Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 53

  You showed me that love can withstand a million storms… and that happiness can be limitless. You are my princess, my best friend, my perfect match. You needed me, and loved me for who I really am inside. Because of your faith in me… I am no longer afraid to be weak… and because of that I am stronger than I have ever been. I love you very, very much, Astrid Van Woodsen. I promise to always be the man you fell in love with… I promise to make all your dreams a reality… I promise to take care of you… and to never stop making your ‘ever after’ come true… now… forever and beyond.”

  Ryder’s vow went out to my heart and engraved itself there, where it would remain for eternity. I know that he meant every word, and I felt the intensity of his love for me in every promise he made.

  Finally, we put our platinum bands on each other’s fingers. We opted for a simple band, no stones, no corners… only a circle that symbolizes our love… smooth-sailing, strong, valuable and never-ending. Inside the rings, my name is engraved on Ryder’s, and his name is engraved on mine, along with the words ‘Ever After’.

  “I pronounce you husband and wife… you may now kiss the bride.”

  Ryder lifted my veil. His eyes were brimming with tears and there was so much love and tenderness on his face. I couldn’t stop crying too, but I know that from now on, with Ryder… I will only be crying happy tears.

  He leaned forward and then he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. One kiss… but it lasted for a long time. Because that single perfect kiss contains so much love, so much passion… so many promises that we cannot even put into words… vows that only our hearts could understand. We were breathing together, and our hearts were beating as one.

  When the kiss ended, Ryder leaned his forehead against mine. He breathed in the scent of me. Then he pulled away gently and said, “Astrid Van Woodsen… my love… my life… my wife.”

  I smiled at him and then he leaned forward again and this time, he gave me a more passionate kiss.

  It seems like we were in our own world. During those moments, there were only Ryder and me… in each other’s arms, lost in the passion of our kisses.

  Then we heard everybody clapping and cheering around us. We reluctantly pulled away from each other. Ryder smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead before pulling me to him into a tight hug.

  We were joined by our friends and relatives who congratulated us and gave us their best wishes.

  My new father and mother in-law hugged me.

  “Welcome to our family, sweetheart.” Mr. Van Woodsen said.

  Ryder’s mom hugged me. Tears were streaming down her cheeks too. “I’m so happy, Astrid. Thank you for your love and patience for my son.”

  “Thank you… for bringing out a wonderful man into this world.” I said to her.

  After taking pictures with everybody, we headed out towards the arch of oak trees again and into where the coach was waiting for us. Our bridesmaids and groomsmen were already there, along with most of our guests. They were all holding white balloons.

  Just as we are about to go into the coach, confetti popped and flew all over us. Our guests clapped their hands and they released hundreds of white balloons into the sky.

  Inside the coach, Ryder looked down at me and smiled. “I love you… wife.”

  I laughed. “I love you too… husband.” And then we lost ourselves again in another world-spinning kiss.

  We went for a photo shoot along with our bridesmaids and groomsmen first. Some shots we took by the lake, some we took inside the labyrinth and inside the mansion.

  We transformed almost the whole estate into a fairyland. We decided to hold the reception in one of the huge gardens beside the labyrinth. It started in the evening and the guests were just amazed about how we created an enchanting world for them.

  The sun finally set, the evening fell and the whole place lit up. The entire reception area was covered in a high-ceiling transparent dome. Again, one of Ryder’s many brilliant suggestions. The purpose of that is because the ceiling was filled with tiny LED lights that lit up in the evening, making it look like a million bright stars across the sky.

  To build the dome took time and doubtless a lot of money. So I told Nicole that I’d rather have my stars and constellations instead of the fireworks. I’ve always dreamed of having fireworks in my wedding. But I had to compromise. I don’t want to spend more than I should, particularly since Ryder insisted on paying for everything. Even my father could not convince him to share some of the expenses.

  Tables and chairs were covered in white linen and decorated with elaborate white rose centerpieces, tall white candles and white torches. Gems and crystal pieces were also scattered around the tables to add to the sparkle when hit by light and camera flashes.

  A huge lighted dance floor was built in the center, and it too was covered in white rose petals. Again bubble machines were installed in every corner.

  The trees all around were also covered in flowers and mini LED lights were installed in almost every branch to make the trees light up as if they are infested by fireflies. Swans swam on the lake and at night real fireflies really did fly around the bushes, which made the whole place look even more enchanting.

  We served buffet with more than a dozen main courses, a huge section of desserts, and free-flowing drinks from juices to liquor. The catering gave me the least worries, since it’s practically what Ryder’s family does. Ryder’s mother made most of the arrangements for the food and beverages.

  The guests were given Swarovski crystal coach figurine, which were custom-made and engraved with our names. The coach opens up on top to reveal the finest Godiva truffles inside them.

