Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 3

Chapter 2: The Night Creatures are born: Vampire and Werewolf!

  Consciousness returned slowly, as it returned so did his Senses; all he could feel was a sense of satisfaction and intense pain similar to that morning. Jacob heard something dripping nearby, when he opened his eyes a fraction, his gaze was met by the blank eyes of Jordan Ahondara. Jacob attempted to sit up but is body refused to obey his mind’s commands, as he laid next the horrible sight he heard Connor awaken with a loud gasp, “Jacob?” was his first word, this caused him to cough. Despite the dryness of his throat Jacob replied, “Over here.” This time when he attempted to get up something rolled off his body allowing him to move into a sitting position. The sight this rewarded him with was one of horror. Limbs were everywhere, when he looked closer he saw the head of Jaycee Yamazaru. However this did not shock him in the least, Connor was the same, normal people would have freaked out at the mere sight of the bodies, who laughed when he saw Jacob.

  “What? What is it?”

  “I never would’ve thought you to be the kind of guy to walk around completely naked.” He replied and burst out laughing for no reason that Jacob could see.

  Connor was only laughing to try and cover up his uneasiness. Even though he knew that he would never do something so horrific however he had the sneaking suspicion that he and Jacob were responsible. When he looked down at himself He noted that he was completely drenched in blood, though it wasn’t his own blood that much he was sure of.

  “Hey Jacob?” in response his friend only rose his head; “You don’t think we did this do you?”

  Jacob noted that his friend’s voice shook with barely concealed panic, he wasn’t much different though, only he felt elation not panic and this was obvious in his reply.

  “Of course we did this; you don’t see anyone else do you, and. to be honest, I don’t know how and I don’t really c-,” The rest of his sentence was cut short when he saw Connor’s eyes. Connor noticed something too, as he looked at his best friend, whom he had known for years, he noticed that his ears and nails had grown to an inhuman level.

  “Jacob,” He was surprised by how strong and clear his voice was, “your ears and hands.” At these words Jacob felt his ears and yelped in surprise when he felt their pointed tips, he had a similar reaction to his hands when he saw how his nails had darkened and lengthened into claws. Connor’s reaction, when he found a reflective surface, could only have been described as comedic.

  “Holy **** what the **** kind of Heterochromia is this?” Connor exclaimed as he looked at his two eyes, once a dark brown, were now twin orbs of black fire tinged with crimson, Jacob, despite the frightful changes to his body, laughed. When their thoughts turned to what had happened earlier an intense throbbing began to sound inside their heads, suddenly the world began to spin, the edges of their vision became blurred and before they knew what was happening the darkness engulfed them completely.

  The scenes in their dreams were like a recap of before they blacked out and awoke in the blood of the two psychopaths. They were walking to the corner leading to their hideout when Connor paused, Jacob could tell that something had shaken his friend because he shook slightly. Connor took a step forward and Jacob saw his friend’s eyes take on a crimson hue.

  “Connor, what’s wrong?” He asked as he too passed the corner. The sight that beheld him made him sick to his stomach.

  “Well, what ‘ave we ‘ere then. Do you want to join in?” Jaycee Yamazaru asked. His companion, Jordon Ahondara, continued for him.

  “Nah, just a pair of twats, so ‘ave you two come to join in or are you just ‘ere ‘cause you finished saying goodbye to your mommy and daddy. Oh wait, you don’t have any do you, because they’re dead!” He shouted the last word because what he saw next shocked him so utterly that he urinated himself. Connor’s canines had lengthened to an inhuman length and his eyes had turned completely Blood red with the pupil being a tiny slited pinprick in the centre. Jacob’s change on the other hand was far more noticeable, He fell to the ground on all fours shouting in pain and surprise, his bones began to lengthen and reshape themselves whilst his nose and mouth turned waxy as they distended from his face beginning to form a muzzle, his teeth lengthened into fangs and fur sprouted from invisible pores in his skin completely covering him in black and grey fur. The pair of nightmarish creatures pounced on the humans. The vampire grabbed his prey by the throat, cutting off his air supply and suspended him in the air. As the human struggled to break the vice like grip on his throat the vampire merely laughed and finally brought the human’s neck to his mouth where his fangs penetrated the soft flesh of his prey’s throat, the blood flowed quickly into his mouth and with no hesitation he swallowed greedily. The werewolf’s kill was similar only much gorier. As the night creatures finished feeding, they assessed one another trying to determine if the other was friend or foe. Coming to their separate decisions they stood in perfect symmetry and launched themselves at the other, when they collided the werewolf barked a laugh as the vampire laughed at the humorous position they found themselves in (This will not be described due to rudeness).

  Connor and Jacob awoke at the same time and stared at each other in shock. Both felt the same emotion, ecstasy. Both knew that vampires and werewolves were myths, yet this was the best explanation for what had transpired and the changes to their appearance and personalities. They had never been happier.