Read Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded Page 40

  Krakatoa Islands xv

  Krakatoa Problem 364, 366

  Krakatoa Time 219, 248, 275

  Krakatoa Volcanic Observatory 375, 376, 389

  Krakatoa volcano (general refernces)

  see also Danan cone; Perboewatan cone; Rakata cone

  and the Wallace Line 57, 64

  notoriety 68, 116, 286, 393

  number of eruptions 117–18

  ruins compared with Anak Krakatoa 353, 354

  Krakatoa volcano ( possible eruption of AD 416) 123–9, 133

  Krakatoa volcano (the confusions of AD 416 or AD 535) 129–31

  Krakatoa volcano (the likely eruption of AD 535) 123, 131–4

  Krakatoa volcano (the near-certain eruption of 1680) 123, 134–9

  Batavians and seamen unaware of potential danger 45–6

  first recorded eruption 46, 47

  Vogel's report 48–9

  Hesse's report 49–50

  Schley's painting 138–9, 140

  Krakatoa volcano (before the certain eruption of 1883) 139–49

  Krakatoa volcano (eruption of 27 August 1883) 4–5, 28, 123, 134, 209

  the event 210–39, 240

  the effects 241–61

  the experiences 261–321

  death statistics 5, 313

  telegraphy 5, 7, 28n, 146, 167,184–7, 192–4, 215

  undersea cables 5, 6, 184, 187, 189

  lack of geological knowledge at the time 5–6

  religious fears 6

  and birth of global village 6–7

  impact on climate 7

  a Plinian eruption 12

  and subduction zones 111

  Banten flood destruction 127

  warnings of forthcoming eruption 154–63

  Perboewatan erupts 167–9, 175, 176, 180, 184–5, 193–4

  excursions to visit 172–4

  Danan erupts 176, 177

  statistics of deaths and injuries 242

  the sound of 262–8

  progress of the shock waves 273–5, 313

  art and 282–5

  and temperature 293–6

  floating bodies 296–300

  existed above a large chamber of magma 318–19

  burial of the dead 321, 322

  rebuilding after 321, 323

  political and religious consequence 321, 342–3

  reluctance to settle near the volcano 379

  Kramat 260

  Kultuurstelsel (Cultivation System) 328–9, 333

  Kurile Islands 309

  Kurrachee 276

  Kyoto 297

  Labuan, Java 337

  lahars (volcanic mud and water slurry) 243

  Lakagígar (Hekla), Iceland 294

  Lamongan 155

  Lampong Bay 166, 216, 219, 228, 234, 247, 249, 250, 251

  Lancaster, James 34

  Lang Island, Krakatoa (previously Panjang, now Rakata Kecil) xv, 118n, 158n, 314, 318, 354

