Read Layers of Love Page 6

  Warm greetings too,


  The Healer

  Affectionate love = I feel compassion

  What makes a great Artist? Is it dexterity, innovation, studying for years with the best in his field? I am no expert; I do not know the answer to this. But I have been to so many events... and I have come to the conclusion that it is the ability to talk to the audience that makes a huge difference. Unfortunately, some skilful performers are still afraid to introduce themselves and come in front of the public with that grim, serious face... some outstanding players are only interested in their critics' opinion, being afraid of making mistakes.

  Moreover, occasionally, I have the impression that the Artist does not enjoy the evening with me. He is there, on that stage, because I've forced him to... with a signed paper, a contract. I have sent you one, from the beginning, remember? You haven't replied... This makes me sad.

  However, the saddest thing of all is looking at a white rose on the wall, shot using a neutral density filter, or listening to something like a jazz hit, played with an empty heart.

  What if my heart is the one that it's empty? Am I ready to move it in someone else's?

  Serena's Collection of Our Memories

  Serena Maier to Mikael Liebried

  Dear Mr. Liebfried,

  I am sending you the program for next month. I advice you not to include the photos of the drugged girls on the roof in your presentation, as some may find it offensive and out of place. I do not question the quality of those photos, but you've taken shock to the extreme.

  The purpose of the exhibition is to portray contemporary women.

  Thank you!

  Best regards,

  Serena Maier,

  Cultural event manager

  Mikael Liebried to Serena Maier

  Dear Event Organizer

  I've no idea how to thank you for your mail, specially since there is no program attached. I will return, after 27th of March and contact you. As an artist, I take the liberty of being offensive to some. I advise you to stick to your job description. The exhibition is about contemporary real women. If you can't face reality, you have a problem, not me.

  Mikael Liebried to Serena Maier

  My Dear Event Organizer,

  Have a glorious day!

  I send you the link to my photo exhibitions. You can include this in your exhibition booklet. Remember, I am coming back on 27th of March.

  Mikael Liebried to Serena Maier

  Ms. serena,

  I thought it's your responsibility to make sure my photos are transported safely and in time. I could have told you about the traffic jam in Alexander Platz. I've also told you, clearly enough, I don't want to have free photo albums at my exhibition. It's a complete waste of money. People may speak highly of you, but you're a disappointment to me, so far.

  Serena Maier to Mikael Liebfried

  Dear Mr. Liebfried,

  Respectfully, my name is Serena, capital letter. I am glad you finally decided to use it.

  I have been in business for quite a while to earn some respect. The reviews are good, critics like you. It is a custom to offer them free albums at this level. Do not worry about the money, it was my idea, I will paid for it. To avoid future disappointment, let me do my job! I am the best you can find here. Your only responsibility is that of being a talented photographer.

  Best regards,

  Serena Maier,

  Cultural event manager

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Ms. Serena, capital letter

  Please excuse my innocent mistake; I'm usually very careful when I write.

  On second thought, it is definitely your doing.:-)I've got distracted by your small dress, the other day... Doesn't your firm have a dress code? God forbid! I don't complain! This makes all males around you happy! An uplifting business strategy, no doubt! I've just visited your office and left an envelope for you at the secretary. Hope it doesn't get lost! I'd rather starve than being paid by a woman like you.

  Thank you for all your efforts!

  Mikael Liebfried, photographer

  A.D. to Mikael Liebfried

  Dear Mr. Liebfried,

  I am writing to inform you that I have personally investigated the situation. My firm has a dress code that applies to everyone. I have spoken to Ms. Maier and found out that the length of her office dress and also the slit at the back of her skirt are in accordance to our dress code. Unfortunately, my firm does not have an atitudinal code for clients to measure their perception.

  Best regards,


  Chief Executive Officer

  [I hope you understand why I chose these initials for my chief and did not reveal her name. I am not that brave! I have to go to work tomorrow morning, too! I need this job to support myself, like everyone else. I honestly don't think my chief would like to have her name associated to what I am writing right now.]

