Read Layers of Love Page 7

  I'll call you tomorrow morning.

  Oh! We forgot to talk about the speech. We have to talk about this tomorrow.

  Best wishes,



  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Serena,

  I've arrived safely in Portland. The hotel is ok, I'm drinking a black tea, at the moment. How is Jo? Thanks for taking her in, hope you two get along well. Call me if you need anything, I'll leave my phone open for you!

  Wow! I can't believe I'm so far away! This is the end of the world for me!

  In Hermannstadt is 1 a.m. so you must be sleeping now, but I have so many things to tell you! Thanks for making me to come here! It's a different world and I'm so excited! I wish you were here, too. I need your “conservative” opinion on something, I don't know how to react. Of course, I'll do it my way, in the end. (Hope you are laughing!). Truth is... I miss our fighting over everything. It's strange how distance can change perspective over things. I'm sending you a kiss on your forehead as you sleep. I am coming back on the 3rd of February.



  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Serena,

  I am sorry for answering so late. How are you? How is Jo doing? The work at the studio is incredibly tiring, some shots just don't come the way I want. Feel so damn frustrated! I took your advice, took some photos of those homeless people. I got scared at first, they are so many. Some of them have incredible life stories. For instance, this girl, Rosanne, was a programmer but lost her job, lost her house. A programmer! Do you know how much money did she make and lost! Now, she takes care of the drug addicts, help them quit. I made her several photos, she looks stunning. I'm thinking about making a project out of this and sending it to the press. What do you think? Who knows, maybe someone can do something for these poor souls.

  I miss you,


  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Serena,

  I'm happy you are doing great, always great to hear good news. Let me give you some news of my own. I manage to find Rosanne a job, she'll no longer live on the streets. I feel like I've just earned a “golden buzz” for heaven! Kidding, of course. No news about my project. I'm a bit nervous about it. Should I've send it in the first place? It's so different from all I've done so far. Hope your instinct is right, serena.

  Look forward to seeing you! I miss you,


  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Dear Serena,

  I haven't received any reply for my photos. Oh! I doubt I ever will, I'm not an American, I don't have connections, they seem to count a lot here. I'm coming home tomorrow. I miss you so much! I miss my girl! Jo tells me she loves you!

  Thanks for everything you've done for me so far! You are such an amazing woman!


  You have 2 missed calls from Mikael

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Serena! Call me! I've just got the message. They loved it. The Americans! They did! My project goes to New York! Jesus! And for a lot of money! I am so happy! I can't stop humming in the street right now, you should see people staring. I cannot believe it! Hope you are proud of me, I am of myself! Can you imagine? I go to New York, love!

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Celebration tonight at eight. My place. I bought the best French Champaign. Jo stays at Judy. I have all it takes for your beercof, too, just want to make you happy!



  You have 5 lost calls from Mikael and a message: “Serena, ești bine? Ce a fost asta? Sună-mă!”

  See translation:

  Serena, are you ok? What was that? Call me!

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  I can't work with you, any more, Serena. I'm sorry, this is too much, for me!

  From now on, you are no longer my event organizer. My lawyer will send the papers, tomorrow. I think it's the right thing to do.

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  I want to reassure you of all my sincere respect for your moral values. I did not expect the revelation. Such a nice looking woman has not eaten the forbidden fruit! Ok, I got it. The virgin excuse was to avoid men's places, but you came to mine, willingly. Didn't you? You enjoyed the evening, you wanted get closer, be mine. Was it that bad? No complains before, I swear. Do explain!

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  I hope your silence does not mean you are angry... Now, if I remember correctly, you kissed me first, and this was a compelling sign of affection. Damn it, woman, your hands were all over my butt. Don't deny it again and don't expect me to apologize for wanting more. Yes, I hugged you passionately, I was aroused. You made me wait for this a long time. Why don't you take it to the police? Just say so, I will come gladly. Come on! Did I leave you any bruises? No. But, you, my love, surely hit me hard. My God! I've never been hit by a woman before! You're damn lucky you're not a man; at least we could have had a really good fight! Look, it's not fault, you haven't met a real man so far, but with this attitude, Serena, love, it doesn't come much as a surprise. As I've told you before, I'm not in for this game. You are incredibly stupid, woman!

