Read Lei'd With Cupcakes Page 4

  “Lila here is a cupcake lover. She’s the one I brought your pineapple coconut to, so she wanted to come by and get some more.”

  Kaulana gave me a look, acknowledging Alani’s change of subject, so I smiled and nodded, trying to convey that I would pass along the things that we’d just learned to Alani’s family. Not that I wanted to be a narc, but Alani was obviously at some sort of crossroads, and it didn’t look like she was making the right choices.

  “Which one would you like?”

  “Actually,” I said, my eyes roaming over the various delicious choices, “I’ll take a dozen assorted. You pick.”

  My head spun back and forth as I tried to take everything in and not miss any of the cool stuff people were selling.

  Alani had brought me to an open-air market, with rows and rows of tables lined up with goods for sale. There were necklaces, pretty summer dresses, and tons of handcrafted items that would make great souvenirs.

  My belly was full with a banana cream cupcake, and I was shopping outside in the beautiful Hawaiian weather. I was one happy lady.

  The only thing hindering my happy buzz was the memory of everything that had transpired with Alani. I hated to tattle on her, I was trying to build a relationship with her after all, but I couldn’t ignore what had happened, and the things she’d said. Especially knowing how upset Cade and his parents would be if I kept it from them. Plus, if it was Elin or Elena, I’d want to be told.

  It may not make me cool in Alani’s book, but that was a risk I was willing to take.

  All of that would come later though. For now, we were enjoying the lovely afternoon together.

  “I love these,” I cooed as I trailed my finger over a pretty necklace made of sea glass. “It would be perfect for my friend Carmen.”

  “What’s she like?” Alani asked as she picked up some earring and held them to her lobe. “How do these look?”

  “Gorgeous,” I replied, then handed both the necklace and earrings to the lady who’d made them. “We’ll take these.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Alani argued.

  “I know, I want to,” I replied with a smile, handing her the earrings as I paid for the purchase. “Carmen is a nut. She’s the newest to our group and I already love her more than cupcakes, and that’s saying a lot. She’s a reporter and blogger, and seriously the fastest talker I’ve ever heard. She’s also the sweetest, most giving and loyal person I’ve ever met, and I’m trying like crazy to hook her up with my other friend Bran. He’s a lawyer and I can totally tell they’re crushing on each other and would be so good together.”

  “I hope I get to meet them some day.”

  “Me too. I hope you guys will all come out to visit us.”

  We were turning the corner when I saw a table filled with stamped tablet cases. I started laughing as I picked a powder-blue one off of the table that said I read Regency Romance, so suck it.

  “Oh my god, I have to get this for Bea.”

  “What does Bea do?”

  “She’s a cop for Greenswood PD. She and her partner Shannon just got married, and I’m always ripping on her for her love of historical romance,” I said with a smile while the merchant wrapped up the cover. “Which reminds me, I need to pick up something for Shannon too. She’s easy though. She already told me to get her anything plumeria and she’ll be happy.”

  “Anyone else you’re looking for?” Alani asked.

  “My bestie Amy May. She’s a baker, so anything to do with baking, baking supplies, food, and she’ll be happy.”

  “Okay, I’ll help you look,” Alani said as we started walking again. “Your friends sound nice.”

  “They’re the best,” I replied, a small smile playing at my lips. “I wouldn’t make it through the day without my girls. They always have my back, and I have theirs.”

  “My friend Hannah was like that for me,” Alani said wistfully.


  She shrugged and said, “We haven’t been talking much lately.”

  “That’s too bad. Do you mind if I ask what happened?” I asked, wondering if greasy, smarmy guy had anything to do with it.

  “We just started hanging out with different people, I guess. She’s all about this new guy she met. He’s older and kinda creepy, if you ask me. And she’s always with him. I tried to hang out with them a few times, but it always made me feel weird. I don’t like the way he talks to her, or the things she’s been doing.”

