Read Kiss Page 9

“Because you are a good person,” she said grabbing him by the ears and delivering a kiss on his lips. She used her thumps to wipe away the rest of tears that settled in the crevices of his eyes.

  “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here now. We will figure something out.”

  “I don’t understand. What can you do?” he asked her. Iris smiled at him.

  “Let’s just say, I know a doctor. Take my number. I will be in touch.” She said leaving him standing there confused.

  It was only when she saw Ryan in the car, her steps faltered. She initiated that kiss between them. Uh oh. She was dating Cheese, that wasn’t supposed to happen. In fact, it didn’t happen. It was just a figment of her imagination. She had no feelings for him. She was just comforting him. Her gut twisted painfully at the thought of Cheese feeling or finding out about her betrayal. She couldn’t do that. Her heart raced in her chest and she felt clammy. No, it didn’t happen. She would help Axel and then tell Cheese about it later. It was a foolproof plan. She would reassure Cheese about her feelings for him. She ignored the sinking feeling in her gut when an image of Jean-Pierre flashed behind her eyes. There was just no way. She had enough trouble on her hand as it is. She didn’t want to go adding to it.

  Climbing into the car the tension left her as she smelt the familiar scent of leather. She closed her eyes and leant her head against the window recalling the night’s events.

  “I don’t like his character miss. You should stay away from him,” Ryan said making eye contact through the rearview mirror. She wanted to chuckle at his antics. Axel err Jay was as harmless as a fly. She ignored the plummeting feeling in her stomach as she recalled him grabbing her roughly. He wasn’t himself then. She was confused. She didn’t know who she preferred, Jay or Axel. In fact, she didn’t understand why she was separating them as if they were different entities. They were one and the same. Right? She had some research to do and she needed to talk to Natasha.


  Boys are Stupid!

  Iris laid in the familiar arms of Chester and of course her mind was racing full of thoughts of Axel/ Jay and a certain person she shouldn’t be thinking about. The guilt ate at her like a toxin. It settled into her stomach and spread outwards slowing consuming each limb until nothing but dead weight remained.

  “Iri? You okay? You’ve been quiet lately?” Chester stared into her honey colored eyes. He knew when she got like this nothing good could come from it. He wanted to push the issue, and yet refused to. He wanted her to come to him when she was ready.

  “It’s nothing…really. I’m just thinking.”


  “The greater things in life. What makes us so great? Why do people have to suffer? Why do people get sick?” He watched her solemn face. She’d been so melancholy lately. He wondered if there was anything he could do. It was funny. He was a rock star and could have any girl he desired but he was so afraid of the only one he knew changing or worse leaving him. He wouldn’t know what to do without her. She was a blanket, something warm, familiar and safe. She was his home.

  Iris and Chester arrived to her home and Chester was surprised at the unexpected guest sitting in the entertainment area chatting along with Iris parents. It was his manager and as far as he knew everyone was aware his personal life was off limits. If they needed to contact him they could reach him on his cell.

  Iris took note of the troubled look on Chester’s face and wondered what the relationship between Cheese and the man chatting with her parents. He wasn’t a bad looking man. Dark hair styled messily adorn his head and he had the blackest pair of eyes she’d ever seen—well not as dark as a certain someone.

  “I’m sorry to intrude, but I really…” Chester couldn’t stop the rage rushing through him. Iris wasn’t ready for his world and the last thing he needed was someone exposing their relationship. Chester learned early on to expect the worst from those closest around him in the music industry. It was a cut throat world, people always looking for the next opportunity to move ahead in the industry and they would do anything necessary to get there, even if it meant selling their souls.

