Read Lei'd With Cupcakes Page 2

  I sat down at the table with my water and some pork, while Elin explained the concept of the swear jar to Cade’s dad.

  “Any time they swear, they have to put a dollar in the jar,” Elin said as he licked chocolate off of his fingers. “Then we use the money for something for the family. Since Cade’s been around, we’ve saved like two hundred bucks! I’m hoping for the new Xbox, but Elena wants some video equipment. She wants to start her own YouTube channel.”

  “YouTube Channel?” Cade’s dad asked, obviously confused.

  As Elin and Elena illuminated the Wilkes’ about wonders of YouTube, I took my dishes to the sink, cleaned them, and put them in the drying rack, then walked toward the back of the house. I could barely make out the view of the ocean from where I’d been sitting, but when I rounded the corner of the kitchen, the full view slapped me in the face.

  It was breathtaking.

  I paused, happy to just take in the sight for a few moments, then crossed to the sliding glass door and opened it.

  Waves crashed onto the beach that made up Cade’s family’s backyard. There were palm trees framing the yard, and a small patch of grass that led from the back door to the sand. I took it all in as I shut the door behind me, then took a deep breath of ocean air and smiled.

  I looked to the left and saw a dog house, which made me wonder, since I had yet to see a dog. Then I turned my head right, and sighed when I saw a hammock set up between two palm trees.

  My feet carried me toward the hammock, as if they were fully in tune with my heart in that moment.

  I sat on the polyester fabric, then swiveled to bring my feet up and laid my head back. I closed my eyes as the hammock swayed gently, and listened to the ocean hitting the shore.


  I’m not sure how long I stayed there, or if I dozed off, but I opened my eyes when I heard the sliding glass door open. Then watched serenely as Cade moved toward me.

  “I don’t know how you ever left here,” I managed, my voice low and rough.

  “It’s pretty perfect, isn’t it,” Cade remarked, his gaze on the vast ocean in front of us.

  “It sure it,” I replied with a dreamy smile. “Wait until the kids see this. They’re going to want to spend the rest of their time right there in the water.”

  “Pops is already talking about surf lessons in the morning,” Cade replied with a grin. “Elin isn’t sure, but Lena is all for it.”

  I kept my fear of the twins learning to surf to myself, trusting that Cade and his father knew this ocean better than anyone. Then I caught sight of the dog house and asked, “Do they have a dog?”

  Cade nodded and said, “Yeah, Boone runs this place. He likes to check out the beach and say hi to the neighbors. He comes back when he’s hungry, and at night to sleep.”

  “Oh,” I muttered, thinking what a cool life Boone had, then asked, “Is your sister home yet? I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Cade’s sister, Alani, was actually born after Cade had already graduated and moved to the States to play football. But, even though he only saw her grow up once a year when he came back to visit, they kept in contact all the time, and seemed to be really close. I was looking forward to meeting her, and curious as to the dynamic of his family.

  “My Ma said she had something going on after school, and won’t be home until later. She should get here before the kids go to bed though, so they can meet her.”

  Cade made a move to get on the hammock, causing me to jump up to sitting and rock the hammock a little too hard.

  “We won’t both fit on here, you’ll flip it,” I screeched, gripping the sides of the fabric as I tried to stay on.

  “Trust me,” Cade said with a wicked grin, then managed to somehow get me flat on my back again, with his large body covering me. He tried to brace himself on his forearms, but it was nearly impossible, so I could feel the bulk of his weight.

  “I can’t breathe,” I managed, then groaned when Cade shifted. He placed his palms flat on the ground on either side of the hammock, and fit himself snuggly between my legs. It was the “between my legs” bit that made me groan, even while I marveled at how damn long his arms were.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed, then my eyes rolled back in my head when he thrust against me.

  “What?” Cade whispered in my ear. “We aren’t in the house.”

  Right when I was about to listen to my body, rather than my rational mind, I heard the sliding glass door open again and bucked up.

  “Get off, get off, get off,” I cried.

