Read Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded Page 39

  Constantinople 10

  continental drift 171

  Wegener's theory 71–8

  in basalts of east Greenland 87

  and convection 90, 91, 97–8

  and earth's magnetism 92, 97

  dating of 97

  and plate tectonics 91, 101, 315

  reacceptance of 101, 102

  Wilson's conclusions 104–5

  Jeffreys opposes the concept 304n

  continental plate collision 112–13, 307

  continental shrinking 73

  continental tectonic material 112, 113, 114

  controllers 156

  convection 90, 91, 97–8, 109, 302

  Cook, Captain James 119–20, 121, 122, 298, 354

  Copenhagen 80, 82, 196

  Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador 308

  Cotteau, Edmond 356, 358, 360

  ‘ country trading' 31–2

  Court Javanese language 124n, 127

  Creole language 261

  Cressonnier, Louis 208, 209

  Cretaceous Quiet Zone 96

  Crete 244

  Cribb, Robert: The Historical Atlas of Indonesia 28n

  cricket 153

  Crimea 190

  Cuba 265

  Culemborg bastion, Sunda Kelapa 137

  Curie, Pierre 92n

  Curie point 84, 92n

  currency 11, 14

  cycad 365n

  da Gama, Vasco 13

  Daendels, Herman Willem 141–2, 143

  Daily Eagle 291–2

  Dalby, R.J. 175

  Daly Waters, south of Darwin 264

  Damavand, Mount 112

  Dammerman, Karel 367, 369

  Danan cone, Krakatoa xv, 121, 158n, 318, 347

  erupts (August, 1883) 176, 177

  disappearance of 313, 346

  Danes 196

  Dark Ages 133

  Darwin, Charles 61, 276

  pioneers evolution science 57, 62, 63

  natural selection theory 59

  Wallace influences 60–61, 62

  Wallace's loyalty to 63

  On the Origin of Species 58, 62

  Darwin, Sir George 276, 305n

  Darwinism 63

  Day, Arthur Louis 304–5

  Dayaks 265

  de Vries, Mr (a pilot) 214–15

  decibel-meters 266

  declinometer 162–3

  deer 65, 66, 146

  Dekker, Eduard Douwes (‘Multatuli’) 328, 330

  Max Havelaar 328, 329, 330

  Delft Technical University 88

  Demak, Java 332

  Denmark 290

  Denmark Strait 80

  Descartes, Rene 305

  Deventer, central Holland 337

  Devonport 282

  Dewey, John 105, 106

  Diamond Head, Oahu 102

  Dickinson, William 107n

  Diego Garcia 53, 263–4

  Disappearing Island 102

  Discovery, HMS 121

  Djaman, Umar 324

  Dover 187, 282

  Dowd, Charles 219n

  Down House, Downe, Kent 62, 64

  Drake, Sir Francis 34

  duck-billed platypus 65

  Dumas (a clerk in Sanedja) 340

  Dumas, Mrs 340, 341

  Durant, Will 301

  Durban, South Africa 281n

  dust particles 285–6


  builds Anjer lighthouse 3, 258–9

  spice trade 12, 14–16, 23, 141

  Portuguese driven out 15, 19, 29

  first expedition to Java 15–18

  first treaty with Java 16

  relations with the local population 16, 17, 32, 323

  Dutch fleets start to go East 19–20, 29

  cartographers 21, 23, 27

  outposts run from the Javanese HQ 34n

  and Indonesian independence 38, 342, 380n

  building of Batavia 39–40

  and slavery 42

  Batavia population 44

  Treaty of Paris 139, 141

  guerrilla war in Aceh 147

  response to impending eruption (1883) 164

  dual administrative rule 253n

  relief operations after the 1883 eruption 321, 323

  momentary faltering in the region 327–8

  impact of Max Havelaar 328

  Kultuurstelsel (Cultivation System) 328–9, 333

  Ethical Policy 330

  reforms after the Peasants' Revolt 342

  Dutch Cemetery, Madaascar 16

  Dutch Colonial Police 339

  Dutch East Indies (later Indonesia) Coen founds 36

  slavery abolished 44

  Wallace's fascination with 59

