Read Lei'd With Cupcakes Page 3

  I thanked the gods, and Cade’s mom, when I saw the full pot waiting on the counter. After filling a mug that boasted a large pink flower on the side, I crossed the room to take it outside.

  Even though my mind was still a little foggy from sleep, the scent of salt in the air, and the amazing view before me, had my lips turning up as I stepped out into the morning.

  I sipped my coffee and crossed to where the grass turned into sand, scrunching my bare feet in the sand until it sifted through my toes.

  “Good morning,” I called out to Pops and Elena, who were in the middle of their first surf lesson.

  “Morning, Ku‘uipo,” Pops replied, while Elena just grinned and waved wildly.

  I watched as Pops worked with Lena on the sand, showing her how to come up to standing on the surfboard. What she lacked in experience, she made up with determination and excitement, and I shouted encouragement when she finally got the move down.

  I was so intent on enjoying my surroundings that I didn’t hear the back door open, so I was startled when Elin’s slim arms wrapped around my waist.

  “Morning, Mom,” he said sleepily, his head tucking into my side.

  “Morning, buddy,” I replied, enjoying every second, since his hugs were fewer and farther between now that he was eleven. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Good. I never knew how nice it is to sleep with the sound of the ocean right outside.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty amazing here, isn’t it?”

  “The best,” Elin replied, his tone gaining excitement. “Cade said he’s going to take me snorkeling today.”

  “I know, I can’t wait.”

  “Me neither. Going to say hi to Lena and Pops.”

  “Okay, buddy.”

  He was walking off when I heard the door open behind me and turned to see Cade step outside.

  Dressed in board shorts and nothing else, my man stepped toward me with a grin. Then, without a word, he gathered me toward him and lowered his head to brush his lips against mine. Once softly, then again, and when he came back the third time, I parted my lips and wished him my own good morning.

  Cade grunted his approval, then accepted my invitation and swept his tongue inside and cupped the back of my head with his hand. A whimper sounded at the back of my throat as I strained closer to him, my mug clutched between my hands so hard, I feared I might break it.

  “Morning, darlin’,” he said gruffly, when I lost his lips and he rested his forehead against mine.

  “Morning,” I whispered breathily, my need for him apparent.

  His lips brushed mine once more, then he was gone, striding purposely toward the waves. Cade walked into the ocean until it hit the hem of his shorts, then he dove into the incoming wave.

  I watched, my breath stuck in my throat, as he rose in the water and flipped his head back with a happy shout.

  Good gracious…

  Water dripped down his toned, tanned body, and the look of pure joy and contentment on his face was enough to make my knees weaken.

  “My son was made for the ocean.”

  I jumped, coffee sloshing over the side of my mug, at the sound of Cade’s mother’s voice coming from right next to me.

  Startled, and feeling guilty at being caught ogling her son, I turned and gave her a shaky smile.

  “Good morning,” I managed, then registered what she’d said and replied, “Yes, he’s very happy here.”

  She nodded as her gaze flitted back over our family in front of us.

  “I hope you are all happy here. We’d love for you to come back, whenever you can.”

  “Oh, we are,” I admitted as I watched my children laughing with her husband. “It’s so beautiful here, and you’ve made us feel welcome in your home. Thank you. And, of course, anytime you want to come and stay with us, you’re more than welcome to as well. Elin and Elena are already getting attached.”

  Just then, Elin looked up and waved. “Good morning, Tūtū.”

  “Morning, Mo‘opuna,” Cade’s mom replied happily.

  I wasn’t entirely sure what they were saying, but I had a feeling they were versions of grandmother and grandson, which warmed my soul.

  My kids had been missing this. My parents died when they were very young, and Eric’s parents lived on the other side of the country and only saw them intermittently. And, even when they did, Eric’s parents were sort of stiff, not at all easygoing and loving like Cade’s.

  I could already see them blossoming under the positive attention and obvious enjoyment that Cade’s parents took in being with them, and knew that our decision to come here was one of the best I’d ever made.