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Serena,

  I'm glad you loved the white rose I've sent you. I shot it for an e-book cover, yesterday. I'm not going to show you the picture. I wouldn't like to draw you into another artistic quarrel. But if you are curious, and ask me to give it to you... what can a man do about it?

  I'm very sorry I brought the matter up. I should not have told you about that dress code! Look, I'm not kidding. I've heard some horny men around you making jokes. I can't reproduce them without blushing. This makes me feel very concerned for your safety and reputation. Hope you understand that. I've got some broken ribs, so I can't possibly defend you honor. Dear Chief Executive Officer, I hope you're reading this message, too, and take all necessary measures to prevent serious things from happening into your firm. I recommend you arrest all men around Ms. Maier, start with Roy, Stefan, Derek, even Nick, you can't trust anyone! Please, you must put them in cuffs immediately and measure their pants, as a precautionary measure! Since you don't seem to have any sense of humor at all, let me inform you that I find it immoral to read your employee's mails and will take legal action against your firm, if your intrusive attitude disturbs my privacy. I'm your client, but I follow my own code. Let me also point out that you misspelled the word “attitudinal” in your mail to me, therefore, I have no clue what you were talking about. For a native speaker, this mistake is inexcusable. We all look up to you for your knowledge! Let's cut to the chase, chief, we both want something. You want to make profit out of my artistic genius, I need Ms. Maier to do it. So, the fair solution for both of us is not to stand in each other's way.

  As I have told you earlier, I am deeply concern about how things are proceeding.

  Have a glorious day, Serena!

  Take care,

  Mikael Liebfried, photographer

  Serena added three poems to her e-book “Love and Layers”

  Touching career

  The valuable money industry:

  days and nights spent hunting competitors;

  huge display of pride inspiring people to believe,

  rigid hours working at the office,

  and the royal journey of the sun in the sky

  shadowing my desk.

  No time for relations, just enough time to play some polite calls...

  Let’s see what's on our agenda: accession to the throne of solitude,

  decorative melodrama for family gossip,

  a golden coffin for a rich Afterlife, perhaps,

  Soupcon of malice in some daily soup...

  all paid with the beatings of my heart

  getting too old to be happy.


  Mikael: Wow? I didn't know you could write... so, you do more that organize events for me.

  Serena: Thanks!

  Mikael: To be honest, I don't like this. What is this all about?

  Serena: It is about workaholic people that do not have time for themselves

  Mikael: Ok, you!

  Judy Lang: Well done! I love poetry!

  Serena: No!

  Mikael: Of course, living in denial. Again!

  Serena: It is not about me. You should never mingle poetry with real people

  Stefan Pop: Serena, I am happy you keep writing!

  Mikael: Aha, you are a mystery girl, a thief under my skin, but in the end it doesn't even matter...,

  Serena: So, you write too...

  A.D.: Are you still teasing each other? Serena, I need those reports in an hour!

  Mikael: Me? LOL. Never mingle poetry with a real man!

  Stefan Pop: I agree with Serena, reality and fiction are different things.

  Mikael: You agree too much... I'm an ignorant. I can't write a damn thing! I used collage, Orbison, Linking Park, Carla's Dream. Check them out, Serena! Better not! You're such a decent lady! You'll get shocked by that sexy video... Never agree to erotic art, but face it, love, this gives you the bonus.

  Serena: What?

  Mikael: Ei, hai! Doar ne-am certat mai devreme pe posterul ală, șmecher, cu fetele goale în lanțuri. Bune, rău!

  See translation:

  Come on! We've fought earlier over that cunning poster, with the naked girls in chains. Really hot!

  Serena: Faci ce vrei! Vei fi criticat dur și e păcat. Ai talent...

  See translation:

  Have it your way! Some may scorn you, unfortunately. You have talent...

  A.D.: I must agree with Mikael on this one. Shock sells, sex sells, “Woman of Our Century” sold very well this year.