  Cade chuckled, but complied, and I quickly got up and out of the hammock, then turned my flaming face toward Cade’s mother, who was watching us with a smile.

  “We were thinking about starting a fire and letting the kids do some roasting, if you would like to join us,” she said, her Cade-like grin never leaving her face. “But if you have other things you’d like to do first, we can watch the kids.”

  A deep rumple left Cade’s chest, and I turned my head to see him trying to smother his laugh with his hand.

  “We’ll be right there,” he replied.

  I watched Cade’s mom go back inside the house, then asked, “What did she mean?”

  Cade turned his smiling face to me and said, “She meant if we wanted to finish what I just tried to start on that hammock.”

  “She did not,” I argued, hoping beyond hope that his mother hadn’t meant she’d watch the kids while we had sex.

  “Did I forget to mention that she really wants grandbabies?” Cade asked, his grin getting even bigger. “She’s decided that you’re the one who’s finally going to give them to her.”

  With that parting shot, Cade followed his mom and left me standing there with my jaw on the ground.

  I looked around Cade’s bedroom, crossing to read the inscriptions on his trophies, while I waited for Carmen to answer the phone.

  “Hallo…” she answered, her tone chipper.

  “Hey, how’s it going? How are CB and Rufus? Any calls in on the office line?”

  Carmen laughed at my rapid-fire questions and said, “Hey, I thought talking fast was my thing.”

  “Ha, sorry,” I replied, catching my reflection in the mirror and lifting my hand to try and tame the mop on my head. “I’ve been a wreck since we left … Nervous about the flight, then I had too much to drink because I was nervous about meeting Cade’s parents. Now I’m nervous because, apparently, I have hips good enough to birth little badass Cade babies; at least that’s what his mother hopes.”

  “Whoa,” Carmen said with a badly suppressed giggle. “Sounds like you have your hands full over there … Well, let me ease your mind about this end. CB is still cute and cuddly, and he only bit through one pair of my shoes.” I groaned at that. CB was definitely in the chewing stage of puppyhood. “But Rufus has been a perfect gentleman.”

  Carmen had volunteered to watch the dogs for us while we were gone, and was staying at my place until we returned. She was an absolute lifesaver.

  “Any calls?” I prompted, my eyes going to the door as I wondered if they were going to start looking for me.

  “Nope, silent so far.”

  “Okay, good,” I replied. Honestly, I was happy things were quiet at work. Not only did I not want to put Carmen out, but I hated to miss out on anything. As crazy as my job was, I had actually really grown to love it. “Any other news? Heard from Amy May, Bea, or maybe Bran?”

  I smiled just thinking about my hot lawyer friend and sweet, OCD Carmen hitting it off.

  “He asked me out again,” Carmen replied.

  They were supposed to go out a couple weeks ago, but Carmen got sick at the last minute and had to cancel. I’d been waiting for them to reschedule forever, and was about to squeal in response when the tone of her voice registered.

  “Why don’t you sound happier about it?”

  “I said no,” was her response, and I hung up the phone.

  Seconds later, the bubbling sound of Facetime making
a call filled Cade’s childhood bedroom.

  Carmen answered my call, but kept the camera pointed down, showing me only Rufus, who was snoozing on the couch.

  “He’s not supposed to be on the couch,” I said automatically, then screeched, “Carmen, look at me!”

  I heard her sigh before her pretty face filled my iPhone.

  “Why in the hell did you say no?” I cried, and she visibly winced. “Are you nuts?”

  “Yes!” Carmen shouted, then shrugged and lowered her voice. “He’s too much.”

  “Too much?”

  “Too hot, too successful, too sweet … too everything.” Carmen said, and even though she looked utterly forlorn, I wanted to reach through my phone and smack her upside the head. “I’m used to slackers who are underwhelming at best. I don’t know what to do with all that is Branson Braswell.”