  “What are you doing here?” he wasn’t accustomed to being rude but he didn’t like the situation one bit. He wondered how much information his manager was able to siphon from Iris parents about them. He felt Iris moving to grab his hand and he immediately moved it out of reach. He hoped the subtle movement wasn’t noted by his manager. Zack was sneaky to find him at this place. He kept his private life under lock and key. It only meant someone in Iris circle probably gave him the information. He would have to find out. He smiled turning to Iris, “I will call you later. I need to handle some business first.” He stared into her honey colored eyes and watched as she nodded silently at him. Her eyes were full of worry. He couldn’t help it. “Mr. McDerman may I borrow the office for a moment?”

  “Sure Chester. Go ahead.” He left the thunderstruck family behind.

  Iris watched Chester’s retreating form and she immediately felt selfish for hogging all his time. Now that they were finally together her mind was filled with Axel/Jay and another person she wouldn’t name.

  “Let’s cut the crap, what are you doing here?” he questioned his violet eye flashing angrily.

  “Look, I only have your best interests at heart. You’d been running off and disappearing. The others were worried about you.”

  “So you hunted me down. Followed me. Stalked my family. You know how I feel about my personal life,” he roared furiously. His blood boiled and exploded sending his vision red.

  “Chaz, calm down,” his manager said to angry youth. He hadn’t seen the boy this upset since he was fourteen years old. He truly cared about him. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, but Chester had been taken advantage of numerous amount of times and his heart had grown cold. It was even starting to reflect in his music.

  “How can I be calm when you are standing here in my face? I’m on vacation. I’m still recording if that’s what everyone is concern about.”

  “Chaz it isn’t like that. I swear.” Chester cut him off. “Did anyone follow you?” he asked.

  “Of course not.”

  “Good.” The small reprieve allowed some of the tension to leave him. The last thing he wanted was for Iris to be dragged into this when she wasn’t ready. “Tell the others I’ll be back in a week.” A light knock on the door halted all conversation.

  “Yeah?” he shouted.

  “Mom wanted me to see if you guys needed anything?” Chester sighed walking to the door.

  “We’ll deal with this later,” he said dismissing his manager. He opened the door and watched Zack leave. He saw him pause briefly as his eyes fell upon Iris. People couldn’t help it. Her eyes were a golden honey color. He’d never seen anything like it. He could lose himself in them. Clearing his throat, he invited Iris in and closed the door behind him.

  He pulled her into his arms smiling as she sank into him. “Are you okay?” she mumbled into his chest.

  “Of course I am,” he said releasing her. She really was stunning and so oblivious to her beauty. He tilted her head up and kissed her. He deepened he kiss moving towards the desk. “You’re so beautiful,” he muttered before sealing their lips together once again. Iris blood rushed in her ears. It was at these times Chester seemed so different. He licked her bottom lip and her mouth parted in response. In an instant, Chester swept his tongue inside of her mouth. He inserted one of his legs in between hers. Iris could feel him pressing into her thigh. She broke the kiss and gasped as his hand slid under her shirt. Chester moved towards her neck leaving trails off kisses there. Iris whispered his name when his thumbs grazed her nipples. She wasn’t ready. It—her body screamed touch her, but her mind said no. Besides, she was still nervous.

  Akjlrhjdfkljd, how did it get to that point so fast? I’m a regular harlot these days. I have got to get a grip.

  “Guys! Are you coming for dinner?”

  “Yes mom!” she shouted through the door, gratef
ul for the interruption. Chester left her stunned as he grabbed her butt and grinded into her. “This is what a man feels like,” he whispered huskily into her ear. Naturally she blushed and wanted the ground to open and swallow her. Wasn’t he a kid just like her? She pulled away from him and fled while his chuckle floated behind her. No man would be so blatant about his so-called prowess.

  Boys are so stupid!

  Once dinner was finished and Chester left, Iris helped her mother clean the kitchen. She was trying to figure out how to bring the subject of Jay/ Axel up. She never showed any interested in her mother’s work, but now she wanted to help him out. She could do a piece and see if it her father could feature it in his gallery. She didn’t believe in taking money from people when it wasn’t hers, she wanted to earn it; her parents raised her this way. She supposed it was their way of making sure she remained down to earth. There were no handouts in life.


