Read Knight Page 20

  My voice was throaty when I warned, “If you want me not to cry, Knight, you seriously need to shut up.”

  He studied me. Then he smiled at me.

  Then he said quietly, “For now, I’ll give you that, baby. Now get your ass outta my bed and make me pancakes.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He dipped his head and brushed his lips against mine. Then he slid his tongue across my lower lip and my arms and legs automatically gave him a squeeze. Then my tongue slid out and reciprocated the gesture.

  Then he growled, slanted his head and kissed me.

  Only after that did I get out of bed and I felt his eyes on me while I shrugged on his midnight blue, tailored, slim fit shirt. I continued to feel his eyes while I buttoned the buttons from mid-breast to navel. I continued to feel his eyes while I walked to the bathroom to clean up (by the by, we dispensed with condoms because I was on the pill, this I shared with Knight prior to him giving it to me the second time), brush my teeth and wash my face. And I continued to feel his eyes as I walked out of the bathroom, grinned at him as he lounged on his side in bed, head in his hand, as I walked to the door and even as I wandered down his hall.

  And I loved every second of it.

  * * * * *

  That day was going to be a golden day, I could feel it.

  And I knew this because I was standing at Knight’s restaurant quality range, smelling his cologne coming from his shirt, my pancakes bubbling on the griddle and they were perfect. I had to admit, there were days (not the golden kind) when even my World Famous Toasted Almond Pancakes could go south.

  Today was not one of those days.

  I heard the murmur of Knight’s voice coming toward me and I knew he was on the phone. As it got closer and closer, I twisted my neck and watched him appear in the living room-kitchen area and I smiled a secret smile that didn’t curve my lips but curved deep inside me.

  Faded jeans. Bare feet. Beat up Motörhead tee.

  Yummy. I had Jeans and Heavy Metal Tee Knight Sunday.

  Totally a golden day.

  He spoke into the phone at his ear as he walked but his eyes were on me.

  I gave him a smile and turned back to the pancakes.

  “Yeah.” I heard him say. Then, “No. Not likin’ that.”

  Then I felt him come up behind me.

  “Right,” he said into the phone.

  Then I felt his hand at my belly, his front warm against my back.

  I grinned at the pancakes as I flipped them.

  “No, we’ll do it tomorrow,” he told whoever he was talking to.

  My legs trembled when his hand found the opening to his shirt and I felt it, skin against skin at my belly.

  Another secret inside smile.

  “He wants to be there, he’s there. But Kurt’s on stand-by,” Knight stated and my belly dropped as my eyes went unfocused when his hand slid down and in, cupping me.

  “Hang on,” I said into the phone and at my ear he whispered, “Open your legs a little, baby.”

  My hand came out, wrapped around the edge of the marble countertop by the stove, feeling the cool, hard stone and I did as Knight told me to do.

  I felt him press into my back as he leaned deeper to get better access, his middle finger slid tight over my clit then it glided inside.

  I sucked in an audible breath.

  “Back,” I heard him mutter into the phone. “Right. Set it up. We’ll talk tomorrow. I got Anya all day, keep everyone off me. Yeah?” Pause then, “Later.”

  I saw his phone hit the counter, felt his lips come to my ear as his free arm slid around my midriff but I was holding on and deep breathing.

  “Those look good, babe,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Yeah,” I breathed.

  I felt his chuckle against my skin and I shivered.

  Then he asked, “Now do you get my rule of no underwear?”

  Oh, I got it all right. I got it so much I was considering throwing all my underwear in the trash.

  “Yeah,” I breathed again.

  He explained it anyway as his finger inside me did a lazy circle. “Instant access, I want even a hint of the thrill of you.”

  My legs trembled and I held the counter tighter.

  “Jesus, can fuckin’ feel you gettin’ wet.”

  I pressed my lips together.

  “You always ready for me?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.


  “Yes, Daddy.”

  His lips moved to the skin of my neck as his finger slid out, over my clit and he whispered, “That’s my baby.”

