Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 28

  “Why? Difficult trying to keep yourself cool?” I joked.

  “No. More like… difficult trying to keep myself from throwing her out of the house! Just so you know, I don’t like aggressive women.”

  “Ryder, she asked me who I was.”

  “You should have told her you’re my fiancée.” He said.

  “I did actually.” I said shyly.

  “That should stop her from going to work in… shrunken clothing!” He chuckled.

  “Wow! Cleaning day must be difficult for you, huh.”

  “Not my favorite part of the week. However, she does a very good job. As much as I don’t trust her, I am happy that she keeps the place dust-free. If I could only just leave her alone in the house and just wire her the money… if that would work, that would be heaven for me.”

  I don’t know why I volunteered for the job, but the next thing I knew I was offering to watch the house whenever Zara is around to clean up.

  “That would be great, Ash! You can schedule it at a time convenient for you.”

  “Not a problem.” I said. “You do me all sorts of favors anyway. It’s time I make it up to you. We’re friends, remember?”

  “With benefits?” He teased.

  “Before. But that ship has sailed.” I giggled. “Now, let’s try to be normal friends. I never was a friends with benefit type of girl before I met you.”

  “You were innocent when you met me, Astrid.” He said. “I shouldn’t have touched you.”

  That stung. “Thanks!” I said sarcastically.

  “Don’t get me wrong!” He said quickly. “What I meant was… the most amazing night of my life would be the end of me.” I heard his sharp intake of breath. “I shouldn’t have started what I couldn’t finish. I shouldn’t want what I couldn’t have.” There was sadness in his voice. For a while, I thought my heart was going to break.


  “I know!” He interrupted. “I’m Ryder Van Woodsen, right?”

  “You’re my knight in shining armor, Ryder. But I don’t believe in fairy tales anymore. I don’t want to wake up one day, and find myself shattering to pieces again. Bryan broke me, and you fixed me. If I break because of you, I don’t think I can be fixed again. So please, I would rather have you in my life, as a dear friend. And I will love you forever.”

  He didn’t say anything for a whole minute. Then he sighed. “Whatever makes you happy, Ash.” He said in a broken voice. “I gotta go. I have a meeting in five minutes.”

  “Bye.” I hung up.

  My heart felt heavy. I couldn’t help the tears from rolling down my face. Damn! He's not even my boyfriend, and I'm sad and heartbroken already!

  I’m protecting my heart. I don’t think I can take the pressure of being Ryder Van Woodsen’s girlfriend. It would be too demanding and I would want from him more than phone calls, more than a few dates. I would want more. I would want him to love me… not just want me.

  I would want an ever after with him, but this is not a fairy tale where Prince Charming meets Cinderella and boom! He wants to marry her that very instant.

  Ryder’s life will be too complicated for me. Plus he lived in Manhattan most of the time. I don’t want a relationship that is technically long-distance. Bryan was just right under my nose and he screwed me big time!

  I know I made Ryder sad with my decision to stay friends. Someday, he will understand. We both have to accept that this is the way we should be. Close friends that are there for each other and do each other crazy favors.

  Since I was doing favors anyway, I decided to grab my bag, hopped into a cab and went to the grocery store. I bought boxes of long-life milk, juices, beer, flavored vodka, ice cream, patties, hotdogs, eggs, and some microwaveable noodles and pasta. I also bought peeled, ready to eat carrots and some other veggies in boxes.

  It was a lot to carry but I was happy with what I was doing. I wanted to do Ryder a favor. It is nothing compared to the necklace that he gave me but when I placed everything inside his fridge, I felt happy and excited. Now, the huge expensive fridge looks like a real fridge. It was such a small thing to do for him… in return for all the things he did for me.


  Friday, I finished with a wedding before midnight. Ryder surprised me by picking me up at the hotel where the reception was held.

  “I didn’t know you were coming!” I said.

  “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He laughed. “You want to grab something to eat?”

  I smiled. “I’m starving. But my feet are killing me!”

  He drove to his place and called his staff to bring some food to us.

  “Drinks?” He asked.

  “Watermelon vodka would be nice.” I replied.

  “Ah…” He hesitated and then he opened his fridge. I smiled to myself. I knew he noticed how it’s now filled with all sorts of things. “Hmmm… looks like Santa did a stopover and filled my fridge.”

  After a few seconds, he was sitting on the sofa beside me. “That was sweet.” He said looking at me deeply and then he handed me my vodka. “Thank you.”

  I smiled at him. “You’re welcome. It’s not much compared to the necklace, but I’m glad you liked it.”

  “I loved it.” He whispered. He stared at me for a long while, his eyes holding emotions I couldn’t understand.

