Read Lakenshire Cronicles Page 3

  Chapter 3

  John and Ella entered the door to the house and class was still in session and the two had just caught Meredith announcing,” tomorrow we will be practicing teleportation I want each of you to practice under the supervision of an experienced teleporter. Class is dismissed please pick up a book as you leave.”

  The dining room was roaring with voices as they left the den, this reminded John how many more wizards there are compared to the vampires, Ella met two of her friends from the door way chatting about the boys whom which they had all met. John couldn’t help but watch his daughter with a bit of sadness as he saw her beautiful mom’s dark hair and the eyes of clouds that turn silver before the rain storm. Trying to ignore this fact after the house had emptied of all students except the girls whom had moved from the hallway to Ella’s room, Gavin was had loaded his book and supplies hastily to his room.

  John Started a fire in the den, pulled out a vial of red blood, pouring its contents into a cup whispering Whiskey, “It’s much too early for whiskey” boomed a voice from the hall into the den.

  “Meredith, I’ve had an awkward moment while teaching today I do wish, to forget about it, sit I do have a matter on which to speak to you about.”

  Meredith took a vacant seat across from her husband; she caught a glimpse at her once strong, brave, carefree, dark haired husband she couldn’t help but to think of when she first met him, Looking at his balding hair and grey patches all over his chin area, she just then realized how old she must be getting she had never given it much thought as age normally is not a problem in the Lakenshire realm she told herself, you are still one hundred you have at least 20 years before your considered old. John catching the fact that she was not paying attention snapped his fingers around her face as she slowly came out of a daydream , “honestly, listen to me this concerns the theory of the combination of death, the two Lakenshire sources of combat magic.” This grabbed Meredith’s attention,

  “An Apprentice asked me if it was true,”

  “Oh dear, you didn’t tell him did you.”

  “Now honey, it was a small class of about five and most of them very mature.”

  “Dear, we really must have an Elder Dryiad Councilmeeting on this”

  “The Dark-Prince will only grow stronger with fear that is what strengthens him, you realized that right.”

  “Yes, how could someone forget?” Meredith wiped an astray tear from her left eye.

  Just then Ella and two blonde headed girls came down from her room to the den, she was just about to say something just before she did, and John had just remembered he must show Noah around Lakenshire.

  Taking out a pocket watch, he said, “Whatever it is ask your mother dear, I really have to run” John said, pulling out a white vial of sand.

  “Dear, meet at the Jewel residents we have been invited for a chat and coffee.”

  With pop of the vial lid he disappeared from the dining room, and you could see a storm of blood around him traveling to the east.

  Ella had asked her, mother if it was ok to spend the night at two of the other girls’ house. Her mother, to Ella’s sorrow, said no due to the fact that they had to go to the Jewels house later that night. And to the fact that she did not trust the security of any ones home at these times.

  Meredith asked the two girls to leave, Ella ran up to her room still somewhat mad, when she cooled down she thought she should go ahead and start on her scroll she took a bottle of ink out and a quill and wrote her name followed by the date and time she started.

  Nicholas Flamel a famous alchemist joined forces with Therox Ambo meeting in a Irish pub in Portsmouth, The twos goal was to create a magical system, soon to be used around the realm of Lakenshire, The sorcerer’s stone was adapted into a gem, Which is now used by just about all witches and wizards to connect their internal sand to the power of the gem, this gem should not be confused with the sorcerer’s stone it is a cousin of the stone however many people say that is the reason for the people of Lakenshire to live well into 200, These two Magical systems are used throughout the world of the living and though out Lakenshire. The Blood system and the dagger connected to the vampire was created mainly by Therox however the swords and daggers each have a gem at the hilt of each sword. Today we consider the two men hero’s for the work they did, today currently Nicholas lives with his wife in the small town of Dormuth, and the two have reached immortality due to the creation of his sorcerer’s stone.

  Just then Ella looked up she heard a knock on her door, “Come in”, she said.

  It was Meredith with a grim look on her face “Ella we do need to talk, today your father told you about the combination of the broken spirits, now I can tell that this does not seem to affect you too much I do wish to ask you do not give any one any reason to fear it such as your brother,”

  “Why is it so important not to talk of it?”

  “Because to some people it creates fear, stress and or anxiety all of those are things that strengthen the Dark-Prince”

  “Will we be going to war with the Dark-Prince?” asked, Ella shifting uncomfortable from her seat.

  “The way things are looking for us now, who knows your father currently has a spy trying to find out exactly what the army of the Dark-Prince is planning.”

