Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 4

  Chapter 3: The first kill, Meeting, and the first mission

  Their school days passed by uneventfully. Jacob hid his pointed ears within his long, oil black hair and bit his nails in order to pass for human. Connor on the other hand had a far more difficult time acting human. Human food repulsed him now; his eyes were explained as a form of Heterochromia, but the hardest part was his bloodlust. It was unpredictable; one day he felt in complete control and the next the mere sight of a human nearly tipped him over the edge. His only solution that his body accepted was a daily transfusion of human donor blood and even then it was only subdued. That was one week ago…

  He was having a terrible day: Connor sat alone in the middle of a field at night holding his sides together, as though they would split apart. He had gone almost an entire week without even donor blood and it was causing him to suffer, big time. He sat there panting, as though he couldn’t breathe. The vampire blood in him screamed for sustenance.

  “Excuse me?!” Someone yelled at him from across the field, “What’re you doing here, this place closed three hours ago!” Connor tried to respond but all that came out was a pained rasp. He could hear the person coming closer. No stay away, Connor tried t0 say but the bloodlust was like an unbeatable virus that takes control of your body.

  “Hey kid, are you alright?” The person asked, he couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman the bloodlust stopped him from processing anything other the delicious sound of their beating heart and the scent of their blood flowing through their veins.

  “Stay here I’ll go and get some help.” The person said and began to walk away, but Connor stopped him. They tried to take his hand off but Connor kept it there. His breath became more haggard the faster the human’s heart pounded.

  “I-I’m... sorry.” Connor said and sunk his teeth into the person neck and drunk the wonderful ruby red fluid that began to flood out. When he was finished the pain had disappeared, and the bloodlust had retracted its hold on him. He looked down at the body of the man he had just killed. This man probably had a family, a wife, children, parents, and now they’ll never see him again. Connor thought and he felt the vampire side of him take pleasure from these thoughts. Soon I’ll be more vampire than human. But if that means my life isn’t a dull existence anymore... So be it, I’ll become a full-fledged vampire. He picked up the body and slung it over his shoulder, and then he ran to the nearest river that was deep enough to hide the body. He tied several bricks to the corpse and threw it into the river.

  “My first kill,” He ran his finger over his lips where blood was still drying, “And my first conscious taste of fresh human blood.” He said in disbelief and terror at his lack of remorse. He realised that he really was becoming a child of the night; he then began to laugh a cruel laugh, so loud that it matched the jubilant howl of the wolf.

  Jacob never liked the sensation of a forced change, but the reward after the suffering was worth it. The feeling of running through the night with the moon shining in the sky, and the scent of all the woodland animals that he could so easily prey upon. But tonight he felt a bigger hunger, a hunger for the most dangerous and evolved hunter, a human. He had a perfect candidate in mind, the P.E. teacher Mr. Waylent. Using his ultra sharp sense of smell Jacob found his home. He could hear two other heartbeats inside, one was slightly faster than the other two and he guessed that it belonged to a child, and the other two were about the same. He would leave the others alone and go right for his meal. He was about to jump through the window when he heard a new sound penetrating the night, a sensual moan, and it was coming straight from his intended target. He shifted back to human; werewolves can still change back to human form for short periods during a full moon, and climbed up the convenient vines. He reached the window and saw something that almost literally burnt his retinas. With a strangled cry he leapt back down and changed on contact with the earth, I think I’ll just leave him alone for a few minutes. Thirty minutes later the door opened and what appeared to be a prostitute left the premises. Jacob took this chance to leap through the window. The sound of the shattering glass alerted his prey, who was cleaning himself, Oh god that is so gross, please, please let him come out with a towel on? Of course the world was just a bitch and Mr. Waylent came out with nothing on.

  “What the fu-!” He tried to shout when Jacob pounced on him and tore his throat apart. While he didn’t taste good the taste of victory was delicious. The blood was everyone, running down the walls, dripping from the ceiling, and seeping through the cracks of the wooden floor boards. He didn’t bother disposing of the evidence, since he knew that should the school be alerted to his death then they would be closed for a time to give the students and other teachers’ time to mourn. I love it when a plan comes together, I find Waylent, I kill Waylent, I kill member of school, and I get time off of school.