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  I went to the office. You've quitted your job, they say. Why should you do that for? You are like me, the stubborn type, we never quit! So, you really plan to move back to Bucharest? Doing what? Teach French? Is this true? Think of the consequences, I beg you! I've been to your chief, put all blame on me. I've told her we had a lover's fight. Most likely, people will start to talk about your being easy with a client, but at least, I've saved your job. She'll take you back tomorrow.

  At this moment, legally, you are still paid by me and I'll not sign the New York contract unless you come back to work. I can do this and I will! Think about it, woman, you get the money to buy ten cats to grow old with and I, the bad rapist, the monster, will be away, an ocean apart actually. I am sure this will make you very happy. Call me, please!

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Hi! Why don't you take your calls? Do you even get out of our house? I've waited for hours in front. I can't believe this took you down, like this. Get over it! We are not in Middle Ages, any more. I don't know what to say, really don't... find a shrink, write something, anything... Please talk to me! I feel responsible for you, now.

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Bună! Hi!

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Bună, iubire... ești acolo?

  See translation:

  Hello, love... are you there?

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Mă gândesc la tine. Ce mai faci? Nu știu ce să mai zic. Am semnat contractul. Nu ai venit. Aveam nevoie de tine. Ai pe cineva? Bărbat, femeie?


  See translation

  I keep thinking at you. How are you doing? I don't know what else to say. I've signed the contract. You didn't show up. I needed you. Do you have someone else? Man, woman?

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Sigur ai găsit pe cineva. Nu sunt gelos. Cine e? Plicticosul de Stefan? E în limbă după tine de mult timp, acum l-ai văzut? Nu e Roy, sigur, nu ești destul de rea pentru el, deși ai potențial. Cine e prostul care te ia acum? Tare aș vrea să știu ce o să-i spui tu despre mine!

  See translation

  You must have found someone else. I'm not jelous. Who is he? Stefan, the Nerd? He's lusted for you a long time! Now, you see him! It can't be Roy, you won't go dirty enough for him, although you show some potential. Who is the fool that fucks you, now? I'm curious to know what you're telling him about me.


  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Bună Serena. Am ajuns cu bine in New York, M-am gândit că vrei să știi. Ce mai faci? Spune-mi că nu ai plecat din Sibiu.

  See translation

  Dear Serena, we've arrived safely i
n New York. I though to let you know. How are you doing? Tell me you haven't left Hermannstadt.

  Mikael Liebfried to Serena Maier

  Bună Serena,

  Am început să lucrez pentru Canon. Mă simt minunat. Acum stăm într-un apartament mai mare. Proprietăreasă are o pisică. I-am cumpărat și lui Jo una. M-a convins. II vom spune, Madame La Fleur, a doua, ca regina. Îi e dor de tine, fetei mele... Ce faci de Crăciun? Ne întoarcem în Sibiu și vrem să te vedem. Ești acolo? Ți-ar plăcea?

  See translation:

  I started working in New York, for Canon. It feels great. We moved to a bigger apartment. The owner has a cat. I bought my daughter one, too. She convinced me. We'll call it Madame la Fleur, the second. Like the Queen. She misses you, my daughter, I mean. What are your plans for Christmas? We're coming back to Hermannstadt and want to see you. Are you still there? Would you like that?



  Mikael Liebfried shared the album “Delicate Predator” to Serena's Timeline.

  Serena likes it.

  1 comment

  Mikael: Dear Serena, I am happy you like my photos. “Delicate Predator” is for you. Hope this means we can talk soon. I miss you!


  Serena Maier shared the e-book “Love and Layers” on Mikael's Timeline, yesterday at 23.54

  Mikael deleted the e-book shared in his Timeline/

  Serena published the e-book “Love and Layers” on her Timeline

  23 likes, 5 people reacted

  Write a comment

  Mikael: Șterge cartea! Ce naiba faci? Delete messages! Now!

