Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 13

  I stared at the ring on my finger again. Well, at least the ring didn’t cost him much. Still, I know it cost him a couple of bucks, while he got nothing from me. Well, just my virginity.

  I had been trying to look for a new job, but somehow, the job market is not requiring much. I was already beginning to feel restless. Pretty soon, all the money I have set aside will be gone.

  “You can always come back and ask Fiona to give you your job back.” Nicole said to me.

  “I made her a millionaire, Nic. And she treated me like crap, not even giving me some consideration since she knew what I have been going through anyway!” I said.

  “Pride!” Dannie rolled his eyes. “Are you happy to live off Adam’s charity for the rest of your life?”

  I sighed. “I’ll find something soon.”

  When I got home that night though, I realized I was not as confident as I thought I was. Moreover, I realized that I am slowly getting scared. Weddings have been my life and if I don’t believe in dreams coming true or in ever afters, I don’t have anything.

  I was sitting in Adam’s deck, drinking light beer when he joined me.

  “How’s my favorite cousin doing?”

  I groaned. “I’m still a bum as you can see. Nothing seems to be available in the market. I mean, weddings are lucrative, but these companies are not hiring at the moment. One wanted me so much, but felt I was overqualified. I told them I’m fine with starting from the bottom, they said they couldn’t do that to me. Sure! They would rather have me living in the streets!”

  He took a deep breath. Then he said to me, “I have a client...”

  “Sure you do! Congratulations.” I said dryly.

  He snorted. “Listen before you comment please.”

  I giggled. “Alright fine. Attorney Adam Ackers, you have a client, and so?”

  “He wanted to invest in something.” Adam said. And for the first time, I thought he was having some difficulty in composing his sentences.

  “If you want my advice, Adam… I can’t give you one. I’m struggling with my own life as it is.”

  “What happened to listen first before you comment?” He asked in an irritated tone.

  “Alright fine!” I giggled.

  Adam took a deep breath and then he said. “He… has some extra cash, and he didn’t want to put it in a bank or on time deposit. He wanted to invest in a business venture, which he thinks is lucrative but he doesn’t have any idea about it. He asked me if I knew someone who knows how to manage the business.”

  I stared blankly at Adam, waiting for him to finish his story. He stared back at me.

  “Now, what?” I asked.

  He sighed. “It’s wedding planning.”

  “Oh!” I said, realizing now why he is telling me all these.


  “To work for him? Yes!” I said excitedly.

  “Not just work for him, Astrid.” Adam said. “He wants no part in managing it. He’s just the capitalist. He needs a partner who will start the business, manage it, work on it. An industrial partner. He will be the main owner but he needs someone to do the dirty work. And he needs someone who has a lot of experience in this industry. Who knows this business from top and bottom. Who already has contacts out there, and possibly who has a good track record in this type of business.”

  I can’t feel my legs, literally. My hands are shaking and I can actually hear my heart pounding against my chest.

  “Adam, Adam! Are you kidding me?”

  Adam took a gulp of his beer. “I wish I was.” He murmured.

  “Oh, my God! But that is huge!”

  Adam nodded. “You’re not scared, are you? I mean, I thought you were pretty good.”

  “I think I am! But I haven’t managed a firm before!”

  “But you did do weddings before.”

  “It’s my life, Adam. I made Fiona rich!”

  “Well then now, make somebody else rich! Including yourself.”

  My hands went to my face and I can feel how hot my face is.

  “I don’t know if I can do it! I don’t know if I can make it that big!”

  Adam reached for my hand and squeezed it.

  “You have nothing to lose, Astrid.”

  “Except your investor’s money.” I said nervously.

  “In that case, you should be glad I’m your lawyer.” He grinned.

  I sighed. It was a lot to think about. “Can I sleep on it first?”

  Adam looked at me as if I was out of my mind. “This is a golden opportunity, Astrid. What is there to think about?” He asked.

  I sighed. “This is too huge, Adam! I know I can do all the wedding stuff, but I don’t know if I can do all the managing! It’s just too much!”

  Adam reached out for my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I believe in you, Ash. I’ve seen Geena’s wedding. It was lovely. You have what it takes. I just wish you’d have more courage to step up, take some risks. Explore the world, Ash. It’s big enough.”

  “I’ll let you know tomorrow morning.”

  I couldn’t sleep that night. Yesterday, I would take any job! Doesn’t matter if it’s making tea for the office secretary. Now, I am being offered the chance of a lifetime! And I don’t know what I am going to do about it! It’s as exhilarating as it is terrifying!