  Heck, every decision I’d made about Cade’s involvement in our lives had been the right ones, and as I watched him surfacing in the water like he was Aquaman himself, I prayed that he’d be in our lives forever.

  We’d had a great day of snorkeling. Elin and Elena took to the water like fish, and loved spending the day underwater.

  It had taken me a moment to become accustomed to snorkeling. That first act of submerging underwater and feeling those first few seconds of panic were brutal, but eventually I realized that the breathing tube actually worked, and was able to enjoy myself.

  Cade looked like he’d probably learned to snorkel before he learned to walk, that’s how natural he was. It was glorious, and eased my anxiety about it being the kids and my first time.

  “That was so amazing,” Elena gushed while we rinsed out the gear to put it away. “I can’t wait to tell Pops and Tūtū everything we saw.”

  “Me too,” Elin agreed.

  “First, I want you both to shower, get all the sand off, then you can tell them all about it. Deal?” I said as I toweled off.

  “Okay,” they said in unison, and although I could hear the disappointment in their voices at the prospect of a shower, I knew they’d listen without putting up a fight.

  I was about to follow them twins inside, when I felt Cade’s arms surround me and was lifted off the ground and swung around.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “Uh, inside to wash up,” I replied, laughing when he swung me again. “Okay, put me down.”

  Cade set me on my feet, turning me so I was facing him, and the look on his face caused my heart to gallop and my knees to weaken.

  Pure unadulterated need swept his features, and his eyes were so dark they were almost fathomless.

  “I have a better idea,” he muttered as he brought his hand to my face and caressed my lower lip with his thumb.

  Heat suffused me and I felt my nipples tighten against my bathing suit.

  “What’s that?” I asked, throatier than I’d meant to.

  “Let’s go back into the ocean and wash off … naked.”

  “Cade,” I squealed, looking back at the house, then him. “We can’t go skinny dipping; everyone is right inside. And, it’s light out.”

  Cade’s head dipped until his lips were at my throat, where he began pressing open-mouth kisses.

  “I have a spot, just down the way,” he urged between kisses. “No one will see us.”

  “I don’t know,” I said, trying to stick to my guns. But the feel of his lips on my skin was too distracting, and I suddenly forgot why I’d been holding out on the sex.

  “I need you,” he whispered, and all thought left me.

  I needed him too. In fact, I wanted him so badly in that moment that I almost forgot where we were and started taking off my bathing suit right then. Before I could embarrass myself by making that mistake, Cade had my hand in his and was practically dragging me down the beach.

  Once we were in a little alcove, surrounded by trees and shrubs, in what I guessed was a couple blocks away from the beach in front of his house, he stopped abruptly and brought his hands up to the tie at the back of my neck.

  “You’ve been driving me nuts in this damn bikini all day.”

  I bit back a smile of satisfaction.

nbsp; I’d bought this emerald bikini with Cade in mind, and couldn’t deny that it was gratifying to know he liked it.

  Before I could reply, my pretty little top was floating to the ground.

  “Oh,” I exclaimed, my hands coming automatically up to cover my breasts, as my eyes flitted side to side to make sure no one was around.

  Cade growled deep in his throat and I looked up to see him taking me in.

  My red hair was wild and curly as I stood there in only emerald bikini briefs, with my hands blocking his view.

  He kept his eyes locked on me as he slid his board shorts down and stood proud and naked before me.

  Halleluiah, was my final thought, before lowering my arms and sliding the last scrap of material down my legs. I felt like my body was literally on fire, and I wasn’t all that interested in him getting an eyeful of my bare ass in the stark light of day, so I turned and bolted for the water, yelping when the cold, salty water hit my naked parts.

  When I was mostly covered, I turned to see Cade stalking toward me, his muscles bunching and releasing with each movement. My eyes were drawn to the water darkening the hair from his chest, down his happy trail, and into the water swirling around him.

