Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 24

  I sighed and stared at the gorgeous ring on my finger. And somehow, I had to remind myself that it all was a sham.

  “It will break their hearts if they find out we aren’t for real.” I said.

  “They don’t have to find out, you know.” He said.

  I sighed. “Yeah. But we’ll have to invent the breakup story of the century.” I smiled at him. “Don’t worry. It will be my fault. Let’s blame it all on me.”

  “You don’t have to break their hearts.” He said. “At least not yet.”

  I nodded. “Works either way, Ryder. Let me know anytime you can’t pretend to be my perfect fiancé anymore.”

  And somehow that thought pinched my heart.

  Chapter Sixteen


  One of the most common symbols of marriage and weddings.

  The minute I entered my mother’s hotel room, they noticed my ring.

  “Oh my God, this is just too gorgeous!” My mother said, pulling my hand.

  “This is expensive!” My Aunt breathed. “It’s a Harry Winston!”

  “Mom, Aunt! You’re embarrassing me!” I hissed at them.

  Ryder just chuckled.

  “You spoil her too much, young man.” My mother said, but I can tell that she was so happy for me.

  “She deserves it, Mrs. Jacobson.” He said. “Astrid deserves to wear a ring as beautiful as she is.”

  Ryder was the epitome of grace and gallantry. He’s everything a girl could ask for in a boyfriend! It’s like he was ripped right out of the pages of a romance novel. He’s sweet, he’s funny, he treats my mother and my Aunt like they were queens, and he’s asking for the their approval for their little princess. He keeps up with Uncle Reynolds’ endless chatter about the stocks, business and Forex. Ryder can handle it all. Looking at him, I wouldn’t even know he was the same man who slept beside me an hour ago. It’s like he has tons of energy saved up somewhere.

  He took us around the city. We went to Bloomingdale’s. I tried on a couple of dresses. Ryder patiently sat on the couch, playing Judge. He told me whether or not the dress I put on looked good on me. He even critics them. He’s an even better shopping companion than Nicole is sometimes. He pays attention to me.

  I settled for three dresses. I took them to the counter to pay for them but Ryder was quick to hand in his platinum card.

  “No!” I said sharply. I raised a brow at him.

  He just laughed and then to my surprise, he leaned forward to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

  I glared at him. “What was that for? They’re not even around!” I hissed at him.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Ma’am. I guess I got carried away.” He whispered teasingly.

  The cashier handed him his credit card bill and he signed for it. I smiled at the cashier but when we turned away, I gave Ryder a pinch in the arm.

  He laughed. Then he put an around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. “You’re too cute.” He whispered.

  When we went out of the store, we heard a woman’s voice call behind us.


  We turned around and I saw a stunning blonde with long legs approach us. She was tall, but her mini skirt was very short. She pulled it off though. She looked more like she was walking on the runway than Bloomingdales.

  “Alizia.” Ryder nodded at her.

  She lunged forward and gave Ryder a hug.

  “How have you been? It’s been ages!” She said.

  Ryder gently pulled away from her. “I’ve been good.” He said. “Busy.”

  “When were you not busy?” The girl giggled and rolled her eyes. “You might as well marry your restaurant chains!” She giggled again.

  Obviously, she was flirting with him. And I don’t know, but somehow, that really annoyed me.

  I stared at the girl. She was gorgeous. Like she’s one of the Pussycat Dolls! I can tell that she’s wearing expensive clothes. Her bangles were adorned with diamonds, as well as the sunglasses perched up her head. Right away, I knew these are the women that vie for Ryder’s attention. This is his world—when he can have a pick of girls as rich and as beautiful as this. And I feel as annoyed as I am insecure. I looked away from them.

  Suddenly I felt Ryder pull me towards him.

  “Alizia, I’d like you to meet Astrid.” He said. He looked at me. “Alizia and I shared a few classes in Harvard.”

  And she’s smart too! I thought glumly.

  “Alizia, this is Astrid, my… fiancée.” He said.

  The statement raised brows! Including mine!

  It took me a moment to recover. I extended my hand to Alizia, who still looked dumbfounded.

  When I extended my hand, her eyes drifted off directly to my fingers to see if I’m sporting an engagement ring the sort Ryder Van Woodsen can afford.

  And viola! I am! I smiled at her cheerily.

  “Wow! I am honored to meet the girl that finally tied Ryder Van Woodsen down!” She said to me, smiling.

  “It took some work.” I said. “But I was successful.”

  Ryder chuckled. “That’s not true! You got under my skin the minute I saw you.” He said.

  “So when’s the big day?” Alizia asked.

  “Well, we haven’t set the date yet.” I said.

  “Oh, better hold on to him until then. Your man is a slippery catch.” She said. Then she turned to Ryder. “Congratulations! I’ll see you around.” With one final wave, she went off.