  “What? You’re too much too,” I argued. “Too sexy, too funny, too smart. Bran would be lucky to be with a woman like you, and he knows that. That’s why he asked you out.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Dang, I wish I was there. You need an intervention. A girls’ night to pep you up and get your head in the right place. I’m calling reinforcements; I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Wait,” Carmen managed, but I had already pressed end and pushed the number to Facetime Amy May.

  “How’s Hawaii?” she asked when she answered.

  “Why are you dressed like that?” I asked.

  Amy May pulled the short red wig off her head and replied, “Date night.”

  “Oh, for crying out loud,” I muttered. I’d learned the hard way about Amy May and her husband Jason’s “date nights.” I’d stumbled across them at a bar one night, and mistakenly thought the raven-haired woman was someone he was having an affair with, when it was actually my best friend role playing.

  “Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it,” Amy May said with a devilish grin.

  I rolled my eyes and replied, “You spend a lot of money to get your hair that blonde, yet you’re always covering it up with wigs.”

  She stuck her tongue out in reply, and I promptly changed the subject.

  “We need to talk about Carmen.”

  “Why? I saw her for coffee this morning, and she seemed fine.”

  “She told Bran no when he asked her out on a date, says he’s too much for her.”

  “I’ll call Bea, we’ll take care of it,” Amy May said instantly, and all of my love for my friends filled me up.

  I knew I could count on her, I thought. Then I felt a pang in my chest.

  “I miss you.”

  “Hey, you’ll be back before you know it,” she replied softly. “Enjoy your time in paradise with your sexy man and the twins. How’s the family?”

  “They’re great, although I haven’t met Alani yet. His mom wants me to give her grandbabies.”

  “You do have the hips for it.”

  When Cade walked in the door, I was laying on the bed laughing. He leaned against the doorjamb and grinned down at me.

  “Amy May says hi,” I said, turning the phone around so he could see her.

  “Hi, Cade,” Amy May called. “I wish I was there with you guys.”

  “Next time,” he promised, and I heard Amy May gasp, then let out a shout. “You coming outside?”

  I nodded, then sat up and turned the phone around.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” I told Amy May, but she was distracted with telling Jason that they needed to save up for Hawaii. “Bye.”

  “Bye, Lila,” Amy May replied, and I hung up.

  “Want a beer?” Cade asked as I walked toward him.

  “Yeah, I’d love one,” I replied, then put my hand in his and let him lead me out to join the bonfire.

  We sat around the fire, beers in hand, laughing while Elin entertained the group with stories about CB. It was a beautiful evening, warm but breezy, with the sweet scent of plumeria perfuming the air.

  I watched Cade, his body relaxed and his smile easy, in a way I rarely saw back at home.

  His parents were obviously taken with the twins, and I could tell that Elena and Elin had already fallen a little bit in love with them as well.

  A car screeching to a halt interrupted our easy moment, and I shifted to look around Cade’s body to see what was going on. I’d been quite content snuggled into his side. When I peered around him, I saw a dark car speeding back up the hill, and a lone figure bounding toward us.

  “There she is,” Cade said as he stood up and sauntered over to who I could only assume was Alani.

  “Aloha ahiahi, big brother,” I heard her say sweetly, her voice soft and sincere.

  I got to my feet as I watched their embrace.

  “Alani, this is Lila, Elin, and Lena,” Cade said proudly, turning so that I could finally see his sister live and in person.

  She was gorgeous. The most beautiful being I’d ever seen. Her long, black hair cascaded down her shoulders in fat curls. Her skin was the same color as Cade’s, toffee with a hint of caramel. And her face was angelic. You could see Cade in her features, but where he was sexy as sin, she looked delicate and pure.

  “I’m so excited to meet you,” Alani squealed, before releasing her brother and rushing into my arms.

  “Oh,” I huffed out when her arms enveloped me.

  She is stronger than she looks.

  “It’s good to meet you too,” I managed when she pulled back to smile up at my face, then I had to add, “You’re absolutely gorgeous.”

  “Aww, thanks,” Alani replied, then turned to hug Elin and Elena.