  Dutch government takes charge (1799) 141

  and submarine telegraph cables 189

  Dutch-Javanese relations 212

  revolts and restlessness in 326

  Kultuurstelsel 328–9

  Ethical Policy 330

  Dutch East Indies Post and Telegraph Office 186

  Dwars-in-den-weg/Thwart-the-Way Island 237–8, 260


  gravitational field 88–91, 301

  magnetism 91, 95

  hotspot 103

  siting 301

  size of 301

  heat and thermal decay within 302

  earthquakes 112–13, 154, 162, 207, 208, 242n, 243, 246, 268, 318

  East Africa: rift valleys 306

  East Anglia 190

  East India Company 47

  East Indies 2, 29, 31, 32, 54, 59, 139, 325, 326

  East Pacific Rise 308

  Easter Island 308

  Eastern Telegraph Company 189, 193, 197

  ecological interdependence 271

  Ecuador 308

  Edinburgh (cable-laying ship) 189

  Ega, Brazil 58

  Egeron (ship) 170, 171

  elephants 116, 307n

  Elisabeth (German warship) 157–60, 183, 213

  Emden (German surface raider) 190n

  Emden, Germany 190

  England 290

  spice trade 12, 14

  see also Britain

  English Channel 276, 282

  Enkhuizen 20

  Equatorial Smoke Stream 290

  Eskimos 82

  ethogeological prediction 207

  Etna, Mount 112, 303, 393

  Eugenia caryophyllata 10n

  Eurasian Plate 112, 116

  Eurasians 144

  Europe, Europeans 74

  invasion by barbarians 133

  drowned in the eruption of 1883 238, 252

  temperature 295–6

  expulsion from the region (1949) 325

  Evelina (ship) 280

  evolution science 57 62, 63, 64

  Ewing, Maurice 90

  Faeroes 87

  Faircloth, Captain 287–8

  Falkland Islands 111

  Falmouth weather observatory 270

  Far East 24, 26

  Ferzenaar, Captain H.J.G. 176–8, 177, 207

  Fiado (British steamship) 202

  Fielder, Mr (in Ceylon) 264

  Fingal's Cave, Staffa 84

  First Point, Java 155, 161n, 185, 220, 299

  Fiske, Richrd S. 396

  Flat Corner, Java 170

  Flint, Dr Earl 287

  Flores 19, 29

  Foley (on Cayman Brac) 265–6

  Folkestone Harbour 191

  Forbes H.O. 175

  Forbes (tea-planter) 168

  Formosa 34n

  Fort Speelwijk, Java 20, 21

  Fourth Pacific Science Congress (Batavia, 1928) 350–51

  Fourth Point lighthouse, Anjer 221, 234, 238, 258–9, 260, 321

  France, French 197

  makes peace with Britain 139n

  sugar plantations 261

  imperalism 334

  Franklin, Benjamin 294

  Freuchen, Peter 79

  Friesland 29n, 44

  Fujian province 42

/>   Fukoto Kuokanaba 384n

  fumaroles 176–7

  Furneaux, Rupert: Krakatoa 316n, 396

  gabbros 297

  Galapagos 60

  Galeras volcano, Colombia 308

  Galileo Galilei 77–8

  Galle, Ceylon 31, 279

  Galton, Sir Francis 63

  gamelan orchestras 124, 227

  Gede volcano (Kamula), Java 126

  Geikie, Archibald 273n

  Genesis, Book of 69

  geography 54, 187

  Geological Society of London 304,315

  Geological Survey of Indonesia 375


  unpredictable nature in the East 36

  Wallace and 66–8

  and religion 69

  Georia 190

  Gérard, Max 344

  German Imperial Navy 159

  Far Eastern Station 157

  Germany 197, 295

  Giant's Causeway, County Antrim 84

  Gibbon, Edward 10

  Gibraltar 191, 325

  glaciers 244

  Gladstone, William Ewart 236

  Glasgow weather observatory 270

  Global Positioning System 319

  global village, birth of 6–7, 184–5, 198

  lobal warming 271

  Glodok, Jakarta 138

  Goa 16, 18, 19, 25, 29

  Gogh, Vincent van 40, 329

  Gondwanaland 72n, 73–6, 74, 90

  Gouverneur-Generaal Loudon (excursion vessel) 172–4, 213–14, 216, 219, 228, 234, 245–6, 251, 256, 257, 299, 337

