Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 14

  Adam nodded. “Yes. But like I said, don’t fall in love with a stranger.”

  I smiled. “Bryan was my best friend even before he was my boyfriend… and yet… he cheated on me. I think I’ve known Geena all my life and yet… she lied to me. Stolen the things that I thought mattered most to me then.”

  “Then you didn’t know them very well.” Adam said.

  I sighed. “Yeah, and they didn’t know me very well either. More than that, I don’t think they respected me.”

  “You know, Ash, you’ll hate me for saying this, but I honestly think that you were better off without Bryan.” Adam said. “I mean… if you didn’t find out about the affair, you’d probably be married by now. That doesn’t guarantee that he and Geena would stop seeing each other behind your back. You would have found out about it eventually. And that would break your heart even more. At least now, you’re halfway over them.”

  I smiled at him. “And I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, Adam.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’m not a saint. I had to choose between you and my half-sister.”

  “Why did you choose me?”

  “Because I love you both, and I had to choose between who was right and who had crossed the line.”

  “Fair enough. If I steal Bryan away from Geena now, you’d probably kick me out of the house.”

  “After I give you a good beating.” He nodded.

  I laughed. Then I shivered. “I couldn’t imagine myself being with Bryan now. It feels… weird now. I think I’m happier if I don’t think about him… them at all.”

  “Then you’re over him.”

  “I’m still mad at them. I don't think that means I’ve fully recovered.”

  “Then use that anger to keep yourself from backsliding. To keep moving on… keep moving forward.” Adam said.

  I looked at the ring on my finger. I knew I’m closer to keeping my promises to Ryder. I had healed… halfway. I was learning to love myself again. I was starting to feel good about myself and this business venture… is slowly making me believe in ‘ever after’ again.”

  “Did he give you that ring?” Adam asked.

  I smiled. “Ryder? Yes.”

  “Very nice for a bartender… who didn’t take a dime of my money.” He said coolly.

  I laughed. “Why don’t you like him? He’s a wonderful guy, Adam. And he’s smart. He’s funny. He’s romantic.”

  “See? And you said you didn’t fall prey to his charms! You don’t know him, Ash. Are you not afraid of someone who could spin a tale like that so perfectly? Could look at your parents straight in the eye and tell them he owned a couple of restaurants in New York when… as far as you know… he makes his living getting people drunk!”

  “He lied for me, Adam.” I said. “He carried it out so well for my sake.”

  Adam sighed. “Just… be careful okay?”

  The cynical Adam gives me the creeps sometimes. Well, the last time he warned me about something, it turned out that my world was about to be ripped to pieces. But I know he’s seen how broken I was the last time. He just didn’t want me to go back to that hell hole again.

  “You worry too much, Adam. I’ll be okay. Bryan and Geena taught me well.”

  It was probably the first time in months that I really enjoyed going to dinner again. I was laughing so much and I was excited more than ever about the new things that are happening in my life.

  Adam seemed to agree with my proposal so far. The next day, we drew up a contract. He’s been given special powers by his client to deal on his behalf so I signed the contract with him. It’ll be just like working for Adam. Thank God, we managed to fix our differences, otherwise, I may not be able to stand his sarcasms.

  After signing the contract, he went with me to see the place I was talking about. It was a villa, a little smaller than his home. It also has a deck overlooking the beach.

  “We could convert the whole floor into an office. I don’t think the landlord would mind.” I said. Adam still looked a little bit hesitant about the place. “This is going to be cheaper than a commercial space, Adam. We’re just starting. I think this is better for us.”

  We went up the mezzanine floor. It has two rooms.

  “And I can pay part of the rent because I can stay here.” I said.

  “Really? You’re moving out of my place?” He asked.

  I nodded. “It’s about time, don’t you think?”

  “Then let’s sign the lease!” He teased.

  I laughed. “Come on! You really hated living with me?”

  He shook his head. “No. I just felt weird living with a girl. You know… panties and bras in the bathroom!” He shivered and I laughed.

  “So, are you okay with this?” I asked him.

  He sighed and then he nodded. “I think you’re on the right track saving as much as you can first.”

  Although some renovations will be made, I am excited about the place. Adam signed the lease and issued the checks for the rent.

  While they were doing the construction, I kept myself busy with posting for job openings and buying furniture. It was tough to find the best bargains that would fit the whole idea in my head.

  Days and weeks zoomed by. I did not have time to think about anything else but my new job and my new life.

  After three weeks, the website was done and I was quite happy with the results. The office space was also done.

