Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 17

  Chapter 17: No way

  He woke in a cold sweat; he reached for his throat where he swore that a demon had bit him, but he found no evidence of any wound. What the hell was that? A dream, no, it had been far too real. He could still feel the hot breath that had reeked of blood on his throat. All of these questioned continued to whirl around in his mind, until one rose above the rest; where was he? He was lying on a bed, with soft pillows under his pounding head. He looked at his surroundings and found nothing out of the ordinary, except that every piece of furniture was finely carved out of a dark oak, and a painting of a beautiful girl whose eyes seemed to follow him. He was about to muster the strength to get out of the bed when the door opened and Yuki’s face appeared.

  “Y-Yuki?” He said and tried to reach for her, but his hand fell back to the bed as he lost consciousness.

  “He’s delusional. The dream state must’ve done a number on his mental health.”

  “Isn’t there a way to reverse it?”

  “Yes but it’s more dangerous than leaving it alone.”

  “What do we have to do?”

  “Make him fight until he remembers.”

  “We have no choice; get him the Letum and make sure he’s capable of actually fighting back.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Images flashed behind his eyelids: some were pleasant, like a cold winter’s night or surrounded by people whose faces he couldn’t remember but knew he had cared for them. Other images were not so nice, and they outweighed the good. One time he was laughing with friends the next he was drenched in blood and licking it up. I can’t remember them and I’m not sure if I want to.

  “I love you Connor.” A voice said from the darkness. With it came a scene.

  “I love you too Yuki.” He said and kissed her hard and passionately. She responded with equal passion and soon they were tearing the others clothes off. The one called Yuki bit into his neck while he caressed her smooth skin. She stopped sucking his blood started kissing him with her bloody lips. He then returned the favour with interest. The scene continued until they were both sated in every way. Why did I have to see that?

  “So you can hurry up and remember.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I am you and you are me, and no, it’s not a split personality thing, you and I are the same being.”

  “So why can we talk to each other?”

  “You can ask questions later, but for now just trust me when I say we need to merge our bodies right now.”

  “Very well.”

  “You’re not even going to ask why?”


  “Man you and I need to combine.” A shining darkness appeared and grasped his hand. The two forms sunk into each other. In reality Connor’s eyes opened and the whites turned to a dark scarlet. I’m back baby.

  Someone sat in front of the monitors that monitored Connor’s heart, mental, and demon levels, and his physical form. In the past two days there had been very little change, so the viewer assumed him to be asleep when he returned from his bathroom break. Connor was staring up at him through the camera. The view reached for the alarm button, but his arm would not obey him, and he soon found out why; through some insane ability Connor had severed his arm. He was about scream when a trail of blood fell into his eyes and he realised that he could no longer move, and then the dark swallowed him.

  Two hours later another guard entered for his shift. When he saw his co-worker lying on the floor with the top half of his gone he did the natural thing, and screamed bloody murder.

  “H-hey is anyone there?” A voice came from the video monitor. The guard walked over and grabbed the mike.

  “Did you kill him?”

  “What does kill mean?” The teenage boy asked, the security guard remembered that the kid’s brain had more or less been reverted back to a Child’s.

  “Never mind kid, just go back to the soft thing.”



  “I just remembered what kill means... Does it mean this?” Connor said and smiled; the kind of smile that freezes your blood. The guard grasped his head as a pounding headache began and amplified, until the guard literally died from the headache.

  Three days passed with no change. The guards’ bodies were not discovered due to the other employees entering the room, but never coming out again. No one raised any alarm even when people started to notice their co-workers absence. Many people came to visit Connor over the course of those three days, each with the same set of questions; did he know where he was? Did he know who and what he is, and if he recognised a beautiful girl in a picture they constantly showed him. Each time he would feign ignorance.

  It wasn’t until he’d had enough and decided to break out, that they discovered that he had been putting on a farce. Three vampire security guards entered his room, each armed to the fang, and he stood in the centre of the room head lowered, his hair matted to his face with blood. They surrounded him; guns raised, and began to approach him.

