Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 5

  Chapter 3: New school day

  Jacob awoke feeling refreshed; he practically skipped to the shower room. After his shower he finally noticed that Connor hadn’t woken up yet, grabbing an apple from his room, he walked to Connor’s door and, gently, knocked. Connor was there in an instant with bruise like shadows under his eyes.

  “Whoa dude you look like hell. Didn’t you get any sleep last night?” Jacob enquired, in response Connor grabbed his M9 and shot Jacob in the head, even though it was a point blank shot the bullet barely even harmed him. Moments later Jacob arose and didn’t seem very happy about the shot to the head.

  “What the hell was that for?” He yelled and began running at Connor, with his fist ready to smash into his friend’s head, who had begun walking to the dining room. He almost connected except Connor was far too quick. A fraction of a second before Jacob connected he moved to the side, directly out of Jacob’s path.

  “You kept me awake last night with your snores.” He said his voice was cold, sharp and his eyes flashed a dangerous crimson, for the first time since their transformation Jacob thought Connor looked and sounded like a real vampire, the revelation caused a shiver of fear to pass through him. They walked down to the dining room to find two plates set for them. Connor’s simply had a bag of donor’s blood, whilst Jacob’s had nearly every kind of meat that could be eaten at breakfast.

  Connor felt sorry about what he had done to Jacob, but he knew that to apologise now wouldn’t do much good. He finished his blood quickly and left to prepare for the school day that awaited them. While he changed into his clothes from the Kouken of Earth, a note dropped from the small pile of clothes. He, cautiously, bent to pick it up, inside it read; Meet me in the church after school. The end was signed with a Y, so he knew it was from Yuuku. He shook his head in amusement. One day apart and she instantly wants to meet up. He thought. When the time came to leave Connor was dressed appropriately for winter, with his oil black trench coat, jet black jeans and his obsidian shirt, on the other hand Jacob had no problems with putting on a simple red t-shirt and blue jeans. The pair grinned at each other on the way out to show that all was forgiven.

  The day passed slowly. Wishless Cross had been dismal, and, while the school had a lot more to offer in the ways of education, Connor found it to be far more boring than he had expected. he had gotten caught sleeping in class and was forced to go to the headmaster’s office, and another time when he was listening to music the teachers had confiscated his mp3 from him; it took all of his restraint not to kill them. Also it didn’t help that the sun seemed relentless here, hanging directly overhead for what felt like an age, which caused problems for Connor during P.E. the teacher had ordered him to change and he had chosen to simply leave. Thank Satan, any longer and things might have gotten ugly, he thought as he walked to the church. He figured that he would simply stay there and sleep the day away, however that became impossible after she showed up.

  Yuki sensed that a vampire had entered the church. The heartbeat was too infrequent for it to be a human. She sat up in her perch on the boards that supported the church’s roof, and watched him enter through the oaken door. At the sight of him her heart began to beat at an abnormal rate, even by human standards. She watched as he laid on one of the benches and gradually drifted off into sleep.

  She watched him for an hour, and, after she became sure that he was deep asleep, she jumped down, gracefully and quietly, onto the stone floor. She walked towards his sleeping form. What is it about this guy that makes me feel like this? She asked herself internally. She stared at his face; his features were similar to her own, pale complexion, slightly angled eyes and, the main way to tell if someone was a vampire, his fangs. Without realising it she had begun to lean down, until she was so close that her lips were almost brushing his. She felt as though she should pull away, but his parted lips seemed to call to her, with great care, she closed his mouth and almost laughed at what she was about to do. Silently she leaned closer and brushed her lips against his.

  Connor, even in his unconscious state, felt someone watching him. His instincts screamed for him to awaken, however he silenced them trying to stay on the tip of awakening should the other being attempt to attack him. The attack was not what he was expecting, someone’s lips brushed his, instantly he awoke fully and opened his eyes; the target was in front of him with her eyes closed and her lips pressed against his. Instead of pushing her away he deepened the kiss, he parted her lips, their tongues met for barely a second. When she pulled back he couldn’t help, but think; that was my first kiss?

  Gently she pushed him away from her. Slowly, as though she was unsure of what she would see, she opened her eyes. Her gaze was met by his. They both stared at one another and she saw that he wasn’t angry, nor surprised, the only emotion that made his eyes shine like the wretched sun, was bliss.

