Read Lakenshire Cronicles Page 2


  John Woke up with a start he looked over to the right side of the massive king size bed where his wife laid last night her place was empty and he then he smelt the poof of her being awake, a beautiful smell of Hot cakes and smoked sausage and beer filled the air. John rolled over two times to the left and placed his feet on the cold stone ground, he looked outside at his massive balcony window, it was a very handsome view he could see the Atheria mountains home to the elves and dwarves whom were common and a little east to that lies the great city of Doremuth, mostly home to the vampire, however most of these vampires were in the Dryiad Council council, which made it a very small populated area, however it was big in businesses, one of Meredith’s favorite places to shop. The land to the south a small park with a stadium the people called Thorus which is where all Dryiad Councilmeetings are held, not to far North West from that there was a place called Port federslight, oh this was quite a beautiful sight.

  John enjoyed the inhabitants who lived here they were nice, during the morning hours it was mainly female pixie fairies that tended to their gardening these where very attractive women, with wavy hairs and light glowing vibrant skin. John thought of it foolish to pay much attention to them, with him being married. He was very faithful to his wife so he would normally glance a bit south of this island across an ocean, This place was beautiful, he had no idea what lied there he and the rest of Lakenshire never went their because. Long before John was born his father forbid any one to travel there and if anyone asked why, all he would say was, “The contents of that place would make The Dark-prince tremble and later cause for him to have a murderer within his brain eating his very own soul.” Lakenshire had Taken the Old man’s word for he was wise and he lived to be 223 years old. All from his house in the city of Brizbank he could see the whole realm almost he took in a lung full of all beautiful smells of nature, the salty ocean, the pubs and inns in Dormuth, finally with the last sniff he could smell food within his own castle, down stairs.

  The Food grew to a very rich smell and, urged him to give in and go down for breakfast. The head chair of the matured oak table was pulled out with a plate of food on his side of the table. After precisely cutting one perfect slice of the beautiful golden butter he placed syrup on the hotcake he bit down and could feel the warm maple liquid coat his taste buds with pure bliss, when he got to a piece of his crispy smoked sausage, Ella with matching beauty as her mother, with her long dark brown hair eyes that change into a storm, fierce eyebrows from her father. She stumbled into the kitchen halfway asleep; Ella sat down to the right side of her father, “I had a dream that I started the Dryiad Counciltoday, so where do I go?” She inquired with a half-smile and one eye closed.

  Your perceptions are getting stronger, because you are completely right, although she had inherited this ability to see events taking place in sleep, she still tended to somehow have a very good knack for predicting the events wrong, It wasn’t that she was too young, At the mere age of four John would charge a nickel for a future prediction and he was never wrong about any prediction, however his power of clavoyance was weakening due to being an adult. Vampires who possess this ability as they start to reach adulthood start to lose that ability; however, he still sometimes could predict when Mrs. Wyaths was going to make roast pork soup for supper on those days he made sure he was plenty full before he got home. She started in on her breakfast then by the time she reached her coffee she was in full alert and awareness. She looked at her mom who had opened up a vial of white sand and asked Sheela, if she would wake-up Gavin for her, knowing Gavin, Sheela had a hard task on her hands for if anyone could do it, it would be Sheela.

  Meredith who had seemed exhausted pointed at two plates full of food and dropped them on to the table; she sat down and looked at John with a smile, “what will you are teaching today?”

  “Oh, noting but the basic powers of the types of blood.”

  “Well, I assume that is a good idea in all with it being the first day, that was the reason for me teaching the uses of sand, “

  A sleepy blonde headed rosy cheeked small kid who closely resembled an elf, asked his dad if he could just pretend to be a vampire, “unfortunately, you’re not” said John in a kind of fake joke used to hide an upsetting voice.

  John finished up his last bit of sausage and stood up to say, “Ok are you ready, standing right here honey, oh would you like to do it?” John handed the bottle to Ella and they disappeared into the front yard and began into a tornado swirl of blood to Doremuth.

  Meredith looked at Gavin, “Honey please retrieves your vials I bought you yesterday. Introduce yourself to the teleport spirit but tell him you are not experienced to teleport, and don’t forget your ring. Sit in the den when you come back down please.”

