Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 25

  And because I knew I’ve been defeated by him, I slid my hand inside his jacket and gave him a hard pinch on his side.

  He laughed and he gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then he took my hand and we all went out of the jewelry shop.

  When my mother and my aunt were way ahead of us to hear what we’re talking about, I turned to him.

  “Why did you do that?” I demanded.

  “Because I knew it will look lovely on you.”

  “Ryder, this is not part of the deal! This is expensive!”

  “But the glare you’re giving me right now, and the blush on your face? Priceless!” He teased.

  “Don’t do this!” I told him. “I feel so… indebted to you already.”

  “Don’t. I’m just playing my part well.”

  “Too well!” I said.

  He sighed, then pulled me to him again and gave me a hug. “Come on, Ash. I’m tired. I don’t want to argue with you. Just… accept the necklace. I want to give it to you. I don’t know why. But I do. And… well, I was hoping to see delight in your eyes when I put it on you, actually. Not… anger bordering on wrath.”

  Now, I feel guilty! He went out of his way to give me an expensive necklace so he could see delight in my eyes? That’s too sweet! And I refused him that reaction?

  Honestly, I was delighted with the necklace. I just didn’t know why Ryder had to give it to me.

  I stared up at him, and sighed. He would have been the perfect fiancé any woman can ask for. But I know he isn’t real. He isn’t really mine.

  “Thank you.” I whispered quietly. Then I tiptoed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I smiled beatifically at Ryder, because I am delighted. Because I know that deep inside my heart, I do want him… even though he’s too complicated for me.


  We went to Sugu for dinner. There were people lined up, all in cocktail dresses and nice expensive suits. They didn’t look like ordinary people at all.

  Uncle Reynolds bumped into a man about the same age as he is. He’s with his wife and a guy just about Ryder’s age. He has dark blond hair and startling blue eyes. He was eyeing me curiously and when I looked up, he smiled. I nodded and gave him a slight smile.

  “I didn’t know you were going to New York!” My Uncle said, shaking the man’s hand.

  “Only for the weekend.” The man said.

  “Did you have dinner already?” My Uncle asked.

  “We were hoping to. This looks like a nice place but I didn’t realize you need to book one month in advance.” The man said. “Are you going in? Did you have a reservation?”

  “Yes, we’re going in. We’ve made arrangements.”

  “You’re lucky! We’ll go find some other place. Try the Yakizakana. This place is quite famous for it.” The man said.

  “If I knew you were here as well, we could have called earlier to make arrangements.”

  “I don’t think you can do that. Not in this place. I don’t think even celebrities can get a table here at the last minute.”

  “Well, I’m sure we can make last minute arrangements.” Ryder interrupted. He looked at my Uncle, as if asking him if he would like to invite his friends to join us.

  “Of course.” Uncle Reynolds said. “If it’s not too much to ask, Ryder.”

  “It’s fine, Sir.” Ryder replied. He turned to the man. “There’s three of you?”

  The man nodded, and he looked a little confused.

  Ryder went ahead of us, and the lady at the reception immediately smiled at him. “Good evening, Boss.” She greeted warmly. “Your table is ready.”

  “Can you please tell Jason to add three more? I have three more guests.”

  “Certainly, Sir.” The lady said and she immediately spoke to someone on her headset.

  The man turned to Uncle Reynolds. “Wow.” He breathed. “You know some people.”

  My uncle laughed. He turned to introduce us to his friend, his wife and his son, who I learned is named, Daniel.

  “Dan, for short.” He said extending his hand to me. When I shook it, he gave it a squeeze.

  I heard somebody clear his throat behind Dan. Dan turned towards Ryder.

  “Daniel Hughes.” He said extending his hand to Ryder.

  Ryder shook it, but the expression on his face was cold. “Ryder Van Woodsen.”

  I don’t know what went on, but somehow, I was afraid of the cold look both men exchanged with each other. I don’t even understand why I feel guilty about shaking Dan’s hand, or smiling at him. Ryder is not really my fiancé!

  “The table is ready.” He said to my Uncle.

  “Wonderful!” My Uncle said.

  Ryder turned to me and took my hand in his. I saw Dan look at us before he followed his parents inside.

  We were seated at a secluded VIP room. I sat between Ryder and my mother. Across the table sat Dan who was eyeing me curiously. And somehow, I don’t know why I feel self-conscious. He is cute! Maybe not as cute as Ryder, but definitely way better looking than Bryan.

  Ryder was sitting quietly beside me. When I think of him, I felt like I shouldn’t even be looking at Dan, who was eyeing me with interest. I stared up at Ryder and I can see he has an irritated look on his face.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered to him.