  It suddenly became hard to breath, and by the time he reached me, my eyes were heavy with anticipation and my breasts were heavy and ready for his touch.

  Cade didn’t disappoint; his lips and hands were on me as soon as he was in reach. We came together as if it had been months, rather than days, and my skin felt so hot that I wouldn’t have been surprised if water had started evaporating on impact.


  At first, the voices didn’t penetrate – I was too caught up in Cade – but after a few more attempts to get our attention, I finally realized we were no longer alone.

  And, that I knew those voices.

  “Oh my god!” I managed as I pulled back from Cade. Then, I remembered that I was naked, and fused myself to his body to try and shield myself.

  “Oh. My. God!” I said again, this time much louder, when I peered around Cade and got an eyeful of Cade’s naked parents entering the water.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, but it was too late. Visions of Cade’s mother’s breasts were already stamped on my brain, and, God help me, so was Pop’s penis.

  “What are you guys doing?” Cade asked as I hid behind him.

  “Same as you,” Pops replied. “Washing off before dinner.”

  “Pops, we’re naked.”

  “Yeah, us too.”

  “I can see that,” Cade replied. “You’re making Lila uncomfortable.”

  “Lila, Ku‘uipo, the human body is beautiful. There’s nothing to be uncomfortable about,” Cade’s mom chimed in, sounding way too close for comfort.

  “Ma, give us a break, okay. We’ll get out of here and let you guys take your dip, but let’s get a little privacy, yeah?”

  “Okay, Hiapo, if that’s what you want,” and I hoped I heard them walking away.

  I’m not sure how long I hid behind Cade’s back, eyes scrunched closed, waves crashing against my bare back, but it felt like an eternity.

  “It’s clear,” Cade said finally, then started to move.

  “Wait,” I cried, my hands coming to grasp his waist. Cade slowed his movements, allowing me to follow behind him out of the water.

  When we were on dry land, and I was satisfied we were alone, I darted to my clothes and started to get dressed as fast as humanly possible.

  A choking sound had my head swinging up as I pulled on my bikini briefs, and my eyes narrowed at the sight of Cade holding his stomach as he choked back laughter, still naked as a jaybird.

  “Don’t you dare laugh right now, Cade,” I bit out, securing my top and placing my hands on my hips. “Nothing about that was funny.”

  Unable to hold back any longer, Cade’s mouth opened and his laughter filled the air, and I heard it following me as I hightailed it back to the house, praying I didn’t encounter Cade’s parents along the way.

  After yesterday’s skinny dipping fiasco, I’m ashamed to say I hid from Cade’s parents for most of the night. Sure, I came out for dinner, but I couldn’t make eye contact. I kept seeing flashes of their body parts dangling in the sun, and I swear my face was beet red throughout the entire meal.

  Cade said I was overreacting, but I didn’t think so. I’d been basically mortified, and just needed a little time to get over it.

  Today, when they’d said we were all going on a boat to go dolphin watching, my stomach hit the floor.

  Boats scared the shit out of me.

  Being out in the middle of the vast, dangerous ocean, where sharks and electric eels live, just wasn’t for me. Plus, I’d seen Titanic ten times when I was younger, and I knew if I went out on a boat, I wouldn’t come back alive.

  “Lila,” Cade had said patiently when I tried to explain my fear. “We aren’t going on the maiden voyage of a large cruise ship. These guys take these tours out a few times a day, every day, all week long. They know what they’re doing, and it’s perfectly safe.”

  “But … sharks,” I replied, thinking, ‘nuf said.

  Instead of telling me he understood my feelings and I didn’t have to go, Cade shook his head and said, “Lila, you aren’t getting into the water. We’re going out to see the dolphins, then coming back to shore.”

  “Cade,” I sighed, knowing that this may be another strike against me in the girlfriend column. “Please, I really don’t want to go. I’m scared to death of boats. I know Elin and Elena are really excited, so I won’t say that they can’t go, but I really, really am not going.”

