Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 52

  “Come on, Ash! One man all your life?” Somebody asked. And I recognized that as Paris.

  “That one man is your brother!” I cried desperately.

  She laughed. “I won’t tell.”

  “Guys, stop this!” I pleaded to them. “I don’t want this.”

  “You don’t know that.” Nicole said. “You just might enjoy it!”

  Just then, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted from the chair.

  I started kicking and trying to get away. But damn he’s strong! I was being lifted again and tossed over a muscular shoulder like a piece of sack. The man walked and I was being carried away from the room. I can tell that the guy was shirtless. I kept kicking and struggling but he held my thighs securely over his shoulder.

  “Make her scream, okay?” One of my traitor friends said.

  “Make every penny count!” Another one added.

  And suddenly, I could only hear my friends’ faint voices. I landed on soft mattresses and I knew that I was placed down on a bed, in a separate bedroom. I got even more scared because I suspect that we were alone.

  “Damn you! Stay away from me! My fiancé will kick your ass!” I screamed.

  I was pushed on the bed by a force that is a lot stronger than me. I struggled, but he held me perfectly in place, pinning me between the mattress and his body. It didn’t help that my hands are tightly cuffed behind me. The combination of Dannie and handcuffs proved to be dangerous.

  Why are my friends allowing this?

  “I will scream rape!” I said.

  Somehow, I know that the guy was laughing at me, but he didn’t even make a sound. He reached for my hands behind me and suddenly the cuffs went off.

  I prepared to punch, scratch and inflict pain but he was ready for me too. He captured both my hands and held it securely above my head.

  “I will pay you! Ten times what they paid you.” I pleaded when I knew I won’t be able to escape.

  It didn’t seem like he was listening to me at all. I was pinned securely on the mattress, his thighs covering mine. One of his hands is securely fastened on my hip to prevent me from escaping, the other was holding both my hands above me. I felt his hot breath on my neck again. I squirmed.

  “Ryder!” I prayed silently. “Please… please come save me.” Tears were streaming down my cheeks, a whimper escaped me.

  But I knew Ryder was getting drunk somewhere in the woods, while I was getting raped here by a complete stranger. I have to fight and defend myself.

  He tightened his grip on me and nuzzled my neck. He was close enough and immediately I leaned forward and buried my teeth on his bare flesh. I think it was his shoulder that I bit. Then I struggled to be free of him while he was writhing in pain.

  “Jesus Christ, Astrid!” He cursed.

  Then suddenly, I realized that I know that voice. And instantly, relief washed over me.

  He recovered from the pain and in two seconds, I was secured under him again. “God! You make me want you more and more.” He whispered against my ear. And if before I was appalled by the thought of being in bed with him, hearing his voice now made my blood stir, arousing familiar emotions within me.

  Then gently, he removed my blindfold. I stared into his familiar green eyes. There was a combination of love, lust and amusement on his face.

  I was relieved and angry at the same time. “Damn you!” I started hitting him and he laughed, trapping my hands in his and securing them over my head again.

  Ryder smiled at me and leaned forward to give me a thorough kiss on the lips. I kissed him back. Then he released my hands and cupped my face between his palms.

  “You don’t know how proud I am right now.” He said. “Hearing you pray for me to come and rescue you, when a potentially sexy stripper is about to pleasure you… is just too heartwarming for me.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him. “It’s your stag party, right?”

  He smiled. “Well… the bachelor usually gets laid on his stag party. But I’m not really interested in bedding another woman. And I will kill any other man who lays a finger on you. So… why don’t we just sleep with each other and both our problems are solved?”

  I giggled. “Sounds good to me.” Then I pushed him on his back, so that he was sitting on the bed and then I mounted him. “You’re entitled to a lap dance. How about I make it worth your while?” I smiled at him mischievously.

  He grinned at me. He raised his arms and intertwined his fingers behind his head. “Now, my love, I guess it’s your turn to make me scream.”

  I was a bit drunk and feeling a little bit wild. I dared to do things I haven’t done before, and was afraid of trying. But the alcohol and all the euphoria caused by this bachelorette thing brought out a side of me I didn’t even know exist. Ryder had a big smile on his face when we woke up in the morning.

  My cheeks turned red as the memories of the previous night flooded back to me. I saw that Ryder has a bruise on his shoulder where I bit him when I thought he was a strange male stripper.

  “I’m sorry.” I whispered to him.

  “I’m not complaining.” He grinned. “You, my love, are a perfect ending to the best bachelor’s party a man could ever have.”

  My blush turned more violent. I buried my face against his neck, inhaling the scent of him. I guess last night my senses were dimmed by the alcohol and my fear of male strippers that I didn’t recognize Ryder. His scent… the feel of his skin… all of these are familiar to me. I didn’t need to see him, because my senses know him. How could I have doubted that he was someone else?

  We went out of the room at around ten. Some of our friends were already in the gazebo having breakfast.

