Read Laura's Big Win Page 16

Chapter Sixteen - Engaging Conduct

  Six PM arrived in due time. Ryan arrived at the cottage to pick her up, with his usual shop worn and somewhat tired sedan. Alice already had the kids in tow and would take them to Marie's later in the evening. Laura was comfortable with the car since she knew what it had meant to him in the past, and she knew that some day he would be able to let go of it just as he had let go of some of his sadness. Ryan commented on how great she looked, especially after her day in the trenches, and again praised her ability to stand on her own and run the show.

  "I called the hotdog stand; they're fresh out of brats, so that's out. Maybe I can find some other place milady would find suitable. I know: how about I just take you somewhere unannounced and surprise you. Okay?"

  "Okay. I learned some time ago you are very trustworthy, or I wouldn't be in here on a darkened road, with night coming on, and my kids not here to protect me. Is it safe?"

  "Probably. Anyway, I'm driving, and I think this will work out well for us. I do believe today was a special day for you, really. You got out in front and lead the pack, proved you can do the job, and that you can hold your own in a crowd. You, in fact, are a fully functional and very capably independent adult female. So there. And what I said about the competition, it's very true. You'll get the headhunter calls, count on it. Part of it is because you are, simply put, really great at what you do. You proved that today and word gets out. Secondly, companies are desperate for female executives, preferably good ones, and you most certainly qualify there. And the rest of that stuff about you being very sexy with a great body and all that, well, that's just my opinion, but I have a feeling it's shared by any guy who sees you."

  "You do go on some. What makes you think I'm 'sexy' or whatever. Flatterer!!"

  "Nope. Just reality. Remember those times in the pool with your kids when you thought I was out jogging? Well I was, but I jogged past the pool a lot of times just to take a look. I think I put in a couple extra miles those days. Anyway, we're about there. This okay with you?"

  Laura had not been paying attention to where they were in Conyerville, but quickly recognized the country club where Windmere held a company membership. They used it on occasion when the big house simply could not hold enough persons for an event. The club was well used by its patrons, tonight being no exception, but Ryan and Laura were escorted past the waiting line, through the main dining room, and into a small room at the back Laura had never noticed on their earlier visits. Ryan tended to be less than formal on most occasions, but they had dined here several times over the past few months on special events, always in the main dining room, and frequently to the envious stares of eligible females in the dining room. Still, Laura had not seen this room, and was well pleased, if a little puzzled, by what she saw. The room was not large at all, and held a single table in the center, with only two chairs placed across from each other. The recessed lighting and soft drapes gave the whole room an almost hazy, rosy look, while the small vase and lit candles on the table contributed a bit of color to the atmosphere as well as a pleasing scent. The ma?tre de seated Laura, while Ryan settled himself in the other chair and reached for the contents of the wine bucket.

  "Your favorite, I believe?"

  "It is. How did you do this on such short notice? You are really just great at doing things that constantly amaze me. This is simply beautiful, and secluded to say the least. A girl could get swept off her feet by all this attention, but trust me, I could get used to it."

  "It did take a little threatening, and I made them evict an elderly couple celebrating their hundredth wedding anniversary, put them in the freezer until their hundred and first. The grape juice I bought some time ago and had them hold it in their wine cellar for today, even though I didn't know when this day would be. But there's more. I have another little surprise for later on in the evening. First we talk, and dine. Haven't you ever heard that old saw about how the way to a man's heart is thorough his stomach?"

  "I do know one way is with a sharp knife between the third and fourth rib pairs, left side, but I don't think this knife is up to the task. Anyway, I might want to hear what you have to say. So, say on."

  "First, I want you to tell me everything you know about your kids. I know, I know. I've seen them dozens of times, carried Amanda to bed more than once, and I think Jack and I have come to an understanding of sorts; it's a male thing, you know. I want to know more than that. I want to know what you think of them, what you hope for them. No hurry; we have all night since the two of them are already safe and secure for the evening. And, you never talk much about your parents, or your sister and her husband. I've met them, but that's all I know and it isn't enough. I know there was a little problem there, but you seem to have grown past that okay. Talk to me; I want to know about you and the people around you, and if you're a good girl, I might even think up some reward."

  "I still like your last idea of a reward. But if you really want to know all that stuff, it's going to take a while. Are you sure?"

  "I'm sure. Besides, I told the chef to slow things down. Here, let me decant a bit to loosen your tongue. Please, Laura, talk to me."