  Mikael: Spune domnișoara care nu vrea să învețe nimic despre fotografie. Mulțumesc. Vai, ce drăguță ești! Știi, ai idei, dar fără tehnică... Domnișoara mea organizatoare de evenimente face cum zic eu. Mamă! Nu pot să cred! Ești bine? Pot să dezactivez prostia asta de traducere automată? Sorry, chief! I have to ask this.

  See translation:

  Says the lady who doesn't want to learn anything about photography. Thank you. You are so sweet! You know, you have ideas, but no technique...So, my Miss Event Organizer will do things my way. Wow! I can't believe it! Are you OK? How can I disable this stupid See translation thing? Sorry, chief! I have to ask this.

  Serena: Ești rău! Te-am întrebat de mai multe ori. Ce să fac ca să-mi iasă pozele bune? Problema e că nu știi să explici, domnule fotograf! Vezi că e la setări, stânga sus!

  See translation:

  You are mean! I've asked you this several times already.How do I take better photos? The problem is you don't know how to explain it, Mr. Photographer! See in Settings, right, up!

  Mikael: Femeile! Găsesc mereu scuze... Nici mie nu mi-a arătat nimeni! Ți-am spus, secretul e să te apropii de subiect, să umpli cadrul! De ce naiba ți-e frică să faci asta? Gata! Am găsit. Bye-bye, chief!

  See translation:

  Women! Always find an excuse... No one has ever taught me anything. I have told you the trick is to get closer to your subject, fill the whole frame. Why are you so fucking afraid to do that? Ok! I've found it. Bye-bye, chief!

  [This conversation went on, but since See translation was disabled, many people will no longer understand a word. In case you happen to speak Romanian, like us, I am sorry for the inconvenient. Imagine we went on and on, talking only about photography.]

  Self censured (edited)

  Rivals forever in our disharmony

  Leeches in pleasure...

  We part the news of Self-righteousness

  ...humming irresolute calmness

  that foams in the blood

  acrid ebbs.

  Too many metaphors, you did not get a thing,

  just let me be straight:

  It is time you stop your squeamish and seductive songs !

  I am not a mysterious girl, “tearing you apart”,

  I am the light of the next day,

  that burns all those submissive memories

  and melts your skin, ensnares your tongue.

  Ha! Your love is so strong that you need a proof,

  I told you “I used to live alone before I knew you”

  but you are too busy to believe me,

  lost in the stories of your promiscuous Miss Beauty. Ha?

  Do not give me that “Hallelujah” any more! Don't turn pathetic!

  You have lost your faith, like Vulcan did.

  But I am not the one you want to take

  on that Bridge of Lies. Am I, love?


  Mikael: Wow! Rivals! Submissive! What did I do this time?

  Serena: Again, it's not about you.

  Mikael: Why didn't you come to the studio? Your “Miss Beauty” drove me crazy! She couldn't lean forward holding her hands. How hard could that be! There was sensual pose, nothing else.

  Serena: Yes, she complained.

  Mikael: Damn It! I swear I'll do a man next time... Kidding! You're still too serious for a postmodern. Where is your artistic fire? Mockery?

  Serena: Home. I work for crazy people like you all day.

  Judy Lang: Not all people are crazy. I am not, for instance! Mikael, you are always mean to her!

  Mikael: Cred că și tu ai multă nebunie artistică, iubire! Eu vreau să o descopăr! Sunt curious. Auzi, ia mai zi! Vulcan astă, e real?

  See translation:

  There's much artistic madness in you, too, love! I want you take it out! I am curious. Do tell, is this Vulcan real?

  Serena: Nu. De ce întrebi? Este o poezie

  See translation:

  No. Why do you ask? It's a poem.

  Serena: Ok. For all those who don't have any clue about mythology. Vulcan is the Roman god of fire and iron. He was a physically unattractive. One day he caught his wife, Venus, cheating him with the handsome god of war. Vulcan managed to ensnare them in a chain-link net and drag them out, but gods mocked him, not them. This is understandable in a way, him being lame.

  Mikael: Aha... for a moment, I thought you are talking about the real Vulcan. Your chief drives me crazy boasting about him.

  Serena: Really, I don't know him so well.