  I remembered Ryder. He did encourage this dream. He told me that I had the experience, I had the contacts, the skills, the knowledge. I didn’t have the capital then. But now an opportunity just presented itself. Could I let it pass? Am I strong enough? Am I ripe enough for that kind of responsibility?

  When I fell asleep that night, I did picture a wedding. One in the middle of a resort. Lighted balloons were floating on the shore, giving the entire shoreline a bright light. Guests were gathered in the middle of the venue. There were so much merriment and the place looked magical. There were flowers everywhere.

  I saw myself in the corner. I was wearing a peach dress. I was looking at the place contentedly. I heard the bride and the groom say their thank yous to the guests.

  “And to Astrid… thank you. For making the beginning of our ‘ever after’ so magical and wonderful.” They said to me.

  I woke up from that dream with a big smile on my face. I know, that in spite of the pain that I still somehow feel when I think about Bryan and Geena, I am not the type of girl who will not believe in ever afters. I will always believe in it. And I will always come up with magical ideas to make dream weddings come true.

  I stood up from my bed with renewed energy. I took a quick shower, had my breakfast and then gave Adam a call in his office.

  “He’s in a meeting. Can I ask him to call you back?” His secretary asked.


  I paced the living room back and forth. I went to the deck, holding the cordless phone in my hand. I anxiously looked at my mobile to see if Adam opted to call me there instead.

  After fifteen minutes and I have not heard from Adam yet, I dialed his mobile number from my cellphone.

  It took him four rings before he finally answered.

  “Have you decided yet?” He asked.

  “You didn’t call me back!” I said in a demanding tone.

  “Oh, I am sorry, Ma’am, but some of us have to make a living so we can keep the apartment that you are living in.”

  I groaned. “Okay, fine.” I took a deep breath. “So, what are the terms of this… offer? Do I get to meet this guy? Do I give him my CV? Will he interview me first?”

  “Well, I have already given him your CV.”

  “How did you get a copy of my CV?”

  “You used my laptop and printer, didn’t you?”

  “Oh, right.” I grunted. “So, what did he say?”

  “Well, as his executor, I have the power to hire and fire people for him. So basically, he’s leaving the decision up to me. But I need to submit reports to him on a monthly basis. We need to hire a good accountant for this. He is just interested in your expens
es and your revenue. The only two figures he will look at.”

  “B—but Adam… you know that we might spend a lot at first to put up the business, do the registrations, rent out an office, buy some furniture, hire one or two assistants just to get the operation going. The business will not start making money until after six months or maybe even a year.”

  “He understands that. That is also up to me to justify.” Adam said. “Don’t mess this up, Astrid! Or we’re both going to be fired! I’m handling so many of this guy’s investments, I can’t afford to lose my biggest client.”

  I giggled nervously. “I know, I know! Too much pressure already, Adam!”

  “I believe in you, Ash.” He said quietly. Then he sighed. “Anyway, the funds will be transferred to my account next week. You can start planning. I’ll take a look at it and see what you’re missing. I’ll take care of setting up the business name and getting the business licenses. For the first twelve months of your job, you’ll be getting a fixed fee although you will own thirty percent of the company. After twelve months, you’ll have the right to forty percent of the company’s profit.” Then he gave me the amount of my monthly allowance. “Good enough for you?”

  I couldn’t breathe. It was… fifty percent more than what I used to earn with Fiona. Next year, I’ll have the same amount plus forty percent of the total profits? So it all depends on how big I can make it in one year.

  “Are you still there, Astrid?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I breathed. “That’s perfect, Adam!”

  “Good. And you’ll have full hiring and firing powers. I’m the only one who has the right to fire you though.”

  I laughed. “I won’t let you down, Adam.”

  He chuckled, “I’ll draw up the papers so you can sign them when I get home.”

  Because I still couldn’t believe it was all happening, I stood up from my seat and I let out a loud shriek.


  It has been a busy week for me. I spent most of my time at home, drawing up the proposal I will submit to Adam. I haven’t done the whole organizational chart before, but I was glad to learn new things.

  At the beginning, I intended to have one assistant first. I could train her. We would put up our own website first to give information about our company and our services. It’s going to be difficult not having a gallery of our jobs but I know we’ll get there soon.

  I need to reestablish my ties with suppliers, photographers, videographers, couture, caterers, hotel managers and resort owners. I didn’t have bad blood with any of them so I think that would be easy.

  The toughest job would be finding the right place. Fiona’s office was in a small building downtown. I didn’t like the location at first because the streets around that area were crowded. It’s tough to find parking and the office was not conducive for planning weddings.