  And talk they did, for what seemed like hours, about her kids, about what she hoped for them, her sister, her parents, everything but herself, and in turn he talked about his family, his lost brother, how he ended up where he was. There was a little he left out, although Laura would also be told those parts when the right time came. What amazed her was how much he already knew, even to the foods she liked, and the desert she craved after dinner. The time flew by as they faced each other, learning and processing what they heard, seeing how much they had in common and how their differences made them more interesting to each other. Finally, hands holding across the table, Ryan suggested they take another short journey, sort of a surprise he had held in store. Ever curious about this man, and not about to lose him now, Laura agreed.

  "Where in the world are we going now? I don't think I've ever been? a minute. I know where we are. I'm just not used to coming from that direction. We're at the lake. There's the boat house. I thought those things were supposed to be all put away for the winter and things like that. Are you suggesting we go for a dip? Little chilly for me."

  "Nope. No dipping, just riding. I had the woody kept in service this fall; thought maybe I'd want to use it some evening, and sure enough, here we are. Hang on; let me get some lights here."

  Using his phone, Ryan cleared the boathouse security, and turned on enough of the outside lighting so they could see where they were going as they made their way to the door. Laura had seen the "woody" Ryan referred to, but it was seldom taken out of the boathouse, for a couple of reasons. It wasn't really very big as boats go, holding may a half dozen comfortably, and it was elderly at a minimum. The boat was all varnished wood of various types, with a mahogany deck covering an updated inboard engine, and had modern navigation devices but still looked as old as it had originally appeared. Approaching headlights made Laura look back for a moment, and she saw the security patrol check the car, then cruise on. In the meantime, Ryan had opened the boathouse and turned on the lights. The larger power boat and the ski boat were both gone and in storage for the off season, but the woody still hung in its cradle, sleek and polished as only true craftsmanship can be. Ryan set things in motion to take the boat out, and the two of them boarded carefully.

  "You may need this. It can get a little chilly out on the water at night, especially this time of year." and picking up a stadium blanket he carefully placed it around her shoulders, being careful to put both arms around her and brushing her lips in the process, only to find both her arms around him and lips on his that demanded more than a quick pass by. Breaking the clinch for a moment, Ryan started the muffled engine, opened the remote controlled door on the water side of the boathouse, and carefully backed out into the lake. By most standards, it wasn't much of a lake, but was good enough for recreational boating and a steady water supply. Shallow draft boats
could even run upstream for quite a few miles, but Ryan wasn't interested in seeing the sights tonight. He wanted complete solitude with this woman, no interruptions. The evening had gone so well this far, and they had learned so much about each other. Always before, their talks had been less in depth, more about events in their lives than just each other, but tonight there was only the two of them, face to face, spirit to spirit.

  Ryan was right about the night chill, but under the blanket, Laura felt a warmth from within just being near this man. She didn't know where all this was leading, but intended to stay the course, no matter what, and if it didn't lead where she wanted to go, well, there was a lot she considered she would do just to continue the relationship. She came to the realization, without ever having used the word, that she loved this man beyond reason. What he felt for her, she was unsure of, but in his arms she felt protected and cared for, all the things she wanted to feel.

  For his part, Ryan was equally at sea. This evening was going as he had rehearsed it in his mind over and over, always waiting for the day when it could come into reality. Having truly loved his Mary, he knew what it felt like, and he knew that feeling had been growing within him since the first time he saw Laura. He knew he didn't understand how some of these crazy things had come to pass, but here they were, in the middle of a lake, in the late fall, just the two of them. Ryan turned on the proper navigation lights, and stopped the boat when they were in about the center of the lake. One of the redeeming features of this maintenance intensive boat was the round cockpit area with large padded bench seating. There was plenty of room for two people to sit back and stretch out, especially if they were really close together. The low profile of the boat made it great for just sitting and observing things, and the crystal clear night sky overhead only added to the ambience. In much less than a coincidence, there was an ice bucket resting in the small console, from which Ryan extracted another split of Laura's favorite juice. Somehow, that did not surprise her in the least when he handed her a glass. "To us, to tonight, and to our future, whatever it may hold" was the toast he proposed, and she accepted.

