Read Laura's Big Win Page 17

Chapter Seventeen - Women's Work

  Laura spent the next half hour on the phone to her mother, and then to her sister, while Ryan was on his cell to his parents. They had not yet even discussed a date, but just the initial announcement was received with joy. Laura's parents were relieved that she had "found someone" to take care of her and the kids, and they had welcomed Ryan with open arms at first meeting. Nancy, on the other hand, was congratulatory but could have been more so; she was coming to grips with the notion that her older sister had managed to dump the bait and land the big fish, while Nancy had managed to land a fish who had turned into bait. Laura realized the comparison, but neither made mention of it nor did she dwell on it for any time. In their younger days, Nancy had been the campus socialite, while Laura lingered in the shadows; today Laura was becoming the swan. All of the names, of course, went on the invitation list, with many more to come.

  The two betrothed spent the time before lunch in some basic planning, but decided to join whomever had signed up for lunch in the big kitchen, along with the kids. Those already there were not particularly surprised when the four of them came in. It had become a more and more familiar sight over the last couple of months, but the glint of a large diamond engagement ring fueled a minor riot as word spread. In the usual division, the guys pounded Ryan on the back and shook his hand with vigor, saying things like "Lucky dog", while the women were less physical and more vocal. In his wisdom, Ryan took a back seat when the talk turned to the actual planning of the event. Earlier in a private moment, Ryan had confided to her his feelings on the subject: "You will never ever hear me say this about anything else in the world, but weddings are women's work; let me know if you need something."

  Laura had taken his words at face value, realizing this man said what he believed, and was grateful for his candid approach. "Just promise me that when this is all over, you'll still be there for me. And I think we need to talk money along the way, if you don't mind."

  They had not arrived at talking about the cost of a wedding as yet, but both had been through medium sized weddings once, and knew prices had gone up. Laura needed some idea of how big an affair he was willing to accept, and there really was the matter of who was paying for what, all those mundane but vital decisions. But first, there was lunch and a couple of hours of the ladies chatting over coffee while the men and kids went back outside; as he left Ryan confided quietly to his bride to be: "Let me know when we can meet again. I can see you're busy right now." and after Laura had started to get up, added "No, really; enjoy this glow; you're entitled. I'll be here when you need me, always." The look she gave him said she was grateful for his understanding.

  By mid afternoon they were back in the cottage with lists of things spread out all over the table. Ryan had negotiated some major deals in his lifetime, but when he had first married, he had missed most of this part. Mary and her mother, and his mother to some extent, had done everything, proving his point on it being women's work. This time around it was different. The two mothers were not close at hand, and the sister was not really invited to participate much, but there was, of course, Alice, and during the week Marie and Marcia and others. Ryan was allowed to sit at the planning table as though he knew what he was doing, while in reality he had little knowledge about the flower arrangements having to match the color pattern selected and things like that. It was a much more complicated evolution than he had imagined, but he loved this woman and it was important to him that everything be as she wished it to be. Turning back to the guest list for a moment, Laura asked for his input beyond those already listed: "Okay, I have your parents, and a few other close relatives and friends, maybe a dozen all together; is that really it? I mean, that doesn't seem like very many. I don't want to miss someone and cause some hurt feelings."

  "That's about it for now, really, but for planning purposes, add twenty-five spots just in case."

  "Twenty-five? Are you sure? What do you mean, 'just in case'. Is there someone you have in mind you haven't mentioned yet?"

  "Call it an act of prudence. Okay, add in everyone who works here, full and part time; for the singles, add in an escort or partner or significant other or whatever they're called these days. Then add the 25 spaces. Okay?"

  "Sure, I'll itemize all them later, but can you at least give a girl a hint of what you're thinking about?"

  "There may be some other persons who hear about this who might want to attend. I think if we plan for some last minute guests, it's a lot easier than trying to add them later. And we know you can handle disposing of excess food supplies, especially the expensive stuff."

  Laura laughed at the reference to her shelter escapade, but added 25 unnamed spaces, just in case. This assemblage was starting to become sizeable all of a sudden, and she started wondering about the cost. "Ryan, I don't want to bring this up, but I have to before this gets out of hand. We're both adults, we're in this together, and I feel I should pay my fair share; I don't have a lot of bank yet, and a lot of what I do have is for the kids education or in Windmere stocks I don't exactly want to part with. This is starting to balloon. I mean, look at what just happened to the guest list, and we've been talking about not just a reception but a dinner as well."

  "Do you love me?"

  "You know I do, silly; what a question to ask."

  "Then would you trust me to handle my end if we sort of divided things up to get all this in hand?"

  "Of course I trust you; I'm about to commit the rest of my live to loving and trusting you, but I don't want to be unfair about this."

  "Okay, here's how we'll do this. I think better in terms of contracts and things, you know, the more concrete aspect of things than color combinations for corsages and whether I should wear my shorts with the big hearts on them for the ceremony."

  "You wouldn't!"