  I’d like to have a place somewhere in a quiet neighborhood that is easier to locate, with plenty of parking space, and would have a peaceful atmosphere.

  By the end of the week, I was done with my initial proposal to Adam. He asked me to have dinner with him and we discussed the details in the restaurant. I was nervous as he was going through my notes.

  Then he looked at me for a moment.

  “What?” I asked nervously.

  “You don’t need to buy a van?” He asked.

  “Later. Not now. Not when I don’t have my first client yet. Too huge an investment.” I replied. “I could always rent transportation while I am getting established.”

  “You have a portfolio before in your previous job, couldn’t you use that?”

  I shook my head. “Don’t you remember that when you sign an employment contract, it states that as long as you are an employee of that company, all your works belong to them?”

  Adam chuckled. “Silly me! And I’m the lawyer!”

  “Besides, let’s leave Fiona Reeds alone. I have talent. I can do this. I don’t have to use her.” I said.

  Adam nodded. “What about the location??”

  “Will you come with me tomorrow? There’s a property ten blocks from your place that I want to look at.” I said.

  “You’re going to put up your business in our neighborhood?” He asked.

  I nodded. “I want a serene, peaceful place, Adam. I don’t want busy streets, and crowded buildings. Besides, couples who hire a wedding planner would go anywhere if they believe she’s good. I want my office to be comfortable to couples who would soon start their lives together.”

  Adam. “Okay. But I have veto powers on this.”

  I nodded. He looked at my notes again.

  “Just two employees?” He asked.

  I nodded. “For now. Remember, we need to build my client portfolio first. I’ll be willing to even do that first job for free! Well, the services will be free. They just need to pay for the expenses. I just need the shots that I can put up in my website. And then word of mouth. When things go well, I will hire another employee or two. I might even hire Nicole. And then we’ll see if we can afford to invest on our own vehicle and driver.” I sighed dreamily. “All that for later.”

  Adam nodded. “What are you going to call it?” He asked.

  I smiled at him. I know exactly what I will name this company. And this time, Adam will not have veto powers. That morning I woke up with a firm decision to go with this, I knew exactly what the name will be.

  “Ever After Concept Weddings.” I smiled at him.

  He raised brow. “Isn’t that a little bit too cheesy?”

  I laughed. “Apparently, you’re someone who does not date or does not wish to settle down at all. You couldn't understand the phrase ‘ever after’ even if you tried, Adam. Leave it to me. If I was the bride and I heard that phrase, it would give me a sense of security that… this wedding will happen and my groom will not knock up my maid of honor first!”

  Adam laughed. “Are you over them, Ash?”

  “I’m smiling.” I said. “There’s still a bit of pain. But with all the excitement that is going on with my life, it was quite difficult to feel any angst or even remember that I am holding any grudge for anybody.”

  Adam smiled at me. “Then I’m happy for you, Astrid.”

  I smiled at him. “I’m happy for me too, Adam.”

  “Wh-what happened to your… bartender?”

  If I was genuinely smiling when I remembered Bryan and Geena, somehow, there was a pinch in my heart when I remembered… Ryder. With him, I remember a night of unforgettable passion.

  He was a wonderful guy. He was probably the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. I wish I could just see him again, even for just once. So I would know that I did not just invent him. That he was not just a figment of my imagination. That he was real.

  I shrugged. “He… disappeared. I didn’t see him again.”

  I looked down on my food and started fiddling with my ravioli.

  I felt Adam tilt my chin so I can face him. He studied my expression. His eyes narrowed. “I… told you not to fall for him, Ash.” He said soberly.

  I rolled my eyes. “I did not fall for him, Adam!”

  “Then why are you so glum?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know… he… we developed some sort of friendship that night. He’s… a great guy! I can’t help but wonder where he is now, that’s all.”

  Adam sighed. “Easy to fall in love with devils like that.”

  “Trust me, Adam. I did not fall for him that night. I just… wish I could thank him. Because if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I wouldn’t look at myself so positively now. He… was the first step to my… ‘getting better’ therapy.” Then I looked at Adam. “Well, you are too. Because if you didn’t loan me the ten grand, I would not be able to afford such an expensive date.”

  He chuckled. “No worries. None wasted anyway, right?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. He didn’t take a dime from you but still... if you didn’t open me up to the idea, I wouldn’t come across him in the first pl

  Adam smiled. “I’m not saying that he wasn't good for you. I’m just saying that you shouldn't fall prey to the charms of a… stranger.”

  I smiled at him. “That’s how you start, Adam. Fall for the charms of a stranger. Flirt. Bond. Date. And then… take it from there.”