  “Okay, babe, but you’re missing out,” he’d said, kissing me on the forehead before going to break the news to everyone that they were leaving without me.

  I wasn’t making excuses so I could avoid Cade’s parents for another day, honest. It was just a side benefit.

  “Hey, Alani,” I’d called out when I saw Cade’s sister headed for the door. “I was going to head out to do some shopping, get some souvenirs for my girlfriends back home, do you want to go? You could show me that bakery you were talking about.”

  Alani paused, her eyes shifting to the side for a moment, before her face brightened and she said, “Yeah, that sounds fun. I just have somewhere to go first, so I’ll drive.”

  “Perfect, let me just grab my bag.”

  Once I was ready, we hopped in Alani’s old Nissan and headed out. Although I was skeptical, we made it up that hill with no problems. The issues came once we were out on the road.

  Alani is a terrible driver.

  I mean bend over and kiss your ass goodbye terrible.

  She was all over the place. Weaving in and out of cars, slamming on her brakes, and never once did she use her turn signal. I was holding on to the Oh Shit handle like it was my lifeline, because it was.

  “The bakery is right over there; I’m just going to meet up with someone real quick and then we’ll head to the market. They have perfect souvenirs.”

  I nodded in response, still unable to talk after the terrifying experience I’d just had.

  We got out of the car, and I started off in the direction she’d pointed, then, trusting my gut, I turned and followed Alani.

  I still hadn’t spoken with her about what I’d overhead the other night, and something still seemed fishy to me.

  I waited until she rounded the corner of the building, then hurried over and peered around the corner. Alani was standing on the steps, talking to a man who was a step above her. It looked like she was pleading with him, and he wasn’t having it. His expression was almost indifferent, as if she were a problem he didn’t have time for.

  There was no way this guy was anywhere near seventeen. If I had to guess, I’d say he was pushing thirty.

  If this guy was her boyfriend, Alani was way out of his league. He was dark, but in a smarmy way, and had a greasy air about him. One look at him, and I could already tell he was trouble, and had no business being
around someone fresh and wholesome like Alani.

  I gnawed my lip as I worried about what Cade’s reaction would be. Who was I kidding, I knew Cade’s reaction; he’d kill the greasy bastard.

  “Call me later,” I heard the man say, and turned just as Alani’s face fell.

  As I scurried across the sidewalk to the bakery, I wondered what the hell kind of hold that much older man had over our sweet Alani, and what in the hell a sweet high school girl like her, would be doing with an obvious thug like him.

  I schooled my features as the bell dinged above the bakery door and I took in my surroundings.

  Pretty, cotton candy pink and white décor, a case full of delicious baked goods, and smells that would make angels sing. I smiled, even as my heart clenched at how much I was missing Amy May and her bakery back home.

  “Aloha,” the beautiful dark-haired woman said as she walked out from the back, a welcoming smile on her face.

  “Hi,” I replied with a smile to match.

  I walked closer to the case and looked inside at the display of cupcakes. When I let out a loud sigh of happiness, the woman laughed and said, “What can I get for you today?”

  Just then, the bell dinged again, and I turned to see Alani walk in, her face once again sunny and clear.

  “Aloha, Kaulana,” she said in greeting.

  “Aloha, Ni Ni, how is school going?”

  Alani rolled her eyes and replied, “As boring as ever.”

  Kaulana clucked her tongue and said, “It’s necessary, and you are almost through. At least, until you start college in the fall.”

  “How much longer are you in school?” I asked, realizing no one had ever mentioned it, but since my kids were already on summer vacation, I figured she must be almost out as well.

  “Next week are our final exams, then we have senior skip days. Graduation is in a week and a half. I can’t wait!” Alani exclaimed, then wrinkled her nose and looked back at Kaulana. “I’m not so sure I want to go to college though. I’m so tired of school.”

  Kaulana looked surprised. “I doubt your parents will be happy to hear you say that.”

  Alani frowned, then shrugged and walked over to stand next to me by the case.