  “What kind of things?” I asked, thinking maybe I got it wrong, and it wasn’t Alani who was mixed up with that thug. Maybe she was looking out for her friend.

  “Hey, what about this?” she asked, crossing to one of the tables and pointing to a cookbook featuring recipes from a local baker.

  “Yes. Perfect,” I said, then tried to bring back the conversation and get more intel. “About Hannah…”

  “I’ve got it handled,” Alani said, then effectively changed the subject when she asked, “Hey, do you want to try some local barbecue? They’re selling some right over there.”

  “Sure, that sounds yum,” I replied, then paid for the book and followed her to the barbecue.

  I’d need to gather more facts before saying anything to Cade and his folks. I’d hate to rat on Alani for seeing some nasty guy and have the details wrong. If it was actually this Hannah making bad decisions, and Alani was trying to help her friend out of a bad situation, then maybe I shouldn’t say anything.

  I didn’t know, all I was sure about was that I needed to find out who that guy was, and what he was doing hanging around teenaged girls. Then I needed to find out what Alani’s role was in all of it. Once I had the facts, I could tell Cade what was up, and he could decide whether or not to involve his parents.

  But for now, I was ready to eat my fill of some barbecue, which, by the way, smelled out of this world.

  ���And then, a whole bunch of dolphins starting swimming next to our boat, following us across the ocean. It was the coolest thing ever!” Elin exclaimed. He was so excited as he told me all about their day, he was practically vibrating.

  “Yeah, and the boat had a little place inside where you could sit and get snacks, if you were tired of being on deck. I had a bag of chips and a Coke,” Elena added.

  Just like her mama, always thinking with her stomach.

  I smiled up at Cade, who was watching my kids with a look of love on his face.

  “Doesn’t sound like they had fun at all,” I joked.

  “Nope, hated every minute,” Cade replied.

  We were all sitting outside having the cupcakes I’d bought at the bakery for dessert. Alani and I had gotten back earlier than everyone else and decided to order pizza, not knowing when they would return and if Cade’s mom had plans for dinner.

  I worried a little that I was overstepping, but when they’d arrived to find pizza and cupcakes waiting, they’d all seemed pretty happy. Cade’s mom had even given me a hug.

  “We missed you today,” Cade said, putting his arm around my waist and tugging me closer to him. Once I was snug against his side, he leaned down and kissed the side of my head.

  “I’m glad you all had fun,” I replied, then I leaned in and whispered to Cade, “I may have been safer on the boat though.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Your sister drives like a crazy person.”

  Cade started chuckling, so I asked, “Have you ever ridden with her?”

  “Hell no,” he replied, looking at me like I was nuts. “No way am I getting in a car when Alani is behind the wheel.”

  The last part he said in a louder voice, causing Alani to throw her cupcake wrapper at him.

  “A head’s up would’ve been nice,” I replied dryly.

  Just then I heard a jangling sound, then some shuffling, and looked over to see a brown dog with a big black spot on his back coming toward us. Without even bothering to give us a glance, he trotted right over to the food bowl by the door and started eating.

“Boone, I presume?”

  “Yeah, that’s him. I think he owns us more than we own him,” Alani said with a smile.

  “He’s a rambling man,” Cade added.

  “Just like my brother.”

  Cade picked up the cupcake wrapper and threw it back at her.

  “So, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?” I asked Elin and Elena, who looked like they were finally winding down and on the verge of passing out.

  “Volcano!” Elin cried.

  “Surfing,” Elena protested.

  “But you’ve been surfing every morning. I want to go see the volcano,” Elin argued.

  “We don’t all have to do the same thing,” I said, hoping to mitigate the chance of a fight.

  “I can take Lena surfing in the morning, then I’ll take her to A Bay to see some of the younger surfers in action,” Pops offered.

  “And, Elin, we can go to Kilauea. That way, everyone gets to do what they want. How’s that sound?” Cade asked the twins.

  “Perfect,” they said in unison.

  “You coming with us, darlin’?”