  Two weeks after that night... Connor had come to accept what he was, and so life, sort of, continued. Connor sat in class solving a difficult equation while everyone else was either on their phones, ipods, or portable game consoles. He sighed and thought; Looks like another boring day, when Jacob burst in shouting, “Everyone, you’ve got to see what’s going on outside!” The entire student body mobilised at once, moving to the windows, while Connor remained seated. He had already heard the commotion, and from what he had heard the people were a secret organization who had seen two students in Wishless Cross School who had the capabilities to join them. Jacob looked at him, his eyes shining with excitement as did Connor’s. These people might actually make life interesting he thought and could tell his friend was thinking the exact same thing. The pair left the room then and began to make their way toward the organization.

  The meeting couldn’t have gone better. Once the two teenagers had reached the doors to exit the school, they were dragging the unconscious bodies of the organization’s soldiers.

  “I would’ve thought that they would’ve put up a harder fight then that. But I guess they were poorly trained.” Connor mused aloud. The automatic doors opened then and as they did, the soldiers opened fire. Any human would have died, but they were not human; just when the bullets would have connected they dodged. To the soldiers’ eyes they appeared to disappear, however in reality they literally weren’t there. The two monsters of the night watched from the school roof as the humans’ fired round after round into the school walls.

  “What a bunch of noobs. And here I thought we were going to have some fun. Come on, let’s finish this now.” Jacob said, as they prepared to jump, the wind rustled around their bodies.

  “Now boys, we only want to talk. But if you want to fight, then I’ll be your opponent.” Spoke a high pitched voice from behind the two teenagers. They turned round to see where the voice had come from and were shocked when they saw nothing but a little girl, with a wide smile on her face.

  “You’re kidding right? I’m not going to fight a little girl.” Connor’s mocking tone caused the girl’s expression to change from sweet and innocent, to cold and frightening. Jacob tensed as a cold feeling spread through his body, the feeling had become familiar to him over the weeks now he recognised it as a prelude to his transformation, he could see the same happening to Connor, his friend’s eyes were beginning to glow a bright crimson and his canines were lengthening to their full length.

  “What frightening creatures.” The Little girl said sarcastically and cocked an eyebrow, daring them to attack. Jacob was first to strike. His leap was incredibly quick, even by his standards, but the girl stepped aside and caught him in a headlock, “Your attacks are far too obvious, you need to learn too plan then attack!” As she finished her sentence she threw Jacob over the edge of the roof. The howl he emitted was almost painful to Connor’s enhanced hearing however he ignored it and watched his opponent carefully. She looked human, but to be able to defeat his friend so easily told him that she was something far more dangerous than a human.

  “What are you?” He asked. A look of surprise passed over the
girl’s face. Now! He thought and launched himself at her. Just when he was about to connect with her, she shot a hand out and grabbed his neck.

  “Impressive, you are smarter and stronger than your werewolf friend but you’re not strong enough to defeat me and to answer your question, I am a vampire, but I am the first.” And with that she threw him off the roof as well.

  “Good work, Miss Yuuku.” One of the human soldiers said, Yuuku merely nodded in acknowledgement. Her thoughts were fixed on the young vampire boy she had just defeated. His face was so similar to her previous vampire consort and his voice; it was like hearing a youthful version of Andy’s. She mentally shook herself; if she became attached to him she would only suffer if this went badly.

  Connor awoke slowly; instinctively he gave himself a mental once over, he had three broken ribs, a dislocated arm and at least a dozen cuts and bruises. He could feel the damage repairing, but he knew that even his healing capabilities would take a while to repair the damage to his body. As he pulled himself into a sitting position he realised that his hands and legs were bound together by incredibly thick chains, when he attempted to break them a voice came from his left.

  “Don’t bother man, it’s useless, I even tried changing and these things held easily.” Jacob hopped into view at that moment. Relief washed through Connor at the sight that his friend was alive, damaged, but alive. With his vampire vision he could see in pure darkness, so the light provided by the lights weren’t necessary, but they illuminated the table in the centre. From his position he couldn’t see anything on it, but his sense of smell told him otherwise. There was a lot of human blood on the surface and from what he could smell, it was only donor blood. His bloodlust took hold and he felt the chains give way as his already incredible strength tripled from his insane desire to drink the blood.

