Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 16

  Chapter 16: A possible end?

  Light tried to break through his closed eyes; he ignored it just wishing to go back to the blissful comatose state. The light grew gradually stronger, and the harder he tried to ignore the more prominent it became. Connor? Connor it’s time to wake up.


  “They’re coming Connor. You need to be there to fight them.”

  “Please no, I don’t want to fight anymore.”

  “I’m sorry but the harsh reality of it is; you must fight to have the right to not fight.”


  “You must fight to be able to stop fighting.”

  “My friends can handle it though.”

  “No they can’t.” Images of Jacob and Erufu fighting for their lives were shown, with each of them bleeding heavily and missing numerous limbs, they continued to fight valiantly but soon they were overwhelmed by the demons sheer numbers.

  “I’ll go, but for the last time.” Connor’s eyes shot open.

  The scene of destruction that greeted him was horribly beautiful; blood covered the walls and bodies were strewn across the floor. What the hell happened here? His unspoken question was answered the sound of sadistic laughter. He looked for its source and saw a form that resembled Erufu leaning over something. The scent of blood was thick in the air but he could tell her blood from it all.

  “No!” He shouted and moved as fast as possible behind her. “Erufu stop it!”

  “No, she almost killed you! She must die, die, die, die, and die some more!” She screamed insanely and went to back hand him away. Ducking just in time he avoided it and caught the next one and jabbed the pressure points in her arm.

  “Just let her go, after all she can’t hurt anyone now.” He said and gestured to the armless and dying Yume. Reason returned to Erufu’s crimson eyes. She looked down at her blood soaked hands then the blood covered body behind her. Her legs became weak at that moment and she would’ve fallen to the floor if Connor hadn’t caught her.

  “It’s alright Erufu.” He soothed her as she started to sob into his shoulder.

  “I hate to break up this touching scene, but we have a much bigger problem headed our way.” A very familiar voice said from behind them.

  “Amazing, you actually survived the pounding he gave you.”

  “Hey we can’t all be freakishly strong, anyway there’s a huge party heading our way.”

  “How big?”

  “The whole nine yards.”


  “Hey, at least the worse thing that they can do to us is kill us right?” Connor nodded in agreement.

  “Erufu you stay here.”

  “No! I’m going with you and that’s final.”

  “But-” He began when Jacob interrupted him.

  “Just let her man. Believe me when I say she won’t shut up until you say yes.”

  “Fine. I think we all need to let off some steam and this seems like the perfect opportunity.” Connor said; Jacob raised his sword and guns, and Erufu put on a pair of spiked gloves.

  “Hey Connor?” Jacob asked as they stepped out of the rubble.


  “There’s no chance of us winning is there?”

  “Not a chance.” Connor said as the demon army came into view, “But we’ll go down fighting.” He lifted the Letum and slashed through the air, there was a moment of perfect silence then an enormous explosion went off in the middle of the demons; Jacob cracked his knuckles and Erufu raised her gloved hands.

  “Well Connor...” Jacob began.

  “It looks like...” Connor continued.

  “This is gonna be one hell of a party!” They said in unison and ran at the demons like men possessed by demons themselves. There’s no chance of winning, He thought as they neared the demons, but we’ll fight until dawn comes and we’ll hold our heads high in victory. The first demon pounced on him then.

  None of them had anticipated what happened next to transpire: Hundreds of demons surrounded Jacob and he raised his sword and guns, but they reacted to fast and his chest was torn apart by the fiendish legions. Erufu was faster and so she was able to survive longer, but that was before a demon of unparalleled size and speed appeared. She fought it with everything she had, but it was obvious that she was no match for it. This fact was empathised when the demon’s teeth sunk deeply into her throat and tore it out. Connor watched these events unfold as he too, lost to a demon of greater strength and speed.