  The finest wine was served during the ceremonial toast. We had an eight-tier wedding cake that had cream colored flowers and roses cascading on it from the topper down to the base. A miniature version of myself and Ryder wearing a princess and prince costumes sits at the very top of our tall cake.

  I tossed my beautiful rose bouquet and I was so happy it landed on Nicole’s arms. She didn’t even try to catch it. She was the farthest at the back but I gave a little bit more force when I threw it, and her reflexes made her catch it.

  When I sat down on the chair for Ryder to get the garter on my thigh, he couldn’t resist going under my heavy skirt using his teeth. I giggled lovingly at him, reminiscing the memory from Geena’s wedding when he first did that.

  John was among the bachelors lined up, eager to catch the garter and possibly get a chance to dance and kiss Nicole… without having to ask her himself.

  Ryder looked at the hopeful bachelors and then he turned around. He tossed it high and with force. The guys jumped and trampled on each other when they landed on the ground.

  I watched, eager to see who finally caught my garter. But the guys stood up, laughing and fixing their suits. No one seemed to have caught the garter. My heart sank when John emerged empty-handed. The guys looked at each other blankly.

  Finally a figure stood up. He was sitting behind the pool of guys. He didn’t seem interested to join them but somehow, the garter landed perfectly in front of him.

  I bit my lip as Adam approached me. I saw John shake his head and retreat to his seat. Adam turned to give Ryder a secret scowl before he turned to Nicole, a crooked smile now planted on his face.

  Nicole raised a brow at him. Then she gave me and Ryder a look that seem to say You-two-are-so-dead! Ryder just smiled innocently at the three of us.

  “What? Maybe it’s fate.” Ryder whispered to me.

  “Or… it could be your perfect aim.” I whispered to my husband.

  I giggled to put on a show in front of all the guests while Adam knelt down to put the garter on Nicole’s leg.

  “Higher! Higher!”

  The crowd cheered, and I swear I can hear Dannie’s and Garrie’s voices on top of everybody else’s.

  Adam pushed the garter higher up Nicole’s thighs. I swear Nicole was blushing all shades of red. John was at the bar now, ordering drinks, no
t even slightly interested with what’s going on in the dance floor.

  When he had pushed the garter far enough, Adam stood up and took Nicole’s hand in his in a very gentlemanly way.

  “Kiss!” We heard everybody cheer.

  Ryder took me in his arms, his eyes glittering. “Come on, love. Let’s show them how it’s done.” He teased. My laughter died on my lips when he covered them with his and gave me a passionate kiss.

  When we pulled away, Adam and Nicole were watching us with disbelief on their faces. Adam took Nicole in his arms. Everybody clapped their arms and cheered, including us.

  I was nervous. What is Adam going to do?

  He leaned his face forward, and for a while, I thought he was really going to kiss Nicole. But his lips landed an inch from her lips. And then he pulled her closer to him and he bent towards her neck and planted a soft kiss on her shoulder.

  When he pulled away, he looked down at her and he laughed. Nicole pinched his arm and she giggled in relief.

  The music played and Adam pulled Nicole into his arms again and danced with her. Ryder took me into his arms too. He has a wide grin on his face.

  I cannot describe how I felt for Adam and Nicole. I was nervous at first, but after that, my heart sort of melted. I haven’t seen Adam so affectionate for a woman. Usually he was cold and heartless. But he seemed comfortable and warm with Nicole… like they’ve been friends for a very long time.

  “You did that on purpose.” I whispered to Ryder.

  He laughed. “No.” He denied. “I threw with a purpose. The rest was up to fate.” He said, placing a kiss on my neck. “Just like us, love. Fate brought us here. I didn’t like that it played with us first, but then I’m happy it brought us back together again. Well, I got Bryan to thank for punching the life out of me, causing my memories to go back. But just the same… fate got us back together… so we could be here today. Happy.”

  Tears welled up in my eyes. I leaned forward and gave Ryder a kiss on the lips. “Yes.” I said. “I’m happy, Ryder. Are you?”

  He smiled at me gently. Then he said, “Bliss, love. This is bliss.”

  When a new song played, I danced with my friends, and Ryder’s male relatives, although there weren’t many of them. Ryder danced with my mother and my aunts and some of my young nieces and cousins.

  I danced with John, who was completely ignoring both Nicole and Adam and I was scared to ask him about it. Maybe I’ll save all my questions after my honeymoon.

  I danced with Adam, who seemed nonchalant about the whole thing. And I know that if I do ask him about Nicole, I will not get a proper answer anyway, so what was the point?

  I also danced with Dannie, who couldn’t help asking me if I knew what was going on with the three. I told him I know nothing and he must not press any of them. I made him promise not to meddle.

