Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 10

  Adam laughed and then he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead. “I love you, Ash. Even if sometimes I have a weird way of showing it. I am so happy to see you laughing tonight. You sparkle like a diamond that even the bride herself is feeling like she is no longer the center of attention.”

  I stared back at Adam. “What? Did she say that?”

  Adam shrugged. “Well, I danced with her and she basically asked me why you had to come. I told her that family sticks together. And besides, she sent you an invitation.”

  “What else did she say?”

  “I think she’s more irritated with the fact that people here are talking more about you, admiring your courage, and being happy for your newfound love.”

  “What did she say about Ryder?”

  Adam sighed. “She was asking where you met him and how you met him. I said I don’t know. She’s keeping tabs of you and Ryder in her own wedding. This is a wicked plan, Ash.”

  I couldn’t help laughing. “And it’s working.”

  Adam nodded. “He’s already won the hearts of our aunts. You might be up for competition. They already fancy themselves twenty-five years younger and in love with him.” My eyes drifted off to where Ryder was, dancing with one of our young nieces. “And some of our nieces fancy themselves fifteen years older and in love with him.”

  Adam nodded. “I gotta hand it to the guy, when it comes to charming his lady’s relatives, he’s got a PhD.”

  I smiled. “Yes, he does. But I hope they won’t remember him soon enough.”


  “Well, his name is Ryder Woodson. Somehow, he was mistaken by our relatives as Ryder Van Woodsen. Apparently, the Van Woodsens are famous in New York.”

  “Oh. Is that so?”

  I nodded. “I mean, it’s brilliant! That name tells the tale itself. But Uncle Reynolds already asked him if he could get a reservation into one of the restaurants that the Van Woodsens own. Ryder had to coolly say yes. But what if Uncle Reynolds goes to New York next week? What am I going to do?”

  “What did Ryder say?” Adam asked with narrowed eyes.

  “He said he knows some crew of some restaurants in New York. He’ll be able to pull it off.”

  “Then maybe he’ll be able to.” Adam said icily. Somehow, something in his voice told me that he was also worried.

  “He should have corrected Uncle Reynolds when he had him confused with someone else!” I groaned silently.

  “Yeah. He should have.” Adam said disapprovingly. His gaze drifting to where Ryder is now, dancing with Nicole. “He really does know the way to your heart, doesn’t he?”

  I had to laugh, because I thought it was actually cute of Ryder to dance with my best friend. He and Nicole inched their way towards us.

  “Hey, Nic!” I smiled at Nicole. “Great party!”

  Nicole laughed. “Thanks to the brilliant wedding planner!”

  “Yeah. Wedding of my dreams!” I groaned.

  “You’re going to top this, sweetie!” Nicole said to me positively. “A few years, maybe months from now, you are going to do a lot better than this!”

  Standing there, hearing those words from Nicole, seeing Adam nod in agreement and Ryder smile in encouragement, I felt I found a new hope in me. The hope to rise above it all. To rise and triumph above Bryan and Geena. I know that the time to start pulling my act together is… now. Here, with the three people who stood as my allies.

  Chapter Seven


  Worn by brides above the knee. Nowadays, wedding garters can come in different materials, and colors.

  After dancing with Adam, Nicole and I switched and I was back in Ryder’s arms once again.

  “Hmmm… I thought you weren’t going to dance with any other lady aside from me.” I said, faking a cross expression on my face.

  He chuckled. “Well, I figured, I needed to score with the women in your life, starting with your Mother. I danced with the rest because I didn’t want them to think I was only impressing your Mother. Then I danced with your nieces and the little girls because I thought you’d think that was sweet. I danced with your best friend because I needed her approval too.”

  “What’s the verdict?”

  He leaned closer to me and said, “Your soul is sold, love. I’m afraid I am the highest bidder.”

  I laughed as I stared up at him. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on my nose before leaning his head to the side to gently kiss my neck. Then he sighed and pulled me closer towards him. I rested my head on his shoulder.

  “Can you just be real?” I whispered.

  “You mean… can I just be rich, famous, and all those things I pretended I was?” He whispered in my ear. I couldn’t recognize the emotion in his voice. For the first time tonight he seemed uncertain. It was as if he was afraid of my answer.

  I shook my head. “No. Not that. I wish you could really be the wonderful, funny guy who only has eyes for me, and would dance with my Mother, my aunts, my nieces and my best friend to gain their approval… for my sake. Not for the sake of the fake rebound story of the year.”

  It took him a while to say something. I felt his arms tighten around me and his breath blew in my ears, making my knees feel weaker than they already are. “Even if I’m just your bartender, I am that man tonight, Astrid.”

