Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 9

  “Mom, Dad, this is Ryder, my boyfriend.”

  “How do you do, Sir? Ma’am?” Ryder shook their hands politely.

  Uncle Jack also extended his hand.

  “Jack Ackers. I’m glad there’s a certain someone who’s making my girl blush.” He said teasingly, and I could feel my face heat up. I could tell that he was relieved to see me with Ryder.

  After finishing the rest of the introductions, they invited us to sit with them for a while. I turned nervously to Ryder but his eyes sparkled as he pulled a chair out for me. He seemed so relaxed and confident. I squeezed his hand as he sat beside me and I felt him squeeze it back.

  “What did you say your surname was?” Uncle Reynolds asked.

  “Van Woodsen, Sir.” Ryder replied politely.

  “And where are you from?”

  “Manhattan, Sir.”

  Uncle Reynolds seemed taken aback and then he gave Ryder an impressed smile.

  “You’re from New York?” Uncle Jack’s new wife, Lilie asked. “How did you and Astrid meet?”

  “Well, I’m in town for business, Ma’am. We met through a mutual friend, whom I will always be thankful for introducing her to me.”

  “What do you do, Ryder?” My father asked. Somehow, I knew his question was loaded; he was judging if Ryder was capable of taking care of me.

  I was about to say something when Ryder squeezed my hand.

  “I’m an entrepreneur, Sir.” He replied. “I have… a couple of businesses in Manhattan and now, here in Malibu.”

  “What businesses?” My mother asked.

  Ryder grinned at her. “I have a chain of music bars and restaurants, Ma’am.”

  “You know the Van Woodsens. That’s what they do.” Uncle Reynolds smiled. “Hey, some of your restaurants in New York take a month for reservations. You don’t suppose you can bump us in quickly if we’re in town?” He chuckled.

  “Uncle!” I hissed.

  Oh my God! I did not think this through! I thought to myself. Why did Ryder’s surname have to be or sound the same as a famous family? And worse, how could my Uncle know them?

  But Ryder squeezed my hand calmly. “It’s okay, love.” He said to me, then he turned to my Uncle Reynolds. “Sure, Sir. Anytime. Give me a call whenever you’re in the city.”

  “Perfect.” Uncle Reynolds said happily.

  “How about you, Astrid? What do you do nowadays?” Aunt Lilie asked.

  “Um… I… ah…” I stammered. I felt Ryder squeeze my hand gently again, giving me the courage to… lie. Or dream out loud. “I’m thinking about putting up my own business.”

  “Really?” My mother asked, quite ecstatically. I could tell that she was worried about my answer.

  I nodded nervously. “Well, it’ll still be something like what I used to do before. Weddings. But this time… I’d like to do it on my own.”

  “That’s great! Where are you going to get the capital? You know that’s a great risk. A lot of money is involved.” Aunt Lilie said.

  “Yes, I realize that. But…”

  “But I believe in her.” Ryder interrupted. “I’m willing to bet my money on her. I know she’ll be great.”

  “Oh, how wonderful!” My mother said beaming at Ryder.

  “You mean, you’re investing on her business venture?” My father asked, looking at Ryder.

  Ryder nodded. “Yes, Sir. Your daughter is brilliant. It only took one look at this perfect setting to convince me that she’s a genius.”

  “Oh yes. I remember. Geena said she approached your old company to set this all up. You mean this was your concept?” Aunt Lilie asked, quite surprised.

  Ryder answered for me. “Yes, Ma’am. Every single bit of it.”

  “Wow, you’re good.” Aunt Betty, Uncle Reynolds’s wife said.

  “Thanks.” I said shyly.

  I looked up at Ryder and found him staring at me with sincere admiration in his eyes and my eyes blurred with tears, because I realized who I am… who I was before Geena and Bryan destroyed me.

  I stared across the table and found Uncle Jack looking at me, his eyes shining with tears. I wanted to cry more because I knew that he was genuinely happy for me. I realized that he felt so guilty about what Bryan and Geena did. Now he seemed so relieved to see me evidently happier with a much better man.

  “Your Dad and I might go to New York next month. Maybe you and Ryder can come with us. Ryder can take us to a tour in the city.” My mother said excitedly.

  Ryder looked at me and asked, “Would you like that, love?”

  His voice sounded so sincere, I couldn’t say no or think of anything to say, so I nodded slightly.

  “Very well. It would be an honor to have you in my city, Ma’am.” Ryder said to my mother.

  We chatted for a while and I felt more relaxed as the following conversations dealt with topics other than Ryder’s personal background.

  Ryder put an arm around my shoulder and gave me a gentle squeeze. “Would you like to dance, love?”

  I simply nodded, and smiled as graciously as I could. We excused ourselves from our company and Ryder led me to the dance floor.