  Graaff-Reinet, South Africa 287

  Granville, Earl 236, 236

  graptolitic shales 73

  gravimeters 89, 101

  gravity 88–90

  Great Chain of Being 371–2

  Great Northern Telegraph Company 196

  Great Plague 133

  Great White, The 83

  Greeks 303, 304

  greenhouse gases 271

  Greenland 74, 81

  Wegener in 72, 76–7

  Oxford University expedition 79–86, 91

  volcanic 83

  basalts 83–8

  proof of continental drift 87–8

  acid snows 133

  ice-cores 308n

  Greenlandic language 81

  Greenwich Mean Time 275

  Greenwich Observatory 270, 275, 282

  Gresik, east Java 332

  Grytviken whaling station 281

  Gubbels, Dora 341

  Gubbels, Elly 341

  Gubbels, Johan Hendrik 341

  Guild of Pepperers 12

  Gulf of Mexico 289

  gutta-percha 187, 189

  Haag (Dutch barque) 157

  Hades 303

  Hadhramaut Yemen 339, 342

  haj 332, 333

  Halifax, Nova Scotia 196

  Hall, R. and Blundell, D.J.: Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia 52

  Halmahera 61

  Hambantota, Ceylon 279

  Hamburg, Mr (ship passenger) 174

  Hammersley Range, western Australia 264

  Handl, Johann 360–61

  Handl's Bay, Krakatoa Island 356

  Hapsburgs 29n

  Harmonie club, Batavia 147, 153, 172, 202–3

  Hastings-on-Hudson, New York 274

  Hatfield, Oscar 152, 234

  Haughton, Mr (in Ceylon) 287

  Hawaii Island (Big Island) 102, 103, 104

  Hawaiian Islands 102–5, 121, 306, 354n

  Heims, Father 159–60

  Helen (a square-rigger) 59

  Her Majesty K II submarine 89

  Her Majesty K XIII submarine 89

  Hermak, Baluchistan 190

  Hess, Professor Harry 90, 91, 92, 97–100

  ‘ History of Ocean Basins’ 98n

  Hesse, Elias 49–50, 135

  Hevea brasiliensis (Brazilian rubber) 224, 225

  Hibernia (converted cargo ship) 189

  High Court, London 263n

  Himalayan Mountains 74, 112

  Hinduism 128, 332

  Holland 29n, 44 see also Dutch; Netherlands

  Hollandsche Thuyn (long-rangepacket) 48

  Hollmann, Captain 158–9

  Hollwood 113, 393, 394

  Holtan community 132

  Holtum, John (‘Cannonball King’) 205–6

  Holy War (perang sabil) 336, 337, 340, 342

  Homo erectus 116

  Hondius, Henricus 25

  Hong Kong 220, 278

  Honolulu 289

  Hooghly River 276

  Hooker, Sir Joseph 62, 63

  Hoorn, Zuider Zee 20, 33

  Hope (a barque) 175

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley 288

  Hôtel des Indes, Batavia 206, 207, 208–9

  hotspots 103, 104, 347n

  House of Orange 151

  Houtman, Cornelis de 15–18

  Houtman, Frederik de 15

  Huaynaputina volcano, Peru 308

  Hudson, USA 283

  Hudson River School 283

  Hudson's Bay Company 30

  human sacrifice 303

  humongous explosion 309, 312

  Hurgronje, Snouck 41, 333–4

  Hutton, James 69

  Huxley, Sir Thomas 63

  hydrochloric acid 243

  ice cores 129, 131, 133, 296, 308n

  Iceland 82, 96, 306

  Illustrated London News 155n

  Imperial Beacons & Coastal Lighting Service 170

  India 11, 13, 22, 24, 40, 44, 55, 74, 112, 144, 191, 197, 276, 280, 325, 326, 331, 332

  India Rubber, Gutta Percha & Telegraph Works Company 187–8, 197

  Indian Mutiny 326n

  Indian Ocean 2, 21, 53, 114, 161n, 182, 182, 231, 261, 264, 278, 280, 285

  indigo 330

  Indo-Australian Plate 111, 115, 116

  Indonesia (formerly Dutch East Indies) xiv, 63, 68, 116, 137, 145–6, 308, 309, 325, 331