  “What is it sweetie?” Giselle wondered what it could be. Usually her daughter would be hiding in her father’s studio.

  “What made you go into medicine?” Iris asked biting her lip. It wasn’t what she wanted to ask, but she figure she could lead up to big question.

  “Honestly sweetie, I love helping people. I’ve always had a knack for the sciences and the heart is a complicated organ that never cease to amaze me. Now tell me, what is it you really want to ask?”

  Iris started to think her mother was psychic. “Mom, I know this kid and his mom is really sick. She has some rare heart condition and his father doesn’t want to pay for the procedure because there’s a fifty percent chance it could fail and they are already drowning in medical bills.” This was all said in rush. Iris didn’t like asking for help, she enjoyed being independent, but something a big as this she needed an adult’s perspective. Iris felt tears burn her eyes thinking of his distraught face. Why did she care so much? Why the attachment? She looked up as her mother eyes met her own. Giselle pulled her daughter into her arms and held her tight.

  “If there’s anything I can do sweetie. I will help. Now tell me who this boy is?”

  “His name is Axel Rotterdam. He’s the football captain at the school I attend.” She sank gratefully into her mother’s arm now that burden was over with.

  Giselle held her little girl in her arms. Iris never came to her for anything, and although she never asked for much, she and Angelo wanted to give her the world. They both made sure she had the latest in technology, fashion, etc. She missed those days of dressing Iris in cute little toddler outfits. She was too young then to realize she hated dresses. Sometimes it was so hard not to be jealous of Iris’s relationship with her father. Giselle often felt alone. Finally, her baby was requesting something of her. And she was going to do everything in her power to help. Besides, who could say no to those tears?

  “Now sweetie, I want you to understand something. If we go through with this, you’ll be exposed. There will be no shielding you from the public’s eye. Are you willing to sacrifice everything you worked so hard for to help this boy?” Iris blanched. Why couldn’t they keep it a secret? What about her relationship with Cheese? Would that be exposed too? Would she be able to continue to attend public school? If word got out she was a prodigy, would that make her freak?

  Her mind exploded seeking answers to the infinite questions that bombarded her. She felt daze at their incessant ability to hound her relentlessly. How was this going to work? She needed time. Axel’s desperate face flashed across her mind a beautiful portrait forever frozen in its torment. She wanted to free help him.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Oh, god. I’m going to be sick. Why am I so sweaty?

  “Alright sweetie. I will make some phone calls.”


  Chester returned home...err Iris house to retrieve his lyric book. He came through the back door not wanting to bother the family. He couldn’t help overhearing the conversation Iris had with her mother. Who was this guy? Why was she willing to risk everything for him when Chester had been trying to get her to stop hiding all this time? Did it mean this guy meant more to her than he did? Fury filled his body and he felt something akin to a deep hatred bloom in his chest. He was going to find him and put a stop to this shit. She belonged to him. He turned on his heels and never looked back.


  Hollywood Unveiled

  Iris opened her eyes. She had to attend class today. She didn’t get a chance to see Chester before he left. She was so worried about Axel/Jay that she neglected to pay any attention to Cheese. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. At least, she had some good news for Axel when she got to school. Her mother was going to take care of everything and they wouldn’t have to worry about medical expenses. Rushing to the adjoining bathroom she took a quick shower got dressed. She put on a pair of black jeans and a black and white striped shirt. Shuffling downstairs, surprise flickered across her face when she didn’t see Chester sitting at the island or her mom.

  “Hey sweetheart.”

  “Hey dad, where’s mom?”

  “We’ll she’s at the hospital. She’s prepping for surgery. It’s going to be an all-nighter for her. I just don’t understand why.” Iris briefly glance at her father while she was fixing her cup of coffee.

  “What’s wrong dad?” She sat across from him, noting his hunched shoulders and the weary lines at the corner of his eyes.