  "I would, but who'd know? You could find out, but there's only one way!"

  "I plan to, and that's how."

  "I think we're getting off track here. Look, I'll admit I don't know much about weddings. Suppose I just handle the financial arrangements, paying the bills and stuff like that, and you do the planning. I'll help with whatever, whenever you ask, and I'll show up when I'm supposed to. That way, you won't use valuable time on stuff I can handle."

  "How will I know when we go over budget, or if I'm getting too far out in left field with something; will you tell me, and honestly?"

  "I will tell you, and honestly. If I see things happening I don't feel we can afford, I'll say something. Okay?"

  "Yes, but, how will I know how big my share is getting to be before I drown in it?"

  "I will always be your life preserver; count on it. But if you're really worried about that, let's set a general limit right now. We already know what Richard got for the kids, so they're worth something, plus interest." Leaning back in his chair, Ryan openly eyed her from one end to the other, grinning as he did so. "I'd say pound for pound, you're their equal, so we'll double the basic worth based on that assumption."

  "Are you saying I've got a big rear end?"

  "No ma'am. I would never say that; I don't have any sort of death wish. Besides, it isn't true, at least not what I can see from here. I'll let you know more about that if things change. Anyway?..where were we before I was so pleasantly distracted. Let's see; 10 k-bucks for the kids, plus 10 k-bucks for you, plus interest. Now, we add in the cost avoidance for a wedding planner, because you're already doing all the work, so add in another 10 k-buck contribution, I expect there will be some donations we can allow for so add 10 k-bucks for that, and I come up with a total estimate of 40k, which I will gladly match if I get to handle the money and you do all the hard work. Sound reasonably unfair to you?"

  "I don't know how in the world you ever got through school with math skills like that, but I see the handwriting. Okay, that comes up to $80,000, which is a ton more than I was thinking about. Are you sure about this? We could just fly to Vegas?"

  "Do you know how many people we would tick off
if we pulled something like that? Besides, I want the world to see you in your dress and all that. What the hell; I'll admit I want to be seen with you, and seen going on a honeymoon with you. Call it an ego trip, whatever."

  "Ryan, about the dress, now that you mentioned it. I know you're pretty traditional about a lot of things. White dresses are for the first time around, at least that was the custom for a long time. I've been around once, not that I'm real proud of it. So, where are we with that?"

  "The reality is, you have never before been married to me. In fact, I'm not sure you were ever married at all, the way you were treated, so I think this is like starting all over again and you can wear whatever you want. Personally, I'd like you in white, but whatever you feel comfortable in, that's what I want to see??I'll get the door, okay?"

  Ryan heard the tap on the door, and actually felt a little relief at the break in planning. There were just so many things to do, and some things he still felt he needed to be quiet about, although he would not flinch from the truth if asked. As it turned out, Alice Hamilton was at the door, and looking like neither of them had ever seen her before. She had a schoolgirl grin on her face, and the almost dancelike movement in her gait said something was really going on in that head.

  "Planning session, kids?"

  "Yes, but we're taking a break right now. What's going on, Alice? You look positively radiant, and just a little giddy I might say." Laura had picked up quickly on the other woman's state of mind.

  "He called. He's on his way, be here tomorrow. I'm so damned excited I don't know what to do next. I know I'm crazy at my age to act this way, I just can't get over it and I had to tell someone or bust."

  "Alice, that's great. I assume you're talking about Vincent?..Vinny?"

  "The one and only. I don't think I was this excited on my wedding night. I mean?..well, you know what I mean. I just can't wait, and Laura, he said he's coming for me and when he leaves, I go with him, ready or not. He even said if I can find a preacher, he'll marry me on the spot, but one way or another, I go with him. What'll I do?"

  "Woman, this calls for action; can't let a live one get away, can we?. This wedding stuff can wait a bit. I think Ryan was ready to escape anyway. First of all, got any booze? We have to have a toast to start things out right. Next, Ryan, can you take the kids while we make a high speed shopping run into town?"

  "Can do. I'll have the guys roll out the van, while we have that toast, assuming I'm invited, and I'll track down the kids and let them know what's happening. Besides, this will be good training for me. Why a shopping trip?"

  "Girls have needs, Ryan, so Alice and I are going to do a little shopping this afternoon. But first, Alice, about that drink."

  "Got some good stuff at my place. I've been waiting for a special occasion, and it doesn't get any more special that this, at least not for me. I know you have a wedding to plan and all that, but you kids have a long lifetime ahead of you. I need to strike quick at my age, and I know you're going to just love him too."

  "Are you sure about this Alice, marrying the guy and all?"

  "Yes, I'm sure. I've had time to think about it, and like I told you, one way or another, I have to get on with my life. That's why I made that goofy trip back to the old high school to begin with. Anyway, I'm not likely to get many more offers at all as good as this one, not at my age. No sense letting him get away."