  “You disappoint me again, though I shouldn’t have expected much from a fledgling vampire who didn’t even have a Sire to train him in the vampire ways.” The little girl, from the school, stepped into the light, her face was impassive, but deep in her eyes they held something more. But in his present state of mind Connor didn’t think and, like a mindless beast, charged her with all his might. The outcome was the same as before.

  “Connor, just stop it ok? She’s too strong for us.” Jacob said, defeat thick in his voice. At the sound of his friend’s voice Connor calmed down a little bit and sat down on the stone floor.

  “Go on have some. That’s the reason it’s here anyway. Don’t worry we didn’t do anything to it.” She said and smiled when Connor didn’t move.

  “Or would you rather drink my blood?” She knew that she had asked the right question when his crimson eyes glowed even brighter. Gently she took his face in her hands and lifted him to his feet; Connor’s expression remained frozen in shock. His mouth hung open, revealing his pure white, sharp, canines. Once his mouth was level with her neck his reaction was instant. He latched onto her throat with all his might and began to drink her delicious blood. The girl stood still, her expression had changed slightly, it was still impassive, but her eyes shone with a strange passion as Connor drank greedily from her neck. The strange exchange continued until the girl gently pushed him away.

  “Now that you’ve fed, I can tell you why we have taken you to this location.” Even though her expression was serious her voice was slightly breathless and her eyes shone with excitement from what had just transpired.

  “Well then, care to explain?” Connor requested his expression was similar to the girl’s except his was mixed in with shock.

  “Of course I will. Now, you both know what you are?” They nodded, “your kinds are not the only supernatural existence in this world. Existing beside this dimension there is a complete opposite, the Demon World. In this there are grotesque beings called demons, these monsters have sought to end the human race’s existence by travelling between the dimensions. We-“

  Her explanation was cut short by Connor who finished her sentence for her.

  “You fight to protect the humans and eventually destroy the demon’s world. If I’m wrong please say so.” When she said nothing he continued, “My best guess is that you wish for us to help you… You know Jacob this is sounding more and more like “Changeling”.” They laughed at the comparison except the powerful little girl. She waited until they had finished before asking the question that she had waited to ask them, “well can we rely on your assistance or do you want to choose option number two?”

  “Don’t worry; we’ll do anything that could get us out of school.” Connor explained.

  “I’m in, as long as we get paid.” Jacob replied. The girl smiled at the news.

  “My name is Yuuku.” The girl held out a hand, “It will be a pleasure working with you two.” Connor and Jacob in turn introduced and shook Yuuku’s hand.

  They had been relocated to a luxurious room, chandeliers, wall mounted 50’’ flat screen HD T.V. and two king sized beds. The wooden floor boards felt soft after the floor of their cell and Connor noted this and the fact that the smell of blood emitted from one of the two fridges in the room.

  “I never thought I’d get to live in a place like this.” Connor mused aloud. Somehow here, in the walls of this secret Organization that were called the Kouken of Earth, he felt at home probably because nearly thirty percent of the staff here are vampires. He recalled all the facts Yuuku had educated them in on the tour of the huge facility.

  They had just left their cell and were walking down the corridor that Yuuku Assured them led to the main Intel room, where she would introduce them to the staff present there. After what seemed like an age they reached the doors.

  “Try not to gawk too much.” She had said and pushed the huge, intricately carved oak doors open. Jacob and Connor failed when they attempted to control their surprise. They were inside a enormous domed structure filled with row after row of computers, the dim light created by the computers allowed Yuuku and Connor to see perfectly however Jacob’s eyes were not as strong in his human form so she ordered that the ceiling lights be switched on. The people that became illuminated shocked him greatly. Nearly, if not all of the workers were either vampires or werewolves.