  It seems that Ryder came with all the boys last night and everybody spent the night in the mansion.

  As we got out of our room, I heard a harsh banging of the door on our right and saw John walking out of one of the rooms. He was fully dressed and looked completely pissed off, he didn’t even see us when he hurried down the stairs.

  Then the door opened again and Nicole came rushing out of the room. She was still dressed in the clothes she was wearing last night.

  “John! What the hell is your problem?” She chased after John.

  What is going on?

  I knew John and Nicole had feelings for each other, although both of them were just too chicken to admit it. John was too much of a rake, and Nicole was just too scared to trust a guy like him.

  Did John finally admit it’s time for him to go after Nicole? Did he plan to start last night? Or this morning? And then… Oh my God! Did he come to Nicole’s room and found her with somebody else? Who?

  The door of the room where Nicole and John came from opened again and I almost fainted when I saw who stepped out of it.

  Ryder gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  “What the hell is going on, Adam Ackers?” I demanded, looking at my cousin sternly.

  He shrugged. “Apparently, the first girl I slept with after a long time is in love with somebody else.” He said sarcastically. But he always was so good at hiding his emotions.

  “Don’t be smart with me, Adam! What happened?”

  Adam proceeded to go down the stairs. I grabbed Ryder’s hand and pulled him with me. We followed my cousin.

  “Nothing happened, Ash.” Adam said. “Leave it.”

  I touched his shoulder and forced him to stop walking and face me. I raised a brow.

  He sighed. “Your friend John was being charming to everybody, except for the girl whose heart is breaking because of him. She was drunk out of her wits, okay? I… gave her assistance. I couldn’t leave her alone in the room. I fell asleep beside her. And he found us in bed together.” Adam said. He took a deep breath. “Good for him. Maybe now, he’ll wake up and see that she’s… actually not bad at all.” His voice was even, but I thought I heard a trace of… yearning there. Then he turned on his heel went down the stairs towards the gazebo, whistling as if nothing hap
pened at all.

  I stared up at Ryder who has an amused expression plastered on his face. I glared at him. He pulled me to him and gave me a tight hug.

  “You’re getting married in three days, love. John, Nicole and Adam are no longer kids. I’m sure they will sort this out. Our wedding preparations require your undivided attention.”

  I sighed and hugged him back. He’s right. They are no longer kids. They can sort this out on their own. And I have better things to think about, bigger plans to worry about.

  I smiled up at Ryder and tiptoed to give him a kiss on the lips.

  “I love you.” I told him.

  “I love you more.” He said. “I can’t wait to make you mine forever.”

  “Even after last night?” I asked remembering how I let myself a little bit loose in bed with Ryder. It was like I didn’t know I had the guts to do half the things I did.

  Ryder’s eyes twinkled. “Especially after last night.” I glared at him and pinched him on the arm. He laughed and pulled me towards him in another heart-stopping kiss.



  The ceremony that officially takes a couple to the beginning of their happily ever after… a gathering that involves a lifetime of promises.

  Breathe in. Breathe out.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. I could barely recognize myself. The girl staring back at me was wearing a very elegant white princess gown made from the finest duchesse satin and silk. The bodice that has a sweetheart neckline is encrusted with genuine crystals. The romantic full skirt with elaborate ruffles and folds were adorned with crystals and intricate embroidery, as well as the cathedral length veil that I wore. The famous designer who made my gown made sure that the dress is fit for fairy tale and princess romances too.

  My hair was curled and clipped in a half pony and fastened with two diamond hair combs that belonged to Ryder’s mother. My hair cascades around my face and there were very small white flowers clipped all over it. The combs were my something borrowed and something old. I am wearing a very elegant and expensive diamond necklace that Ryder gave me as an early wedding gift, which was my something new. Under the dress, on my right thigh, I am wearing a lace garter adorned with sapphires, which was my something blue.

  I smiled at myself. I looked like a princess, indeed. And today, I will officially begin my happily ever after.

  My father entered the room and smiled at me. “Sweetheart, it’s time.” He stared at me for a while. “You look so beautiful. I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.” He said. “I am so glad you found a better man and you’re going to have a better life than what you originally planned with Bryan. I am so happy because he’s an honorable man and he genuinely loves you.”

  “I love you, Dad.” I said to him. “Thank you for everything.”

  He kissed my forehead. Then he held out his arm to me and led me out of the mansion.

  A coach was waiting for me outside. Nicole and Ryder had this custom-made as a surprise for me. It was round-shaped, with gold steel carvings. The big rear wheels and smaller front wheels were made of rubber tires and white metal rims. The carriage itself looked like it was made of glass and the entire thing was accented by white flowers.

  My breath was taken away. I’m a wedding planner. So nothing about the entire wedding was supposed to surprise me. But this… I would forever love Nicole and Ryder for this.