  Ryan was getting the distinct feeling he was once again being run over by events, and he didn't mind in the least. It would maybe give him some time with the kids, and helping Alice enjoy her moment was a pleasure in itself. They adjourned to Alice's cottage for the promised drink, and discovered she truly knew the meaning of "the good stuff". Her stash was right up there with what Roger kept under lock and key in the office. A drink later, as they were walking out toward the waiting van, Ryan asked Alice once again about her intent to marry, and was reassured she was so intent.

  "Assuming he doesn't get cold feet, and it doesn't sound like that is even a remote possibility, what kind of a wedding did you have in mind?"

  In truth, in her excitement and as out of character as it was, Alice had not thought past even getting married itself, let alone any of the details. Her world was upside down and revolving in a whirl. "I don't know, just something to make it legal I think, so our kids and grandkids won't fuss or think we're crazy. I can leave all the fancy stuff to you kids. No sense wasting any time. Why were you asking?"

  "Well, for one thing, you need a practitioner, a place, and a time. I have a practitioner in mind; what about the rest?"

  "Can it wait until we get back? Better yet, I'll call him on my cell while we drive into town, make sure, then call you on your cell. By the way, Laura, why are we going to town?"

  "Wendy's Works. Always wanted to go there; this is great excuse. Besides, I might want to do a little shopping myself. You never know. Ready?"

  "For this? You bet. See you Ryan. I'll call." And they were off down the road, leaving Ryan watching the disappearing van.

  For his part, Ryan's mind was having a shouting match with itself, and both sides were losing the battle. He had never been in Wendy's Works, and was not likely to ever go in, at least not of his own volition but he had walked past the shop a time or two and the effect was not lost. It was strictly a women's apparel shop, with a very limited scope of merchandise, all being pointed toward poolside and bedroom, with emphasis on the bedroom since the entire collection of scant swimware took up so little space. Ryan had mused, from a purely engineering standpoint of course, how some of the garments stayed on, or up, or whatever, with no apparent support anywhere, particularly where the mannequins were not very well endowed. It was a whole new field of physics he just didn't know much about, but somewhere in the mix of images, Laura popped up, again, and again. He needed to pick a wedding date, for a reality check on his imagination. But in the meantime, he put in a call to Harry Comstock, let the kids know where their mother had gone, and told them Alice was about to depart Windmere. He also informed Dennis and Franz about the nature of the emergency run, and enjoyed the look of wonder on their faces. Asking them to watch the kids for a bit, he decided taking a couple of miles on a run was probably the best thing he could do at the moment. During the course of the run he received a call from Alice confirming Vinny's arrival the next morning, and his intentions toward her, including a marriage if things could be managed. Harry was going to love this one.

  Later in the day when things had calmed down a bit, Alice joined the four of them for the evening meal in Laura's cottage. Plans were reviewed, enjoyed, and a million kids questions were answered, mostly about whether Alice would ever come back or not. Assured that she would not miss their mother's wedding, even if she had to walk, they settled down for the evening with Amanda on Ryan's lap watching some reasonably harmless television while the ladies continued talking at the table. And finally, after Amanda had been carried to bed, and Jack was settled in for the night, Alice bade them a good evening and departed with her own thoughts.

  Ryan had noticed a time or two during the evening when Laura seemed to be deep in thought, but in the glow of Alice's news, he didn't pursue it at the time. Now, sitting on the sofa not actually watching anything but each feeling the presence of the other, he brought it up. "You seemed lost in thought a couple of times. What did I do this time?" Ryan asked, broaching the subject with a light air.

  "Are you sure you don't want to do like Alice and Vinny and just fly off somewhere? I know this is asking a lot from you; I may turn out to be terrible to live with after all."

  "Two things: yes, I think we need to do this the long way because I really believe that is the memory we want to have, and secondly, after you left for Wendy's Works, my imagination got the best of me, and I want to find out if it's right, but at the right time. So there."

  Laura felt her face flush at the thought, but at the same time was pleased she could have that effect on this man she loved so much. And he was right about the wedding
plans; she intended to remember this for a long time, with him at her side. Then her own imagination started generating images as her mind wandered and she enjoyed the warmth of his presence, snuggled against him. But as the images rolled through, one more stray through popped up.



  "Where are we going to live after we're married. There's plenty of room here for you, but the kids are getting bigger and will need their own rooms soon. I was sort of thinking about that."

  "Tell you what, let me handle that for now. I'll do the finance and property management; you do the social things. Deal?"

  "Deal. Wanna sign a contract or ?..Mufft." Laura's comment was cut off in mid-sentence by lips on her own, a response she both understood clearly and enjoyed thoroughly.

  "I think I probably need to head for my own digs for now. Half of my brain is trying to talk the other half out of that 'let's wait' commitment I made, and it's starting to win. Besides, I think with the Alice and Vinny deal tomorrow, we'll probably need all the sleep we can get. Kiss me enough to last until morning."

  And after a lingering good night kiss, the two parted for the evening, but looking forward to another day closer to their own wedding.