  I raised a brow at him in question. He sighed and then he smiled weakly. That smile seemed sad… frustrated even.

  I looked away from him, unable to look at him looking like that. He is my rock. And I don’t want to see him breaking because of me. But I don’t want to break because of him too. It does not matter what I want now. What matters is what I don’t want to happen again in the future.

  When he took me home, I took the ring off my finger and handed it to him. He raised a brow at me.

  I laughed. “You’re not tricking me into wearing this without a reason, Ryder. You promised.”

  He smiled and then took the ring from me. “Alright. A deal’s a deal.”

  I nodded. “That’s right.” Then I fished his keys from my pocket. “And here are your keys.”

  “Keep it.”


  “You promised to watch the maid for me.” He reminded. “And it’s nice to have restocked fridge when you get home.”

  I laughed. “Touché! Alright, I’ll keep it.”

  “I’m serious, Ash. You can really go there and stay anytime you want. When it’s late and you’re still there, please don’t go out alone. Stay the night.”

  “I’m not a kid, Ryder! I don’t have money. Who will assault me?”

  “But you, my love, possess something that appeals to some criminals, particularly men. And I’m afraid I’m not comfortable with the thought of you being on your own in the streets at night.”

  “I’ve lived in this neighborhood for months!” I rolled my eyes. “I know it’s not Manhattan where you just go out of your apartment and people are everywhere. But sometimes, it’s just your luck. You go, you go.”

  “Have you heard of something called, ‘tempting fate’? What if you’re not yet supposed to go but you twisted your own fate?”

  I laughed. “This argument will never finish! Okay, I’ll take care of myself. I won’t go out any dark alleys. I won’t walk from your house to mine alone when it’s dark.”

  Our conversation was interrupted by a phone call. It was my mother.

  “Are you okay, Mom?” I asked.

  “I’m perfect!” And she sounded so happy. “Your father and I talked. He wasn’t having an affair. He was planning a surprise for me actually. A little anniversary celebration. He’d like to reaffirm his love for me. He’s been so secretive about it, that I thought he was having an affair! I’m so… stupid.”

  “Wow! That is great! But I’m hurt! Why didn’t he tell me? I’m a wedding planner! I could have arranged everything for you!”

  “He doesn’t want to bother you, he knows you’re too busy with work already because
you’ve just started. Plus, it’s a small event. You and Ryder are expected to be here next weekend for our family reunion. If you don’t come, I will disown you.”

  I laughed. “Alright, mother. We’ll be there.” I said after my mother told me what day and time we are expected. After I hung up, I stared at Ryder. “Are you busy next weekend?”

  “Your mother talks quite loudly, I heard half of your conversation already.” He said chuckling. “I’m glad they’re okay now. And yes, I will come to your family reunion… as your fiancé.”

  I smiled at him. “Thank you, Ryder. You’ve been… so patient with me. I don’t even know why you’re doing this.”

  He smiled at me. “Someday, I’ll tell you.”

  I don’t know what he meant by that, but I didn’t insist.

  “Okay, so pick me up at three on Friday? Is that okay with you?”

  He nodded. “I’ll be here. On the dot. Promise.”

  I smiled. Then I reached out for his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you, Ryder.”

  “You’re always welcome.” He smiled.

  Chapter Twenty


  A marriage born out of a business arrangement where both parties aim to benefit from the other.

  Adam asked me to have dinner with him. I knew my cousin better. He only invites me over for dinner to either drop a bomb on my head or he’ll touch base on what’s going on with the business. So even though it was casual, I was ready with the figures in my head, just in case he asks.

  “Business is good?” He asked casually.

  “I knew you took me to dinner for a reason!” I accused, pointing a finger at him.

  He chuckled. “Just asking.”

  I smiled at him. “It’s great!” I said. “In a few months, you’ll see those figures going green.”

  “Maybe it’s time to expand.”

  I stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “Well, my investor saw the last reports we gave and he… was impressed. They see opportunities in bigger cities and asked if you were willing to take the business there.”

  “Adam, it’s too soon.” Although I admit I have been thinking about this.

  He smiled. “And yet look how far you’ve gone! The numbers you’re giving me plus the ones on your pipeline are pretty impressive.”

  “Wow!” I breathed. My heart jumped for joy. It’s always good to be complimented for a job well done… especially by Adam. “Tell them, I’m flattered. It’s good to know that your investors understand that businesses take time to earn profits, but we are going on an amazing rate.”

  “That’s why he’s serious about branching out.” He said.

  Talk about luck. It seems so timely for Adam’s friends to think about branching out. Just a couple of weeks ago, Ryder was mentioning the same thing to me.