  I even danced with Garrie, who admitted to me that his heart broke when he told me the first time he met me that my engagement ring was a fake. He told me that he was so glad to be part of my wedding… to see that it all turned out perfectly well for me in the end.

  I was emotional when I danced with my father, and he cried a lot too. He kept telling me how proud he was of me and how happy he was that I am very happy with Ryder.

  I danced with Uncle Jack too. He was very happy because he knew he didn’t have to worry about me. That I’ve gotten over what Geena and Bryan did to me, and it all worked out for the better.

  Then finally, I was back in Ryder’s arms. He leaned forward and kissed my lips gently. “This is probably the best wedding arrangement I have seen.” Ryder said to me.

  “It was probably the most expensive too.” I complained. I actually didn’t know how much the whole wedding cost. Nicole knew because she spoke to all the suppliers. And of course Ryder knew because he wrote the checks.

  He laughed. “It’s nothing, love.” He said. “The twinkle, the pride and the happiness that I see in your eyes are all worth it.”

  I leaned my head on his chest and sighed contentedly. Who would have thought that about a year ago, I was devastated because my dream wedding was stolen from me. And now… I got married, and I had the wedding of my wildest imagination, and my real prince made it all happen for me.

  When I opened my eyes, a familiar, beautiful blonde caught my attention. She was sitting in the corner, and holding a toddler in her arms.

  I looked at her. She still looks pretty, but her eyes looked old, like they were hiding layers of sadness in them. I remembered sending her an invitation, but I was not really sure that she would come.

  Bryan was in prison for months, and now he’s being placed on rehab. Geena filed a divorce on the grounds of infidelity, physical assault and psychological incapacity. I felt sorry for her, but I know that she was also better off. No matter what she did to me, she deserves a better man.

  Geena’s eyes met mine, and she smiled at me shyly. I realized that I could not hold her a prisoner of her guilt anymore. Because I am truly happier now. And if it weren’t for her, maybe I would not have been here with Ryder, making my dreams come true. Her fate could have been mine.

  Slowly, I smiled at her. Then I took a deep breath and mouthed, “I forgive you.”

  Somehow, she understood my message, like she always did when we were growing up. She always gets my sentences even before I finish speaking. Tears brimmed her eyes and she nodded at me. Then she smiled. I felt the warmth and sincerity in that smile.

  “Thank you.” She mouthed back.

  Tears welled up in my eyes too. And I felt like a hundred tons of load was lifted from my chest. I didn’t know that I was still holding this anger inside me until I finally decided to let it go. And I felt better. Because no matter what Geena did to me, we were still cousins… and we were like sisters, and I know I will always love her.

  I looked back at Ryder. He reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek. He’d been watching Geena and me the whole time and he witnessed what happened between us.

  “You’re truly an amazing woman, love.” He said. “You have a good heart and a pure soul. More than your beauty and charm, I am in love with how good you are inside. I’m so glad you’re my wife. And I hope our kids will be as kind-hearted as you are.”

  I glanced back at him in surprise. “Kids?” The thought warmed my heart.

  He nodded. “Please pass on your violet eyes to at least one of them.”

  I laughed. “How many kids do you plan to have, Mr. Van Woodsen.”

  “Minimum three.” He replied. “Two boys, one girl. Or two boys, two girls… or three boys and two girls… or…”

  “Ryder, stop!” I laughed. I knew where he was going with that. It made me feel warm that he wanted many kids… because I do. I was an only child and I only had Geena when I was growing up. It would be nice to have siblings who are also your best friends. “We’ll have as many kids as we will be blessed with.”

  He leaned his forehead towards mine. “And I will take care of all of you. You will have a lot of little princes and princesses in your ‘ever after’, love. I promise you that.”

  Just then, we were interrupted by Nicole and Paris. Jake was also with them.

  “It’s almost time.” Paris said.

  I was confused. I didn’t know what was going on. Ryder nodded and then Paris grabbed my hand, pulling me with her. Nicole grabbed my train and we hurried into the house.

  “What is going on?” I demanded.

  They smiled. “You can’t go to your honeymoon in your wedding gown.”

  “I don’t even know where we are going.” I said.

  “Just trust my brother.” Paris said. “He’s been planning this for months.”

  Ryder took care of the honeymoon and he refused to tell me where we are going. I don’t even have a clue.

  And before I knew it, Paris and Nicole were undressing me, taking out the flowers in my hair and I was being dressed in an elegant halter-top purple dress that goes all the way up to my knees. Nicole insis
ted I wear a pair of shorts under my dress. Then she handed me a pair of violet beaded thong sandals. Paris managed to fix my hair into a half-pony. My hair still looks wonderful and but much more simpler than it was during the wedding.

  Then they led me out to the front of the mansion. Ryder met me by the stairs. He too has changed. The suit was gone and he’s now wearing a pair of pants and loose long-sleeved shirt.