  A slow song played from the center stage as I stepped into Ryder’s welcoming arms. I was so relieved that we were finally alone… well, almost alone and close enough to whisper to each other. I leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

  I felt a surge of excitement shoot through me again and then a sense of comfort… just when I needed it most. Like this is where I wanted to be… in Ryder’s comforting, protective and passionate embrace. A tear rolled down my cheek.

  “Why are you crying?” He whispered against my ear.

  I didn’t open my eyes. Instead, I snuggled closer and buried my cheek deeper into his chest.

  “I’m just thinking that I feel … so safe here.”

  “Must you always be crying when you’re in my arms?” He asked teasingly, but I could detect a note of concern beneath his light-hearted tone.

  I pulled away to look up at him. “This is the first time I cried in your arms.” I said, a slight frown wrinkling my brow.

  He smiled and shook his head. He slowly leaned forward and gave me a light kiss, a simple brush of lips against lips. “This is the second time, love.”

  I was confused. I distinctly remember not crying in the lobby when he was hugging me, mainly because I was fighting the urge.

  “When was the first?” I asked.

  “That day in front of the jewelry shop, you collided straight into me and instead of pulling away, you buried your face in my chest and I knew you were crying.” He said gently.

  I remembered that day. It was the day that my world fell apart, when I thought Bryan had already done enough to destroy it. Ryder had already been there for me… and I didn’t even know him. He gave me comfort at the exact moment I needed it the most.

  “Oh my God!” I breathed. “I knew you looked familiar!”

  He chuckled. “I knew you were crying for a good reason that day.”

  “When did you realize it was me?”

  He pushed back a lock of hair behind my ear. “From the moment I took your order at the bar. I knew you looked familiar. Those eyes are… not easy to forget. I remembered you from that day. After all, who forgets a beautiful stranger who suddenly comes rushing into your arms, sobbing like a baby?”

  I had to giggle at that.

  “What were you doing in that jewelry shop?” I asked him.

  He poked at his left ear, which had a pierce in it but no stud.


  I felt him pull me closer to him.



  “I think my Uncle Reynolds got you confused with some famous people in New York. You didn’t correct him.”

  “But isn’t that the point of all this?” He whispered against my ear.

  “They believed you.”

  “That’s the point too.” He said.

  “What are you going to
do when my Uncle makes good on your promise to get him into one of those restaurant chains that you don’t own?”

  He chuckled. “I’m a bartender, remember? I’ve been in the business long enough to know people. I’m sure I can make good on that promise.”

  “And my parents going with us to New York? This is a one day event. I can’t afford to write you a check the next time around.”

  He laughed. “You don’t have to. You have my number. You can call me anytime you’ll need me again. Consider the next one a favor.”

  I leaned closer to him and I felt him tighten his arms around me.

  “I’m so glad you’re with me, Ryder.” I said to him. “I wouldn’t be able to do this alone.”

  He kissed my forehead. “And I’m really glad you’re mine tonight, Astrid.”

  After our dance, we went back to our seats, hand in hand, where we enjoyed dinner.

  “Did you order the food too?” He asked.

  I nodded as I stared at the salmon fillet and beef mignon on my plate.

  “Although in my head, I’d rather have a buffet for the guests.” I said.

  “I know you weren’t the cheapskate in your relationship.” He teased.

  I had to laugh at that because I know it was at Bryan’s expense.

  After dinner, Ryder and I danced once again. He would give me occasional kisses that I didn’t mind anymore. For the first time in months I felt that I was actually having fun with another man. A man who made me feel that I matter more than anyone. That I am the only woman in the room. That I am the only woman in the world for him.

  I had a chat with former acquaintances I met through Geena and Bryan. I introduced Ryder to them. Some seemed genuinely happy for me and yet there were some girls who looked at me like they couldn’t believe I caught a guy like this.

  There were some girls hanging around us making goo goo eyes at Ryder already, hoping to catch his eye so they could send him some signal. I guess Geena’s friends weren’t very much different from her. Ryder didn’t give them a chance. He showed everybody that he could only look at me.

  When we were on the dance floor, I felt people staring at me more than they should. I’m sure I was the topic of most conversations at the tables. ‘Operation: Revenge’ is going exactly as planned.

  It seems I am the last person people thought would come to this wedding. They couldn’t believe I was actually having fun.

  In the middle of our dance, my Uncle Jack asked to cut in.

  Ryder nodded graciously at him and stood by the side of the dance floor while we danced.

  “I am so happy, Ash.” Uncle Jack said to me.

  “You should be. Your little girl got married today.” I said.

  “Not only that. You’re here. I’m glad to see you’re happy, and taken care of.” He smiled.

  I smiled back at him, trying to hold back tears. I was just a basket case today, it seemed.

  “Ryder is quite a catch.” He said. “He seems like a decent man, well-bred and he looks besotted with you.”