  “We mainly hire vampires and werewolves because they need the smallest amount of training and they hold a grudge against the demons.” When they raised their eyebrows at her she explained, “You see over millennia ago two demons entered the human realm by mistake; one was similar to a wolf, the other a bat. The two creatures found human women, in a nearby town, to be enticing and proceeded to impregnate them before the town’s men killed the two. The offspring born were both terrifying and beautiful, the people decided to raise them, but found that they were uncontrollable. The children killed nearly all of the town’s people until a spark of humanity awoke within them and they fled into the vast forest bordering the town.” She explained and waited for the questioning to ensue.

  “You really are the first vampire. How did you survive? Animals blood doesn’t work to nourish us.” He enquired.

  “Yes. That’s true; however vampire and werewolf blood is partially human so we fed off the werewolves and each other to survive, but war broke out when a vampire gave in to his bloodlust and killed the alpha’s mate. That is why humans believe we are enemies, granted you come across the odd werewolf who still despises vampires for the incident, but they are usually separated from the pack.” She Explained. Connor and Jacob took this in with little difficulty. The tour continued, they walked through the training areas and saw at least a dozen vampires having a free for all wrestling match. When they entered the weapons room their eyes sparkled slightly.

  “Now boys, you’ll have to wait before you wield these things.” She had instructed, but Connor and Jacob had already grabbed a pair of pistols each. They had received a small amount of training with the modals they were holding and shot once at the targets across the room. Both of their bullets hit the targets’ heart. Yuuku looked at them as they quickly reloaded and sho
ot again this time at moving targets, that was moving at a similar speed to a newborn vampire. Once again their shots were dreadfully accurate.

  “Well, well. It seems that you two are quite the marksmen.” She complimented them causing an involuntary blush to creep up their necks.

  “We’re not that good, really.” Connor said and walked over to one of Jacob’s targets. He pulled it up and showed that one of the holes was almost an inch away from the heart. When he went to check on his targets however there were no holes other than the one in the heart. He was astonished, as humans He and Jacob had been equally good but now, maybe not.

  “Don’t worry Jacob; vampires are designed to use any weapon to its maximum effectiveness. But when you transform you shall have no need for weapons, as I’m sure your fangs and claws will suffice.” Yuuku explained. The tour continued through to the living quarters.

  “My room is at the end of this tunnel, just in case you need to speak with me,” Her eyes flashed to Connor as she said this, “Your room number is 409. Come I’ll walk you to the door.” She began to lead them down the dark, fire lit corridor.

  “Why are there so few rooms occupied?” Connor asked, as they walked down he saw that the rooms in use had unique intricate symbols carved into the oak doors.

  “We have an equal number of male and female staff; most of them start relationships with one another. I’m certain that you’ll both already have some admirers.” She said, part jokingly and part seriously. When they reached their room the door was open.

  Connor’s mind returned to the present, he stared around the room once and saw the huge wardrobe set into the wall across the room. Curious he walked towards it. After opening the door, the first thing he was bombarded with was clothes. They must have stocked the entire thing with all sorts of clothes. He thought as he stepped into the vast array of clothing.

  “Hey Jacob, check this out.” He called and almost laughed when his friend shouted out in shock, “Holy ****!”

  “It seems they have every type of clothing here.” He said when he walked past a Scottish kilt. After hours of none stop searching they had found what they were looking for. Jacob ad Connor stood in front of the floor to ceiling length mirrors in the bathroom and stared at their outfits. Connor wore an oil black, leather jacket that fell past his knees, a crimson shirt with the logo for Black Veil Brides on the front, pitch black jeans, and pure black trainers tipped with crimson. Jacob wore a similar outfit, but his looked more like a cosplay of Dante from the game Devil May Cry. His black bangs were brushed down over his face; he wore a red trench coat that ended at his ankles, a dark blue t-shirt, jet black trousers, and white trainers. The rest of the day passed slowly with the two either watching TV, or playing video games such as, Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty, Devil May Cry, Guitar Hero, and Fallout. Eventually Yuuku sent for them.

