Read Lakenshire Cronicles Page 4

  Chapter 4

  John appeared at a large garden leading to a enormous manor, John never could figure out how a dryiad such as himself could afford a home like this then again most dryiads are not full time for a second John could see Mr. Jewel working for the king of England, John walked up to the brass door with a symbol of what looked like a serpent, he had never noticed it like this before it has never glown, however this was no ordinary serpent it was glowing and at that point John almost could not believe his eyes as a snake slithered to the porch and it spoke. “Mr. Krauss told me of your need of assistance I would love to help, that prince used my grandfather’s body to persuade Eve into eating that apple and caused God to curse us on the ground forever.”

  After all of the spirits and ghost that John had seen nothing could have prepared him for this shock showing the shock by jumping back and drawing a shaking sword, it was quite indifferent for him to have ever come along a talking serpent he had thought all of the creatures of Lakenshire to be mute as they are in the realm of the living.

  “Oh would you quit that shaking and get over it your coming across as a big wuss, “

  “It’s not every day that one meets a talking snake.”

  “So, do you live on that door?” John said with a bit of a shudder

  “Well yes and no you see, my spirit does but yet my real home is in Doremuth, I have a clan there who would be more than eager to fight along beside you in the war of Lakenshires existence and taking control of the Sword of knowledge of Good and Evil.”

  “Wait, our goal is not to take control ours is to destroy it therefore eliminating the problem of him to possibly never returning to power.”

  “Yes, yes that does sound good indeed but, what if we had the power over the Dark-Prince? What if we could stop the broken spirits forever? I do of course have one weapon that could help us in this war this is the most powerful weapon of all times, it is on the realm of the living it is said that it possesses all of God the alpha and omega’s power on earth, I believe he would permit us to use it, in a havoc time such as this I would say that this realm right now depends on that weapon and the sword of knowledge of good and evil.”

  Wait, so you are telling me that we need to seek the Holy Grail? That is absurd no one will be able to find it.

  “Ahh, but you see that is where you are wrong, we serpents for centuries along with the elves of the realm of the living have been the guardians of the powerful vial we do have access to it.”

  “Did you just say vial?”

  “yes, the fairy tales do have it wrong, I do wish to ask you to come with me so we can retrieve the vial, now I must warn you ahead of time, It is without a doubt in my mind that the Dark-Prince is after this Holy vial I should say so there is no doubt you will encounter broken spirits of all kinds some even being a driyad such as your self could not prepare you. “

  “Can my wife the witch Meredith come?”

  “It is vital that she comes and having a second sorcerer around wouldn’t hurt anything.”

  “Wait one second you are a sorcerer? But you’re a snake how does that work.

  “Have you heard of a metamorphous? well that enables me to change into human form however, I was born a snake, I still am even when I transform to a human a serpent unlike most I poses the ability to change into a human however it is unfortunate to say that I have no other metamorphous powers other than the snake form.”

  “I will go fetch Meredith” with a side look John glanced at the serpent then knocked hard on the door three times.

  The door swiftly swung open by an old caretaker, “yes, Mr. Jewel was expecting you please follow me sir”

  The door just as swiftly as it had swung open, it had just shut with the same force.

  The caretaker for such an old man did walk extremely fast and did not look back to see John almost jogging to catch up.

  The two finally entered two oak doors and a familiar face appeared

  “John, my dear friend these two women were about to talk my head off with feminine stuff.”

  John looked around “where is Noah?”

  “Um, oh yes sir cut the old caretaker he arrived and asked for me to tell you he will be absent and he did seem very sorry.

  With a sign of grimace and sorrow Claymore led John into the den, “please sit.”

  John gave a look then asked Gavin and Ella to exit the room shortly after claymore signaled Robert to do the same.

  John started in, “the Dark-Prince is growing strong enough to travel here, and a serpent told me that the Dark-Prince is after Gods source of power on earth, we have to stop that. Just then the serpent John had been talking to earlier appeared from mid air then before another word could be spoken the snake was no longer a serpent at all he had a cane that looked as if it were made from blood he had a pale look but his eyes were still of a snakes.

  He spoke up, “as some of you can tell I am Therox Ambo,” Then with Johns mouth slightly opened he said “earlier you told me you where a sorcerer, how is that you are clearly a vampire.” looking for a ring but could not find any signs of a sorcerer, John who’s hero he had always looked up to was hoping that he clearly was a vampire.

