Read Kiss Page 10

  Axel sat in the waiting room while his father spoke with the charge nurse at the nursing station. He was asking for updates concerning the operation. He couldn’t believe Iris managed help them out. He watched the television and was stunned to see her face plastered all over the screen. Apparently, she was rich and famous. He didn’t know how to feel about it. She was so down to earth and cool. He couldn’t believe she was part of an elite group of people. He should have known something was up when a guy he didn’t know pursued him last night and warn him to stay away from her.

  “God job son,” his father said clasping him on the shoulder. Axel didn’t do anything. He should be thanking Iris. “Is that your classmate?”

  “Yes,” he answered hesitantly seeing the look that entered his father’s eyes. It wasn’t a very good look, it was cold and calculating. Whatever he was planning, he didn’t want anything to do with it.

  “Are you two dating?”

  The kiss flashed briefly through Axel’s mind. “No, sir. I don’t have time for girls. I need the football scholarship.”

  “Screw the scholarship. Date her. Make her fall for you and get her pregnant. You’ll be set for life.” Axel felt like his body was going to shake apart. The tremors started and they wouldn’t stop. He liked Iris. She was nice. And she helped mother. Axel felt as if he was going to break. His vision went hazy for a moment.


  “Sorry old man. I got better things to do.”

  “You! I don’t want you!” his father said angrily spittle flying everywhere. Jay leaned back to avoid it.

  “Same here. I’m out of here.”

  “Sit your ass down boy,” he threatened.

  “Or you’ll do what?” he grinned maliciously as his father glanced up at the cameras. Leaving the old man behind felt pretty damn good. The relief poured off him in waves as he exited the building. It was time he put somethings in perspective. And he need her for that.


  Chester and Iris hung out on the deck that overlooked the pool. The water was so blue and pristine. It was peaceful, a sharp contrast to what was happening. Everything—her life was falling apart, including the guilt eating at her and reminding her of her betrayal.

  “Iri, I need you to tell me what’s going on. I’m here for you. I’ve always been here. I feel like your slipping away.”

  Was that what she was doing? Had she become so elusive? Maybe her spirit was meant to wander. Iris didn’t even know what she wanted anymore. “I can’t go back,” she whispered. Cheese placed his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “It’ll be okay.”

  Would it really. Would he still murmur those sweet words after she told him about her heinous acts? She kissed him not only once, but multiple times. And the last time she initiated the kiss.

  “I kissed him,” she stated quietly.

  Nodding his head slowly, he cringed in dismay. Why would she do such a thing?

  “Why?” he croaked out fighting the turbulent emotions. “Do you have feelings for him?” Chester couldn’t help the question that slipped pass his lips. He had to know.

  “I don’t know.”

  It was spoken softly, but it was enough for him to hear. Fuming he stood.

  “Do you think this is a game? I thought we had something. I thought you were different? You’re just like the rest of them!” He yelled. His heart ached. He felt like a baby bird who’d fallen out of the nest. Pathetic and broken. Still, he squawked hoping for someone to save him from his emotional turmoil.

  “I can’t do this,” he said voice cracking.

  “But I love you!”

  “Don’t throw the word around so casually. You can’t have us both.”



  He couldn’t gaze into those light golden eyes, if he did she’d be able to destroy him. She was a siren, a demon in disguise luring him in so she could steal his soul.

  “Cheese, please.” She begged holding onto his sleeve. He couldn’t leave her. She became frantic. He couldn’t do this to her.

  I’m nothing without him. He’s safe. He’s where I want to be. He’s really going to leave me!

  “I’ll give you a few days. You know how to reach me.” Shaking her off Chester left and never look back. He knew if he stayed any longer he would cave and give her anything she desired.



  “You understand if you do this. You would be destroying everything you’d ever known.” Jay watched the woman, he could still see the disbelief etched in her face, but it was slowly melting away. She believed him. It felt great to have someone else who could help and knew his darkest secret.

  “Yes, but she’ll be free.”

  “Jay, you must understand the procedure has a fifty-percentile success rate.”

  “I get that, but we have the best doctor in the field performing the operation. It’s gotta work.” A foreign emotion bloomed in his chest. It was hope.

  When Jay opened the door to leave he ran into a familiar face. He hadn’t seen little Tasha in a while. She’d grown. Well, they all had grown.

  “Axel,” she said moving pass him. He stood there stunned. She’d never mistaken them before. Had something happen? Why would she mix them up now? He couldn’t believe it. Those he thought closest to him were falling for his lies.

  “Right,” he bit off before slamming the door on his way out. Running down the hall he rushed out of the building into the fresh air. Had he been gone so long the world had forgotten him?!


  “Sweetie what’s going on? Something has been bothering you. You can talk to me.”

  “But mom I don’t want you to psychoanalyze me,” she whined laying on the leather couch.