  When she moved on to her parents, I noticed Elin watching her with wide eyes and a slack jaw.

  “Hey,” I whispered, leaning in so that only he could hear me. “Think of her as your aunt.”

  Elin looked guiltily at me, then nodded.

  Thank goodness, the last thing we need is for him to get a crush on Cade’s sister.

  I settled back on the seat next to Cade, scooting over in hopes of finding the comfortable position I’d been in, then sighing happily when his arm came around me and pulled me close.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” Alani said, crossing back to me as she reached in her canvas bag.

  I sat up quickly, Cade’s comfort forgotten, when she pulled out a clear plastic container with a cupcake inside.

  “Cade said you have an addiction, so I picked this up on my way home. It’s from this bakery by my school. Pineapple coconut, my favorite.”

  “Oh my gosh, you are an angel,” I gushed as I took the container with my greedy little hands.

  I’m sure my love for her was written all over my face when I unwrapped my gift and took a big bite, closing my eyes and moaning with ecstasy.

  Alani giggled at my response, and I swore I heard Cade groan next to me. Probably due to the fact that I’d sworn off sex, and the sounds coming out of me were bringing back memories.

  Maybe I need to tone it down a bit…

  “The cake is moist, with just the faintest hint of pineapple, and the frosting is a perfect balance of vanilla and coconut. Genius. I’m going to have to meet this baker,” I stated, grinning up at her around my cupcake.

  “I’ll take you this weekend,” she promised, then turned to her parents and said, “I’m starved. I’m going to grab something to eat and get started on my homework, okay?”

  “Okay, Ni Ni, then you can help Elena get settled in your room.”

  “Sounds good,” Alani said, then turned and flounced into the house.

  The girl definitely had energy.

  “She’s only seventeen?” I asked Cade, swatting his hand away when he reached for my cupcake.

  “Yeah, seventeen and a senior,” he replied unhappily. “It seems like just yesterday she was pulling on my pant leg, and now she’s coming home after dark … Pops, who was that who dropped her off? He barely even stopped the car.”

  Cade’s dad frowned as he looked over at the hill.

; “I don’t know, I’ve never seen that car before,” he replied, then looked to his wife. “I thought you said she was staying after school and getting a ride home with Hannah.”

  “That’s what she said. I’ll ask her later.”

  Cade was still frowning when I polished off my cupcake.

  “I’m going to go throw this away and use the restroom. Does anyone need anything from inside?”

  Cade requested another beer, and everyone said they were fine, so I brushed the crumbs off my lap and headed inside.

  After throwing away my trash and going to the bathroom, I was passing Alani’s room when I heard her inside.

  “No, please don’t … I’m sorry.” I paused because she sounded totally different than she had outside. Her tone was high and almost whinny, laced with a hint of fear. “I told you I had to be home, or my parents would be upset. No, I know, it won’t happen again. I promise. Please, don’t be mad.”

  I thought about opening the door and checking to make sure she was okay, but since we just met, and I doubted she wanted a stranger butting in to her business, I decided against it. If anything, I’d get to know her better over the next few days, then mention the conversation.

  I need to build a relationship, some trust, before I can expect her to confide in me.

  But, when I stepped outside and closed the door, beers in hand, I had an uneasy feeling in my gut.

  I opened my eyes and started to stretch, then jerked to a halt when I almost fell off the bed. I was literally on the edge of the mattress, so I shifted to my back and my hand brushed up against my naked man.

  Biting back a moan, I snatched my hand back and exited the bed as quickly as possible, not looking down at the prone figure before me. I knew if I caught sight of Cade, naked, rumpled with sleep, and appealing as all get out, I’d ignore my own bedroom rules and jump him. So, I kept my eyes averted, gathered my clothes from where I’d laid them out the night before, and exited for the restroom.

  Once I had brushed my teeth, pulled my unruly mop back into a tail, and threw the maxi dress over my head, I left the safety of the bathroom in search of coffee.