Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 12

Chapter 12: The final Battle

  Connor felt them as they came closer and closer. Demons and lots of them. He thought and couldn’t help getting excited at the thought of slaughtering thousands of the hellish creatures. This time my demonic blood will not take control. He vowed silently. He was just beginning to look for a place to land when he saw a street full of people being attacked by the monsters that they had believed to only exist in movies and nightmares.

  “Hope the two of you are ready?” He asked the Jess and Yuki, both of which nodded, “then let’s do this thing!” He exclaimed as he shot toward the concrete in a nosedive, pulling up at the last second and landed lightly on his feet.

  “Do not do that again.” Yuki said firmly, but smiled to show that she was joking. The humans had all stopped running for their lives and stood transfixed by the three who had appeared out of what seemed to be thin air.

  “Yuki, you and Jess go and evacuate the humans, and exterminate any demons on the way.” He said and began to allow his demon blood to flow freely. The demons who had been running after the humans like rabid dogs, now stopped in their tracks. A small smile found its way on to Connor’s face. Suddenly he was no longer standing in front of the army of demons, but was behind them. As they turned to attack him, each of their heads began to slide off their necks. As Connor was about to confirm the kills, when he heard clapping from above him.

  “Not bad Connor, you’ve gained a lot of control since our last encounter.” Connor looked up in search or the owner of the voice and what he saw was shocking to say the least. Jacob stood atop a bird like demon with a smile on his lips.

  “Great just great, first I go evil and now you go all evil, that’s just fan f***ing tastic.” Connor ranted to himself.

  “Actually Jacob is not the one who is in control of this body.” As Jacob spoke the words his voice became underlined by Yuuku’s. Oh for the love of crap.

  “Yuuku... would you mind if I spoke with Jacob right now?” He asked.

  “Hmmm, let me think, uh, not possible.” He... she... it... whatever, replied.

  “What do you mean by that?” He asked, all the while knowing the answer.

  “His consciousness is gone. There isn’t a single part of Jacob left aside from this body.” Yuuku replied.

  “You worthless piece of shit! I’m gonna use your intestinal tract as a condom while I fornicate with your skull!” He shouted very quickly.

  “What?” She asked confused.

  “I’m gonna skull **** you!” He simplified and jumped onto the bird demon and went to stab Jacob’s body.

  Yuki was busy trying to resist the urge to drink from one of the many humans she was trying to save. She tried to control it by killing any demon that came to close aggressively, but now the demons had learnt their lesson, stay away from the crazy, powerful girl and you get to live. This was making it incredibly difficult to control herself. Connor what have you done to me? She thought sadly. She was wrapped in her own thoughts when the screams began. It was the wailing that brought her out of her own mind. All around her lay bodies and destroyed buildings. Above her loomed an enormous figure, she didn’t have time to react when it shot a fist towards her. Connor. She thought as the fist came closer and closer.

  Connor dodged the jab at his heart and leapt forwards in an attempt to kill Yuuku, who deflected his stab with the centre of her blade. Both were bleeding from several minor injuries, but neither was fatigued. As they glared at one another, Connor suddenly began to laugh.

  “What’s so damn funny?” She shouted and went to stab him again.

  “Just how easy this was.” He replied and raised his sword to the black, lightning filled sky. Small pieces of the darkness began to fall, but before they could hit the Earth, the Letum absorbed them. Her sword was stopped an inch from his heart. Below them was a music store with the perfect song and the right stereo system to play it. Using his telekinetic abilities he put the song on. Suddenly all around them the song ‘Shattering the Skies Above’ by Trivium began to play from the chorus (shattering the skies above I want to destroy all that you love, shattering the skies above, I won’t rest ‘til I’m drenched in blood).

  “You have a choice Yuuku, let my friend go, or die right here and now.” He offered. Which she declined by attempting to stab him again. Connor lowered his head, letting his hair fall over his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” He said and raised his head and slashed though the air between them. For a second Yuuku just stood there in Jacob’s body, her eyes wide. Then her eyes began to glow golden. Slowly she began to feel pain, then she lost all control over the body, finally she lost all consciousness. As Connor approached to make sure that the body was alright, he heard a single word being screamed inside his head, Connor! He turned and saw the humongous figure at the area he had left Yuki and Jess at. Ah crap! With rush of wind he unfurled his wings and jumped off the side of the building in order to take flight.

  Yuki stood frozen as the giant’s fist came towards her. She knew that any moment her life would end. It came closer and closer, until it was two metres away. Okay that’s it. She thought and walked out of the path of the giant’s fist. When it connected the vibrations caused the buildings within a hundred metre radius to crumble. On the other side of its fist she saw at least half the population of London all of which had a look of horror on their faces. Several were badly injured and she could smell the blood from there. Instead of giving in to the bloodlust that threatened to take control, she climbed up the giant demon’s leg, then the arm, until she reached its face, which she began to viciously attack with her immense strength. The giant didn’t feel any of this and simply raised a hand to swat her away; however it was caught mid-swing by the timely arrival of Connor, who looked very, very pissed off at that moment.

  Oh no you don’t. Connor thought as he caught the giant’s fist with a single hand.

  “Hey Yuki, how’s it going?” He asked the stunned girl beside him.

  “You know, demons trying to kill me and all that.” She replied.

  “So the usual?”

  “Yep.” Before Connor could ask another question the giant bellowed and redoubled its effort to make its fist connect with the young vampire, demon girl.