  Gavin finished up his breakfast, and eagerly ran up to his room only stopping to get all of the requested items that he needed, nervously he wondered If he could teleport to the den successfully, he thought to himself My sister can do it I know I should as bloody well be able to do it too, he grumbled at himself for a bit, Gavin fell on to his bed then reached over to the in table by his bed where his magical equipment awaited him then he pulled off the top to the white color sand and a White Spirit appeared and said “My name is Wersilin.”

  Gavin introduced himself; Wersilin then looked down nervously and asked. So where would you like to go. I am inexperienced at teleporting so my mother said no.”

  Wersilin tried to persuade him, “ah come on she won’t know.”

  “Yeah she will, she knows everything somehow “

  “Now sir, if it means that much I shall do as your command.”

  “Thanks, he held the bottle up awkwardly and then he recapped the sand as it slithered back into the vial.”

  Gavin thought of this as just a bit queer, was he to tell his mother that the teleporting spirit was demanding? Or was he to tell her that he was bit on the uncontrollable side? Or was this normal behavior for a teleporting spirit? Would it take time to tame and train this teleporting spirit? Sheela was very responsive, intelligent, caring she would never try to persuade a young wizard to teleport if he or she was not ready to teleport.

  Sheela was like a second mother to Ella and Gavin she has been through it all with the two children and she dearly cared for them she had a trait of love, this was all very confusing for Gavin because he had always been told that Spirits cannot posses human feelings, senses or anything. Gavin knew that they did.

  As soon as all of this had occurred Gavin speedily walked down the stairs, A girl was instructed to holler from the first footstep, She did not realize that Gavin was running down the stairs when in the blank of an eye a clashing noise arose with the two fell to the ground Gavin on top of the girl, this was very awkward for the both of them after Gavin realized he was on top of the girl blood rushed to his cheeks making them even more rosy than they were, “Ouch you really got to start watching your step you big goof, well class is starting”

  “You don’t need to be standing in the stairway. What if there was a fire?” Gavin said, in a sarcastic defensive mode.

  The Girl was a beautiful girl she had blond hair and hazel eyes that resembled strength, “Class is about to start” she said.

  “Sara, Gavin are you two Ok?”

  “Yes mom we will be there in a second.”

  Gavin had always admired Sara; she was funny, smart, and very generous.

  The two were best friends, Gavin had never thought of Sara as a girl friend before.

  The two walked hand in hand as they walked into the den they could see that there was a good many kids making smooching and making out noises as they walked by.

  Gavin ran down the stairs nearly tripping from running so hard down the steps as he focused two steps at a time and jumped on the last three. He ran to the den were a good many of students where there looking around he noticed he knew one of them, Robert Jewel this was a snobby kid if Gavin had ever known one. He has an answer for ev
erything he thinks he is the son of The Alpha and the Omega, yes his father Claymore is very powerful in the realm of Lakenshire, his father is a very humble kind man and started a business creating sands and same with his mother, Gavin thought to himself he is going through a phase and his parents feed into it. The only reason Gavin had known this kid was because, John and Claymore had been close friends for multiple years.

  Gavin sat down beside a girl with beautiful eyes and blonde hairs she looked at him then smiled and said, my name is Lola Fairbank I’m guessing you are Gavin Wyath, your mother was telling me about you, at this he wasn’t sure whether to be glad or embarrassed or horrified at.

  “Ok, class, today we will be learning the basics of sand power. Can anyone tell me what this red one dose? Gavin knew the answer be he knew that because he was the teacher’s son and then if he answered it he would be called a momma’s boy, so he kept his mouth shut. No one, well actually I can’t say I’m too surprised. Just then Robert added his two cents in

  “It is a powder that makes objects appears.”

  Nobody laughed, Gavin was about to die with laughter but he held it all in.

  Meredith, looked with a half-smile as if she respected his effort, but knew that she had to teach it the right way. “Almost like that, very close it has the ability retrieve items. I must say you at least attempted and somewhat was right that shows you who pays attention at the Dryiad Councilmeetings. for home work one of your assignments will be to pour out a little bit and then say an item you need for instance if you left your books pour some sand and say books but when it comes to that you may just get more than you bargained for and get a pile you don’t need to be specific.“

  Lola raised her and then she was pointed at to stand and talk “If that is the case could a broken spirit just say, Dryiad Councilrecord list of all spies, and intake the information?”