  Mikael: Please!

  Mikael: Private messages are meant to remain private. It's embarrassing for you, too.

  Mikael: Thank you for sending it, anyway. I've been waiting for you. I didn't expect it to be so damn public!

  Judy Lang: Hi! I like love stories, even sad ones. :-)

  Nick Cros: Love is a gift from God. You must love indifferently!

  Stefan Pop: Get real, Nick! Friends are invaluable, love is fleeting!

  A. D.: I'm happy you are done writing! Now, you can focus more on my work.

  Mikael: What do you expect me to say, now? I'm not good with words, you know this.

  Mikael: I read the letter. I'm glad our talks about Photoshop inspired you. Ok. Your layerism is a postmodern twist. Don't fool yourself, you're still a classic! You went back to the Greeks and didn't mock them.

  Mikael: Too many cultural references, if you ask me. Do you think people will have enough time to look them up? Ok, you wanted to show off, but only the elite will understand you, now.

  Stefan Pop: I agree. It's neoclassic, actually, the first part, far better than the rest. The rule of thirds? Each chapter has 3 poems and 3 parts, 3 main characters. There is a poem missing. In the last chapter, there are only 2. Hope this is a planned thing, not a mistake.

  A.D.: Love is not fleeting, Steven! Physical attraction is!

  Mikael: Hmm... I agree, too much style. She didn't even tell the end of some stories. Psyche went after Cupid and found him. People like happy endings! Don't you? I took the quiz, I'm a Ruler after all, but very much doubt you're one.

  Stefan Pop: That's why I'll never marry. Where did you find the test?

  Judy Lang: I'm a Charmer! :-) After the letter.

  Mikael: My God, Serena! You're talking about sexual psychology... just makes me laugh. LOL. You've got no idea what're you're writing about, woman! I don't see pleasure, anywhere... What would people say about you, now?

  Mikael: Better stick to what you know. Why bring this out, anyway? Oh, I forgot, chief's told you sex sells. You want to get rich, buy those cats. Ha-ha!

  Judy Lang: I think psychological comments are useful for some people who need to see the doctor, if they are depressed. I believe one should seek therapy, it is a good thing for couples that have issues.

  Stefan Pop: Yes, Judy, you should go there daily!

  Roy Egger: Hello, Serena! I didn't know you can write about sex, girl! Super! Wir müssen reden. Vielleicht bist du interessiert?

  Judy Lang: Why do you have to be so mean?

  Stefan Pop: I am not.

  Mikael: You are a jerk! Sie gehört zu mir.

  Roy Egger: Mikael! Hallo! How is New York, these days? Must be night there! Shouldn't you be in bed right now, pounding some bin, dude? Roxane, Rosane something? Du bist ein Ruck, auch!

  Mikael: Serena, change the title to Layers of Love, sounds more formal. Better change the name, too! Liebfried looks much better on you than Maier! No strings attached! I see you've already taken my name without asking... you even made up posts. This is a bit wird!

  Roy Egger: Anyhthing looks better on Maier than you, dude!. Egger is the best name for any woman.

  Mikael: Try to make me jelous? Ok! Come up with a baby! Our son? Why did you do that for, bitch! I've told you all about him.

  Judy Lang: I don't agree, Maier is a nice name. It is her her name and she should not change this! We are no longer living in a world ruled by men, the social evolution of society proves I am right with this and I believe women should be more confident in their own skin.

  Stefan Pop: Play it cool, man!

  Mikael: What the hell do you want from me, Serena? Hmm? Throw some mud? Get even? Go for it! I don't pretend to be perfect like you, Miss Cultural Event Organizer!

  Mikael: Ok. I am a single dad, average, not that hot! Thanks for your compliments! I know women are not particularly drawn to my situation, not the smart ones, at least. Yes! I got it! You're the smartest of them all, wanting to marry me. Two weeks after we'd met??? A contract with me? You're crazy! Completely fucked up, if you ask me!

  Stefan Pop: You shouldn't talk like that!

  Mikael: And who the hell are you to tell me this? Her man? Stay out of this! Serena wants some answers... Fine! Let's give her the answers!