  I bit my lip.

  His hand flattened, coming up and gliding across my belly so he was just holding me.

  “Hungry, Anya, so pull it together, babe, and concentrate on pancakes.”

  “Right,” I whispered and Knight held me as I took in a couple of shaky breaths and pulled it together. As if he sensed it, once my concentration returned and I had my legs firm under me, he kissed my neck and let me go.

  He moved to the coffee. I lifted the griddle from the burner and moved to the plates set on placemats that I’d already put out.

  I scooped out pancakes as Knight asked, “You got coffee?”

  “Yeah, honey.”

  “Need it warmed?”

  I looked at him and grinned. “I’m good. Breakfast is ready.”

  His face got soft and he took his mug to the bar. I put the griddle on the burner, made sure everything was off and joined him there.

  Buttering and syruping commenced.

  It wasn’t until I was swallowing my third bite that I got the courage to go for it.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” he muttered through pancakes and I looked at him.

  I was on the stool next to him, my legs crossed. His legs were splayed wide and he didn’t have to tell me he liked my World Famous Toasted Almond Pancakes because the bites he was taking were huge.

  “You like the pancakes?” I asked and his eyes slid to me.

  “Uh… yeah.” Then he forked more into his mouth.

  I giggled.

  He chewed, swallowed and his brows went up. “That’s what you wanted to ask?”

  I shook my head.

  Then I blurted, “You have a cane?”

  His head tipped slightly to the side and he asked, “What?”

  “You, um… the other night, you said I needed a, uh… strap or cane. So, um… do you have one? Of, uh… either of those.”

  He studied me and then a slow, lazy, wicked smile spread across his face.

  My toes curled.

  “Doin’ your homework?” he asked quietly.

  “Just curious,” I somewhat lied.

  He kept smiling his wicked smile as he answered, “Both, baby. No whips, no paddles, no crops. You want me to branch out, we’ll go shopping.”

  I blinked.



  Oh my.

  Knight kept explaining. “Strap, the edges are smooth. You’ll feel the sting, Anya, but no marks. And just to ease that curiosity, you fuck up a little, you get my hand. More, you get the strap. Huge, you get the cane.”

  I tried not to squirm on my stool and failed but congratulated myself anyway because it was just a little squirm.

  Knight, however, didn’t miss it and I knew this when his arm came out, his hand hooked around the back of my neck and he pulled me to him twisting me and leaning in until our faces were close.

  “You know, but I’ll tell you anyway, I’m fuckin’ thrilled you liked takin’ that so much, babe. But that shit doesn’t happen unless you earn it. You wanna experiment, after pancakes, I’ll get inspired. But I tan your ass when you jack up and only then. You like it, you earn it. And I’ll tell you this too even though I already told you, you want that game, I’ll be fuckin’ thrilled to play it with you. But that’s how it is. We got our safe word, we’re good to play the game whenever you wan
t. And if you don’t get this, I’m controlling, that’s what this is about. But baby, you enter that game, that’s your way to control me. You with me?”

  Controlling Knight.

  I liked that.

  I nodded.

  “Don’t be nervous or shy about this shit, Anya. I’ll take you as far as you wanna go as long as I’m comfortable with it. You do not sit on anything you’re uncomfortable with either. I go too far, you say the safe word. You do not hesitate and I’ll stand down immediately. No repercussions, baby, and I won’t be disappointed. I promise. We have only what we got right now, I’m way good. And it goes the other way, you like something and want more, you also tell me. And I’ll give it to you. Yeah?”

  I nodded.

  His eyes held mine.

  Then he asked gently, “Now, while I’m eatin’ pancakes, am I looking for inspiration?”

  I nodded again.

  He grinned again, slow, lazy and wicked.

  My legs started trembling.

  “Eat,” he whispered then he let me go.

  I pulled in a steadying breath and turned my attention to my pancakes.

  I got two bites in before my purse sitting close to Knight’s place setting rang. He reached out, dragged it across the countertop to him, dug in and pulled out the phone.