  Yuuku had spent her spare time going through Connor’s history that she had retrieved by hacking into the school’s mainframe. It said that his current guardian was his grandmother, his mother and father were unknown and any other relatives had not been found. She sighed in defeat. I guess I’ll never know the truth. She thought, as a knock on her door caused her to jump and she attempted to cover this as she opened the door, but failed miserably. In the doorway stood Connor and Jacob dressed in the provided clothes. Her eyes were drawn to Connor’s figure; she looked at him from head to toe, mentally she made comparisons between him and Andy. They both had the same thin yet strong structure, the same shaped eyes, the same hair colour and the same lips. She realised that she was staring and moved aside to allow them to enter her domain.

  “I’ll get right to it… You two are the only teenage members in this organization; therefore you two are the only ones capable of participating in this mission.” She explained and looked at the two in order to ascertain whether they were shocked or excited by the news, their expressions threw her completely. The level of seriousness radiating from the two was nearly tangible.

  “What do you need us to do?” Connor asked; he was looking around as though he was searching for something.

  “I need you two to infiltrate this secondary school in London. We have reason to believe a werewolf and a vampire are there. They also seem to have no boundaries as they have murdered at least ten people within one week.” She told them and was immediately taken aback by their level of response.

  “I am not going back to school!”

  “We only took this position so we didn’t have to attend anymore.” Jacob and Connor shouted in unison.

  “Here are the pictures of the targets, all you must do is remain enrolled at this school, befriend the two, and capture them.” She said, ignoring the outburst, and handed the pair a photo each. In Connor’s photo stood a tall, long, white, haired girl, with alabaster skin, one hazel eye and one so dark blue that any human would mistake it for black, full blood red lips, she was visibly well endowed to an anime level, her waist was slim and her long legs looked good enough to eat; he guessed her measurements to be 89-50-80. Jacob’s photo contained a similar looking girl except she was tanned, had striking blue eyes, shoulder length brown hair, and slightly smaller lips covered in black lipstick. The only thing that put the teenagers on edge was the fact that their features in the pictures were ones of anger and cruelty. They felt something as they looked at the pictures, something about the two girls made their hearts begin to beat faster. Is this what love feels like? Connor asked himself silently. He looked up into the eyes of the waiting vampire, he knew his answer. This feeling is really annoying, Jacob thought, but he too knew his answer.

  “I’ll accept the mission, but I’m not going to participate in any of the lessons.” He told her and they turned to leave when she called Connor back, “Wait a moment first, please Connor.” He sighed and turned back.

  “I’ll accept as well.” Connor said after a couple of seconds’ hesitation.

  “Excellent. You will leave in two days; this is in order to give you time to select what weapons you wish to bring and pack some clothes.” She said and nodded for them to leave except Connor who she held back.

  Jacob looked between the two trying to decide whether he should stay and help his friend should he be required to, or if he should leave him alone with her. Connor nodded to tell him that he’ll be fine. Jacob left the room.

  “What do you want?” He asked a hint of annoyance in his voice. Yuuku stood up and walked around the side of her desk to stroke his cheek.

  “You know what I want.” She stated and bit into his neck. His initial surprise was replaced by a sense of happiness and contentment. He wrapped her within his arms as she pushed her body against his. Suddenly, with a cry, Connor jumped, as hard as he could, away from her. His hand went to his neck where she had bitten him.

  “Are you mad?” He shouted.

  “You didn’t seem to mind.” She replied, and then she moved with her incredible speed to stand in front of him. As she prepared to latch onto his neck, he ducked just as she was about to bite.

  “Please just stop? I’ve had a lot of bad relationships in the past, and I barely know you.” He lied and was relieved when her desire was replaced by understanding.

  “You really are like him.” She said as she walked back to her desk and sat down.

  “Who am I like?” He asked, his curiosity had been aroused by the words and he knew that he would stop at nothing to find out what she was talking about.

  “I’m not telling,” She replied, “Unless you do something for me first.” Connor replied cautiously,

  “Okay, just ask, then you will tell me.” His concern was overshadowed by his curiosity.

  “Become my consort.” Her words were simple but they seemed powerful, as though unless he made the correct reaction something was going to happen to him.

  “What does that entail?” He asked.

  “In vampire tradition you will have to mate with me, feed weekly from me and remain my consort unless I banish you or you die. But f
irst there is ritual that requires almost a year to prepare for, so you have some time to consider the weight of what you are getting into. To put it simply, it’s a wedding.” She explained cheerfully. Despite what he had just heard he found himself nodding.