  “Your mother, I don’t understand why she would take on such a difficult case, especially when there’s a fifty percent chance of success or failure. If this goes bad this could ruin her medical career that she worked so hard to build.”

  Iris sat stunned realizing how selfish her demands had been. “Iris honey you’re going to be late.”

  “Yeah right, bye dad.” Grabbing her things, she rushed out of the house searching for Ryan their driver. He waited patiently in the driveway.

  “Morning Miss McDerman.”

  “Ryan do you think I’m selfish?”

  “Miss, what brought this on? Since you asked such a question, it would indicate you are not.” She bit her lip while she mulled his words over. She just hoped everything went well.

  Would he hate me if his mother didn’t survive?

  Arriving at school she was surprised to see Crystal and Amie rushing up to her with smiles on their faces. Confused she frowned at them. Why were they so friendly now?

  “Omg, what your mom is doing for Axel is so nice.”

  “Wait a minute, how’d you know.”

  “It’s all over the news,” they gushed. “Why didn’t you tell us your dad is a world-renowned artist?” Wait a minute, information about her family was plastered all over the news but why? She backed away from the girls, she didn’t want this. She saw Natasha leaning against the lockers and Iris was surprised by the look on her face.

  “Are we not good enough for you?” Natasha sneered at her.

  “C’mon Tasha don’t be that way. I had my reasons,” she said reaching for her. Iris took a step back, noting the rage in her friend’s light brown eyes. “What are you playing at? Is this a game? Do you even care about him? How serious are you about Jay?”

  Iris stared at her friend bewildered. How was she supposed to answer those questions, when there were so many parts of Jay/ Axel that she hadn’t explored yet? She should leave him alone. She had Chester. He was an infamous rock star. The paparazzi would have a field day if they found out about them. She still hadn’t told him about the kiss.

  “That’s what I thought,” Natasha said turning away.

  “Are you serious? Why are you so angry?” she followed behind her. She had to know. Natasha was her only friend and she didn’t understand what she had done to warrant such a reaction from her.

  My enemies are trying to become my friends and my friends well friend my enemy. This is why I didn’t want to say anything. Are people that freaking fickle. I bet my ass she’s hiding something. I mean she’s acting like I betrayed her or somethin

  “Tasha, tell me! What are you hiding from me?” she asked desperately placing her had on her friend’s shoulder and turning her around to face her. Iris wasn’t prepared for the contempt that entered her friend’s eyes.

  “You can have him!” she screamed breaking Iris’s hold on her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you love him?” she asked stunned.

  Flabbergasted and dazed, she stood there long after the bell had rung and the halls had cleared. Defeated she turned to leave. There was no point in attending classes today. She would have to transfer schools after all. Her cover blown, she remained exposed like a new born babe taking its first breath in a new world. She’d call Ryan and have him pick her up from café down the street. She needed something to calm her nerves. A cup of tea should help. Pushing open the door Iris was bombarded by cameras and flashes of light. How did it come to this?

  I’ve given up everything for a boy I don’t even know. I just hope his mom makes it through the procedure.

  Pushing past the paparazzi, she wished for normalcy. “Iris, can you tell us about yourself? How does it fell to be among the elite crowd of young Hollywood?” “You had a birthday not too long ago, can you tell us who was there? Who’s your best friend?”

  She’d been hit. She was a tennis ball that bounced up and down the court relentlessly until there was a break in the player’s game. Feeling a hand on her arm, jarred her out of her shocked state.

  “Don’t you touch she me,” she snarled at the guy who grabbed her. Running with them hot on her trail she pulled out her cell to call for help. Her feet pounded the pavement and her heart thumped in her throat; being hunted like a wild animal was something she never imagined happening to her. Still the questions came. The loud engine of a motorcycle halted the paps momentarily, and in her haste to get away she jumped on the back and took the helmet he offered her. She recognized the bike anywhere. It was Chester to the rescue. Leaning into him, she breathed a sigh of relief as they raced away.