  He looked at the display, looked at me and offered it to me, muttering, “Sandrine.”

  I took it from him, swallowed, took the call and put the phone to my ear.

  “Hey, honey.”


  At her trembling, terrified voice, my back shot straight before I froze.

  “Sandrine, where are you? What’s the matter?” I asked and I felt Knight come alert beside me.

  “Oh God… Anya,” she whispered, the words broken then she burst into tears.

  My eyes shot to Knight who was studying me, face blank, eyes watchful and working but I spoke into the phone.

  “Sandrine, honey, talk to me. What’s going on? Where –?”

  Then my phone wasn’t at my ear. It was in Knight’s hand at his.

  “Sandrine. This is Knight. Pull it together. Two minutes. Are you in trouble?” Pause while I stared at him, eyes glued to his impassive face. “Right. You know where you are?” Another pause while I started shivering. Knight looked to me, lifted his other hand, snapped his fingers once then pointed to his phone. “He still there?” Knight asked as I jumped off the stool and rushed toward his phone.

  Oh God.

  Oh God.

  “This needs to be straight, Sandrine, so give it to me straight. He force you to do it or did you just do it?”

  Oh God!

  Oh God!

  I grabbed Knight’s phone and raced back to him.

  “Good, Sandrine. Straight is good. Hang tight. You remember the guy who gave you the ride last weekend?” I held his phone out to him, he took it and I stood close, listening hard. “Good. Either him or me will be there soon. We’re both coming. We’ll deal with the guy and we’ll get you out of there. Hang tight. Don’t do anything stupid. Avoid this guy while you’re waiting if you can. Are you with me?” Another pause then, “Good. You gonna hang tight?” He waited. I waited. Then, “Good, Sandrine. Someone’s coming. I’m letting you go now. Okay?” Pause then, “Be there soon.”

  He beeped my phone off and handed it to me but immediately started beeping buttons on his.

  “I know you’re freaked, babe, but I gotta get Kurt in play,” he muttered.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  I could even hear the fear in my voice so I knew why his eyes sliced to me. I also knew why his hand lifted and curled, firm, warm and tight around the side of my neck as he lifted his phone to his ear.

  “Kurt? Yeah, Knight. Got a situation. Need you in play.” He gave an address and a succinct rundown of the situation that gave me nothing then, “I’ll either be there when you get there or I’ll meet you there. Don’t wait to go in. She’s expecting one or both of us. You’re there first, get her out and get her here. Whoever’s out last deals with the guy. Guess? Piss-ant but be smart. Yeah?” He was silent then, “Later.”

  He hit a button and looked at me.

  I pulled in breath.

  Knight gave it to me.

  “It’s not as bad as you think but it’s fucked. She went out last night, got shitfaced, hooked up. From his address, dude’s got money. She went home with him. He offered her something that was mood-enhancing, she was not enthusiastic but she was determined so she took it. He gave her too much. Trip was bad. She doesn’t remember much. She’s still fucked up, probably high, definitely drunk. But she’s not enough of both not to realize she’s freaked. He isn’t letting her leave. Don’t know why, could just be she’s tripping bad and drunk and he’s concerned so he’s not letting her go, could be he’s an asshole. But I’ll find out and deal with it. One or both of you and Vivica got access to her place?”

  “Both,” I whispered.

  “Activate Vivica. Clothes, underwear, whatever the fuck bitches need. Get her ass there to get it and here for when I get Sandrine back. I don’t know what she took so I don’t know what we got on our hands. It could still get bumpy. You got that?”

  I nodded.

  “I gotta go,” he told me.

  I nodded again.

  He leaned in quick to give me an even quicker kiss then he took off.

  I sucked in breath as I lifted my phone to call Vivica.

  Then I thought that day was turning out not so golden.

  Then I thought, Sandrine, she’s gonna be the death of me.

  * * * * *

  “Shit, fuck, stupid Sandrine. We get her sorted, I’m gonna kick her skinny, white ass.”