  Two days had passed since then and Connor was already regretting it. Where ever he went staff greeted him and began a string of questions that never seemed to end. That was the best part about it though. Yuuku had insisted that he spend almost every waking moment with her in order to discuss her plans for the ritual. Now I know how my cousin must’ve felt. He thought and immediately banished the thought away. His cousin was four years older than he was now when he had gotten married and then died when the plane he was on crashed due to an unexpected storm. The thought almost brought tears to his eyes but he managed keep them from spilling, since his cousin had been like a brother to him the days after his cousin’s death had been horrible. People were sympathetic but there were some who thought it funny to make fun of someone who had just lost his one of his relatives. He had made his point to them by sending everyone who even spoke badly of his cousin to hospital with severe injuries. He laughed despite his sadness; those days had been spent mostly in detention rather than home. That is until Jacob came into his life.

  Jacob was searching through their walk in closet whilst he remembered the first day he had met Connor. The day was warm and breezy, the air filled with the scent of the sea… Whoops! Wrong memory. He thought. The day that they met was cold, dark and snow filled. He’d recently been expelled from his third secondary school for assault on ten students and three staff members; he was used to the new faces by then, but one face stood out from the rest. This white face was filled with sadness and anger. He had looked around; no one approached the boy as he sat on the snow covered grass. Jacob walked over to him and sat down beside him, the second his lower back connected with the wet ground the other boy was up and walking away.

  “Hey wait up!” He called and jogged to his side, the other one glanced at him and then he began to run. Jacob watched him try to escape and thought to himself. Wait until you see what I’ve got in store for you. He waited until the boy was a good ten kilometres away, then he ran. Why is the field so bloody big? He thought, as he caught up with him in a matter of seconds to the surprise of the boy, but it seemed he had held back some during the small race, he took a deep breath then he almost disappeared from Jacob’s sight. Once he had located the boy he was already a good mile away and didn’t seem like he planned to stop, even when the electric fence came into view. Jacob ran after him trying with all his might to keep up, the boy was too fast and before Jacob knew it he ran head first into the electric fencing.

  Three weeks later Jacob had come to visit him in the hospital, to find him sitting up and reading a novel. Politely Jacob knocked on the door and entered the room. There were no mountains of get well cards or presents. The only mountain that was in the room was at the foot of his bed and was built of books. The boy was sitting up in bed reading a first edition of Dracula.

  “I will not accept anything you attempt to give me.” He said, without looking up from his book, and Jacob was surprised that the boy had said something.

  “Well no worries there, after all I didn’t bring anything except my company.” The reply was sort of a joke, but he took it seriously.

  “Like I said I will not accept anything you have brought.” He said and turned his head to the side in an attempt to hide his small grin.

  “Fine I guess I’ll leave you alone then.” He turned to leave when the boy said,

  “My name is Connor; you don’t need to go by the way.” The boy introduced himself and settled back into the pillows in order to read comfortably. Jacob guessed that, since it was obvious that they were both abnormally strong, Connor felt like he needed at least one person he could talk to about these things.

  “My name’s Jacob.” He had replied simply.

  Connor continued to remember his first meeting with Jacob. The weeks that followed were the happiest since his cousin’s death. Jacob had to admit that Connor was fun to hang out with as they had the same interests. In fact the only thing they argued about was vampires and werewolves. Jacob thought that werewolves were awesome due to their ferocity, while Connor had a list of reasons why vampires were better than werewolves.

  “Number one, vampires are able to charm just about anyone into believing them, number two, they don’t have to change form in order to fight to the best of their abilities, number three, they nearly always have friends in high places and number four, they are immortal.” He had explained these to Jacob, who had taken it all in and couldn’t, for the life of him, think of anything that made werewolves logically superior to vampires.

  Jacob’s mind returned to the present and he swore that Connor had also been reminiscing about their first meeting. At midday the organization drove them to the gates of Saint Strix School, with Yuuku accompanying them due to her having been signed as their legal guardian until they reached eighteen years of age. She laughed as they approached the gates.