  Ryan sat on the padded cockpit seating and invited Laura to sit in front of him, and use him as a backrest, with the stadium blanket draped over the two of them. Blanket warming them, she rested against him, head on his chest and his arms about her with her arms locked over his, hand in hand. In his own meticulous way, Ryan had planned this scene in his mind, and tonight played particularly well for his intentions. Although they were in the center of the lake, the bow was pointed toward a small cove. With no significant breeze, the boat drifted very little and remained pointed as Ryan wished. Always the planner, he knew there would be a full moon rising in about ten minutes. The list of things he really wanted to know was pretty short, now that they had learned so much about each other. With the moon just starting to peek over the tree line, he plunged in.

  "I know all kinds of things about your kids, your family, and I know what happened to your marriage, but do you ever think about marrying again, I mean, if someone came along you could really love, would you jump in again knowing what you know now?"

  "I think so. I wasn't very smart the first time around, guess that showed, but still I think I'm the eternal optimist about love. If it's there, it's there, and if I loved someone enough, maybe I just haven't learned my lesson but I'd be willing to take the chance, if it came along that is. I don't want to live alone the rest of my life."

  "But what about the kids? Do you think they'd object?"

  "No, not really. You see, I couldn't love someone they would find unsuitable, even at their young age. Kids are very perceptive, probably without knowing it. I remember the night in the shelter when Amanda reached up and grabbed Dennis by the finger; pure trust; read him like a book, didn't she. Anyway, the kids come with me. Guess we're sort of a package deal."

  "But what about if he wanted to adopt them legally and all that?"

  "Same deal. Names don't matter much; that's just legalese. It would be nice just to have to keep from explaining the name difference, and it would ensure them better security should something happen to me, but if he loved my children, then what would it matter? Does that make sense at all?"

  "Yes, really it does. So, if some guy comes along and somehow convinces you to marry him, the kids come along as a package deal. Right?"

  "Right, although I think it would be best to at least talk to them about the deal, you know, get some buy in. You're a good salesman, you could do it, I mean?.that is?..for example."

  "I need to tell you something, and I know it may sound a little crazy, but I just want you to know what I've been going through the past few months. I loved my wife very much, and when she died, I'm sure a part of me died with her. But the rest of me kept on living, painful as it was. You know I'll never forget her, or the good times or the bad, but since you've been in my life, I find I can deal with those memories. They don't control my life anymore, and the part of me that went on living wants to do just that. I wanted so much for this relationship to blossom into a beautiful flower, but more than that, I wanted to know that whatever developed, it was not because of need but because of want. Today, you proved you can stand alone; simply, you don't "need" a man in your life to keep things together; you can depend on yourself. Recognized self-reliance is a huge step. Is that understandable at all?"

  "It is. Today I felt as if I could do it all. I know I can't, but I sure can give things a run. Yesterday I thought maybe I could; today I know I can. Is that what I kept sensing between us? Were you afraid I'd want you for a security blanket?"

  "Less that than wanting you to stand on your own like I knew you could. It's a great feeling and if you came to depend on me, you'd always wonder "what if", but you see, tonight there is no "what if". If you're angry with me for being that way, I'll understand. I just believed it was best, and I know I have no right to decide what's best for you. So, how angry are you at me for all that?"

  "Not angry, but I don't understand why you did things that way"

  "Because?.I discovered months ago that?.I love you very much, and I want you and everything that comes with you in my life, but I also want so very much for you to want me, not need me. Like you, I'd always wonder, so I wrestled with myself for months, wanting to tell you how I felt, but afraid it would somehow change things. And maybe now, I've managed to muddy things anyway. I'm sorry if my good intentions caused harm; where do we go from here?"

  "I don't know; I missed everything after you said 'I love you', and I don't care about the rest. I think I started loving you the first time I saw you. I don't know why, but this thing just seems to have a life of its own, whether we like it or not, and probably in spite of us. I decided coming out here tonight, I would do whatever it took to stay in your life, and I have to tell you, I'm yours, any place, any time you want. I love you that much. I have never ever done anything like that in my life, but I have 'want' for you, and plenty of it."

  "Remember all those goofy questions earlier; you know, the 'what if's'? What if, instead of saying 'some man', I said Ryan Williams; would it change your answer?"

  "No. When I answered, your face was the one in my mind, along with a lot of hope. Was I being foolish?"

  "Will you marry me Laura, be my wife?"

  "Yes?oh yes. It seems like forever I've waited to hear those words, and they sound so wonderful to me. What can I say but yes."

  "And do you promise to massage my neck when I have a muscle strain?"

  "Every day, but what a strange thing to bring up right after proposing to me"

  "Not so strange. I have a strain right now that needs massaged, and here I am."