  “Now, now,” Connor said as he effortlessly held the giant’s arm in place, “No need to be rude.” And with that he kicked the enormous demon in the jaw. Half a dozen teeth flew from its mouth and landed in a hexagon on the ground, followed by a torrent of blood.

  “Hey Yuki, you wouldn’t happen to have my mp3 with you by any chance?” He asked as the giant staggered away from the floating pair.

  “As a matter of fact I do.” She replied and handed him his 16 GB mp3. He nodded his thanks and put in the ear phones. He scrolled along the large selection of songs he had and decided to listen to Black Veil Brides.

  “Do you want to put this one out of its misery or shall I?” He asked as the demon reached out to grab him.

  “I’ll deal with it. You should find Jess and make sure she’s alright.” Yuki answered just as the hand was about to close around them the two hybrids moved out of the demons reach. Connor saluted and disappeared in search of Jess Akuma.

  Yuki watched as the demon tried to grab her and laughed at its vocalised frustration at not being able to catch her. She climbed up its arm until she was level with its face. Focusing all her strength, she punched the demons hideous face, when she heard the crack in its neck she punched it again, another crack, she punched again and this time the head came off, hanging at the side of the by a mere thread of flesh. The feeling she felt coursing through her veins could only be described as sadistic ecstasy. She wanted more, more demons to hunt, to kill. She needed to hear their inhuman screams of agony. Stop it Yume. We must help the humans.

  “Shut up Yuki. If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be alive right now.” That is irrelevant; do you want Connor to know that we were responsible for their deaths? Yume physically cringed at the thought of Conn
or being angry with her.

  “Fine, you take over Yuki, I’m going to have a nap.” She said and closed her eyes.

  For all her life Yuki had MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). On the outside there was Yuki a kind and gentle person, then on the inside there was Yume, a sadistic and brutal entity. For the majority of her early life Yuki had been the only one present, however, when under emotional distress, Yume awoke and did unspeakable things. Experts gave Yuki newly developed pills that were supposed to suppress Yume; however the pills had an opposite effect on her. Instead of suppressing Yume they ended up making her the dominant personality and suppressed Yuki. Though she acted like Yuki in the presence of the police and scientists, but her mother and father suffered at her hands. 6 months after taking the pills Yume murdered the ones who brought her into the world. Though Yuki had believed that a vampire had killed her parents, Yume was responsible. After the murder Yuki had somehow resurfaced and saw the mangled corpses of her parents she had loved so much. She ran from the house and straight into the arms of a vampire. The vampire, noticing how her mind was split in two; one lacking the qualities to make a vampire, and the other had a lust for violence and everything it entailed, even her own death, decided to change her into a vampire. Yume rarely took over afterwards, the only times being when Yuki was hunting, or when the two creatures of the night were threatened. There was only one change in Yume’s personality, and that was Connor, whenever she surfaced and saw him she could only obey him, she knew that when it came to Connor being in danger she and Yuki were in perfect agreement, kill his enemy.

  Jess ran and ran, but the demon hordes kept nipping at her heels. She was going to die and she knew it. The thought almost brought a tear to her eye, If I’ going down then I’ll take as many of them with me. She turned and watched as a demon with a huge jaw came racing towards her, snapping eagerly.

  “Really Jess I assumed you’d be ripping them to pieces by now.” Connor’s voice spoke from her side. She turned her head and saw that he held the demon at arms length, after morphing back to her human form she replied, “Well I was having a little trouble, after all we can’t all be half demons.” He chuckled, but quickly grew serious as the demons closed in on them. One hundred and fifty demons later Connor informed her of Jacob’s current state.

  “So Yuuku took control of his body and you destroyed her conscious, thus returning Jacob’s.” She didn’t say it like a question, but Connor still answered.

  “No, Jacob’s conscious is probably trapped in the demon world, it’s either that or he’s completely gone.” Connor said with a grim expression.

  “Connor,” She began.


  “Give me your blood.”

  He was somewhere yet nowhere. He was warm yet cold. He didn’t know who he was or where he was, all he knew was that he was in complete darkness, but in this deep, un-relenting, black he could see a woman’s smile and a wolf’s eyes. I want to know who you are.

  Minutes passed by and Yuki still hadn’t been met by Connor. It shouldn’t take this long, She thought. He can’t be killed you fool; Yume answered her un-thought worry, if anything I’d be worried abut those asshole demons.

  “You’re probably right.” Yuki thought aloud, but she couldn’t shake the uneasiness she was feeling.

  Connor couldn’t react. She had taken him by complete surprise. I shouldn’t give her my cursed blood, but the more I think about it the smarter it seems, he thought, if I give her my blood she’ll be able to look after herself, he rationalised. Finally he decided to take the gamble.

  “Very well.” Was all he said, before biting deeply into his wrist and offering it to Jess. He was still unsure of this decision, his blood had many drawbacks: one was that the person who drinks it could turn insane, another, and the most likely, was that the drinker would be eternally bound to him in mind and soul. Before he could withdraw his bleeding wrist Jess latched onto it and began to drink from his wound.

  She couldn’t believe what she was doing. She was clutching Connor’s arm and drinking his blood like a vampire. Then something began to happen o her, she could feel his blood spreading like fire through her system, changing her werewolf genes into something… stronger. She soon felt her shoulder blades extend away from her back until they were easily two metres in length and a thin sheet of skin connected fang like bones that protruded from the newly lengthened shoulder blades, creating bat-like wings. She wanted more of this power, more of his blood.

  “That’s enough Jess.” Connor said and gently pushed her away, however she continued to try and drink more of his blood, he was left with no choice but to knock her out.