  “You guys haven’t done anything wrong, but you all must die, so that I may live.” Connor said and laughed once, the nearest security guard’s head started to slide off his neck. The fountain of blood was truly a sight to behold; Connor raised his head and opened his mouth. The remaining guards were appalled by this, though they were vampires drinking another of their kinds blood was more taboo then incest.

  “You sick, twisted bastard!” One yelled, and then attempted a leg sweep, but Connor back flipped to avoid it. In the same move he wrapped his legs around the other vampire’s neck and twisted sharply, thus snapping his neck. There was only one left, and it didn’t like its chances, so it ran for its life.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Connor said and moved to intercept him. He appeared, seemingly from thin air, in front of the retreating vampire.

  “Why you-”

  “You may leave, but only after you answer my questions.” Connor interrupted him.

  “Go to hell you bastard!” The vampire said and tried to run, but Connor cut off every exit. Connor’s hand shot out and grabbed him by the neck.

  “I will go to hell, but only after you answer my question and F.Y.I. I’ve already been to hell and back.” Connor said and pushed a finger into his eye socket. He continued to push it in until his entire finger inside the guard’s skull. He then unleashed a small amount of his power in the form of an electric shock, the electricity racked through the vampire’s body, seeking out all the painful zones.

  “Feel like telling me what I want to know now?” Connor asked and the guard just spat blood onto his cheek. “Then maybe I need to increase the output?” The security guard began to whimper and thrash wildly in protest.

  “Fine I’ll tell you everything!”

  “Then hurry up and speak.”

  “Okay, what you need to do is go to the local pharmacy, ask for something called ‘Viagra’ and it’ll help you go fuck yourself!” The shouted and was soon silenced by the hand that tore out his heart and his spinal cord. Connor looked at the heart that continued to pump blood. I might as well have a drink since it’s been a few days. He said internally and jabbed a finger into it. Upon removal a wave of blood flowed forth and he caught it in his mouth and drunk the contents until there was nothing left. Images flashed before his eyes, a military group searching through rubble, finding a seemingly dead body, finding a faint heartbeat, taking it in for research, the discovery of a weapon that drove the holder to commit suicide, and finally putting the two into different facilities for further study.

  “Thanks for the help.” He said and dropped the empty heart on the dead vampire’s face. He wondered around the compound finding no personnel, no weapons, nothing. It seemed as though they were expecting his sudden activeness and evacuated. Suddenly a quiet footstep broke through the silence. Connor looked to his side and saw a human trying to hide.

  “Ah, perfect, I was just looking for someone who could help me.” He said and t
ook a step closer. Immediately he felt the sting as a bullet tore through his flesh. “Now, now, I only want to ask you a few questions and fighting back-” He was shot in the head, “Won’t do you any good.” Connor now stood directly in front of the human. The weakling continued to fire until all the bullets were gone.

  “Like I was saying, once you tell me what I want to know, I’ll let you live, but if you lie to me or continue to resist, then I’ll kill you here and now.” The human nodded their head in fear.

  “Good. Now I want you to tell me where a sword is being held. This sword resembles a katana, but it’s made by demons, so only a non-human can wield it. You will tell me where the nearest facility is, and where my weapon is.”

  “I’m just an office worker they don’t tell me anything about secret covert operations like the one last week and I cannot shut up when I’m scared.” The human said his voice raising a couple of octaves.

  “Interesting… Now tell me about this ‘secret covert operation’.”

  “You’ll never get anything out of me, especially not the part about how we took the sword to a facility five miles away from here, GOD DAMN IT!” He shouted and Connor silenced him with a pair of scissors he found. I didn’t need to kill him, but I can’t take chances considering the fact that they consider me hostile. He walked away from the bleeding corpse and searched for the exit.

  The building was more like a labyrinth, rather then a laboratory. Eventually he got too frustrated and decided to just wreck the place. Fortunately he stumbled across weapon storage with several boxes filled with explosives. His eyes visibly brightened at the sight. Thirty minutes later and Connor was walking away with flames dancing in the background and his crimson eyes shining in the darkness, slowly a smile spread across his face.

  “I’m coming for you…” His laughter filled the night and all who heard it shivered in fear…

  To be continued…

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