  I had one huge space where I would be putting three tables and laptops. I placed little panels to segregate one area to make it a working space. Then I had one whole area enclosed in glass for the meeting room. The front of the house had a little garden. The front had a window display, which I would decorate later. On the reception area, I placed comfortable white couches where guests can wait.

  I was satisfied with the way things had gone. It was an office, and yet, it still gave the touch of home. I wanted my guests to be comfortable as soon as they walk in.

  I hired a girl named Leilani. She doesn't have any experience with weddings, but she worked for a PR company before. She had done parties, product launches and other big events. She needed a change and thought the wedding industry was growing on rocket speed.

  I hired another lady, Rose, a newly graduate who wanted an experience in telemarketing and administration. She would be my receptionist and my telemarketer. Website inquiries are also her responsibility.

  “I am so mad at you!” Nicole said to me while we were having dinner at Oil Rig one night.

  I haven’t been hanging out with them much since I was so busy with the business.


  “Why do you have to hire another girl? I’m here!”

  I raised a brow. “I can’t afford you yet Nic. The risks are high at the moment. I don’t want you to lose your living.”

  “I might as well lose it once you enter the picture!” She said crossly.

  “Don’t worry, Nic. As soon as I get this going and business picks up, I’ll hire you.” I smiled at her.

  “Why not hire me now?”

  I laughed. “Hey, stay put. We’ll get there. I can’t afford your salary yet.”

  She raised a brow at me. “You have to have more faith in yourself, Ash. Why can’t you do this? This is your life, your soul. In fact, you were my company’s soul! All we do now is recycle your ideas! It’s getting old. I miss working with you! New ideas, new concepts. I don’t mind taking a pay cut!”

  I laughed. “No way, Nic! Give me a few months and I’ll offer you the job. Right now, I just need my first five projects so I will have a portfolio.”

  “Hmmm… can’t you use the old ones you used to work on with Fiona?”

  “Do I want a law suit as early as now?” I asked matter-of-factly.

  “Well, you’re probably right. I’ll bet Fiona will be so threatened by you that those pictures will not get past her.” Nicole agreed.

  “Guys, if you know anyone who’s getting married, let me know. I don’t c
are if I don’t make money. I just need to build up my portfolio first.” I said.

  “Sure, sure. Are you willing to do gay weddings?” Dannie asked sarcastically.

  I raised a brow at him. “Yes.”

  John wrinkled his nose. “Don’t expect anything from me, Ash. I love you and all that, but I’m staying clear of friends who are settling down. Honestly gives me the creeps.”

  Now all of us raised a brow at John.

  “What? I love being a bachelor!” He said. “Weddings are…” He shivered. “Excuse me, why is it a lucrative business again?”

  “Because there are still guys in the world who aren't like you and thank God for that!” Nicole said crossly.

  “Well, if you find that guy for yourself, let me know.” John raised his brow at her.

  Dannie and I exchanged knowing looks. Nicole and John didn’t usually get along with each other well. However, sometimes, we both feel that it’s not because they do not like each other at all, but maybe because it’s more of the opposite. I’d like to do that wedding!

  We all left the bar at around midnight. John is going to take me home. Nicole is catching a ride with Dannie.

  “I’ll refer some clients to you, Ash.” Nicole promised.

  “Your boss won’t like that!” I scolded her.

  “Then let her fire me! All the more reason for you to hire me then!” She winked and then she got into Dannie’s car.

  As we waited for John’s car to arrive with the valet, I noticed a familiar car parked in front of the bar. My breath caught in my throat and my heart pounded inside my chest.

  It looked like the car that Ryder rented. Same make… an SLR McLaren. Same color. Again, it made me wonder how he got that car for that day. It must have been very expensive to rent it. Unless he knew some rich friends who owned a car like that and they let him take it for a spin for free.

  I sighed. I remembered the day that I was with him in that car. It was my first step to recovery. And I am okay. Because of Ryder… I am okay.

  “Do you miss the car?” John asked in a teasing tone.

  I shook my head. There was a pinch in my heart. “No. Just the guy who drove it.”

  Chapter Ten

  ARRHAE: Wedding coins.

  Given by the groom to the bride to signify his trustworthiness, that he is symbolically giving his material possessions or earthly wealth to the care of his bride.

  Nicole referred some of her clients to me. She said that apparently, they were under budget constraint and the revised professional fees that Fiona had been charging made them lose interest.

  They were very happy to meet with me. More so when I told them that since they were my first clients, I would waive all the professional fees. They just need to pay for all the expenses for the wedding. But of course, nothing would happen without their approval first. I told them that I’m building up my portfolio and thus, I don’t mind doing this for free.

  “Are you sure?” The bride named Angela asked.

  I nodded. “Positive!”