  independence 38, 342

  International Date Line 112, 219n

  International Meridian Conference (Washington, DC, 1884) 219n

  Io 302

  Iran 112, 331

  Ireland 188, 196, 264

  Irian 55, 61

  iron oxide compounds 84, 85

  Isla de Pascua 308


  Sumatra and Java Islamicized 17

  rigid formalisms 32

  local form of 40–41, 332–3

  orthodox 40, 41

  birth of 133

  and the 1883 eruption 321

  becomes entwined with local political developments 325

  power of 325

  upsurge in Islamic zealotry in the East Indies 325

  stand against colonialism 327

  number of Muslims in Indonesia 331

  an imperial religion 331

  collision with the West 331

  first comes to the East Indies 331–2

  the haj 332, 333

  threatened by Western imperialism 334

  fundamentalism 339

  Isonandra gutta 187

  Istanbul 378

  Italy 22, 242

  I wo Jima 384n

  ‘s Jacob, Governor-General Frederik 148–9, 149, 150–53, 169, 172, 201, 215

  ‘s Jacob, Leonie 151

  Jakarta History Museum, Java 46n

  Jakarta (previously Jayakarta and Batavia) 2, 21, 38, 126, 137, 373, 379

  Jakarta Radio 9

  James I, King 12

  Jammersley Range, New Guinea 264

  Japan 34n, 42, 44, 196, 244, 308, 309

  Java 1, 2, 6, 7, 66, 78, 242

  coffee 10, 141

  spice-trading 10, 11, 31

  first treaty with the Dutch 16

  colonization 16

  Islamicized 17, 40

  mapping 22, 24

  British colonial intentions 34

  described 40–41

  and slavery 44

  volcanic 83

  and the Java Trench 8

  volcanically unstable 114–15

  splits from Sumatra 126, 155

  anti-Chinese riots 91998) 138

  earthquakes 154

  response to impending eruption (1883) 164

  and gutta-percha 188

  explosion sounds not heard by all 266

  number of active volcanoes 309, 326

  attacks by white-robed figure 323–4, 325, 337

  First Military Region 324

  Islam 325, 342

  mysticism 327

  Java Bode 162, 255

  Java Head 155, 161n, 182, 220, 231, 379n

  Java Major 25, 25, 26

  Java Man 116

  Java Minor 22

  Java Pars. 27

  Java Sea 45, 172

  Java Trench 89, 111, 114

  Javasche Courant 153

  Jayabaya 128

  Jayakarta (later Batavia, then Jakarta) 34, 38

  Jeffreys, Sir Harold 76, 304

  jetstream 290

  Jogjakarta, Java 2, 153

  joint-stock companies 30

  jökulhlaups 244

  Judd, John 315–16

  Volcanoes 315

  Julius II, Pope 13n

  Jupiter 302

  Jurassic period 96

  Kaimeni 347

  Kamchatka Peninsula 309

  Kamula volcano, Java (Gede) 126

  kangaroos 65, 65, 116, 137n

  ‘Kapi, Mount’ (in Ranggawarsita's history) 125, 126, 129

  Karachi 190, 280

  Karim, Haji Abdul 334–5, 337, 338, 339, 341

  Kartodirdjo, Sartono: The Peasants' Revolt of Bantenin 1888 322

  Katmai, Mount, Alaska 5

  Kauai Island 102–3, 104

  Kaula 102

  Kavachi 384n

  Kedirie (ship) 299, 313

  Keith, Brian 394

  Kennedy, Henry George 235, 272

  Kerala 44

  Kerm-an, Teheran 190

  Kertsch, Crimea 190

  Ketimbang, Sumatra 156, 164–5, 167, 226–30, 233, 245, 251, 259

  Kew weather observatory, Surrey 270

  Keys, David: Catastrophe 132, 133, 134,395–6

  Kilauea: Halemaumau Crater, Hawaii 1093

  Kinematics, Inc. 376, 378, 386

  King of the Netherlands, The (steam-yacht) 323

  Kiribati, Republic of 100

  kites 72

  Kittery Island 102

  Knossos, Crete 244

  Koeripan River 256, 257, 258

  Kokkulai, Ceylon 287

  Kosrae Island, Pacific Micronesia 298

  Kowalski, Bernard 394

  Krakatoa archipelago 379

  Krakatoa Committee, Royal Society 272–3, 275, 276, 286–7

  Krakatoa, East of Java (film) 2, 394–5

  Krakatoa Iron & Steel Works 340n

  Krakatoa Island

  present remains of 1–2

  van Linschoten describes 25–6

  first mentioned by its current name 27

  derivation of the name 27–8

  cultivation 120–21

  lush coastal jungle 122, 354–5

  Schuurmann describes 173

  Ferzenaar visits (August 1883) 176–8

  disappearance of 178, 237, 239, 240, 260, 300, 337, 338

  surrounded by small faults and zones of weakness 320

  purity after the 1883 eruption 355–6

  repopulation of 356–66, 372