  “Hi.” She said and was surprised by how breathless she sounded. Over the year since her transformation into a vampire she had made out with more than a dozen people in order satisfy her hunger, but she had never become this entranced by anyone’s lips the way his did.

  “Hey.” He replied his voice resembled hers, completely and utterly breathless.

  Connor stared into her beautiful hazel and dark blue eyes, trying to read her emotion through them. He knew she was doing the same as she stared back. They remained silent until she spoke, “Hi.” In a voice that he vaguely recognised, but couldn’t place it with anyone from his memory.

  “Hey.” He replied her eyes shone with recognition that he felt she couldn’t place either. The pair seemed incapable of movement until she began to rise from her crouched position. Please don’t go. He thought and breathed a sigh of relief when she sat next to his feet. Slowly, as though he didn’t want to frighten her, he moved into a sitting position.

  “M-my name’s Yuki.” She stuttered in her introduction, making it clear she was either shy or embarrassed by their kiss. Connor couldn’t help but think that she looked incredibly cute at that moment. Though she didn’t offer her hand Connor took it, and turned it gently over to reveal her palm, lightly, he brought it to his lips.

  “My name is Connor. It’s an honour to meet you.” He said using his extensive knowledge of being a perfect gentleman. He heard her breathing quicken when his lips had met her palm, this told him that the emotions that he struggled to control were being reciprocated by her.

  “You’re a vampire aren’t you?” she asked suddenly her voice became serious even though her eyes told him she was scared by this fact.

  “Yes. But aren’t you also a vampire?” he questioned her, knowing the answer before she said it.

  “Yes. But why are you here? School’s not very fun you know.” She asked eyeing him suspiciously. He instantly flew into his cover story about how he had been transformed by a vampire, whom he had blackmailed into giving him a vial of his blood, after he had changed he originally had intended to travel around the world, but found the temptation of blood to be incredibly difficult to resist. He lied about how while he was staying in America a woman who he had befriended and begun to love deeply had been stabbed in public by a mugger. He stopped at this point acting as though it was still very difficult to speak of. She took this in silence. Carefully she brought her hand to his face letting her hand brush against his soft cheek.

  “Will you move into my dorm?” He asked suddenly, her reply was a passionate kiss.

  Jacob was having a bad day to say the least. Twice that day he had been sent to the head master’s office for verbal and slight physical abuse. Now he was on his third trip to the office, but instead of heading directly to it he decided to take the route back to his dorm. Along the way he ran into roughly nine teachers who questioned him in their rough Irish accents why he was out of class he had merely dismissed their questions with a wave of his hand. Note to self; thank Yuuku for the leniency, he thought as he made the final turn to the doors with the label ‘fire exit’ above them. He left the walls o
f the school and stepped into the afternoon sunlight, the land that surrounded him was filled with wildlife, and his mouth filled with saliva as a family of rabbits passed him a hundred or so metres away. No one should see me change if I go to the edge of the field; he thought and broke into a light jog that developed into a run and that turned into a full on sprint. Once he reached the fence surrounding the enormous grass filled field he stripped down to his underwear and felt the intense pain pass through his body as the change quickly spread from his legs to his head. Once the transformation was complete he opened his eyes. He had rarely changed outside so the sounds and smells were relatively new to him. While he adjusted to his heightened senses, he caught the scent of the rabbits that had, moments ago, run past him. Crouching low, he waited until they were close enough to him, then pounced.

  Jess had watched as the new boy changed from man to beast. I knew it. I could smell his animalistic urges. She thought and decided to join him in his hunt. Mimicking him she stripped down to her underwear and groaned as a wave of nausea rolled over her, just moments before she changed from a beautiful teenage girl, into a ferocious demonic wolf. She had often hunted out here for fun when she left the lessons; the only difference was that now she had a partner to enjoy the meal with. Rushing into the middle of the field she met the other wolf in the centre. He growled, telling her to move aside, however she stood her ground and growled back. The werewolf’s stood there for a few seconds longer, finally the male decided to allow her to accompany him on his hunt.

