Read Kiss of Stone Page 26

  Chapter 17

  The murderous wait was over. For the rest of the six days, she and Stone communicated by phone and now-she was boarding a flight to India.

  Samosa barely had enough time to really sight see India. She’s never been there. In fact, she only knew about India from textbooks and pop culture. Otherwise, she felt totally out of place.

  Once they landed however, Stone departed with Korin and Samosa was left with one of their “attendants”- a tall gorgeous blonde woman who explained to her about the Kashmir mountains of India.

  “Tourism is heavy this year and we can ride the Gondola over there.” The blond, or Cassy showed Samosa the Gulmarg’s cable ride. Thick gray cable ropes held suspended ovalish off yellow cars.

  “The mountains are beautiful.”

  “Yes,” Cassy said as they moved along the throng of people. The air smelled sweet and like spice. Dark and tan faces and colorful dressing as well as suit wearers streamed passed Samosa

  “We will be camped at a secluded base of Kashmir Mountain. Everything will take place there. It will be cut off from tourists today and tomorrow.”

  Samosa yawned. Her bones were weary. They boarded the cable ride and when they passed over the mountain- Samosa held her breath. For a moment she was okay with sleeping, but the tall structures that crested the sky stole her breath. Below were green cliffs and pastures and for the first time Samosa was one hundred percent glad to be here.

  Her room was within a specially created and decorated room at the base of the mountains. The colorful silk sheets and beautiful paintings of sun, moon, and stars hung from the ceiling leading to the single, Queen bed with black lacy lingerie on the edge of it. Korin told her that the ceremonial dress would be in her room already. He was getting ready himself in in another location, not far from her she was told.

  “Hello?” A soft, feminine voice heavily accented came from outside her door.

  Samosa opened it and saw a petite woman with long black hair and a beautiful smile holding a wooden brush. “I’m here to help.”

  “Oh- yes.” Samosa still hadn’t peeled off her clothing. Too nervous. She had called her mother earlier just to hear her voice and Anna prattled on about being careful who she marry and was upset she was not allowed to come then went on to what the church sermon was about Sunday.

  “You have to remove your clothes.”

  “Oh. Sorry.” Samosa reached up to take off her shirt. It was hot in here.

  “No need to be sorry.” The small woman bent down to pick up Samosa’s shirt. “How long have you known him?

  “Almost ten months.” Samosa saw the black lingerie for the first time. It was just a thong, with a fancy lace that trailed behind it like a tail. “Do I wear a top?”

  The small woman chuckled. She could be a teen or a woman in her thirties like Samosa. “Nope. I’ve helped with similar rituals before. You will have your hair down and crowned with feathers to cover your breasts, which is all.”

  Oh no.

  “You’re joking right?”

  The woman smiled and ordered Samosa to toss off her top. When she did, the woman quick as lightning, threw on a feathery, black veil. Well, it was feathers alright. Ebony black ones with a tinge of gray on some. It came down to her bosoms and stopped just under it. She pulled on her thong too, which fit snugly but really was not her forte.

  “You are a beautiful girl,” she said admiring Samosa.

  “Thank you. Are you…are you one of them?”

  “One of what?”

  “Like Korin and Stone. Are you a jinni or, er, demon?” Samosa felt stupid asking. There were no female jinni.

  “No. I just love decorating people. Come,” the smiling woman led her to a small chair and she began glossing up Samosa’s lips with cherry flavored clear tint and put on heavy mascara and liner under her eyes and finally she gave Samosa some beaded jewels. The bracelet held charms with winged creatures with missing heads.

  Oh the horror of what she was doing.

  And an upside down black cross was on the pretty little trinket.

  “My God,” she muttered. The smiling woman stopped smoothing lotion over Samosa’s arm for a brief second then continued with long swipes of oil. Maybe they don’t believe in God here..or was it many gods? But what could she say? She was about to go through something demonic. Her adoptive father would turn in his grave right now.

  “Whatever you’re thinking. Stop. You are beautiful and he is a handsome man. You will make many pretty babies together.” Her “beautician” sounded eerily confident all of a sudden. She may not be a demon, but she was working for them willingly.

  I’m such a hypocrite.

  Samosa sighed and took a long look at herself once finished. The revealing mirror held by the woman showed a woman ready to take on the night.

  Or go to a strip joint.


  They were lined up.

  All seven of them.

  Every shade and hue under the sun. They were simply the most beautiful, carnal creatures to inhabit this plane of Earth.

  Samosa felt all fourteen pairs of eyes staring at her. Korin stepped into the room, which resembled a catholic church, with Stone on his left. Stone looked her way, handsome in an all black…loin cloth. Nothing else. Whoa he was hot. And she stood bared to everyone.