  I hugged him back and I sighed. “I know, Ryder. I hope you know you’re not just a bartender to me. You’re my knight in shining armor.”

  “I’m not pretending, love.” He whispered gently. “I told you… I am yours tonight. And you are mine.”

  I sighed. “Yes. I am yours, Ryder.”

  And somehow, I found myself fantasizing that it was true. That he would want me to be his.

  Not just because I asked him to.

  Then I remembered what Adam said. It’s easy enough to lose my heart along the way. Especially with a guy like Ryder. He didn’t have to be the rich guy he was pretending to be. He’s smart and ambitious. And he’s sweet, charming and somehow, we… click.

  Good thing, I only have this night to be with him. Only this night to have him exist in my life. This night to believe that I am the apple of this wonderful man’s eyes… the love of his life!

  Ryder pulled away from me slightly. He had a mischievous smile on his face when he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips. I indulged in his kisses. How often would a god like this want to kiss me anyway?

  Well, in real life, I actually didn’t fancy filthy rich hunks and I never dreamt of dating one. I prefer to keep it real. I always thought a relationship with rich guys would be complicated. I wanted to be the center of my man’s world. It’s impossible to do that with a man who has the whole world in his hands. But tonight… I am making fantasies come true. Even though it isn’t really my own. But it seems to be everybody else’s. And it seemed Ryder just stepped out of the pages of a fairy tale. So tonight, I get to have him. He was my knight… regardless of how much money he had in his pocket.

  And the more I kiss him, the more convincing we are to the rest of my relatives, and to Bryan and Geena.

  We were interrupted by an announcement by the host asking all the single ladies to line up in the dance floor.

  I rolled my eyes. “Do I really have to go?” I asked Ryder.

  He laughed and gave me a kiss on the lips again. “Of course! You’re the fairest of all the single ladies here. You should go.”

  I watched with a bored expression as Geena giggled and the guests cheered, then she threw her bouquet with such force that it missed the eager bridesmaids behind her and landed directly in front of me.

  My initial reaction when I saw the bouquet headed towards me was, I paid for those! I paid for those! Maybe that’s what made me catch it.

  Geena rolled her eyes when she saw her bouquet in my arms. The crowd cheered. I smiled widely, pretending that I was ecstatic about catching it.

  It was the guys’ turn to catch the garter. I saw that Ryder was one of
them. He winked at me just as Bryan made a toss and I saw him fight his way to catch it. He almost landed on one of the other guys but he triumphantly held the garter in his hand.

  I sat on the chair and nervously watched as Ryder took my leg and slipped the garter on. He was told by the host to use his teeth to raise the garter up my knees.

  I knew I had a violent blush on me. I could only squeal and cover my mouth with my hands. After all, I had to pretend that this wasn’t the first time Ryder’s lips were touching my legs.

  The crowd cheered, ‘Higher!’ ‘Higher!’

  My heart pounded in my ribcage.

  Ryder laughed. He held the lace in his mouth this time. His eyes sparkled as he slowly raised the garter higher above my knees.



  He continued to raise the garter, watching the blush on my face spread to my neck, then further down my chest.

  I wanted to tell him to stop but then I looked up and saw the frown on Bryan’s face and the irritated look on Geena’s. So I looked back at Ryder and laughed instead. He raised the garter higher towards my thigh and stopped regardless of the cheers of the crowd. Then he bent down to kiss my knee gently. He stood up, took my hand and pulled me towards him.

  We heard the people bang their spoons against the crystal glasses, asking the bride and the groom to kiss.

  Before I could steal a glance towards Bryan and Geena, I felt Ryder pull my chin towards him.

  “I don’t think they just meant the bride and the groom, love.” His eyes twinkled.

  I giggled and stared up at him as he bent his face towards mine and gave me one head-spinning kiss. People jeered on and I think they were cheering for Ryder and me louder than they were for the newlyweds.

  Slow music played from the surrounding speakers and I felt Ryder wrap his arms around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and then he rested his chin at the top of my head. I know we were the picture of bliss. The perfect, happy couple.

  How I wish it was true. How I wish that I was totally over Bryan, that the impact of this wedding didn’t hurt me a bit, that I could not care less that it was him and Geena who would be sleeping in the matrimonial bed I booked a couple of months ago. I wished that Ryder was really here for me, that he was here…because he wanted to, and not because I paid him to be… because he really does belong to me.

  “Would you like to join me outside?” I heard him say.

  I stared up at him. His handsome face was peaceful and at ease. I nodded. Hand in hand, he led me towards the veranda. I was happy to finally be alone with Ryder, to finally get away from prying eyes.

  I was thankful for the cool air and the privacy. Although there was not much of it, since there were other people in the veranda too. I can even see some of Geena’s bridesmaids flirting with some guys somewhere in the corner.