  Mikael: Yes, love! I cheated, more than once. Why? I felt fucking lonely, that's why! And a bit bored! Yes! I got caught! Not a big tragedy! No one cried! We got over it! Are you happy, now?

  Mikael: No! I am not promiscuous. No! I never talk about divorce and my wife. Ex wife! Why you are so damn curious about that, bitch? You can't face real stuff, anyway!

  Mikael: No! I am not LGBT, BSDM and whatever crap sells better these days. No! I swear, I have never taken a slave whore to my bed! Come here, check it yourself, if you dare!

  Mikael: Oh, maybe you want to be one? For me? Should I buy you a belt? You seem to enjoy getting hurt!

  Mikael: Look, Serena, I've told you many times already. That chain project was to shock people and get me some money. Only that! How many times do I have to tell you this! I don't like this, either! It's not my fault, people buy trash! I had to make a living!

  Stefan Pop: I'm not her man. I have a girlfriend, remember? Besides, I'm Stefan, the Nerd. Are you drunk right now?

  Mikael: No! I don't drink that much. I don't do drugs! Is this a joke to you?

  Mikael: Why do you disappoint me, Serena? I thought you knew me better than this. Damn it, woman!

  A.D.: Are you ok, Mikael? Yes, you sound angry.

  Roy Egger: Doggy style, promiscuous? Yes or not?

  Judy Lang: Yes, definitely! How can you ask this! It is rude to talk about such things in public, and later on, expect people to be polite to you and to respect you at work...

  Stefan Pop: the most natural position, nature is not promiscuous.

  A.D.: Roy, I've asked you to show me the sketches for the add. I want to see them, now. Are they done?

  Roy Egger: Ok, I see your point, chief! Working on this.

  Roy Egger You're so fucking lying! See! All men are promiscuous!

  Stefan Pop: Mikael, calm down, it's just a book! The character has your name, but it is fiction! She's made a character out of you.

  Roy Egger: Ja! She did a number on you, man! Get on her! Better than the Kardashians! I'm out for a beer! Keep talking!

el: Fuck off, Roy!

  Mikael: She gets to be the moral one! Come on, you dated the jazzist and never shared a thing. Never! Oh, yeah, we all know about him, love. From the day we met, made jokes about the whole damn thing!

  Mikael: Shall I tell you one?

  Stefan Pop: Don't do this!

  Mikael: How can a man go from straight to gay? Take Serena on a date! LOL So funny! Shall I go on?

  Mikael: This is your best man on earth! Ha?! A bi? A guy who fucked a tramp to prove he had a dick for you! Stupid woman, you didn't get it! Honest, my ass! If he'd nailed you already, he wouldn't have said it! Never! Not a word!

  Stefan Pop: Are you sure you are not drunk?

  Mikael: And you are still not talking to me, of course... Please! Tell us more! You see, I've questions, myself! How did he make you feel so damn special and satisfied? Your words, not mine. Oh! We both know how, love. You can't make me feel embarrassed with this. Hmm! Maybe I'll start writing poetry, myself. You won't like me talking about it. Right? Why not?

  Mikael:Oh! Yes! Let's open up completely to the whole fucking world! Take all our clothes off!

  Stefan Pop: Take this in private! You are jelous and make a fool of yourself!

  Mikael: No. Not in private...not anymore! She thinks I'm the unsupportive, selfish man, hiding stuff! Well, I just want to prove I've changed. Completely!

  Roy Egger: I'm back. What have I missed?

  Mikael: Do you have any idea, what I am looking at, right now? An indecent picture on the net! Serena and Vulcan, holding hands... Too close, if you ask me, and not the proper lighting!

  Mikael: Whoever took this picture was an idiot! Roy, you are an idiot! And you're telling me you don't remember him? At all! How stupid do you think I am?

  Judy Lang: I can't stand people fighting like this. Mikael you are rude and should apologize immediately. I do not agree to any of this. I am out.

  Judy left the conversation

  Mikael: Come on!

  Mikael: How can you write things like this!