  This was Vivica, pacing the landing between the kitchen and the sunken living room, ranting.

  “Viv,” I whispered and she stopped and cut her eyes to me.

  “Good news is, never been here. Sandrine said this crib was sweet. She didn’t say it was sah-fuckin’-weet. Bad news is, you got a heart of pure gold. You’re gonna be all Momma’s gonna make it better when you should do that ‘til it’s better then you need to back me up with, you do this again, Momma’s gonna kick your skinny, white ass.”

  I pressed my lips together.

  My phone in my hand rang.

  I jumped, looked at it, saw the call was from Knight, took it and put it to my ear.

  “Sweetheart,” I whispered.

  “Babe, got her. Head’s up, she is fucked up. We’re ten minutes out. When we get there, you’re on duty. You get Vivica?”

  “Viv’s here.”

  “Good. Shower first. The one in the front hall.”

  “Okay but, should we take her to the hospital?”

  “Bad high mixed with booze but if she was gonna stop breathing, she would have done it hours ago.”

  “What did she take?”

  “Better question, what didn’t she take? Smoked meth. Got wired, he freaked, gave her shit to bring her down. She went down, gave her shit to take her back up. Motherfucker’s got money so he’s also got a pharmacy and not all the legal kind. All that on top of her being absolutely hammered.”

  I sucked in breath.

  Knight kept talking.

  “Kurt’s dealing with him.”

  Oh boy.

  Knight went on, “Towels in the hall bathroom are clean. She’s probably gonna crash soon. That’s gonna happen in the TV room so sort that. And a bowl. Fuck knows, she might still puke though the dude she was with said she’s been doin’ a lotta that but he didn’t need to tell me since I smelled it at his place. That’s likely why she’s still breathing. If she has to do it again, I just fuckin’ hope she waits until she’s outta my ride.”

  I did too. Aston Martins and drunk/high vomiting did not go together.

  Or any vomiting.

  God, Sandrine.

  “Okay, honey,” I said softly.

  “Be there soon. Later.”


  I d
isconnected and my eyes went to Viv.

  “They’re close. We’re up,” I told her.

  “Have I said today I love him?” she replied.

  I smiled, it was freaked, it was happy, it was hopeful.

  “No,” I whispered then sighed, “but yeah.”

  Then I put the phone on the counter and hustled to the hall bathroom.

  * * * * *

  I left a fuming, eyes to a movie Vivica and the now sleeping Sandrine in the TV room and walked down the hall to find Knight.

  As I was going, Kurt crossed the mouth of the hall.

  His eyes came to me, his chin went up, he grunted, “Yo,” but he didn’t break stride and thus disappeared.

  As I got to the end of the hall I stopped and looked to the left to the front door to see it closing. Then I looked to the right and saw Knight outside smoking.

  I walked there.

  He was hips against the railing watching me even before I made it to the door.

  Once I stepped through and closed it behind me, I said, “She’s sleeping.”

  “Good. She wakes up, she’ll feel like fuck but you still do not hesitate to rip that bitch a new fuckin’ asshole.”

  I stopped two feet away and pressed my lips together.

  “You stopped too soon,” he informed me and I moved the rest of the way.

  He instantly wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me so I was resting most of my weight on him. I lifted my hands and placed them light on his chest.

  “I’m so sorry, Knight. She ruined our golden Sunday,” I said quietly.

  “Yeah, she did and I’m pissed about that. I’m pissed about the state I found her in. I’m pissed I had to deal with that shit. I’m pissed I had to fuck up Kurt’s Sunday off callin’ him in. I’m pissed your posse is here not havin’ a nice dinner and some wine but dealin’ with that shit. And I’m pissed they’re here at all because I have you all day, you wanted me to get inspired and I was lookin’ forward to that.” His arm gave me a squeeze. “But the gig is, Anya, you should be pissed about all this too and a fuckuva lot more than me. This bitch is your bitch and she doesn’t get smart fast, this budding tendency toward creating bad scenes that are gettin’ worse is gonna get outta hand.”