  Meredith raised her eyebrows and said, “I am glad you asked such a question, actually thank you it would have been next to impossible do this assignment. You must register all items with the sand by placing your ring on the object for three seconds once it is registered it will be available to no one if you wish to rid of it will destroy its self.”

  Meredith put her ring finger onto a piece of parchment, a big number flashed on the parchment like a countdown, in big bold it would read: 1 the one disappears 2 the two disappears 3 three disappears. Then purple colored sand flew about 4 inches off the parchment into the ring.

  Meredith looked around the room, “can anyone tell me what that purple sand was?”

  Lola, raised her hand Meredith seemed to ignore it, Gavin thought this was quite rude

  Robert on the other side across from Gavin was dramatically jumping out of his seat it seems like.

  Meredith seemed to ignore this to as if she knew she would get another boastful gloating answer.

  Gavin raised his hand and realized she had to pick on him because he hasn’t answered a question yet.

  “Yes, Gavin”

  “It is the ring meeting the object, as if I were to go to someone and shake their hand in greeting, You mentioned earlier if you wish to get rid of it you must destroy, that is not completely true the bind is good for 200 years, which is a bit close to a life time in Lakenshire but a lot of Lakenshire residents can live 220 and there have been a few to live 300 in the days of discovery of the realm.”

  With a bit of surprise Meredith said, “Excellent, I must say I am quite shook up that only three students knew the answer to this question, well I guess we got lot to learn before summer ends.”

  Meredith grabbed a vial from her pouch and said,” can anyone and I will be shocked to see if anyone can name this powder, if you can answer this you will get an extra five points on your next test.”

  Looking around the room, no one except Andrew, a boy with dark brown hair and a mature look as if he had the brain of an elder, Meredith finally pointed and said,” shoot for it but only one try.”

  “The black is to kill, commonly known as death powder the sand will conjure into The black dagger and kill any person or thing in its path. “

  Meredith looked shocked she said. “That is correct, congratulations five points will be added to your test.”

  On the other side of Lakenshire in the house of Morodo Ambo, John was teaching the basics of blood power.

  This blood, this right here is the teleport blood can anyone tell me why it is white,

  A girl with beautiful oak colored hair and blue mist eyes said, “The creators of the Lakenshire magic system, color coded the sand white because it has the ability to move as the air does ditto with the blood.”

  “Impressive, do you know who the creators of Lakenshire magic are?

  John looked around and said, “Does anyone know?”

  John said in that case that will be your project, (a few grunts and ranting voices erupted)

  John pointed to the board and pulled out his dagger and a chalk flew up moving the sword up and down a few times he wrote project you must write a one foot long report on the two creators of Lakenshire magic.

  I need this paper no later than tomorrow morning, you will be writing about Therox Ambo and Nicholas Flamel I will be giving a shot summary of each I suggest you take notes and fast, John sliced the air and the bored was a clean slate erased.

  The board started again, Nicolas Flamel from the world of the living was a Scrivener, in the mid-ages the people did not know how to read or write that was one of his professions, later he became a manuscript-seller. He is the creator of the philosopher’s stone, this stone can turn any metal into pure gold, the stone can also create the elixir of life this project was called the Great Work.

  With another strike of the sword board cleared, he then started at writing again,

  Therox a local Vampire who created the blood system, I expect you to use these notes and your book that was provided earlier today, to write a foot-long scroll. I want these questions covered,

  How did the two wizards work together to create the magical system?

  Is Flamel alive today?

  How did Nicolas Flamel meet Therox Ambo?

  Is Therox alive today?

  How does the philosopher’s stone work as a link from the wizards’ body sand to the vial sands?

  John sliced the air then sheathed his sword, the board was clear and the chalk dropped,

  “Is there any questions?”

  A boy whom looked as if he was very concentrated, “sir may I ask if this rumor is true,”

  “Go ahead, and you are?”

  “Peter Flemings, sir I was wondering if the broken spirit formula theory was true.”

  John nervously thought in his head only the elders were supposed to know that to know that, he thought to himself well I might as well tell them. Meredith is going to kill me.

  “Yes, class I want you to listen and listen carefully, the combination of the two combat substances forms together to create broken spirits, however this is still just a Theory, (a few gasp came out.) However I do not want this spread to too many apprentices as it bad enough that this class knows I do think most of you are mature enough to handle this.”

  A long pause of silence was broken by John dismissing the class.

  “Ella, come”

  John uncapped the vial and the two teleported home.