  “I’m thrilled, Adam! But it’s a huge step! I don’t think I’ve even proven myself here.”

  He smiled. “I think you’ve proven yourself enough for him to believe that this idea will work if taken upscale too.”

  “It will take a lot of money!” I said wearily.

  “And my investor has deep pockets!” He grunted.

  “How... soon?”

  “As soon as you say yes, I guess. You can work out the proposal.”

  “What will happen to this branch? Will they close this down? I don’t think I can bear that. This is my baby.”

  He laughed. “Relax. You can run two branches, can’t you? This branch will still stay. You can hire someone to oversee everything so you don’t need to be hands on, and then you can build the second branch.”

  We discussed the possibilities. By the end of dinner, he convinced me that this may be a big step, but it’s a great opportunity for me. I told him I’ll hire Nicole to manage the Malibu branch. Ryder crossed my mind, and I knew the first city I’ll look into.

  “Can I choose where to go?”

  “My investor already has a city in mind.”

  My heart sank. What if I don’t like the place they want to go to? I hope Adam doesn’t say Timbuktu or anywhere outside the country.

  “Wh-where?” I asked wearily.

  “New York. Manhattan.”

  Wow! Talk about luck! Or… fate!

  I do have my heart set on Manhattan. Because Ryder is there. I’ve been there. Ryder already showed me the places where I could get supplies.

  That was really good! But you know, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  My hands started getting cold. A thought played in my mind and I didn’t know what to do with it. I was afraid to ask Adam. I know I still have to, because if I don’t, that thought would not let me sleep at night.

  When Adam took the check, I asked, “Adam… you have very rich friends don’t you?”

  “Well, yeah. It’s good for my job.”

  “This investor or investors, aren’t they asking to take some profits now?”

  “The red figures on the report decreases every month. Now we’re on breakeven. When you invest here and there, you know the rules. I’m sure the pressure to see the green will not come until after three months or more.”

  “How many investors were there?” I asked.

  “One.” He replied. Then he stood up. “Come, let’s go.”

  While we’re waiting for the valet to bring Adam’s car, I asked, “Is there another investor who came up to you and suggested a branch in Manhattan would be a good potential? Or is this the same guy?”

  He looked at me and drew his brows together. “Why are you asking these questions, Ash?”

  I shrugged. “Putting up a new branch takes a lot of money. I just want to know if we’ll answer to more than one guy if we branch out in Manhattan. Different people respond to different types of news.”

  “Same guy, Ash. Let me worry about that. You just do what you do best.” Adam replied in an irritated tone.

  The car came and Adam and I drove to my place. I was still lost in thought. Adam’s news is great! But somehow, I find it too great! And just too much of a coincidence!

  “Why so quiet?” Adam asked.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m thinking, Adam.”

  “Hey, you can think!” Adam said with a feigned shocked expression on his face.

  “Ha-ha! Very funny. And I’m usually smart too! That’s why I feel compelled to ask… You have one investor. Is his name Ryder Van Woodsen?”

  Adam didn’t answer. I stared at him. He was staring ahead at the road. I counted. One, two, three… it seemed to go on forever. Nine, Ten. Still Adam didn’t respond and that alone told me the answer I was waiting for.

  “Oh my God!” I threw my hands up in the air. Adam bit his lip. It seems that for the first time in many years, he didn’t know what to say.


  “Why what?” He asked.

  “Why did you do this?”

  “Do what, Astrid?” He asked back. “Allow the guy to invest in your talent because he believes in you? Because he doesn’t want you to waste your brilliance working for people who would only take advantage of you? Or allow him to help you get back on your feet and see yourself the way he sees you?”

  I can tell that Adam was holding back his anger. But I can’t do the same! I was too humiliated. Ryder was playing me all along! I was a business investment! He said he knew the reason why he’s doing me all these favors… and now I do too! He’s making sure he doesn’t invest in a losing venture!

  Adam and I started working on this business even before I found out that Ryder Woodson, my bartender, is really Ryder Van Woodsen, the heir born with a silver spoon! When I thought I would never see him again, he’s been there all along! Investing in me. Banking on my talents!

  We stopped in front of my house.

  “Look Ash… Ryder came to me and said he thought you were brilliant at what you do and didn’t want your talents to go to waste. Plus, he thought that you working on what you do best, and what you love
the most would restore your spirits, that he so adores from the moment he met you.

  “He was looking at investing in something other than what his family’s been doing for decades anyway. He thought it would be perfect if you start your own wedding planning company. He didn’t want you to know it was him… because he knew you would never agree. So he asked me to take over. But he wanted nothing to do with it. He’s just a capitalist. He just wanted reports on a monthly basis to see the progress. He wanted you to have full control.”