  He wound an arm at the back of my chair and I felt him trace circles on my shoulder, but he didn’t answer. He was looking at me, and I cannot read the expression on his face. He was fine before we stepped in the restaurant, and now he looked a little pissed. Was it because of Dan?

  I smiled at him. I would rather spend time comforting Ryder with whatever it is that made him angry than make flirty eyes with Dan.

  “Thank you.” I whispered to him. “Uncle Reynolds seemed very pleased.”

  He smiled at me crookedly. “You’re welcome.”

  “Is there something I can do in return?” I asked. “You don’t look too pleased.”

  He shook his head. “I’m okay. I don’t know what’s gone over me.” He whispered against my ear. “But I don’t think I like the way that guy is staring at you.”

  I laughed. I didn’t know what to feel. Confused, excited, thrilled, scared. All emotions enveloped me at once. But somehow, that made my heart jump in delight. Was he jealous?

  “Are we playing the part of jealous fiancé now?” I whispered to him.

  “If I am, will you do something about it?” He asked evenly.

  I smiled at him. “Yes. Maybe I’ll play the part of comforting, loving, overly sweet fiancée.”

  His eyes finally glittered and then he replied. “Then yes. Hell yes!”

  I giggled. I inched closer to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I leaned my head on his shoulder. I felt him put an around me and then he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

  “So, Ryder, how did you manage to squeeze us in at the last minute?” Mr. Hughes asked. “I thought that was impossible.”

  My Uncle replied for him. “It is impossible. But you know Chuck, he owns the place. So nothing is impossible there.”

  Mr. Hughes was taken aback. “Oh. Really? But you’re so… young!”

  Ryder smiled. “Actually Sir, my parents own this place. I will not be owning it until next year.”

  “It’s the same!” Mr. Hughes laughed. “How did you get to know Reynolds?”

  “I’m marrying his niece here.” I think that reply is directed more to Dan than his father.

  “Oh, you’re family now.” Mr. Hughes said.

  Ryder nodded. “More or less. I’m working my way in.”

  Dinner was nice. I can understand why people actually line up to dine here. The food was absolutely superb! The serving were big compared to other fine dining restaurants. The place is neat and cozy. The ambience is lovely. The menu has lots of variety.

  “How do you find the food?” Ryder asked me.

  I smiled at him. “Wonderful!” I said. “You have a Japanese cook?”

  He nodded. “The best in the city.”<
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  “I wonder how much you pay him.”

  When he gave me a ballpark figure, I almost choked. His chef is being paid about five times the salary that Adam gives me.

  “That much?”

  “Well, we’re generous with our employees. Without them, our business will not be this good.”

  “That’s a great business practice.” Mr. Hughes said. “I hope all companies are like that.”

  “No wonder everybody who served our table looks genuinely happy!”

  “My great grandfather started as a waiter. He taught my grandfather, who taught my father, the value of the people who face your customers.”

  “Then your business will have a lot more years to go.”

  “That’s the plan.” Ryder smiled.

  Ryder would give me occasional kisses and would constantly hold my hand. I enjoyed it. He’s sweet, as always and I felt like I was stealing a few moments of heaven. Heaven, I know I will not be able to afford in real life.

  My Uncle asked for the bill, and so did Mr. Hughes. Ryder shook his head. “No bill. My treat.”

  “Come on, getting us reservations is enough!” My Uncle insisted.

  Ryder chuckled. “It’s okay, Sir. Astrid or Astrid’s family and friends don’t pay here.”

  “Well, then thank you.”

  We parted ways with the Hughes. Dan came up to me and shook my hand. “It was lovely meeting you, Astrid. Not really… lovely to know you’re already engaged.”

  I giggled nervously. “It was nice to meet you too and your family.”

  “Well, take care. And tell Van Woodsen to take care of you.”

  “Don’t worry, I will.” Ryder said coming up behind me.

  “Thank you for dinner.” Dan offered his hand to him and in spite of himself, Ryder shook it.

  When Dan walked away, I stared up at Ryder.

  “With all due respect, you play the part of jealous, possessive fiancé quite well.” I teased.

  He raised a brow. “And you, my love, are not playing the part of comforting, loving, overly sweet fiancée well enough.”

  I pouted. “What? I was being sweet.” I protested.

  He shook his head. “Not good enough. I’m still pissed. You promised to comfort me, ease my anger.”

  “It’s not my fault if you were so difficult to please!” I argued.

  He shook his head. “On the contrary, I am one of the easiest people to please… and you… can please me the easiest.”

  I looked up at him nervously.

  “One kiss?” He asked.