  “Yeah, I’d like to see the volcano,” I replied, then ran my hand slowly across Cade’s abs and asked huskily, “Will you carry me if I get tired?”

  Cade’s arm around me tightened, and his hand slid under my clothes, then down the back of my shorts.

  “Be careful what you start,” he warned.

  I looked around under my lashes, and saw that no one was paying any attention to us. Alani and Lena were talking about the movie they were going to watch in Alani’s room before bed, Elin and Pops were reminiscing about the dolphins, and Cade’s mom had gotten up and was refilling Boone’s water bowl.

  It had been something like five days since the last time Cade and I had sex, and with all of the near misses and teasing that had been going on since we’d been here, I was really starting to get the itch down under.

  And, no, I’m not talking about a yeast infection, I’m talking about the burning need for an orgasm.

  I knew I was the one who’d made up the rule about no sex in his parents’ house, but I was just about ready to say screw the rules, and screw me.

  I lowered my hand just a smidge, not so that I was being outwardly inappropriate, but just enough so that Cade knew my intent.

  The growl in my ear told me that my message was received, so I stood up and said, “I’m going to go get ready for bed,” then I gave Cade a look that I hoped told him to follow after me soon.

  Once inside, I grabbed my nightgown, then stood outside the bathroom door and waited. Within minutes, Cade came sauntering down the hall, his face full of purpose.

  I opened the door and backed inside, while Cade stalked in after me and shut the door.

  Before I had the chance to open my mouth, his was there to tease it open for me. The kiss was hot, full of pent-up need and frustration, and my body screamed for release. I was so far gone that I grabbed Cade’s hand from in between us and shoved it down the front of my shorts.

  Cade grunted his approval and immediately complied, curving his fingers and entering me slowly. I stepped out, giving him better access, as I cupped his hard cock through his board shorts.

  We were rubbing against each other like teenagers on prom night, when a loud knock sounded on the door.

  “Lila? Are you in there? Lena and I wanted to know if you were going to watch the movie with us?” Alani called out, her sweet young voice like a bucket of cold water.

  Cade jumped back so fast that his hand got stuck in my shorts and he nearly ripped them off.

  “Shit,” he muttered, then peeled down my shorts to set his hand free.

  “Ah, yeah, Alani, I’ll be right there,” I managed, hoping I didn’t sound too breathless.

  “Okay, I’ve got the popcorn going, but if you want a drink, just grab it before you come in. We’ll wait to start it.”


  I looked up at Cade, who was panting as hard as I was, then started laughing, even though what I really wanted to do was cry with frustration.

  “Lila, time to get up and get going.”

  I turned away from Cade’s voice and tried to burrow deeper into the covers.

  “C’mon, Mom, we gotta go.”

  Elin’s excited voice penetrated a bit, but I tried really, really hard to ignore it.

  “‘S dark,” I mumbled, then tried to pull the blanket over my head. It was torn from my grasp and I yelped when my covers were ripped off and the cool air of the room hit my exposed skin.

  “Hey,” I cried, finally opening one eye to glare at Cade.

  “Time’s a wastin’,” he said with an annoying grin. “Elin and I let you sleep in, but now it’s time to go.”

  “Sleep in?” I whined.” The sun isn’t even up yet.”

  “It’s best to get on the trail early, before the tourists start piling it,” Cade explained, then slapped my shorts-covered ass and added, “Up and at ‘em, sweet cheeks.”

  Elin giggled at that, and I scowled, but I turned to swing my legs over the bed.

  I did say I wanted to go with them to the volcano, so I needed to try and shake off the sleep and get moving.

  I lifted my head to see Elin hopping from foot to foot, so ready to go he could hardly stand it. I started laughing and lifted my hands in surrender.

  “All right, I’m up. Do me a favor and make some coffee,” I pleaded as I rose to my feet.

  Cade’s hands came to my arms. He bent and dropped a sweet kiss on my nose and said, “Sure thing, darlin’.” Then they left me alone to get ready.

