Read Kiss of Stone Page 27

  Chapter 18

  Something did not register well with Stone. After his rival Lex kissed Samosa, her body began to levitate, drifting upwards. Korin told him this was normal. But he saw a look of sickness on her face. It was like a pale green and a sheen sweat on her upper lip glistening. She wore a smile though. A creepy one.

  Two jinn and the young woman who helped Samosa, got her to drift back down by reaching their arms up to press her back down gently.

  “Bring her to me.” He told them. When they did, Samosa landed softly in Stone’s arms, her wide eyes gazing up at him.

  “If you kiss her now,” Korin instructed. “She will be free and you will too. Pierce your tongue now, Brother.”

  Stone settled Samosa down next to him, she lay against his shoulder. She was mumbling something. He pierced his tongue and leaned closer.

  “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want

  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he

  Leadeth me beside the still waters…”

  “No no no! What is this!” Someone roared. Stone nearly dropped Samosa, recognizing at once she was whispering in worship of another God. Another deity. Why did she do it? His tongue dripped blood all over her face. He found himself constantly wiping the blood with his own hair. He looked to Korin for help but he stood by peacefully, watching Samosa closely.


  “Kiss her, Stone!” A few jinn yelled and had their ears covered as Samosa recited some words that must be holy for they pierced Stone’s soul. Didn’t she want to be cured? Did she not want him well again?

  He leaned down and used his tongue to open her lips. Her lips were ruby red from so much kissing. He pulled back.

  Samosa appeared queasy.

  Then she vomited.


  Cradled in his arms for hours, Samosa finally woke up in a very large bed. Stone’s eyes was the only orbs she could see. A bright spill of light came over his face in a slash. The sun. A vibrant truth that he was finally whole.

  “We didn’t complete the ritual…not exactly. Korin is actually celebrating that.”

  “Why?” Samosa sat up in his lap.

  “He is changing. Or trying to. He has been pouring over books and films and speaking with people, dreading when the Grand Marid will call him to steal more souls for him.”

  “How awful.” Samosa touched her forehead, suddenly feverish. “Sorry I vomited on your feet. That was so un-sexy.”

  “So is it true?” Stone looked deep into her eyes. He wanted to know. Saying it would make it more real and more terrifying. “Are you…?

  “Am I what?” She said. Stone touched her belly.

  “Are you pregnant?”

  “I can’t be. You said jinn can’t produce children.”

  “But you are with child.” He kissed her belly. “Korin could tell. You are carrying a new scent along with mine all over you.”

  Samosa shifted so she sat next to him, her feather hair spread revealing everything to Stone’s hot gaze. Smoothing her hand over her flat belly, she imagined having a child with Stone. But what would it look like? A boy with shining dark hair with Stone’s light sandy complexion? Or would it be a girl with Stone’s eyes and her brown skin tone?

  Would it be inhuman? A hybrid?

  Maybe she was sick with worry over nothing. She can’t be pregnant!

  Either way, she was no longer hungry for food, and her man- her lover and friend was here wanting her, all of her.

  A gift he was and a curse to her. From here, the possibilities were endless.

  The Grand Marid, wherever he was, did not stop their union.

  Maybe her prayers worked after all.