  Korin told Stone to stand on her far right and he came over to Samosa, his eyes a blazing color of ruby now. He leered at her unabashedly. She guessed all bets were off here. Korin’s gaze spoke many volumes at once: lust, blood craze, business, confusion.

  “Even though your soul is stained, there is still something that draws us to you, Samosa Green.” He called her by her maiden name. No one did in a long time. “Which is why we are all anxious to greet you.”

  She looked behind him; some jinn were shuffling, moving around trying to look past Korin’s body to see her. Their eyes were blazing pinpoints of crimson. She felt nervous. Like beef on a platter. She heard Stone say gruffly, “Get on with it.”

  “As you well know, we are attracted to a person’s spirit. Especially clean ones. They reel us in so deep,” he said this mesmerizing her with his baritone voice.

  He reached into his dark robe, similar to Stone’s and pulled out a sharp, silver hook that gleamed under the soft candlelight.

  He was going to pierce her.

  The humming began at that precise moment. She did not know where the chorus came from. There were no words, only hums.

  Korin took the pointy hook, flicked out his own tongue and poked the hook straight through.

  What in the world?

  Korin leaned into her. “Open your mouth.” He made the command sound so sexy she did as she was told with no hesitation.

  His fingers reached in and gently tugged her tongue. “Wait.” She tried to say but it came out as “eight” and by time she said that, the hook sliced right into her tongue. A brief sting ensued on the tail of pressure, followed by Korin’s hot tongue meeting hers.

  “Hmmm.” He groaned and took her face in his hands and licked her tongue again.

  Samosa was without words. Her whole body began to tingle. Korin’s eyes went from ruby to purple, then ruby again. He pulled from her then gazed at her a few moments before saying “Damn. Stone is lucky. “Next!” He thundered before moving away. She did not look at Stone. She heard him yell and swear. He was probably madder than a wet cat by now.

  The next jinni in line was a tall one with gold and black dreadlocks and skin the color of butter. His eyes were a deep, chocolate brown. He carried his own hook.

  “Hi.” He said.

  “Hi.” She said back. Then watched as he pierced his own tongue. She stepped back, afraid of him suddenly but he gently put his hands around her waist and thrust his tongue into her mouth. The tip of his tongue touched her broken one. The buzzing in her whole being began again spreading from her core. She was enticed, hot.

  The next jinni followed. He looked like he could be a l
awyer or professor. He wore a stern look on his square face. But he had his own hook too. Pierced his tongue, and then quickly rushed to her mouth. His kiss was brutal. Then he backed away from her with a smirk on his face.

  Then the next one came.

  And the next.

  The lights began to flicker, then grow dim.

  Her body felt lit on fire. There was still five more jinn to go and already her grip on reality was slipping. She was beginning to feel high and a bit woozy. They all had a distinct flavor of kiss and each one better than the last.

  Then the last jinni stepped forward.

  Was that a female? She wasn’t sure. The place was so dimly lit. But after putting up with Stone almost strangling the last four jinni and having to be put temporarily in bright red restraining handcuffs, maybe he wouldn’t worry over this one who was slightly smaller in stature, but with ab slabs that went on forever.

  He had to be male.

  The eyes were not unlike the gray-blue ones of a wolf. He seemed…vampiric.

  He walked up to Samosa with a seductive smile on his face. Long, black curly hair bounced against his pale white skin and was clad in tight black leather pants and jacket. Up close, Samosa could see there were some male features: a strong jaw and all male rippling abs that stretched days down to his lower region.

  “I’m Lex,” he said.

  Deep voice.

  He pierced his tongue, a very long tongue- much like a snake’s and took Samosa’s face in his hands.

  “What do you think I am?” He asked.

  “I thought you were a girl for a minute there.”

  He threw back his head and laughed, revealing a prominent Adam’s Apple. “I can take you to a room and prove to you I am far from a girl. And more than a man.”

  “N-no thanks. I believe you.” Samosa smiled and Lex not only placed his tongue on hers; he did what the others did not do. He sealed their lips together in a most passionate way, holding their kiss and bringing her toes to a curl.

  Howling could be heard from a distance and she assumed Korin will have to put tighter restraints on Stone. Once finished, Lex stood back and winked at Stone. “When you’re done with her body, allow me to teach her the real way of jinn”

  “I’ll break your face you little pipqueak! Damn girl lookin’…”

  Samosa heard nothing else.

  She suddenly felt as if she were floating. Floating. Floating.

  The buzz that began earlier took her on flight with that last kiss.

  She finally felt weightless.

  And free.