  “What are you laughing at?” Connor asked her.

  “I’m laughing because of the school’s name; the name is Latin for vampire.” She explained and giggled once more then stopped. The exterior of the school was surprising to say the least. On all the walls there were at least one giant crucifix nailed into the brick, the number of windows was shocking as well nearly all the walls of the main building were windows, beyond this there was a church that stood in the centre of a massive field, as they drove towards the office buildings they passed a small group of key stage three students walking to the church. Their uniforms were the most surprising out the entire school. They didn’t wear any uniforms only their normal clothes, the only thing that seemed like a uniform was the small crucifix that hung around everyone’s’ neck.

  “Do we have to wear those crucifixes?” Connor asked sounding none too thrilled about the jewellery. Yuuku looked about and saw them as well.

  “I am afraid it appears that way. Now before we get inside.” She said and quickly kissed him. At first he was too stunned to react, but when she parted his lips and began to explore his mouth with her tongue he felt himself return the kiss.

  “Oh get a room you two!” Jacob exclaimed when he saw what was happening beside him. The two broke apart gasping lightly.

  “Later. We’ll continue this later.” She said a little breathlessly.

  They all entered the school reception room and were instantly welcomed by an elderly Catholic nun.

  “Welcome to Saint Strix, I take it you two are Connor and Jacob?” She asked.

  “Yes miss…” Connor let the word trail off, indicting for her to introduce herself.

  “How foolish of me, where are my manners? My name is Sister Maria Willow.” She told them all and shook everyone’s’ hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Sister. I am Yuuku Excrucio.” After the formalities were done the nun led them into the main school building. The interior was similar to the exterior, a crucifix hung on the oak and ebony walls. They rarely passed students, due to the fact that here they were well behaved. Be prepared for us then. Connor thought and nearly chuckled at the thought; he glanced sideways and saw that Jacob was looking intently inside every classroom they passed. He must be looking for the girls. The thought made him think about the white haired girl in the picture he had been handed and like the first time he had seen it his heart began to beat faster. Soon he had joined Jacob in searching the rooms. He was about to give up when he saw them. The girls looked exactly like they did in the pictures except for a change of clothes and the crucifix that hung from their necks. They were walking straight towards the four of them.

  “Those are your targets.” Yuuku whispered so quietly that even Connor had to struggle to make out her words. He only nodded in reply not trusting his voice to remain calm in the presence of the enemy. The girls paused and stepped aside in order to allow them to pass. Con
nor nodded his thanks and the white haired one smiled brilliantly, flashing her perfect white teeth. He felt his cheeks flush; at least as much as a vampire could, as she continued to smile at him.

  The tour ended at the dorm rooms.

  “You two are staying in this dorm. Feel free to choose any of the rooms as this entire dorm is empty.” Sister Maria Willow told them. This is great. He thought. If we’re all alone that means we’ll be able sneak in and out without worrying about running into anyone.

  “Could you give us a moment please Sister?” Yuuku asked smiling brilliantly at the old nun.

  “Of course,” She began to leave, “And don’t worry about them Miss Excrucio, we’ll keep them safe and sound for you.” She said and left them. Yuuku wrapped her arms around Connor and brought his mouth down to hers. They remained embraced in their own little bubble of passion, although Connor would never admit it to her his thoughts were not of Yuuku. They were fixed on the white haired girl he had been sent to capture.

  “Do I need to file a restraining order for you man? Because at this rate I don’t think I can take much more of your ‘displays’.” Jacob said and practically dragged Connor away from Yuuku, who turned and began walking away from the pair, she only looked back once her locked with Connor’s who thought he could see a hint of sadness in her expression.

  The rest of the day was spent selecting their rooms and setting up their devices. The Kouken of Earth had given them a wide variety of gadgets. These included, an PS3 to stop him from getting bored, a mobile phone that would connect to Yuuku’s phone no matter where he called from, ten full magazines for his M9 and Desert Eagle, a fifty inch plasma HD flat screen TV, and a computer with more than one hundred terabytes of memory. Later that evening he laid awake under the covers trying to sleep, but found it impossible due Jacob’s insanely loud snores.