  John arrived at the shopping plaza of Brizbank rechecked his watch and as soon as he did a swarm of sand evolved then clearing back into Noah’s vial.

  John allowed himself a smile as he said, “I see you have got your teleporting sand do you like the teleport spirit? “I do think he would do with a bit of training but for the most part good intentions.” “Well, do you need any more supplies?

  “I believe I need some black and red sand and of course some blue sand just in case of an injury. A friend I met yesterday gave me this and a ring” John allowed himself a smile as he said, “Well, that was generous but that could be why the sand spirit was not too loyal to you, we will need to get you a new one, please return that to the contributor.”

  The two walked into a gate entering the plaza, John saw Noah’s jaw drop this was a heaven for witches and wizards, and had everything one could possibly desire. The Plaza was equipped with a bench next to a statue, with John being the history buff that he is explained the story of the Vampire Therox and the Wizard Flamel, John tried his best to make sure that Noah was keeping up. “Over there is the potions shop but we won’t be needing to go there, over there is the

  “Over there is where you will be stopping to get your ink and quill” pointing to a raggedy old shop, the sign above read: Pen and parchment in magically laced in writing that flashed on the wooden sign it read: below one gold each for elder set, two gold for apprentice set. After seeing this he decided to explain the currency there is 2 gold to a silver 2 silver to a copper, almost expecting the question, Noah said, “ don’t you mean 2 silver to a gold” John laughed and said, “in your realm yes, in Lakenshire gold is a easier find silver is rare, and copper is even more rare.” Noah thought of this odd but all the same “it all has to work some way” he said Noah glanced back at the sign, well that is a obvious name noted Noah to himself, as the two entered the shop they came to a desk accompanied with a long tall man with narrow eyes, and an evil smirk that matched his evil dark hair, his presence felt as if electric currents where pulsing out of him and sending it into the store. The man was cussing at the clerk.

  “I want my pen, Clarisse, that pen has been in my family for centuries,”

  “Sir, as soon as I have it fixed it will be ready it takes time sir this pen is magically laced I can’t just use a simple repair charm. “

  “John cleared his throat and with a sense of authority said, “What seems to be the problem here, Gerroff?”

  Gerroff looked down at John as if he were scum, “I can see that you still volunteering as the Dryiad Councilleader, and can I ask you what your salary is?” John raised his voice a little, “You listen here, and Gerroff some people get paid
with the satisfaction of being able to serve Lakenshire, My finances are none of your business.” Gerroff had a look on his face that one might get when a red hot dagger enters their cold skin, and said “oh, my dear friend but how it is, when my best friend is hurting from starvation and his kids become orphans, I do believe it is I don’t think I could muster the thought of your two beautiful children in the rain starving, at this point John had to stop his self from slicing Gerroff’s head in half, Gerroff continued, “when you grow some sense I could find you some work , you should be using your skills wisely.” John busted, in with a heap of anger “firstly I would never work for you, and you’re lucky my blade hasn’t found its way into your gut and leave your dinner and guts on the floor for acid and maggots to eat. Secondly, you no good sick son of a bitch look at me while I am talking to you, if you lay a hand on my daughter I swear to all that is holy you will burn in hell with your guts hanging low to be stepped on by the Dark-Prince himself, and I will seek to that even if I have to force him to do so.”

  Gerroff twisted his face into a dramatic pose and said, I do not know what you could be possibly be talking about, yes I told her she was beautiful like her voluptuous mother with shapes that can send a man into lust. Just Then John pulled his sword out he was ready to fight, “you sick bastard I am going to kill you, Just before John reached 2 inches from his face with the sword, Gerroff disappeared in a white cloud of dust, John said “ Okay, bitch gloves are off you coward,” John went up to Clarisse, Let me see that damn pen of his, Clarisse held out a what looked like a normal pen, then said, I am not too sure what his problem is Its just a normal pen, John looked at it took it from Clarisse’s wrinkled hand and said, It does seem normal, No signs of a broken spirit charm in it yet? No sir, it seems quite normal I have checked it a hundred times it seems like but still nothing.

  Noah, looking at a wise old man, Noah couldn’t seem to think that the clerk was human, he had long fingers his ears pointed at the very tip, at first he had thought nothing of it but now he had just remembered Claymore telling him about how there was elves.

  “Well, I need to get to the reason I came here, Mr. Jackson I need one set of Elder pens and parchment please.” Clarisse pulled out a few ink bottles and a few quills “Will that be all?” Ok, “That will be 1 gold please.”