  Laura was quick to read the hint that time, and rolling over under the blanket slid up until she was lying full length on top of Ryan, lips on his, arms around him tight, heart pounding as hard as his. There was no question she wanted this man and very badly, even if she knew in her own experience that the rush would be mostly his. That didn't matter.

/>   "Ryan, what I said about being yours, I meant it. I've never?.I can't?..what I'm saying is I love you and I'm willing to prove it if you want me to, but I've never initiated anything like that and I'm scared; I don't know what to do. Help me, please?"

  "You don't have to prove anything. I love and trust you, and if you say you love me, I believe it. As to initiating anything, all you have to do is flit through my mind to set off a wild flurry in me, but I do love you and I want all things for us to be in due time. I think maybe this will have to do for now. Okay?"

  Ryan had wiggled one arm free enough to reach into a pocket and retrieve a small jewelers box, offering it to Laura. As though she were handling the most fragile thing in the world, and even knowing what had to be in the box, she so carefully opened it in the bright moonlight that the reflection off the stones still nearly caught her by surprise. The impressive arrangement glistened like the fire in her eyes, but could not match the flow of hot tears of joy flooding down her face.

  "How did you do all this, how did you know? I love it, and I love you even more, ring or not. It's beautiful. Can I??"

  "It's yours. Of course you can wear it. It should fit perfectly, if Alice is any sort of spy at all."

  "Alice? She knows about this?"

  "Not exactly. Like me, she didn't know when this would happen, but she knew it would if I had anything to do about it, and, she managed to get your ring size for me. But, no, I picked out the ring myself. That's not something I would ever let someone else do. It looks great on you, but I'm sorry if that's not the highlight you were looking forward to. I just?..well ?..I guess I'm living in the last century or something when it comes to us. Yes, I do want you, very much, but first of all, I want you as my wife."

  "Ryan, I only said that because if that was the only way I could hold you to me, that's what I would be willing to do. I also want to wait, so things will always be the way they should be between us, the way you want, the way we both want. I want so much to be everything you hope for. I know I can never take Mary's place, and I don't want to. Somehow, I think she would want this to happen, and if I can bear your children, I don't think I could ever be happier. Yes, I will marry you, as soon as you want."

  "I know this may sound a little silly, but I think we need to go back to the house now, before what I'm feeling for you runs over my better sense. I can feel you against me, and I so much want to feel that again, but where we have a whole night or day or whatever ahead of us to explore each other, enjoy ourselves. We'll have that time, but for now, I don't want you to turn into a pumpkin, and besides, you probably need a refill on tears. I have never seen a woman who could cry that much without at least having a drink to refill."

  Laura giggled at the suggestion; "I understand, and even if I don't know much about making love, I want it to be as great for you as it can be. If we wait, we wait, and I'll love you the more for it. How come you're such a wonderful man?"

  "You bring out the best in me, what there is of it."

  The two of them managed to stand up enough to operate the boat, but remained touching each other in some way, arm in arm, hand in hand, or lips to lips when they had a moment. The sleek craft glided through the moonlight like a magic carpet with the two lovers aboard, lost in their own world. Each would remember the night in slightly different ways, but both knew it was a major turning point in their lives, now to be joined as one. In the ride back to Windmere, with feelings a little more in check, they talked more about their future, and the realities of a wedding. Leaving the car in its usual place, Ryan walked Laura back to the cottage for a final embrace of the evening, and reveled in the ardor of her kiss in response.

  "Ryan, can I?.is it all right?I mean, do you want me to keep this secret for now? I'm so excited, I don't know what to do, but I just have to call my mother if it's okay."

  "Wife to be, you can do anything you want, tell anyone you want, and show off your ring all you want, but your mother may be just a little hostile at 2:30 in the morning."

  "It's that late? No wonder you suggested Marie and Fernando's for the kids."

  "Speaking of kids, how do we?I didn't ask you about adopting them legally, did I?"

  "You did in all that 'what if' stuff we went through, and I did say 'yes'. I think they need to be told what's going on as soon as we can, the two of us together, but they need to have some input. I know they're under age and I have legal control over their lives, but they're people just like us, only a little bit smaller. I think we need to give them a chance, don't you?"

  "I do. Look, how about I come by for breakfast at whatever time we manage to get up. I've done that before and survived rather well; we could talk to them then. Besides, as I recall, you can give Doris a real run with an omelet pan. Deal?"

  "Deal. See you mid-morning. Now, I need your seal of approval, right here, so I don't forget."