  Serena: Have you ever been to Amsterdam Cafe? Do you know where it is? Let's go there tonight, please!

  Mikael: Serena, iubire? De când scoți tu clienții în oraș?

  See translation:

  Serena, love? Since when are you asking your clients out?

  Serena: Bine.Trebuie să cer voie șefei.

  See translation:

  Ok. I should I ask chief for permission.

  Mikael: Ai înnebunit? Nu. Sigur nu. Nu am chef!

  See translation:

  Are you crazy? No! No, for sure! I don't want this.

  Serena: Stai liniștit, “iubire”! Nu e o întâlnire, doar vorbim ca prietenii.

  See translation:

  Relax, “love”! It is not a date, more like a friendly talk.

  Mikael left the conversation


  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Ms. Maier

  As a photographer, I have the privilege of working with many beautiful women, and it's my professional code that has always guided my behavior.

  First of all, I don't take women I work with for friendly evening talks. If you don't believe me, ask Miss Beauty, I'm sure, she can complain only about my professional conduct.

  Secondly, if I ever take you on a date (ever!), it won't be a coffee bar, but a romantic restaurant.

  Thirdly, if I want to come home late these days, I have to ask permission from my daughter, she's 11 and quite jealous.

  Fourthly, I apologize for teasing you! Since you don't know anything about my life, stop pretending to be my friend! Roy is all the friend I need right now and he knows I'm happy to left alone.

  Finally, I've heard that women in your industry are getting mean to all men they date. Rumor has it.

  Mikael Liebfried

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  My dear Serena,

  I know you love opera and I have an extra ticket for David Won's concert, to
morrow night. Would you like to come? Best seats! I've heard he sings your favorite aria from Tosc. Am I right? Besides, since you'd been avoiding me these days, I didn't have the chance to show you my speech for the exhibition. Your second opinion is always welcomed. You are aware that writing speeches is not my thing... May I politely ask you not to make me wait? I hate when people do this to me.

  Look forward to seeing you soon,


  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier


  Thanks for making it clear. Ok, the opera is “Tosca” by Puccini and the aria is E lucevan le stelle, whatever that means...

  Thanks for coming,


  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dragă Serena,

  Sper că ți-a făcut plăcere această seară. A fost frumos! Ești o altă persoană în afara biroului, mult mai draguță și amuzantă. Sper că nu te-ai supărat că te-am păcălit cu Tosc. Ha-ha, ești așa ușor de citit, Serena! Știam că o să te grăbești să răspunzi, doar ca să mă corectezi pe mine. Poate într-o zi ajungem să vedem împreună Tosca. Mi-ar plăcea mult. In Paris, am văzut o montare de milioane! Da, știu. Cine ar fi crezut că am fost vreodată la operă!

  Mă bucur că am ocazia să te cunosc mai bine.

  Sper să nu consideri nepotrivit că îți spun, dar îți stă foarte bine șatenă, în acea rochie neagră. Îmi pare rău că nu am avut camera cu mine. Mă întrebam dacă nu ți-ar plăcea să mă lași să te fotografiez. Trebuie să te avertizez că poate să dureze câteva ore. Sunt cam dur la muncă. Crezi că ai putea face asta?

  Te sun mâine dimineață.

  Oh! Nu am ajuns să vorbim despre discurs. Vorbim neapărat mâine.

  Cu drag,


  See translation

  Dear Serena,

  I hope you had a great time, this evening. It was nice! You are such a different person outside your office, much nicer and fun to be with. I hope I didn't upset you with my Tosc-trick. Ha-ha, you are quite easy to read, Serena! I knew you would answer back just to correct my mistake. Maybe one day, we'll see Tosca together. I'd love it. In Paris, I saw an amazing performance! Yes, who could have ever thought I'd been to the opera before!

  I'm really glad I had a chance to know you better.

  Hope it's not inappropriate for me to say that you looked great with that chestnut hair color, in that black dress. If only I had my camera with me! I've been wondering if you would like to let me photograph you. Just think about it. I must warn you, it can take several hours. I am bossy at work. Do you think are you up to it?