Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 11

Chapter 11: Souran (Control)

  The pain was unbelievable, when he thought it had peaked it simply rose to new heights. Connor stood opposite the glowing form of Yuki. Allowing his demonic power to enter a mere vampire was a dangerous gamble; however that was his only option. Now he stood, weak and unable to restrain the burning power of his demon blood from taking possession of his body, mind, and soul. Jess, Yuki I-I’m sorry. He thought before the darkness took hold.

  Yuki was in agony as the demonic power of her soul mate began to purge the horrible necromancer magic from her body. Although she could feel the powerful wind building quickly around them, her body was numb to its effects. The only thing she could focus on was the never ending source of power entering her body. She felt the connection giving her the power sever, and, although shocked, she did not crumble as her legs turned to liquid. Opposite her was Connor, and from his facial expression was doing all he could to try and control his demonic blood. I-I can’t do anything to help him. The sudden realisation was almost enough to make her fall and break down in tears, if not for a whisper in her mind, go to him, hold him. Let him borrow your humanity. The words felt as if they were spoken directly into her ear; however she could sense no one behind her. Before she could give any thought on the matter, she stumbled to Connor whose final demonic trait was beginning to surface. Once she came within touching distance, Yuki could see tears of blood rolling down his cheeks. Why was he born this way? She asked herself silently. He doesn’t want this power, he never did. She thought as she wrapped her arms around his torso, and pressed her lips against his. The kiss began as nothing more than the meeting of two genders’ lips, but as Yuki felt her burning passion build up inside of her, the kiss deepened. Using her tongue she forced his lips apart.

  Connor felt her kiss him, but he couldn’t respond in the way he wanted to. The demon blood was flowing fast and thick through his entire being. Yuki, why won’t you run away? He thought. He was about to break the kiss when he felt his humanity glow within the darkness of his mind. She’s lending me her power. He realised this and felt his lips begin to respond once she broke them apart in order to allow her tongue to explore his mouth and his to return the favour. The kiss lasted until his soul finally belonged to him again. His last thought before sinking into the black abyss of unconsciousness was, Yuki please don’t leave me.

  Jacob clashed swords with Yuuku once more. The battle hadn’t ceased since it began, when he tried to hide and catch his breath she found him in a matter of seconds. When he attempted to flee in order to think up a strategy she would pursue relentlessly, giving him little time to formulate a plan. They jumped away from each other, Jacob breathing heavily, and Yuuku calm and collected.

  “Give up Jacob you cannot win.” She said and for a split second Jacob saw a flash of humanity brighten her eyes. No if I let her fool me she’ll kill me faster than I could say ‘bugger’.

  “I will not it’s all your fault that Connor and I got mixed up in this mess, and I plan to make you pay for that.” He said and flinched when he felt something bite into the flesh of his forearm, however when he looked there was nothing to suggest that he had been bitten, no mark and no creature. Due to this he left himself wide open for a direct attack. Yuuku charged at him with all her strength expecting victory, however she did not get this. Instead Jacob had taken hold of her weapon with his free hand. Once he looked up Yuuku gasped in shock at his eyes...

  Jess, and Yuki sat together in front of a burning fire, Connor was still unconscious beside Yuki.

  “What do we do from here?” Jess asked, Yuki couldn’t do much more then shake her head from side to side. The night was beginning to brighten as the sun began to rise.

  “Shouldn’t you be taking cover somewhere? After all you are a vampire and if I remember correctly they usually hibernate all day.” Jess smiled, “Remember our first day at Saint Strix? It took me forever to wake you up in the morning and you were all like ‘I’d rather be ‘dead’ dead then be here right now’.” Jess began to chuckle as the memories of a time before the crazy stuff happened.

  “Yeah.” Yuki said faintly and smiled a little.

  “He’ll wake up Yuki; you don’t have to worry about him.” Jess said.

  “I know he will awaken.” Yuki replied in the same small voice as before.

  “Then what are you worried about?” Jess enquired.

  “I’m worried about Jacob. He isn’t on the island and I doubt that he would abandon us unless something came up.” Yuki explained and Jess was suddenly overcome by a terrible sob.

  “She might have killed him.” She said.