  I tiptoed and gave him a kiss on the lips.

  He laughed. “Still not good enough. You ought to give me a real kiss, love.”

  I pouted and was about to kiss him again when my Uncle called us.

  “Shall we go back to the hotel? We can rest now and have an early start tomorrow. I’m sure Ryder needs his rest too.”

  I stared at Ryder. “I guess I was saved by the bell.”

  He laughed. “That’s what you thought. But you ought to give me that kiss by the end of this night.”

  “Ryder! Why are you doing this?”

  Before he could answer, my Aunt called us to go.

  He laughed. “That is what you call ‘saved by the bell.’” Then he advanced towards where my Aunt and Mother were. He led them to his car leaving me dumbfounded, nervous and excited all at the same time.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Part of the honeymoon checklist, if the couple is not yet planning on having babies immediately after the wedding.

  We dropped off my family at Astoria. Then, Ryder and I drove back to his apartment in silence.

  We are playing a dangerous game. In truth, no guy will put up with this. Why Ryder is doing so, I don’t know. And he’s doing it so well, and so nicely, it’s getting more and more difficult for me not to feel something for him.

  Damn! I’m already physically attracted to him. I didn’t want to wish this was all real. I couldn’t take that risk.

  When he closed the door of his apartment, I turned to him nervously. He was smiling at me mischievously.

  “Ryder, I can’t really kiss you here. No one is here to see us. No need to put on a show.” I said.

  He stepped closer to me and tilted my chin gently so he can look into my eyes. “Who said I wanted it for the show?”

  Without giving me a chance or warning, he bent down and gave me a thorough kiss on the lips. That kiss swept me off my feet. Once it started, it was so hard to stop.

  He ignited the fire that has been threatening to light since this morning when I first saw him. I kissed him back, with just the same passion. He nuzzled my neck, I pulled him to me.

  “Ryder, please stop!” I begged him. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” I said, but I can’t make the effort to push him away.

  “I know.” He whispered. “But I can’t seem to help myself.”

  He went back to my lips and kissed me savagely. I couldn’t help responding the same way. I was hungry for him. I wanted him with every bit of my feminine being. At the back of my mind, I can’t help thinking how complicated we are making things. We’ve already slept with each other on two separate occasions. Can we really afford to make a third?

  He wound his arms around my waist and lifted me off my feet. I clung to him, neither one of us dare to break the kisses. I landed on his soft mattress. He landed on top of me.

  “Ryder…” I took a deep breath. “We have to stop…”

  He kept kissing me. “Good luck with that.” He said in a low chuckle, then he nuzzled my neck again.

  “Damn it!” I cursed and pulled his neck and kissed him on the lips.

  I started pulling his jacket off him. I didn’t care anymore. All I cared about was how good I feel whenever Ryder’s lips land on any part of my body. I wanted him. I knew I couldn’t afford to keep him for good, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is now.

  He took his shirt off, I took off mine. He nuzzled his way down from my lips to my chest. I couldn’t contain it anymore. I felt thirsty and hungry and I wanted Ryder at that very instant.

  But then he stopped. He stared at me and then kissed me gently on the lips.

  “We both know where this is leading to.” He whispered.

  “Yes.” I replied. “Ryder… please…”

  He smiled. “This has nothing to do with the necklace I gave you, Ash. Before you put any more ideas in your head.”

  I laughed. Then I pulled him to me and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “I know. I won’t return the necklace in the morning.”

  “Good.” And he started kissing me again. I lost all my clothes save for the black bikini panties I was wearing. Ryder was only in his boxers.

  He kissed me again. I cannot contain the fire threatening to consume me anymore. Ryder was teasing me, prolonging my agony.

  Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, I said to him, “Ryder, please… just put the rubber on and take me!”

  He stopped kissing me all of a sudden. I opened my eyes, worried about what made him stop. He was staring at me curiously.

  “What? Why?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “I don’t… I don’t have… protection here, Ash.”

  “What? You don’t keep one in your apartment?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t bring women here. What would I need it for?”

  “Don’t you have one in your wallet?”

  “Now you know not all guys bring condoms in their wallets.” He chuckled.

  “Then what are we going to do?”

  “If you’re worried about pregnancy, then I can withdraw.” He suggested.

  “But pregnancy isn’t the only thing you worry about when you have sex, is it?”

  He laughed. “You read a lot of Cosmo magazines!” He said. “In a polygamous relationship yes. But… we are monogamous, aren’t we?”

  I stared back at him. “What… do you mean?”

bsp; “I mean I haven’t shared a bed with another woman since I met you, and as long as there’s a chance that we’re going to do this, I’m not going to.”