  The groom looked a little suspicious. I smiled at him.

  “This is not my first time doing this. I used to work for Fiona. In fact, I was one of their pioneers.” I assured them.

  “Really? Why’d you leave?”

  I sighed. “Long story. But… to cut it short, let’s just say that my own engagement went down the drain and for a while, I was… socially dead. Now, I’m resurrected. What can I say? No heartbreak can make me stay away from making ‘ever afters’ come true.”

  The bride bit her lip and then she smiled at me. “I admire your courage! My sister-in-law just got dumped too. Maybe you have advice for her on how to get better. You don’t look heartbroken at all!”

  I shook my head. “I’m not! Not anymore!”

  Her glanced drifted off to my ring and her eyes widened.

  “Oh my God!” She breathed.


  “A… are you still wearing your engagement ring?” She asked.

  I looked at my ring and then I laughed. “No, no. This wasn’t my engagement ring. This is…” I sighed, smiling at the thought of Ryder again. “This is some sort of a promise ring. I made some guy a promise and he… gave me this so I won’t forget.”

  “Sounds like a very expensive promise.” Jacob, the groom to be, said.

  “Oh no. I don’t think so.”

  “We’ve wanted that ring.” Angela said, still looking longingly at my ring.

  “I told you, you could have it.” Jacob told her.

  “No! Twenty-five grand? Are you out of your mind?” She said. “I’d rather we spend that money on our honeymoon.” She said smiling at her fiancé. She glanced at my ring again. “You must admit, Harry Winston did great on that ring!”

  “This… this isn’t… a Harry Winston.” I said.

  Angela laughed. “Right.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, she stares at that ring in a magazine everyday. She knows.” Jacob told me.

  “I do not!” Angela punched him playfully in the arm.

  I still don’t know what they’re talking about, but I didn’t want to talk about my ring anymore. First, because they’ve already mistaken it to be a real Harry Winston and also because I don’t want them to start arguing over a ring that she was never going to have.

  “Well, you were right to spend the money on your honeymoon.” I told them cheerfully. “Have you already made plans with your travel agent?”

  It took me half a day to finish my meeting with Angela and Jacob. When they left my office, they were much more excited about their wedding than they were before they met me. I was extremely pleased with myself.

  As I sat on the deck of my office, sipping a glass of pineapple juice, I smiled. I tried imagining where I would be had I married Bryan.

  I’d probably be still with Fiona, answering to her every whim, watching her take all the credit and all the money for my brilliant and unique wedding ideas, and getting paid almost minimum wage for all the hard work that I put through. Then I’d come home, cook and wait for Bryan to come back from work. We’d talk about our day, like good friends. He’d probably be too tired to make love to me, and since I never knew wanton desire at all, I wouldn’t mind. I’d contentedly read a romance novel, until I fall asleep.

  And what would have happened if Ryder and I continued seeing each other after the wedding? I’d still be here, cooking a special meal for him probably, hoping to seduce him so he would stay the night with me. We’d probably have made love in every corner of this office already.

  I bit my lip at the thought. Damn! How could the mere thought of Ryder arouse… unknown feelings in me? How could the memory of that night make me want to relive it over and over again?

  Bryan never made me feel sexual. Ryder brought all my nerves to life and turned my world upside down.

  Ryder asked me to come and find him again. When I am ready. Right now… I’m halfway there. I want my next relationship to last forever. I don’t think I can stand to go over another heartbreak ever again. That is why I have to be careful. God knows I needed to see Ryder again. I could tell that he’s a good man. He awakened my senses. But I need more time.

  I stared at my ring again and smiled. Harry Winston! Well, it does look like one, but I know it isn’t. Though, this ring is a hundred times more beautiful than the ring that I actually got from Bryan. Ryder has great taste! I wonder where he found this. Maybe when I see him again, I can ask him to show me.

  I kept myself busy for the next weeks. Angela and Jacob were going to have a beach wedding and I had to handle all the arrangements for them. They are going to say their vows along the shore and the reception is going to be in paradise on the beach. I have it all figured out. I drew concepts for them to look at, so they can picture out the idea that I have in mind. When Angela saw my storyboard, she almost cried. She was so ecstatic about the whole thing.

  It took me more than a month to finish the concept, find the right materials, book
the venue, photographers, videographers and make all the other necessary arrangements.

  One week before the wedding, I was able to rest. Although not completely because I still have so much pressure before the show. This is the first wedding I did on my own. And this will be the start of things for the company that I am running. And I want it to be perfect.

  Dannie asked me to go shopping with him. There’s a new Technodiamond watch that he is itching to buy and we went around from store to store, trying to find a good deal.