  I raised my brow at Ryder. “Old flame? Someone you charmed during one of your bartender episodes? Speaking of bartender episodes, you filled in as a bartender last night, didn’t you? You must have gotten a dozen phone numbers.” I didn’t know what came over me. But somehow, the idea of Ryder charming another woman as he pretends to be a bartender, the way he flirted with me the night I met him really irritated me! Plus, women… looking like Alizia! Supermodel that fits an heir like Ryder.

  I turned away from him so he could not see the frown on my face. It took him a few seconds to catch up with me.

  “Oh, okay, so we’re playing the part of jealous fiancée now.” He said in an amused tone.

  “I’m not jealous!” I snapped. I glared at him and then I walked away.

  After a few seconds, I felt him tug at my hand. He pulled me to him and to my surprise, he gave me a hug.

  He was chuckling. I tried to pull away but he refused to let me go.

  “It’s not my thing to flirt with my customers.” He whispered. “As far as Alizia goes, we went out twice in college. Two dates. Nothing happened. She tried initiating a third date… plenty of times… but let’s just say she’s not my type.”

  I pulled away from him, relief washing over me. “You didn’t have to explain that to me. I wasn’t jealous! You can fake an engagement but you can’t fake jealousy.” I started walking away. He caught up with me.

  I was silent for a while, and finally, just to break the ice, I said, “Really, Ryder? Alizia? Tall, blonde, legs that go forever? Not your type?” Even I find that hard to believe.

  “Nope.” He said with a popping “P”.

  “If she’s not your type then I don’t know what is.”

  He chuckled. “Well, recently I discovered, I have a certain weakness for petite, strawberry blondes with rare violet eyes.”

  Is he mocking me? Because I showed a hint of jealousy?

  I glared at him. “Well, too bad there’s very few of them!” I snapped and increased my pace.

  “There’s only one actually.” I heard him say.

  My heart pounded in my chest. I stopped walking and faced him. I raised my brow, frowned but didn’t say anything.

  “I made a mistake when I said it’s not my thing to flirt with my customers. I actually did that… only once. Because I couldn’t resist.” There was laughter in his eyes. That embarrassed me more.

  “Stop that, Ryder!” I said in an irritated tone.

  He raised a brow and feigned innocence. “Stop what?”

… making me blush!” I said and started to walk away.

  I heard a low chuckle and then I felt him take my hand. He pulled me towards him and gave me a hug again. “But you’re perfect with your blush, love.” He whispered.

  “But you shouldn’t be making me!” I said, burying my face in his chest. I shouldn’t be showing this much emotion for Ryder. At least not when we’re not in front of my family.

  “But I like seeing you blush, love.” He said quietly. “Let it be my prize for a job well done.”

  I stared up at him and I can see that his eyes were dancing. I raised a brow. “Who said it was a job well done?”

  He laughed. “I think they’re pretty convinced.” He said. He looked behind me and then he said, “But if not, maybe this will change their minds.” Before I knew it, I was being kissed thoroughly. Instantly, my heart melted, my knees turned jelly and I forgot how to breathe. The butterflies are running wildly inside my stomach. Electricity flowed from Ryder’s lips to mine. I want… to linger there forever. In his arms… with his lips on mine.

  “Oh you two lovebirds.” I heard my Aunt say behind me.

  Ryder stopped kissing me, and acted as if he had not seen my aunt and mother coming.

  He stared at me, and as if he was contended that I have blushed enough, his lips curved into a crooked smile and then he released me gently.

  Damn! I looked away from him. I turned to my mother who was staring at me lovingly. Her eyes were almost wet, as if she was so happy to see me being thoroughly kissed in public.

  “Are you okay, mother?” I asked her.

  “Oh she’s just feeling nostalgic.” My Aunt replied quickly. “You know... she misses your Dad.”

  My mother looked like she was about to say something, but chose not to. Then she reached out and touched my cheek. She smiled at me and whispered, “He loves you a lot. You’re lucky. Even if he isn’t rich… you’re lucky because he’s crazy about you.”

  Then before she could say more, my Aunt pulled her away into a nearby jewelry shop.

  I was still staring after them. I felt Ryder stand beside me. When I looked up at him, he was staring at me wearily.

  “Something’s wrong.” I said.

  He nodded slightly. “But it doesn’t look like she’s ready to talk about it yet.”

  “I’m worried.”

  “And yet you’re gonna have to give her time. Until she’s ready to let it out. But you have to make her feel that you’re there for her. Even though she’s not telling you that she needs you.”

  I stared up at him. Hearing him say those words made me wonder if he was the same Ryder Van Woodsen, heir of a multi-million family empire. Sometimes, it was hard to believe he is who he is.

  “Why did you have to be the Ryder Van Woodsen?” I said under my breath. I knew I said it to myself, but I knew he heard it too.