  Not really knowing what a hike to a volcano entailed, I dressed in a tank top and running shorts, with running shoes. Then I threw my hair up into a ponytail, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and called it good.

  I walked into the kitchen five minutes later and stopped when I noticed all the stuff on the counter.

  “What’s all this?” I asked, taking in the bottles of water, Cliff bars, ponchos, hats, bug spray, sunscreen, and drawstring backpacks.

  “Stuff for the hike,” Cade replied.

  My eyes widened and I asked, “How long will we be gone?”

  “Well, with the drive there and back, the hike itself, and any little shit that might set us back, I’m guessing five to six.”


  “Yeah, babe, hours,” Cade replied with a chuckle.

  “And we have to carry all that?” I asked, my hand sweeping out over the cluttered counter.


  “What’re the ponchos for?”

  “The rain forest?”

  “Rain forest? I thought we were going to see a volcano.”

  “Mom, didn’t you read the pamphlet I gave you?” Elin asked, his tone showing his growing frustration. “Can we go now?”

  “Yeah, buddy,” Cade said as he started divvying up the items in the drawstring bags.

  He slung one over his shoulder, handed another to Elin, who eagerly put it on, then handed me mine, along with a travel mug.

  I took a minute to wave at Lena and Pops, who were already on the beach ready to surf, then ran to catch up with Cade and Elin, who were loading into the 4Runner. I placed my bag at my feet, then slunk down in the passenger seat and decided to try and catch a cat nap before the hiking began.

  I woke up to Cade’s lips on my neck, and practically purred in response. Then I opened my eyes and remembered where we were, and that Elin was in the car, and bolted awake.

  “We’re here!” Elin shouted before bounding out of the car.

  Once we were all out with our backpacks on, Cade went to the back of the car and pulled out some hats. He put one on Elin’s head, then handed one to me, before flipping the last one backward and placing it on his own.

  His hair was down and currently extremely long, with the tips lightened by the sun. He looked amazingly hot with his backwards hat, tank top, and board shorts, and I found myself thinking again, how much I liked Cade in Hawaii. He was like
a super chill version of himself.

  “Ready?” he asked, and all I could do was nod. But Cade wasn’t fooled. His lids lowered and he stepped closer to me, then bent until his lips were a breath away from mine and whispered, “Be good.”

  Then he stepped back, without even giving me a kiss, and followed after Elin.

  I gathered my wits and told my libido to calm the fuck down, then turned to meet them at the entrance to the trail.

  The sign read Kilauea lki Trail.

  And Cade hadn’t been lying. It was a four-mile trail that took us three hours to complete. Of course, that was due to stopping, taking a million pictures, and the fact that part of the trail included steep ascents and descents.

  We walked through the lush rain forest, an old lake of lava, which felt like walking through the desert, and finished by going through the lava tube, which was like a cave. There was wildlife and crazy-looking plants growing out of rocks, steam vents, and points where you could look down and see lava below the surface.

  Elin was in absolute heaven.

  I’d never seen him so interested in his surroundings before. It was wonderful to see, and made me realize that I needed to look into hikes and national forests near us. The fact that he loved doing something that was outdoors and didn’t involve a video game made me ecstatic.

  There was something about standing in the middle of something so pure, so amazing, that it made you ponder your reason for existing, and your place in the universe. Plus, it was a helluva workout!

  I just knew my thighs and ass were going to be screaming tomorrow, but it was all totally worth it.

  Elin passed out on the ride back, but I knew as soon as we arrived, he’d be wide awake and eager to share his day with everyone.

  When I woke up the next day, I felt well rested since we’d all passed out early, but boy, was I sore.

  I groaned as I made my way to the bathroom, then yelped when I sat down on the toilet.

  Shit, did I really get that out of shape?

  Sure, it had been a couple months since my morning workouts with Bran; they’d kind of fallen to the wayside after everything had gone down with Carmen, and we just hadn’t started back up yet.