  Laos 34n

  Lascar volcano, Chile 308

  Laurasia 73, 74, 75

  lava flows 369

  Laysan Island 102

  Le Havre 282

  Leicestershire 57, 58

  Lemuria 53n

  Liciala spinosa 355

  Lincoln, President Abraham 196, 219n

  Lindeman, Captain T.H. 173, 174, 216, 219, 230

  Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London 52–3, 54, 62, 64, 65

  Linschoten, Jan Huyghen van 23–6, 26

  Itinerario 24, 25

  Lippincott Gazetteer 190n

  Lisbon 14, 15, 191

  Lisianski Island 102

  lithosphere 109–10, 302

  Llaima volcano 308

  Lloyd's of London 161, 168, 180–83, 186, 193, 232, 261

  Committee 182, 197

  Foreign Intelligence Office 193

  Lochart, Nanette 208, 209

  Locomotive 151

  Lodewijcksz, Willem 25, 26

  Logan, Captain William 223–4

  Lombok Island 61, 66, 69

  Lomu, Jonah 384n

  London 19, 179–80, 189, 190, 191, 196, 197, 270, 284

  London Station 193

  Londonderry 196

  long waves 278, 279–80

  Los Angeles 200

  Luzon 24

  Lyell, Sir Charles 62, 63, 69

  Macassar, Celebes, Macasserese 31, 44, 265, 326

  Macau 19

  McColl, Mr (Lloyd's agent) 181, 259–60

  mace (aril) 11, 18

  MacKenzie, Captain 157, 161

  McLuhan, Marshall 184, 198

  Madagascar 16, 53

  Madras 190, 191, 280

  Madura 17

  Magellan, Ferdinand 23

  Magellan Strait 19

  magma 84, 103, 104, 305, 315, 316,318–20

  magnetic airborne detector (MAD) 93n


  and basalts 84, 85

  moon's surface 100

  remanent 91–2, 96, 97, 102

  underwater 93–5

  magnetite 84–5, 85, 92n

  magnetometers 93–6, 97, 101, 107

  Magpie, HMS 265, 272

  Mahdi 322, 335, 336, 337, 342

  Malabar Coast 11

  Malacca 11, 18, 22, 29, 34, 44

  Malaku 61

  see also Moluccas

  Malay Archipelago 59, 60, 190

  Australian (eastern) end of 55, 64, 65

  Indian (western) end of 55, 64, 65

  Wallace's preferred term 59

  Malay language 59

  Malaya peninsula 22, 24, 29, 31, 40, 53, 190, 326, 331

  Maldives 23

  Malta 191

  Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 294

  Manchus 157n

  Manhattan, New York City 295

  Manila 196, 264

  Manley, Reverend W.R. 288

  maps 21–7, 26, 155

  Mardijkers 44

  Marie (Danish salt-carrying barque) 219–20, 230, 234, 246

  Mars 302

  Mason, Ron 93–5

  Massachusetts Bay Company 30

  Mataram sultan of 40

  Matuyama, Motonari 96

  Maui Island 103

  Mauk 260

  Maurice of Nassau, Prince 16n

  Mauritius 16n, 34n, 261, 263n, 270

  Maan civilization 133

  Mayon, Mount 266

  Mecca 332–5, 336, 337, 342

  Mecca's Plain of Arafat 333n

  Medea (British ship) 216, 231

  Mediterranean 14, 23, 191

  Mediterranean region 133

  Mekong 24

  Melbourne 270

  Merak, Java 160, 222, 225, 238, 246, 249n, 250, 252–3, 259, 260, 337

  Merapi, Mount 48, 155

  Merbapu, Mount 48, 155

  Mercator, Gerardus 71

  Merchant Adventurers 30

  Merchant Staplers 30

  Meteorological Council 270

  meteorology 70, 76, 275, 290.

  Metis Shoal, Tonga 384n

  Mexico 13n, 242

  Michael the Syrian 117

  Middle East 332, 334

  Midway Island 102

  Mindanao, Philippines 66

  Mineo, Sal 394

  Minoan civilization, Crete 244

  Minto, Lord 142n

  mobilists 108

  Moluccas (Malaku) 23, 29, 34, 35, 61, 66

  Mombasa 19

  monkeys 64–5, 65, 258

  Monte Burney volcano 308

  moon, blue/green 287, 288, 289

  Moors 44

  Morse, Samuel 146, 193, 197

  Morse code 146, 167, 186, 189, 193, 215, 225

  Mountain Script 127

  Mozambique 19

  Muhal rulers 325

  Multatuli see Dekker, Eduard Douwes

  murrain 336–7

  Murree, India 144

  Muscovy Company 30


  and Christians 32

vanese sultans 40

  number in Indonesia 331

  see also Banten Peasants' Revolt; Islam

  Myrtaceae 10n

  myths 303

  Namakaokahai (goddess of the sea) 103

  Nansen Fridtjof 79

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France 141, 195

  Napoleonic Wars 141, 142n, 261

  Naraddha (a Hindu god) 128

  Nashville 289

  Nassau, Bahamas 288

  Natural History Museum, South Kensington, London 285

  natural selection theory 58, 59

  Nature journal 101, 105, 110, 125n, 288

  Nazca Plate 308

  Neale, Reverend Philip 172, 241, 277

  Neck, Jacob van 19

  Necker Island 102

  negative buoyancy 346n

  Nephila maculata (a ballooning spider) 357

  Neptunists 305

  Netherlands under Spanish control 29n

  becomes a monarchy (1815) 29n

  charters the VOC 30, 31

  king opens a fund after 1883 321

  see also Dutch; Holland

  Netherlands, Republic of the 29n

  Netherlands Indies Steamship Company 172

  Netherlands Royal Mail Line 172n

  Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia 244

  New England 295

  New Guinea 13n, 54, 264, 308

  New Haven, Connecticut 293

  New Jersey 295

  New York City 291

  New York state 283

  New Zealand 65, 189, 308

  Newcastle-upon-Tyne 100, 179

  Newfoundland 295

  Newman, Mount, western Australia 264n

  news agencies 5, 6, 194–7

  Newton, Sir Isaac 304

  Nicaragua 303, 308

  Nieuw-Middelburgh (ship) 50

  Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant 197

  Nigeria 71

  Nihoa Island 102

  Niihau Island 102

  Norham Castle (British vessel) 230, 235

  North Africa 334

  North America 74, 86n

  North American Plate 113

  North Atlantic 281

  North Pole 84, 85, 87

  North Sea 346n

  Norway 87

  Nova Scotia, SS 196

  Novarupta (Katmai), Mount, Alaska 312

  Novaya Zemlya 24

  nuées ardentes 243

  Nusantara 132

  nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) 10, 11, 18, 23, 29, 31, 65