  “Here you are sir please do have a nice day.” Handing Mr. Jackson a gold coin, and heading towards the door but he turned back around as if he forgot to say something, “If you have any trouble with Mr.Kirke again please send me a teleporter spirit, you know I do think he is up to something, you best keep an eye peeled.” “Will do” said, Mr. Jackson

  The two walked out as soon as they were out of earshot Noah asked “Is that clerk in there an elf?” John allowed himself a small chuckle, “why yes he is, very powerful beings they are, however their magic is good deal different, they are of the kind of magic you are used they perform wand magic unlike us Lakenshirians who prefer the sand and blood system , for us humans it is much easier and efficient. “

  John stared at the gem ring that was equipped on Noah’s middle finger, “please remove that ring while we go get your sand,” Noah very precisely took it off and put it into a cloak pocket, “I would hate for them to see you already have one and them thinking I am trying to get an extra one, you see here in Lakenshire each apprentice is issued one there and then that system of magic belongs to them, However in your case you get to start with an elder set.” “Would you hand me that ring please?”

  Noah reached into his pocket and grabbed the ring a pulse of vibration started to occur Noah dropped the vibrating ring to the ground with the shock from the vibration, the ring was wiggling around under Johns boot shortly after, attempting to flee, John pulled his green blood out uncapping the vial and let out a few drops onto the wiggling ring it then lied there motionless as if it were dead it turned black and slowly turned into what looked like ashes and flew away in the wind.

  John said with a stern look, “Who gave you that ring?”

  The two stopped walking along the road as if they needed all of the concentration they could get.

  “Claymore, Jewel.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Well, that was the name he gave me, he seemed like he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  John looked confused for a few minutes, then said, “well I will be meeting him tonight you should come too I am sure he didn’t know that it was being possessed by a broken spirit, broken spirits have been known to tap into our magic system before, however that was when the Dark-prince was strong.”

  Noah looked dumbfounded as he asked, “So the Dark-Prince keeps getting stronger and weaker?”

  John sat down on a bench and motioned Noah to do the same, he said I feel I must tell you the story of the Dark-prince’s broken spirits as you may know shortly before Adam and Mother Eve where banned from the Garden of Eden The dark-prince had stolen a sword this sword was of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, This one sword is the source of the Dark-Prince’s powers using this sword we have come to concluded he has powers only evil immortals such as himself could only dream of , however God The alpha and Omega found out about this, and put a curse upon it he has to work very hard to maintain his powers using fear. Once he gets enough fear it has never been to sure how powerful he gets. Our main goal is to destroy this sword he will then weaken allowing us to rule over him ceasing all broken spirits.

  John looked at Noah and said, “This is where I want you to come along I want you to offer your assistance as a spy, once you become a spy I want you to see how he is creating his Broken spirits, right now we suspect that he is creating them by using the mixing of the Black sand and the Green blood, however this is a theory and should not be depended on, I also want you to find out if broken spirits can change into the shape of a humanoid if so we need to do some researching of the record book, I have a few people in my mind at the moment who I have had thoughts of them being broken spirits.”

  John stood up and said, well we have plenty more to buy, the two walked down the streets mainly filled with Wizards and witches the clouds above were starting to turn gray.

  The two went inside the store and the old man at the cash register limped to an open window, “would you look at those clouds those seem to be awful dark I haven’t seen the weather like this since well”… he stopped right there in the mid of his sentence.

  The old man limped up to John, “John I need to have a word with you in the back, sir I will be with you shortly please make yourself at home,” the old man pulled a beautiful gem hilted sword and sliced it toward the fire place it started to roar and crackle with heat and instantly gave Noah a since of security, he then grabbed a and muttered coffee a cup of coffee conjured from a few drops of red blood fresh from a vial which looked as if it was connected to a machine specifically for making drinks.

  The two were soon out of ear shot the old man said, Son this looks like the start of the great war, you will need to gather the Dryiad Councilup but do not scare them you need to be as calm as possible.

  “So you mean to tell me we are going to be attacked by the Dark-prince and you don’t want anyone to panic?”

  “It means that he is now at a strength to where he can now freely come up here so at any moment, However the underworld is a far bit away so I do say we have one week, so I do wish to caution you, a army needs to be ready to fight at all times you need to get spies down there as soon as possible, at any moment he can come up here and if we are not ready we will suffer severely, he is now as close as he has ever been I can feel it, the man grabbed a blue potion substance and chucked it down, This potion was created to reduce fear, it’s called amyudli one of my latest projects if we could get all of our children to take once sip at a time each night it might buy us a week. I remember the last war we nearly all died that of course was when Adam and Eve were alive and they came to our aid.”