  After a final kiss, the betrothed physically parted for the night but remained ever closer in spirit..

  The morning sun came a little early for Laura, with two well rested kids bursting in the door. Alice followed shortly, and her eyes immediately went to Laura's left hand. The look on her face said it all, and all she could think to do was hug the young woman as a mother would hug a beloved daughter. Laura really didn't have many details to share, since her engagement was now only hours old, but she promised Alice would know everything and be involved in everything with the wedding, that is, if Alice hadn't disappeared with her new "friend" before then. The two women chatted enough to bring each other up to date on events, but with Ryan's arrival, Alice excused herself, grinning at him and being grinned at in return. If there was one thing Alice had lived to see, it was to see this man happy in life again, and there was no question that had come to pass. The kids were busy watching morning cartoons for the most part and hadn't noticed the change in status of the two adults. Laura did a maximum effort omelet for Ryan and watched him devour it with gusto. 'I can do this,' she thought to herself; 'I can take care of this man and these kids; I may not know exactly how I got here, and I'm not real sure of the future, but I'm going to love the ride.'

  Ryan and Laura started the planning, but not before she asked him if he was still so sure about his proposal, wanting to hear one more time that it was all real.. Assured that it was for real, they started looking at dates, guests, large or small, all the myriad of details weddings require, but mostly about how to talk to the two children. The kids were getting bored with cartoons and ready for something else to do, when Ryan and Laura decided there was no better time than the present.. They had agreed that Ryan would take the lead, since Laura was their mother and more of an authority figure.

  "Jack, Amanda, can we borrow you for a minute? I know you want to get outside and see if the guys are around this morning, but a deal has come up that I need to ask you about. Okay?" Ryan moved to the footstool so he was more on a level with the kids; Laura sat on the floor near him when she returned with the refilled cups, leaning on him slightly so he could feel her presence as well as see it..

  "Yep" "Okay" The two kids came and sat by the coffee table, enjoying cups of hot cocoa she had made for them while pouring fresh cups of coffee for the adults.

  "As I tell you about this deal, any time you want to ask something, ask away, either me or your mother. As the man would say, we're all in this together, and I want you two to understand things. First of all, your mother and I love each other very much, and we will be married very soon. That means I will be a permanent member of your family. That's for your mother and me to decide, and that's what we want to do. Now, since you two are her children, and she alone is responsible for you, I have asked her if it is alright to talk to you about me adopting you."

  "You mean you'd be our dad, right?" Jack asked.

  "Jack, it seems that simple, and mostly it is. I would become one of your legal parents, but there's a little more to it than that. I've never been a dad before, and I don't know much about it. You kids would have to help me out. Mostly, your
mother would still be in charge, just like now, and I'd learn as quick as I could. Moms and dads are different people and sort of do things differently, at least my parents were that way, and it sort of helps people understand things better later in life. Anyway, that's pretty much the deal. I would be around all the time instead of just part of the time. You are both very safe and very secure right now with your mother taking care of you; I'd just be helping her out with that. It's a very important job, raising kids, and I think she deserves the help. Anyway, your mother and I talked about this, and for now, it's your choice. What do you think?"

  Jack seemed lost in thought for the moment, and both Laura and Ryan wondered for a moment if the kids really understood what they were being asked to decide for themselves. It was, after all, a life changing decision, and maybe just too much for their young minds; after all, picking a father wasn't exactly something they learned in school. Maybe Ryan and Laura should have made the decision for the kids, and looking at each other, each could see the other was having a case of nerves at the moment. Amanda finally broke the silence.

  "If you 'dop us kids, do I have to call you daddy?"

  "No, you don't if you don't want to. You can call me something else we can decide on. I know this will take a while to get used to, me being around all the time."

  "If mama wants you around, I guess that's okay. And I might call you daddy sometimes 'cause it's easy to remember. Will you still read to us?"

  "Yes, I will still read to you, and if you call me daddy now and then, that's okay too. So you think maybe my adopting you would be okay?"

  "Yep. I don't want to see mama cry anymore, and she smiles a lot more when you're around. I think being 'dop'ed is okay."

  Ryan and Laura looked at each other, realizing Amanda was well aware of a lot more than they thought. And since they had always been rather guarded about a lot of physical contact when around the kids, she must have picked up subtle signs they were unaware of. But, she was on board. One to go.