  Nyiragongo, Mount, East African Rift 306–7n

  Oahu Island 102

  obsidians 170–71

  Ocean Island 102

  oceanic tectonic material 112, 113, 114

  Odessa 190

  Onrust Island 260

  Ontario, Lake 283–4

  Ootacamund, India 144

  opossums 65, 66

  Orange-Nassau family 29n

  Ottoman Turks 339

  Oxford University 105, 290

  Greenland expedition 79–86, 91

  Oxford University Geological Society 98–9

  Oxford weather observatory 270

  Oyster Bay 262

  Pacific Ocean 2, 19, 93, 94, 96, 105, 107, 204, 219n, 273, 308, 309, 359n

  Pacific Plate 113, 308

  Padang, Sumatra 48

  Pakistan 331

  palaeoclimatology 72

  palaeomagnetism 87, 96, 98

  palaeontology 72

  Palimbam 26

  palm-leaf texts 127–8, 130

  Panama, Ceylon 279

  Pangaea 74, 75, 88

  Panjang Island (later Lang Island, now Rakata Kecil) 118, 121, 347, 350n, 352, 354, 361, 366, 374, 387

  Papal Donation (1493) 13

  Paris 195, 196

  Paris, Treaty of (1782) 139–40

  Pebble Beach, California 113

  Pechler (accountant) 252

  Peking 196

  Forbidden City 157n

  Pele (goddess of volcanoes) 103, 104

  Pelée, Mount 243, 265

  Penang 190, 191, 233

  Pène du Bois, William: The Twenty-One Balloons 392, 393–4

  Pentagon 107, 263n

  pentjak (fencing) 340

  Pepper Bay, Java 161n, 220

  pepper (Piper nigrum) 10–13, 12, 15, 17–21, 29, 43, 121, 182, 188, 227, 228, 329–30, 355