  I stared at the lake view in front of us. I was content to stand close to Ryder quietly. It was just as comfortable as being alone.

  I realized that I was more aware of Ryder’s presence than I was aware of Bryan and Geena being in the same room as me. I smiled to myself. More and more, I am positive that I will get over them.

  How pathetic am I? If Ryder wasn’t here with me, people would think the same! Now only I knew just how painful it still is, and how sad I still am.

  I felt Ryder pull me closer to him. I felt his breath on my bare shoulder and then I felt his lips on my neck.

  “Because it’s just the two of us here, I need not make up an unforgettable line to propose.” He whispered.

  I laughed and faced him. His eyes were sparkling. I took in a deep breath.

  God, I wish I had his spirit!

  He took my hand in his and he kissed it gently.

  “Astrid Ysabelle Jacobson…” He started and I was surprised that he knew my real name. “You are the epitome of beauty and strength. You are smart and creative… you have a brilliant mind. Your being here showed just how courageous you are. Putting on a brave face and making your aunts and uncles think that everything is fine with you, even though you still ache, shows just how much respect and love you have for your family… seeing that you have not even thrown the bride and groom any antagonistic look or sarcastic remark, shows what a classy woman you are. You are a goddess, Astrid. Any man will be lucky to have you… any man will want to make you his bride. Someday, your real ever after will find you. Then you will understand that everything happened for a reason… you will learn to appreciate this pain… because if it weren’t for this, you wouldn’t find your way to the arms of your real soul mate, your real Prince.”

  I couldn’t help crying at those words . His face was so sober, his expression was so genuine.

  “I’ve known you for a short time, Astrid. I consider myself lucky to have met you. Torn as you may be now, I know you, of all people, will rise above this. To tell you the truth, they say that the bride is the most beautiful woman in the wedding…” He shook his head. “She’s not. You are. Trust me. I’m not saying this because you asked me to. I’m saying this because… I look at your innocent beauty… and I know I’m incapable of lying to you.”

  He reached forward and wiped my tears with his fingers.

  “Will you promise me some things?”

  Because I couldn’t say anything, I merely nodded.

  “Will you promise me that you will allow healing to come? That you will rise above Bryan and Geena?”

  I bit my lip and whispered tremulously, “Yes.”

  “Will you promise me that you will learn to love yourself beyond your love for anyone else?”

  I let out a little giggle.

  He took a deep breath. “And will you promise to find your way to me again… when the time is right? Maybe we can meet under different circumstances?”

  This question took aback a little bit.


  “We belong to each other tonight, Astrid. But after this night… it’s over.” He took a deep breath. “Someday, I would like to see what you have become… after you rise above it all. I want to see that you have kept your promises. I’d like to see the real you. The you that is buried underneath the smile that you put on. The you that Bryan and Geena attempted to bury in pain. And… I would like you to see me. The real me. The guy behind the mask I put on the day I met you.”

  I stared up at him and realized what a sincere person Ryder is. He may not be the rich guy he pretended to be tonight, but the rest of him is genuine. The type that you rip right out of a romance novel.

  “Will you promise to come find me again someday?” He asked solemnly.

  I stared up at him, tears still streaming from my eyes.

  “Yes.” The word was a mere burst of air from my throat.

  He smiled and then he took something from his pocket.

  It was the ring. He slid it on my ring finger. My breath caught in my throat. It was ten times more beautiful than the ring Bryan had given me. The stone in the center is probably at least two carats.

  It was lovely and as it sparkled in the light, I thought I was gonna go blind.

  “It’s beautiful.” I whispered.

  “I’m glad you liked.” He said. “It’s not a rental.”

  I smiled at him. “It’s lovely.”

  The stone could be cubic zirconia or probably moissanite. At least Ryder was honest about it, he didn’t try to pass it up for a diamond when it wasn't. The beauty of the ring itself was extraordinary that you won’t mind what stone it is.

  “A little reminder of your promises.” He grinned.

  I laughed and then I said, “Yes. I promise to heal, I promise to love myself, I promise to come find you when all this is behind me.”

  He grinned at me and then slowly his face descended towards mine and he kissed me. The kiss was deep, sincere… mind-blowing!

  When the kiss ended, I couldn’t bear to open my eyes. I was afraid that if I opened them, Ryder won’t be there. He’d be gone. Eve
rything would be a dream.

  Then I felt him kiss the tip of my nose. Finally, I opened my eyes and found him still staring at me.

  “Are you for real?” I breathed.

  He laughed. “I’m for real. At least for tonight.” He released me and then he took my hand.

  “Come. People will be wondering why you’ve gone missing.” He said. “Plus, you’ve got another story to tell.”