  "Jack, you seem lost in thought. Anything I can tell you, anything you want to ask?" Ryan was trying to help but really didn't know what to say or do. He had thought Jack would be the tough sell since he was still in family protector mode, but Ryan also thought the talk by the pond would have helped, at least a bit. Finally, Jack looked at Ryan with the eyes of someone a lot older than he really was, and broke his silence.

  "I remember the pond. Is this what that was all about, the things you said?"

  "Jack, it is. I didn't know then how things would work out between your mother and me. But what I told you about loving people, and how each relationship doesn't diminish the others, that's all true. Your mom and I love each other, but that doesn't mean she loves you any less. I could tell you I love you like a son, but to tell the truth, I don't have a son and I really don't know what that would be like; I do know I would do anything to protect you, and your sister and your mother; the rest of'd just have to help me learn along the way. Make sense?"

  "I guess. Can I go to the pond?"

  "Either way, any time you want or need to go to the pond, you can always go there. You know why I went, and if you need to go there to think this over, then go. If you want, I can go with you, or not. Your call."

  Jack was beginning to understand what it was like to have the father he never had to talk to. This big guy was laying it on the line, talking about things only the two of them knew, and Jack wanted to know more. "You said taking care of a family is a big job. I know you're going to marry my mom anyway; you gonna run things now?"

  "I don't?..know how to answer that. Your mom does such a great job, I think she deserves a vacation now and then from having to do everything, sort of like relying on a partner to do their share. Run things? You make that sound pretty bad. Tell you what, as I learn things dads are supposed to do, I'll do that, and you do things kids are supposed to do. That work for you?"

  "You said at the pond I could be a kid again. I'm not sure what that means, but did you mean it?"

  "I did, but that doesn't mean you can run wild. Your mom still has the say."

  "Okay, I guess so, and I'll pay back all the money too, but I don't make much so it might take a long time."

  Jack's last statement was a fast curve ball no one saw coming; Ryan and Laura stared at each other in wonder. What could Jack be talking about? They were about to see the wonder and reality of young minds at work. Ryan pressed the issue. "Jack, I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. Tell me about the money; I don't understand what money or what this has to do with adopting you."

  "A kid at school said his mother told him you paid a lot of money to my first dad and now you own us kids, and mom told us he sold us out and wasn't going to ever come back; I don't want anyone to own me or even my sister, so I'll pay you back but I don't have very much." Jack delivered the entire sentence in one breath, the same way a bomb is delivered, one big package. The misunderstanding was clear to the adults, not so to a young mind hearing it without knowing all the facts. This needed to be stopped right now before it did any more harm. Ryan took the lead, while Laura tried to sort out what she would like to do to the mother who talked about things of which she knew nothing. Obviously the woman had seen something in the required publishing of legal decisions, put two and two together and came up with seven.

  "Kids, it is true a sum of money changed hands, but not the way you think. What you may think about your 'first dad' is up to you, but here's what really happened; I don't own you and you don't owe me anything. I'll keep it simple. He came here because he knows your mother loves you very much and would do anything to protect you; he used that to get money from her by threatening to take the two of you away. I can tell you, he wanted the money, not you, and I know that isn't very nice to hear, but it's the truth. With some good friends of ours, we made a simple business deal: for the money we gave him, he had to divorce your mom because that's what she wanted, and he had to give up all rights to ever see or be around you kids again the rest of his life. If you ever want to see him again, that's up to you when you get older, but for now, if he comes near you, he goes to jail. That simple."

  "But, I don't understand. How come you spent all that money if you didn' really get anything for it? The kid told me his mom said you were getting plenty, but he didn't know plenty of what. What was he talking about?" Jack asked, still trying to get his mind around all this.

  "Jack, sometimes things just need to be done because it's right, not because you get something out of it. This was one of those times, and I want you to remember it. I guess in the long run, I will get something out of it, a family, but that's not why I did it. It just needed doing. Make sense?"

  "I guess so, if you say so. Is that pond talk?"

  "It is."

  "Then I think I want to be a kid again."

  Ryan intended to seal the deal man to man and started to extend his hand to Jack, but was caught by surprise when Jack jumped up and threw both arms around Ryan's neck in a hug. Kid number two had signed up, and the wheels of progress toward a wedding and two adoptions started moving forward again. Both Ryan and Laura breathed a sigh of relief; if business deal's took this much out of people, no mergers would ever be concluded, but on the other hand, business partners seldom kissed each other very warmly as soon as the kids went outside. And, the day was just getting a good start.