  I started walking, leaving him to tail behind me. He didn’t make an effort to catch up with me. I didn’t slow my pace down.

  And I meant what I said. No matter how wonderful Ryder is as a friend, I’m afraid he’s going to be just as complicated as a boyfriend. Besides, I’m not ready for a relationship just yet. And when I am… I want more than a man who wants to share his bed with me. I want a guy who will give me his heart and soul.

  I followed my mother to the jewelry shop. She and my aunt were looking at some rings. I looked over at some bracelets. I saw a white gold necklace with a huge amethyst pendant surrounded by diamonds. It was absolutely stunning. I looked at the tag price. It was expensive but I think I can afford it by the end of the month after I get paid for the two weddings I have booked for the week. Adam pays me on a monthly basis. I can afford the necklace at once, but I wanted to show him profit by the end of the month. I don’t want the investors to pull out too early in the game.

  “That will bring out the hue in your eyes.” I heard Ryder say behind me.

  “It’s beautiful.” I smiled. “Something to look forward to when I get my paycheck at the end of the month.”

  He nodded. “How’s the wedding business doing by the way? You always seem busy.”

  I smiled at him widely. The business is doing so great, I was so proud of myself for establishing it so fast.

  “It’s great! I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries. I do an average of two weddings a month now. I plan to increase that average to about four by the end of next month.”

  He smiled. “See? You’ve come a long way from the girl that whined about being jobless at that wedding.”

  I took a deep breath and looked at the necklace. A couple of months ago, buying jewelry was the least of my worries. Now, I’m looking at a fine gem and dreaming of making it mine soon.

  I looked briefly at Ryder. I knew I wouldn’t be where I am now without him. If he hadn't encouraged me or didn’t give me a push. Adam and my friends had been telling me that there is a silver lining in the mass of dark nimbus cloud at the top of my head. It was Ryder who showed me not only the silver lining, but the colorful rainbow over the horizon.

  Even if there is no hope of a real relationship between the two of us, I knew that I will never be where I am now, if it wasn’t for him. And I will hold him dearly in my heart… for the rest of my life.

  I reached out and gave him a gentle kiss, smiling against his velvet lips. If he was surprised when I pulled away, he didn’t show it. Instead he smiled back at me and reached out to push a lock of stray hair away from my face.

  “Thank you, Ryder.” I whispered.

  “You’re welcome, love.” He whispered back, and I just knew it was one of those moments when we just connected. We knew exactly what the other was thinking.

  We were interrupted by my aunt.

  “Astrid, could you come here for a second?” My Aunt called. I reluctantly left Ryder’s side and went to the counter where my aunt and mother were looking at a beautiful diamond studded ring.

  “Pretty?” My Aunt asked.

  It was beautiful, but without a doubt, very expensive.

  “Very.” I replied. “What for?”

  “Nothing. Your mother is thinking of buying it.” My aunt said.

  “Yes. Using your father’s credit card!” My mother grunted.

  “Mom, did you and Dad have a fight?” I couldn’t help asking now.

  She shook her head immediately. “No. Of course not!”

  “She’s just not happy that your father was not able to come with us to this trip.” My Aunt butted in.

  “And to get back at him for that, I am going to buy myself a treat.” My mother muttered.

  “That’s an expensive treat!” I said.

  “He can afford it.” My mother replied and handed her credit card to the saleslady.

  I didn’t know why my mother was acting so weird ever since she came to see me. I knew that something was up. Maybe Ryder was right. I just needed to give her time. I might as well call my father tonight too.

  All of a sudden, I felt someone come up behind me. Before I can turn around, a pair of hands shove something over me from behind.

  “Oh my God, that is absolutely beautiful!” My Aunt and my mother breathed, looking at the necklace that Ryder put on me.

  My hand went to necklace and even without looking at it in the mirror, I know what it is. My heart pounded in my chest.

  “Ryder…” I started to protest, but I felt a kiss at the base of my neck.

  “A guy can give anything to his fiancée.” He whispered. “Your family expects that.”

  That frustrated me. I cannot refuse the necklace in front of my mother and my aunt.

  I turned to face him. His eyes are dancing.

  “Doesn’t it bring out the violet hue in her eyes?” He asked my Aunt and my mother.

  “It absolutely does.” My mother said. “It looks lovely on you.”

  “Mrs. Jacobson, please make sure that she wears this necklace to every gathering that you have, especially when I’m not with her.” He said to my mom. “Something to rem
ember me by.”

  My mother laughed. “You’re so sweet, Ryder. Yes, I will remind her to wear that necklace every time she comes to see us.”

  I glared at Ryder. He laughed and then pulled me to him and gave me a hug.

  “I’m still going to give you back the ring.” I whispered when I buried my face against his chest.

  “The necklace will do for now.” He chuckled.