  He looks besotted with me, because he’s a great actor, I thought guiltily.

  My eyes drifted off to where Ryder was standing but suddenly I couldn’t find him there anymore. My eyes searched the ballroom until finally, I spotted him, holding his hand out to my Mom and asking her to dance. My heart warmed at the sight and I can see my father laughing as my mother headed to the dance floor hand in hand with Ryder.

  “He’s a charming man.” Uncle Jack. “He’s a hundred times better than Bryan, Ash.”

  “Uncle!” I couldn’t believe what I just heard. “He’s your son-in-law!”

  “I know, sweetheart. I accepted him for my daughter’s sake. However, I still can’t forgive him for what he did to you and Geena. You two… are like sisters. Bryan drove a wedge between the two of you, and despite what your mother hopes, I know your relationship will never be the same.”

  I leaned forward and gave my uncle a hug. “Don’t think about that, Uncle. Geena and I have a long… history together. Time heals all wounds.”

  “That’s why I’m happy to see you here. It’s a good start. And I’m so… so happy to see you with someone who… can heal you. Then hopefully, someday, you may forgive what Geena did to you, so you two can start all over again.”

  This time, I couldn’t help tears from rolling down my cheeks. Uncle Jack had to wipe them away with his thumb.

  “Now, now dear. You don’t want to ruin your makeup.”

  We had a fat laugh as we headed off the dance floor. I danced with my father next. He too expressed his glee to seeing me on my feet.

  “You’re all radiant and happy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy! That man makes you giddier than Bryan ever did.”

  “Dad!” I laughed. “Let’s not throw stones.”

  He laughed too. “I’m really glad you found him.”

  “I’m glad I found him too, Dad.” Out of all the lies I’ve told tonight, I know that one has truth in it. I was so glad I found Ryder… but not for the same reasons my father thought.

  I danced with almost all my Uncles and Ryder danced with almost all my Aunts. There were a couple of cousins and hopeful bridesmaids hoping to get a dance from him, but Ryder danced only with the elder women in the room, all of whom were relatives of mine. They were all quite infatuated with him by the end of each dance.

  After my dance with Uncle Reynolds, Adam surprised me by cutting in.

  I had a laugh as soon as I looked into his mischievous eyes. He chuckled too.

  “Is it worth your tens?” I asked him teasingly.

  “So much worth it.” He whispered against my ear. “You’re a star, Ash.”

  “Thank you, but I can’t take all the credit for it. I couldn’t have done it without Ryder.”

  He nodded. “So, what do you think of him?”

  “Hot!” I answered truthfully.

  Adam raised a brow. “Well, he is a fine piece of art, but you have to remember why he’s here with you, Ash. I don’t want you to get your heart broken twice in the space of three months.”

  “I know you’re worried about me, Adam. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. A little flirtation with Ryder here and there won’t hurt.” I whispered to him.

  “I’m just warning you, it’s not hard to get your heart lost along the way with a devil like that.”

  I laughed. “You worry too much about me. I’ll be fine. He’s a great guy. I know why he’s here with me, acting all lovey-dovey. Ten grand is worth it for him.”

  Adam sucked in a deep breath, as if he was bracing himself, and then he raised a brow. “How well do you know this guy?”

  I shook my head. “Other than the fact that he’s providing a face for the Alpha Male imaginary boyfriend that I’m showing off to everybody tonight, I know that he works as a bartender. Although I have to tell you that he’s really smart. Apart from that, I don’t know him at all.”

  “Will you spend the night with him?”

  “Yes. Doing nothing, Adam. Maybe just talking.”

  “You’re not afraid that he might be hiding a secret identity that you should be aware of?”

  I laughed. “Seriously, Adam. Too much CSI.”

  He arched a brow at me.

  I sighed. “I’ll be fine. I don’t think he’ll rob me. I already told him that I couldn’t afford his services. You were the one who paid him. I doubt that he’ll violate me in some way. A guy as hot as that could have his pick of any girl, any time, so I don’t think he’ll even entertain the thought of taking advantage of me. He’s not a serial killer of some sort. We haven’t heard of serial killings in the last decade in this city or in some nearby states.” The last sentences were meant to be a joke. Adam really was being too overprotective.

  Adam sighed and shook his head. “I’m not worried about any of that. I’m worried about you falling for him for real.”

  “I gotta tell you, Adam, it is easy. He’s… a wonderful guy. He’s smart, funny and charming
. But I just met him, and I doubt he’ll want to see me again after this.”

  Adam nodded. “Just be careful, okay? He’s probably the best guy to replace Bryan with, but only if he’s willing to share a piece of his heart with you.”

  I laughed. “Now, that’s new!” Somehow, I can’t believe the same ruthless Adam could say something like that to me. “Who are you and what have you done with my brutal cousin?”