  “I won’t. This is simply a mother wanting to help her baby girl.”

  Natasha sighed as her mother got sentimental. She was so angry this morning and Iris words bothered her. She told her mother everything.

  “Well honey, was there a particular reason why you didn’t tell your friend you liked this boy?” Natasha frowned. It wasn’t that easy. She wanted her friend to be happy, but she never thought Jay would reveal himself.

  “Mom it’s complicated.”

  “Oh honey, is this about the boy that just left. I know about Jay.”

  Natasha sat up startled. How did she know? When did she figure it out?

  “Honey if you came to me sooner, we would have been able to help him.”

  “I like Jay! Iris liked Axel. I didn’t think she would come across Jay too!” she cried.

  Lisa rubbed her eyes. She got up to sit next to her daughter. She heard all about Iris McDerman from both Axel and Jay. Jay had warned her Iris may have met another personality. They were attached to her because she tried to help them. There were some feelings but they were unsure; which wasn’t unusual for people with the condition.

  “Honey, I want you to listen to me very carefully. Loving a person with multiple personalities can be a difficult.”

  “But I don’t love—.”

  “Shh, it’s okay sweetie. Look at me dear.” Natasha stared into her mother’s almond colored eyes, and relaxed when she took both hands into hers. “I know that you have feelings for Jay and you were fine with your friend dating Axel. This is a problem sweetie. You must understand that Jay and Axel are one and the same. If you’re going to love someone you must love all of them. You cannot pick and choose.” Shame immediately followed afterward. Was her love that superficial?

  “Now listen. I understand that you’re hurt, but you shouldn’t take it out on your friend. She probably has good reasons for keeping her status under wraps. Often, people in the spotlight become targets. Her life has already changed and probably not for the better. Helping Jay has cost her everything, and I’m sure she could use a friend right now.” Natasha sighed, she hated when her mom was so reasonable. She felt like the bad guy. She was so envious of the relationship they had. It made her sick.

nks mom.”

  “No problem sweetie. How’s pizza sound for dinner.”


  “Hey mom, what was Axel doing here?”

  “Axel? He wasn’t here and you know I cannot disclose any client’s information.”

  “But I saw.”

  “No dear. It was Jay.”

  Natasha blood ran cold. She mistakenly called Jay Axel. It was something she’d never done before. She promised him that she would never forget him. Oh, god. What had she done?


  Two days had passed since her blowout with Chester. She hadn’t returned to school. She hadn’t seen her mother either. Her father remained holed up in the studio working on a new painting. Iris peered at her own work. She didn’t know what to title it. Deep within the smoke and flames there was a face. An unrecognizable face. The face possessed features of the three different guys who tormented her daily and had no idea. It caused her anguish. It was the only thing she could do to keep her mind off everything. Her show down with the paparazzi was all over the news. She couldn’t stand hearing about her hot new mystery man. Iris wanted to disappear.

  She went to the kitchen for a snack and smiled when her mother entered. She looked worn, tired, but happy. “How was it?” she asked waiting anxiously.

  “It was a success. She’s alive, and in recovery.”

  Iris wanted to ask more but could tell her mom didn’t want to talk. Did that mean something was wrong? Iris ran through the large house shouting for her dad.

  “Dad! Mom’s home.”

  Iris couldn’t believe how well everything was turning out. She would give Chester his answer today. They could work through this.

  Chester observed the guy from a distance. No…he wasn’t a stalker. He simply wanted to know what was so special about him that it lured his innocent Iris in. The sun was setting soon. He needed to get back to the studio. Iris should be making her decision soon. He revved up his bike, and as he pulled off he saw her.


  She had made her choice and it wasn’t him. Vacation over. There was nothing no longer tying him to this place. He’d leave.


  “How’s your mom?” Iris asked Jay as she leaned against the tree next to him. Night had fallen and she told Ryan to give her an hour to talk to him. She wanted to say good bye. She realized it was time to stop running from herself.

  “She’s doing great. Thanks. She’s in a comma but the doctors are expecting her to wake up in a week’s time, while her body recuperates.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” The silence between them grew and Iris pulled at the grass blades. What should she say? How could she phrase it?

  “Look is there something going on between you and Natasha?” Jay paused. A storm of emotions overtook him. It cut of his air supply and his breaths came in short pants.

  “Look you don’t have to answer. I was just wondering she was very upset with me. She loves you.” Iris rattled on unaware of the changes affecting Jay.

  Jay couldn’t let him win. But even as he thought this, he realized he lost.



  “Hey little girl.”

  “Jay?” Iris questioned becoming nervous.

  “Wrong. If you can love those two. I’m sure there’s a little loving left for me.”

  Iris eyes flickered around her, the park was empty. There wasn’t a single soul in sight. She had maybe five minutes before Ryan came looking for her. Five minutes was one minute too many. She had to get away from him. Springing up from her spot she tried to run away. He grabbed her by her ankle, causing her to plummet to the ground. Falling on her back, knocked the wind out of her.