  Therox looked at John as if he had lost his mind, “I am a serpent and a metamorphous I can do vampirism and sorcery I used to prefer the title as a vampire in my younger years but now like to use the wizarding standards however my magic is a bit different than yours, however I do slip a few grains of sand now and then I have mastered it I do believe, however I tend to just use my cane to channel my magic through.

  Therox took a wave of his blood color cane and a comfy recliner swept him from under his feet then he said, “how about some ale? “ With a flick of his cane he had five glasses on the coffee table and each took a big swig.

  John looked at Therox a little bitterly as he said, “Why don’t you tell the rest of what I was about to say sense you know firsthand.”

  Therox didn’t seem to think of it as rude, merely glancing at his cup of whiskey then he took a long sip he started in, “Long ago when Adam and Eve still lived in the Garden of Eden there was a sword which of course you all know this but what you lot don’t know is that when The Dark-Prince captured this magical sword God sent a vial to his son called the Holy grail without this Grail or I like to call it a vial because it really is more like a vial, but anyway the most important thing is that The dark-prince found out about the holy grail now he is attempting to retrieve it you see without the holy grail The dark-prince must rely on fear of the realm of the living and Lakenshire with the holy grail he would be very dangerous and rule over the world however in hands such as ours the world of Lakenshire and our top priority the citizens of the realm of the living will remain at peace just as our and broken spirits will flee back to the underworld.”

  Meredith said, “Well that is a good ideal but how are we to achieve this?” “My dear, you me and your husband over here are to retrieve it then we drink from it giving us powers the Dark-Prince has only dreamed of using these powers we fight off the horde of evil infiltrate the underworld and defeat the Dark-Prince and take the Sword of Knowledge of good and evil.” Claymore started in, “I assume you expect me to watch the children and do a woman’s work” Meredith gave him a sharp cut of the eyes John could have sworn she was going to hex Claymore.

  “Claymore you actually have one of the greatest jobs of all we need you to guard over the children me Mrs. Wyath and Mr. Wyath will be out of the realm.” “I suppose I should keep watch for the children and would you like me to take in as managing the council?” He asked with excitement as if it was his lifelong dream to run the Dryiad council. Meredith gave a look to of a somewhat look of confusion was John and Meredith really to trust someone with the affairs of the Dryiad council? In the end Meredith knew that the fact that Claymore was John’s best friend it would help a lot but however this was very risky business.

  John looked to Therox, “And how long will this mission fo
r the Holy Grail be?”

  Therox I am expecting a week with all of the security and travel it takes a few days to teleport to the realm of the living we have to pass the Ezok realm then we should be in Azonra from there we will run into the realm god from there he gives permission to pass into the realm of the living or not however luckily just before Krauss told me of your vacancy of assistance in the war between Lakenshire and the Underworld I passed the examination allowing me and any of my guest pass free as we please.

  Meredith nervously got up and walked to a corner on the and said in almost a shaky voice, “I don’t know if I should go maybe I should watch the kids and you let Noah go, I am not so sure I want claymore to keep eye over the Dryiad Council, I would feel more comfortable with it being me here.”

  “I could ask Therox if this could be arranged however he made it seem like over there that it was vital that you come. I also don’t see the Noah coming ideal a good plan he became a Dryiad Councilmember just one day ago he isn’t experienced yet. I will see if it could be arranged for Claymore to join us instead.”

  John walked over to the chair in which Therox was sitting in and asked him to join him and Meredith in conversation John glanced over to Claymore shifting his small body left to right and moving his small blonde head over to his beautiful wife Jennifer, who was quite a pleasure for Therox who had been eyeing her the whole time she didn’t talk very much, she just sat there with fierce careless filled ocean filled eyes with her hair in her lap she was a very beautiful woman indeed she was a Demi-god, her father was a wizard while her mother was the god the realm of the living calls the sun, however she is not a planet she does have a split spirit she is also the wind rain and snow however the woman who the spirits come from is the most beautiful human in all of the universe of the living and all the other realms surrounding it.

  Therox looked up at John and got up at once to join the two “What seems to be the problem here? Is someone getting cold feet?” John nodded to his wife with a quick look back, as if to show that he really was just popping his neck in a pointing fashion.