  They ran for over an hour, simply enjoying the sensation of power and the thrill of the kill. Eventually Jacob ran back to the spot where he had left his clothing, the female followed, but he growled for her to leave, she left obediently. Once he reached the spot where his clothes were he turned back to a human, the weariness hit him hard. After he turned from werewolf to human he had always felt a great need to sleep afterwards. He had barely managed to get his trousers on when he blacked out. He awoke to the sound of approaching footsteps. Groaning he sat up and attempted to shake the sleep from his mind.

  “Who is it?” He asked bitterness completely evident in his voice. Whoever this person is they woke me way before I wanted to, and that’s not a good idea, he thought.

  “Well hello to you too. My name is Jezebel, please call me Jess.” She said and offered her hand. Jacob stared at it and noticed the tanned colour of her skin, slowly, his eyes rose up to meet hers. He took in her every feature, her jaw line, her ears, her mouth etc.

  “My name’s Jacob. It’s nice to meet you Jess.” He said and rose from his sitting position on the grass; he shook himself, noting how many small insects and arachnids fell from his bare flesh.

  “You know Jacob, werewolves usually sleep naked.” She said and began to giggle hysterically when he stared at her with his mouth hanging wide open like a complete idiot.

  “Wait what?” He said complete confounded by her words. She giggled again.

  They sat their looking at one another, each taking in the body and face of the other.

  “How long have you been a werewolf?” He asked her suddenly her reply threw him off completely.

  “About four months, I turned the full moon after I dumped a boy who was staying at our school; he was a werewolf. After we broke up he stalked me until finally he got me alone at which point he gave me this little memento,” She lifted her shirt to reveal fang scars on her otherwise perfect stomach, “What about you, how long have you been one?” She enquired after Jacob had processed the information.

  “I had my first change quite recently, but I’ve had the werewolf genes all my life, they only began to take hold when I started to go through puberty.” He explained and almost laughed at the surprised look on her face.

  “I thought that you had to be bitten or something to become a werewolf.” She said to herself. Jacob let her think about it whilst he gazed at her beauty and soon found himself leaning closer to her.

  Jess could feel the heat of his breath on her bare shoulder; her heart seemed to beat faster as he looked into her eyes.

  “Jacob I-” Her words were cut off by his mouth pressing against hers. Within the chaotic world that her mind had turned into since she had first seen him there was a single image, Jacob lying by her side. The passion that had quickly built since they had met was, displayed in their actions, intense. She longed for him and she could feel his weakening restraint on his own white hot desire.

  “Do you want to switch to my dorm?” He asked she almost couldn’t respond when his breath blew onto her skin.

  “Yes of course.” She practically moaned. This is so much more then animalistic urges, she thought.

  Days passed by and life kept getting better. Connor could hardly believe he had more or less become a character from one of those supernatural romance books, but here he was with a girl who he had pretty much fallen in love with Yuki. He could tell that the same was happening with Jacob and Jess, except they were a little less embarrassed to show their affections for each other. Everywhere Connor, or Yuki, looked they (Jacob and Jess) were either making out or trying to out do each other in contests… While Connor was more private, as was Yuki, the only thing that was clear was that they were together, except there was one person who couldn’t quite grip that concept. He was a new transfer student who had quickly become the new bully of the school, and he demanded obedience from everyone, whether they were student or teacher; the only four who showed absolutely no fear were; Connor, Jacob, Yuki, and Jess. One day he had decided he was going to sexually harass Yuki and Jess, it was the biggest mistake of his life; when he had begun saying names the four were more or less indifferent, but when he tried to touch either of the girls, Connor and Jacob reacted quickly and ferociously; when had gone to touch Jess and Yuki’s chests Connor intercepted his hands and squeezed lightly; the bully fell to the floor in agony.

  “I advise you to leave us alone.” Connor said and his voice sent chills up the subdued bully’s spine.

  “F**king bastards! I’ll f**king do what I want!” He shouted and tried to break free, but Jacob had other plans for him.

  “You look like you’re having trouble, how about I give you helping hand?” Jacob asked and offered his palm, but quickly retracted it and clenched it into a fist, and the last thing the bully saw, before being knocked out was the wolfish glow in Jacob’s eyes and his fist.

  As more time passed and no word from the K.O.E. came, Connor began to feel uneasy. He had expected Yuuku to become furious after he hadn’t shown up at the church, but he had heard, or seen, nothing. The more time that passed, the more he felt that something awful was going to happen.