  Perboewatan cone, Krakatoa xv, 119, 158n, 170, 318, 347

  erupts (May, 1883) 167–9, 175, 176, 180, 184–5, 193–4, 200

  Schurman visits 173–4

  disappeance of 313

  Permo-Carboniferous Ice Age 73, 76

  Perry, Admiral 196

  Persia 190

  Perth, Australia 264

  Peru 308

  pesantren (Islamic boarding-schools or seminaries) 338

  Petroeschevsky, W.A. 350, 352

  Philadelphia 263

  Philip II, King of Spain (Philip I of Portugal) 19

  Philippines 13n, 23, 42, 66, 242, 308, 309

  phreatomagmatic eruption 315, 351–2

  physics 306

  Pillars of Hercules 191

  Pinatubo, Mount, Philippines 266, 347n

  pinisi (schooner) 137, 380, 387

  Pioneer (US Coast Guard ship) 93, 95, 97, 107

  planets, coloration of 288

  plate tectonics 64, 68, 101, 108–15, 302–3, 306, 311, 388

  and continental drift 91, 101, 315

  oceanic material 112, 113, 114

  continental material 112, 113, 114

  as an explanation for the 1883 eruption 316–17

  basic tectonic structure of the region 320

  platypus 68

  Pleistocene era 96

  Plinian erution 12, 265 315

  Pliny the Elder 11–12, 393

  Natural History 11

  Pluto 302

  Pluto (god) 303

  Plutonists 305

  Plymouth 282

  Plymouth Company 30

  Poeloe Temposa 237

  poetry 124, 138, 289

  Point Tikus, Sumatra 249n

  Poland 190

  Polish Hat 119, 161n, 314

  Polo, Marco 22

  Polnesians 102–3, 104

  Pompeii 393

  Port Blair, Andamans 264, 265

  Port Darwin, Australia 189

  Port Elizabeth, South Africa 281

  Port Louis, Mauritius 261, 280

  Port Mathurin, Rodriguez Island 261, 262

  Port Sudan 191

  Porthcurno, Cornwall 192

  Portland 282

  Portugal, Portuguese 42

  spice trade 13–14

  Tordesillas Line 13n, 14

  eventually driven out by the Dutch 15, 19,29

  initially welcomes the Dutch 16

  relations with the local population 17

  skirmish with de Brito 18–19

  sailor-adventurers 22

  and van Linschoten 24, 25

  runs Malacca 34

  and the British 34

  potassium 304

  isotopes 109

  Pouhkeesie 291–3

  Poughkeepsie Sunday Courier 292

  Princess Clementine (ship) 191

  Princeton University 98

  Prins Frederik (steamer) 231

  Prinsen Island 185

  Prinses Marie (packet vessel) 176

  Project Magnet 93

  Ptolemy: Geography 21

  P‘u-tei 132

  Public Record Office, London 235

  Pulau Anakrakata 9, 28n

  Pulau Manhattan 23n

  Pulau Rakata Kecil 9

  Pulau Ran 23n

  Pulau Sangiang 161n

  Pulau Srtung 9

  Pulo Carcata 27

  pumice 297–9, 299, 316, 345, 393

  pyroclastic flows 243, 244

  Qantas 264n

  Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada 93

  Queensland Royal Mail Line 157

  quinine 141, 148, 188

ismograph 375–8, 386

  radioactivity, natural 109

  radiochemical dating 97

  radiometric dating 104

  Raffles, Lady 142n

  Raffles, Thomas Stamford 142–3, 145

  History of Java 142n

  Rafflesia arnoldii 142n

  rain forests 137, 355

  rain-gauges 267

  Rajabasa, Mount 125, 126, 165

  Rakata, Krakatoa xv, 119, 121, 134, 158n, 173, 176, 177, 227, 313, 314, 318, 346, 347, 356–9, 363, 368, 374, 381

  erupts (1883) 175

  Handl's sojourn on 360–61

  ash layers on 365–6

  author visits 381, 382–3, 387

  Rakata Kecil (previously Panjang and Lang Island) 118n

  Ranggawarsita, Raden Ngabahi 134

  Book of Kings 124–8, 130

  Rangoon 196, 276

  Rasmussen, Knud 79

  Ratamahatmaya 279

  Rees, W.A. van 147

  Rembrandt van Rijn 40

  Resolution, HMS 121, 355

  Reuter Julius 195–6

  Reuters agency 192, 195–7

  rift valleys 306

  Ring of Fire: An Indonesia Odyssey 395

  Ring of Fire television documentaries 395

  Rivas, Nicaragua 287

  Rochefort, France 281–2

  Rochester Democrat and Chronicle 292

  Rodriguez Island 261–3, 274

  Roe, Sir Thomas 19

  Roman empire 11, 132–3

  Romans 10, 11, 22, 37, 171n, 303

  Rome 11, 34

  Roorda van Eysinga, Professor P.P. 144

  Ross, Captain 157, 185

  Rotterdam 323

  Rotterdam Llod 231

  Royal Dutch Navy 89, 230, 231

  Royal Dutch Oil 148

  Royal Mint 92

  Royal Navy 35, 204, 276, 282, 349, 352

  Royal Society, London 235, 271, 272, 277, 288, 297

  Krakatoa Committee 272–3, 275, 276, 286–7

  Reynolds Room 63

  The Eruption of Krakatoa and Subsequent Phenomena 250n, 282, 289, 293–4, 397

  rubber 148, 224

  Ruiz volcano, Colombia 308

  Runcorn, Keith 91–2, 98, 100

  Russia 290, 308

  rutters (navigational notes and charts) 26, 29

  Saigon 196, 264

  St Elmo's fire 221n, 230

  St Helena 195

  St Helens, Mount, Washington State 266, 378, 392–3

  St John's 196

  St Petersburg 196, 274

  St Pierre, Martinique 243

  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine: The Little Prince

  Salida, Sumatra 48

  Salwatty Island, raja of 264

  Samarang 172n

  Samarang (hopper) 157, 160, 245

  Samaskuta 126

  Samoa (ship) 298, 299

  Sampson, Captain 235

  San Andreas Fault, California 113, 200

  San Francisco 204, 220n, 263

  San Francisco Earthquake (1906) 113

  Sandick, R.A. van 251–2, 257, 337

  Leed en Lief in Banten (Sorrow and Love in Banten) 337–8

  Sanedja, Cilegon 340

  Sangay volcano, Ecuador 308

  Santiago, Chile 289

  Santorini 244, 347, 393

  Saratoga Springs, New York 219n

  Sarawak 60

  Sardinia King of 195

  Saudis 339