and he groaned loudly, and when his cock throbbed between my soft lips, I felt that thrill spark again. I kept at it, slurping on his swollen head and tasting the sweet taste of him as I stroked his shaft and teased his balls.