  My father and I climbed up the coach and sat on the white leather seats. A white horse draws it, and a coachman dressed in a white suit drove us towards the entrance of the garden where the ceremony is going to be held.

  Nicole met me by the oak tree arch.

  The arch is now adorned with white roses at the front. White flowers hang over the interior of the entire arch so it hangs over the head of anybody who will walk inside. White rose petals cover the entire floor.

  I stepped into the orchard and my breath was taken away completely. I know I planned how this place would be decorated, but seeing the final result was beyond what I imagined it would be.

  The entire orchard has its flowers in full bloom, in different rich colors. It was right to choose white and cream for our motif, as it would be a perfect contrast to the colorful orchard and garden.

  White chairs now fill half of the orchard, where our relatives and friends were all seated. The aisle was decorated by lines of white roses. White flower vines hang from the makeshift ceiling we created all over the portion of the orchard where the ceremony will be held.

  A classical music is being played by a choir of cellos, violin and piano. Then the music stopped, and Canon played, signifying my arrival. Everybody stood up and looked at the entrance.

  My father squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

  I smiled up at him and allowed him to walk me down the aisle. The minute I arrived, rose petals slowly dropped from the ceiling like gentle snow. Then the bubble machines we had installed in every corner filled the entire place with bubbles. I walked on ivory carpet that has the emblem “R&A” printed all over it in gold ink.

  It was breathtaking and it was everything I imagined it would be… probably even better.

  Our relatives and friends were watching me, many of them were in tears. Tears were also rolling down my cheeks even though I was trying my best not to cry.

  I stared ahead and saw Ryder standing there, splendid and breathtaking in a white Armani suit. Jake was standing behind him.

  His eyes never left mine as I walk towards him. And it felt like walking towards my eternity... towards the only world I would ever want to belong to.

  As I take each step towards him, I saw my life flashing before me.

  I remembered running away from the jewelry shop and bumping towards a warm body that enveloped me in comfort… I remembered sitting in the bar that night, desperately asking that man to help me… I remembered showing up in Geena’s wedding feeling hopeful after many months of pain and heartache. I remembered being broken… and then being rescued and fixed. I remembered the joy of finally giving in to my love and passion for this man… my rescuer, my best friend, my ally, my knight in shining armor. Then I remembered a little of the pain I felt when I thought I lost him in the accident… and the heartbreak I felt when he couldn’t remember me… and the joy we shared when he made love to me even though he couldn’t place me in his past.

  And finally, I remembered that day at the beach where he finally found his way back home to me.

  When I reached him, he was looking at me intensely… lovingly. He was crying too. And then he gave me a gentle smile.

  “I love you, beautiful.” He whispered to me.

  I smiled back at him. “I love you too.”

  My father took my hand and placed it in his. Then they shook hands and then Ryder guided me towards the altar.

  Ryder and I intertwined our hands all throughout the ceremony. Even until now, I couldn’t believe that I am standing here beside him. For years, I never knew happiness and love like this would exist in my life. I was contented with what I had with Bryan and when my heart was shattered to pieces, I didn’t know that I could be fixed again… that I could be as good and as strong as I am now… that I could be with a man like Ryder, who I thought could existed only in dreams and fairy tale novels.

  “Ryder… a little over a year ago, I was heartbroken and I thought I was unfixable beyond belief. I was in the dark and I didn’t know how to find my way out. At the lowest point of my life, when I thought I have nothing left to lose, nothing left to hope for, I ran into you, and you offered me kindness… enveloped me in warmth... hugged me in comfort and gave me hope the very first second that I met you. I didn’t even know your name… didn’t even see your face and yet you already saved me in many ways. That very second was the start of my real ‘ever after’.

  Now, I understand why I had to go through everything that I went through… and I wouldn’t change a thing. Because without all those… I wouldn’t be standing here… happier than I could ever imagine
… and about to spend the rest of my ‘ever after’ in love and bliss with you. I will forever thank you, for loving me, for fixing me and for patiently waiting for me to love you back. You are my rock, my best friend, my savior, my knight in shining armor. I love you so much, Ryder Van Woodsen… and I promise to love you forever… more than anything in this world… more than myself and more than life itself.”

  Tears were glistening in my eyes, as I said the words that are in my heart and the promise that I intend to keep until the rest of my days.

  Tears brimmed Ryder’s eyes too. He squeezed my hand in his.

  “Astrid… the day you walked into my life, you changed it instantly. I knew I was in a dream… a dream that I didn’t want to wake up from. You made me feel needed. You have given me a whole new purpose and my life a whole new meaning. You are everything I didn’t know I needed... Our love was everything I was afraid to hope for, because I thought it existed only in dreams and fairy tales. But when I realized that it was happening to me for real… I knew I would never let you go. You taught me how to believe in forever… you saved me from my old self… you led me out of the dark and drowned me into your world and I never ever want to come out of it.