  “Now where you running off to?”

  “Let go of me!” she shouted. Panic seized her as he began dragging her towards the trees. Her nails clawed into the ground trying to stop him from pulling her further away. Out of sight. Out of mind. She kicked frantically trying to free herself from his clutches but he was so strong.

  “It’s okay, Rex wants to be loved too,” he said kissing her on the neck. His hands were like tentacles. They were everywhere at once violating her. Iris eyes were wide with fear. He was a monster. She whipped her head back and forth. When his hand slithered up her shirt she screamed. Tears spilled out her eyes as she contemplated what was going to happen. Her bra unsnapped exposing her breast to him. Her screams tore from her throat make it raw and her hoarse. Sobs floated on the air.

  Someone! Help! Anyone. Please. Why. Why isn’t anyone coming? He going to…he’s going to…



  When he fell to the ground, Iris crawled away from him. Ryan her driver stood looking down at her.

  “C’mon miss, we should get you home.” Ryan held the crying child in his arms while fixing her clothes. He wasn’t just her driver; he was head of security and her personal body guard. “I’ll call the police.”

  “No. He didn’t know. Just take me home.” She croaked out feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. Her throat ached and she felt feverish. She just wanted to get away.


  When Jay came to Iris was gone. He was afraid of what happened. He couldn’t remember anything so he returned home. Entering the house, he spotted his father angrily pacing the family room.

  “I didn’t like that stunt you pulled at the hospital boy.”

  Jay threw his hands up to ward his father off and started backing away, but it was too late. His fist came flying, connecting with his stomach, Jay dropped to his knees. He was still disoriented from earlier. He just hoped Iris was okay.

  “Dad I’m sorry,” he wheezed out.

  “You will not talk back to me boy!” he screamed kicking him.

  “Dad please, you’re killing me.” Pain bloomed in his abdomen area. Fleck of blood flew out of his mouth.

  “Where’s my son!” his father screamed punching him in the face. Jay felt his nose give away, the warm hot blood flowing down his face. Its coppery taste filled his mouth.

  “Dad, I am your son. Please. Axel is just one of the personalities created to please you.”

  “Lies! Give him back!”

  “He’s not real!” he choked out.

  Jay realized there was no talking to him. Things got bad whenever his dad went into frenzy. Where was everyone? They were supposed to protect him. He could feel his world getting darker as he became his dad’s personal punching bag. Jay slipped into a state of unconsciousness.


  Iris returned home. She was glad her parents were out tonight, probably celebrating mom’s success. She clambered upstairs to her room. Getting into the shower, she attempted to scrub herself clean of him.

  Climbing out of the shower her reflection stared at her. Iris didn’t want to meet the eyes of the girl. They had grown considerably dull. Their light had been extinguished. The bruises decorated her side and her left breast. There were passion marks on the right side of her neck. She shut her eyes tightly. She hated the girl in the mirror. The sad pathetic creature. Throwing on sweats and a tee-shirt she prepared for bed. Somehow the house seemed larger than usual. Her erratic breaths and pulse drove her crazy. Flinging open the door, she stared at the man on the other side.

  “It’s okay miss. I won’t let anything happen to you. We don’t have to talk about it. Not until you’re ready.”

  “My parents.”

  “I must report the incident, but I will hold off for as long as I can.”

  “Okay. Thank you,” she sniffed closing the door. Glad to know he kept a look out. She noticed the note on her bed. Picking it up, she read its contents.

  “He’s gone.” She whispered. Despair consumed her until she knew no more.



  I am not a very strong person. In fact, I’m weak by nature, but I must find the strength to let you go. Although I hoped for another outcome, you chose him. I cannot face you right now, I wanted to lick my wounds in private.
I wish the best for you little Iri. If he makes you cry, I will be there to break his neck. Be happy. Be safe.


  Iris folded the letter and placed it in her pocket. She finally told her parents about the incident. Her dad was so angry that he didn’t speak to her for a week. She knew they needed to adjust to the information as she had. Ryan remained ever vigilant by her side, and she was grateful. She was going to finish her senior year at Redwood Academy. It was a school where all the rich and famous attended. She was nervous about her big debut but excited. She’d gotten a new phone and number and cut all her ties with what little friends she had. She never asked about the outcome of Jay’s case. He deserved a little happiness too.


  The day Jay died, hope arrived. Law enforcement officers and child protect services stormed the house as his father beat him to death. He had a broken nose, jaw, bruised ribs, and a few more broken bones in his hands. His face was swollen beyond recognition. They thought they were too late. When he opened his eyes, he was stunned by the girl at his side. It was Natasha Covington and not Iris McDerman. He tried talking, but there was something down his throat. He didn’t like it. Her light brown eyes filled with tears as she took his good hand into hers.