  “Well if it is war they want a war we w
ill give them, Mr. Krauss you are possibly the best vampire can I ask you to fight? Are you well enough?”

  “John, I have not very long to live any way for life is nothing but a big war anyway is it not?”

  “Sir, I do wish to ask you this how you defeated him last time.”

  “Well your father a great wizard he was the best I had ever known had given his all he involved every creature that could move if they could attack he used them this did not defeat the Dark-prince this just severely weakened him that is the only thing you could possibly hope for.”

  The two entered back into the front shop, John told the Mr. Krauss, “its ok to tell him he is one of my spies.”

  “Mr. Krauss looked deep at Noah then said, “I hope you are ready for the events you may see around Lakenshire, and with you being a spy I must warn you, some of the images you may see may darken and dwell within your dreams from this day on.”

  Noah looked at Mr. Krauss “I with no doubt befriended the greatest vampire in all times and to say I am scared under his command would be a bold face lie.”

  Without a further word Mr. Krauss got to work with a ring he asked Noah to bite on a piece of paper then Mr. Krauss pulled his sword from his sheath cut the paper and a slimy string of blood hung from his blade he then touched the blade to a ring, the ring gem turned into a burning hot red to a cool midnight blue and then a stormy gray.

  Mr. Krauss thought he should explain the elements of each magic “As you can see you wizards souls are connected with the weather nature as for us vampires we are connected to the live of wild animals.”

  Mr. Krauss paused for a moment as to let that sink in for a moment then started to explain some more, “This ring that was made on a stormy night will from this day forward your magic will always possess a storm type for instance, if Meredith were to use a black sand charm on a broken spirit, the spirit will have a burning effect because her system was binded on a hot sunny day, however yours my friend is one of the most powerful of all dealing lighting strikes and an electrical deal of damage yes indeed because of this weather your combat will be a wonderful plus however your charms will lack for another example Meredith is very talented with charms such as teleporting conjuring potions and items in which have been binded, when you however will not be bad at it but your main talent of magic will focus on combat I want you to train as much as possible there have been multiple starting out as elders but of course he nodded to John then started back again and said “you will need to take the exam.”

  John looked at the careworn old man and said, “Actually, Peter, I was going to just go over the basics with him then he should do fine, after all he was a wizard beforehand he has dealt with magic before.

  Mr. Krauss looked a bit offended and handed Noah a beautiful crafted ring and four vials of multi-colored sand then just before the two were about to leave the old man said, “John never call me peter again and secondly I must give you each a vial of this amyudli, Noah as for the reason I haven’t told you this potion reduces fear” he handed them a bottle of blue colored liquid. I will be bringing more to the next Dryiad Councilmeeting.” Mr. Krauss looked as if he almost forgot, as he said “John please go to the Doremuth I would like for you to talk to an old friend of mine he has soldiers of his own he would be a good addition to our war.

  “Mr. Krauss, I will tomorrow, I need to get to my wife and the Jewels house and warn them about the war.”

  “Please don’t wait till it’s too late, on the other side Mr. Vladimire your company here is welcome anytime.

  “Thanks, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Krauss

  With a pop from Noah’s cap he slid a few grains of sand from the vial releasing a spirit that took a bow “A pleasure my master, My name is Wersilin were shall I be teleporting you today,” he grabbed Noah’s elbow almost with a controlling jerk at this Noah said “I am your master you shall not touch me in any way nor harm me If you do I shall make it my priority to strike you down.”

  “Sir I didn’t mean to.”

  “We’ll let that be a warning to you, to the Jewel residence. A cloud of dust rose to fill the room then was gone at once.

  Mr. Krauss said, “did you see that John that teleporter had the guts to actually touch his owner, I have never in all my days, keep a close eye out on that teleporter.”

  “Mr. Krauss, spirits are not exactly perfect, Sheela has once been asked to cook for the Dryiad Council and responded with, I hate cooking, however my wife was actually very sympathetic towards this and asked her to clean instead, a lot of spirits might do wrong but that does not mean that they are revolting.”

  Mr. Krauss said, “Well looks like we should have this argument later, I would hate to make you late.”

  With a word of goodbye, John let a few drops of blood trickle down to the floor the blood sizzled for a second and drew up into a tornado John, said to Jewel residents, with a poof he was outside the shop and could be seen through a window traveling to the Jewel residence in a tornado of white blood.