  “She hasn’t killed him yet, but if we don’t hurry then he’s a goner.” A young male voice said from Yuki’s side.

  “Finally decided to come back to the land of the living then?” Jess asked.

  “Evidently yes, now as for Jacob.” Connor said and explained about a vision he had experienced while unconscious.

  “So to summarise if we don’t get back to Britain right now Jacob will die or become a slave to the demons?” Jess asked after a moment’s silence, Connor nodded in reply.

  “But how are we supposed to get there?” Yuki asked sounding mildly irritated, as the early morning sunlight came into contact with her bare skin.

  “Before I answer that question, Yuki come with me.” He instructed and rose from his sitting position, Yuki followed immediately. The two walked away from Jess until they were out of her hearing range. She sat there waiting for them to return when she swore she heard a gasp of surprise come from the area where Connor and Yuki had migrated to. Once they returned the sun had risen completely.

  “Where were you two?” She asked as they stumbled towards her.

  “I noticed how irritated she was getting in the sun so I decided to give her some of my blood.” Connor said and looked at Yuki who was semi conscious of the world around her.

  “Then why is she so weakened?” Jess asked concerned about her friend’s welfare.

  “It’s not very easy accepting demon blood into your system you know. When I first ingested demon blood I fainted. To be honest it’s a shock that she is still somewhat conscious.” He explained, something in his voice told her that something else had happened there. She was about to question him when Yuki finally sprung to life. Jess had expected to see markings like the ones Connor got when he was using his full demonic power, but the only change in her appearance was her eyes, which had changed from the hazel and dark blue to twin black circles streaked with crimson. Nothing other than the eyes told Jess that something was different about her friend.

  “What are we going to do now?” Yuki asked bringing Connor and Jess back to their present situation.

  Yuki felt so alive. Being a simple vampire couldn’t even be compared to the feelings she was experiencing. As a vampire she had been able to hear the smallest insect and jump thirty feet into the air, now those abilities had been doubled. She wanted to do nothing other than use her new power; however there were far more pressing issues to attend to.

  “What are we going to do now?” She asked again when she didn’t get an answer.

  “We’ll head back to Britain.” Connor said simply.

  “And how do you expect to get there, by swimming?” Jess asked sarcastically.

  “Of course not, we shall fly.” He answered and spread his wings out as far as they could. Jess and Yuki rolled their eyes at the obvious solution.

  “Are you sure you can carry us both at the same time?” Yuki asked. In response to her question he wrapped one arm around each of their waists and took flight. Time seemed to stop as they flew towards a darkness that threatened the entire world, no; the entire universe was at stake.

  Jacob now stood at the centre of the demons portal. Slowly he raised his sword and prepared to slash through the portal. Throw your sword into it. A voice whispered, and, instead of questioning it, he obeyed. He felt different after defeating Yuuku, as though something, or someone, was controlling
his body and he was simply observing the events that were beginning to unfold, similar to watching television. The portal began to throb as more and more power flowed into it. Oh crap. He thought as demon after demon flooded through the now enormous portal. Why don’t they attack me? He questioned himself internally. Because they don’t see you they see me. The voice that had spoken earlier whispered though his mind and brought an image of Yuuku with it. As he processed it his thoughts were suddenly turned off. He tried to move a finger, but his body wouldn’t respond to his minds demands. Its useless Jacob, I am in complete control of your body. As the demons swarmed from their universe into the human’s world, laughter of complete evil echoed through the night.

  Connor hugged the two girls to his torso as they flew towards the growing darkness in the distance. His thoughts couldn’t have been more confused. In his visions of the future he had seen Jacob either killing Yuuku or joining her in her insane plot to bring the demons to Earth. However he couldn’t sense Jacob’s thoughts or his life force. What the hell is going on over there?

  Jess could sense Connor’s uneasiness as he flew through the night. She couldn’t feel Jacob’s life force or anything else for that matter. She looked into Connor’s eyes and saw that they glowed slightly every now and then. Something is going to happen, I can feel it.

  Yuki was still having difficulty resisting the urge to try and fly like Connor. She knew that her new powers were nowhere near as powerful as his were, but she still wanted to try. I sound like a kid. She thought as Big Ben came into view. Something is wrong with my head.