  Meredith said, “Listen I don’t think it is a very wise idea to leave someone with complete control of the records I am a bit fearful of the data that can be lost or used.” Therox looked at Meredith in disbelief and said, “Do you realize we must use you? You are the heir of the protector of the holy grail, your mother was a very respectful guardian once the grail was placed on this earth The Alpha and omega entrusted her with this vial a few years passed she had you she then, she placed your finger to the vial till your ring changed colors so this item is equipped to your soul.

  Meredith wiped a tear from her beautiful midnight colored eye lashes and said, in a controlled shaky voice, “I remember I was six she made it her first priority that I learn all of my magic at a young age, so that, I could protect it, and yet she died protecting it, and here I am too fearful to go retrieve it I am a coward, I am nowhere near the witch my mother was. Those damn broken spirits,” her sadness quickly changed to anger, the entire room of the adults felt her wrath of anger. A vibration of sand swept the entire room throwing chairs back, and breaking the chair under Claymore’s body.

  John who had been on his back covered with dust stood up and shook off, he then went to help Claymore and offered to help Jennifer, but as soon as he got over to her she teleported leaving a cloud of white sand. John looked at Claymore and said, “where is she going, Meredith didn’t mean to, that always happens when she gets upset.” John walked a bit closer to Claymore, “her mother was brought up.”

  “Oh” Claymore said with an expression of pity, Claymore walked over to Meredith and said, “We all lose someone, at some point but look how much stronger you are because of It, not to many witches or vampire for that matter can destroy my living room.” John believed it; the living room itself was bigger than his whole house.

  Meredith walked to the door, pulled a vial full of blue sand from her neck pouch and said “Sweptius, living room and uncapped the sand and let a few grains fall at the middle of a second, the blue sand rose into the air and formed a spirit broom in a matter of minutes, the four of them were staring at a perfectly crystal clean living room the chairs where mended the chandelier recollected its crystals and rose back to its spot on the ceiling , Meredith then said “Sweptius return, the spirit broom turned back into a sand form then flew back into the vial not leaving one grain.

  Therox, looked at Meredith and said, “Oh my you really are advanced, Meredith seemed to ignore this and said, “let’s go get that holy vial and kill that no good Dark-Prince and put an end to all of this nonsense.

  John went up to Claymore and said, I want you teaching the wizards and witch apprentices and Morodo teaching the vampires I trust you two with the safety of Lakenshires children. Please do not give me any reason not to trust you, said John staring into Claymore’s dark green eyes, I entrust you with the record book and rule over the Dryiad CouncilI need you to put some of your best men on patrol in search of any broken spirits, I am starting to believe that they can change into human form, due to the fact of Gerroff running around here, they both gave a small chuckle.

  Claymore looked back at John, and said, I will tell Morodo right away sir, and please don’t Worry about Gavin and Ella I will keep a close eye on them for you, you know I will care for them as I would for my own. John called to Ella and Gavin to tell them their byes, “Ella, Morodo is a great teacher he once taught me, and Gavin Claymore will be teaching you. You kids are in great hands.”

  Meredith said, ok kids I want you in bed by midnight practice your arts before you go to bed. John seemed to almost forget, then the thought occurred at that he took Claymore aside and handed him a vial of the blue liquid amyudli have the kids take one teaspoon a night it reduces fear, if you feel you should take some do not hesitate. Claymore looked stern with pride and responsibility as he once again said, “yes sir.”

  Therox said, ok you two we can teleport home to get equipment we might need, then we meet in a place called Derogs isle, from there we will be teleporting to another realm called Ezok.

  Therox waved blood cane and disappeared in midair. John waved to his best friend and then pulled out a vial of white blood and let a few drops of blood hit the carpet he disappeared and could be seen from a window going towards the Wyath house. Meredith pulled white colored sand from her neck pouch and a white sand spirit came swarming out, and said, Hello Claymore, “How are you on this fine night?”

  Claymore allowed himself a grin and said, “Good and you?”

  Before Sheela could answer Meredith said, “To my house Sheela lets go, this is important,”

  “Yes, right away, good bye Claymore.”

  Sheela grabbed Meredith’s arm and the two were gone.

  Meredith while the two where in hyperspace traveling to the Wyath residents, looked at Sheela with a smile you like Claymore don’t you.” Meredith, please do not be silly he is a human, I have not the slightest bit of attraction towards him.” Meredith rolled her eyes, as the two arrived in the Wyath home living room.