Read Lie Next to Me Page 19

  “I know, and she’s an easy woman to hate. I’m sorry you had to hear the things she said. It’s over now,” he said as he kissed the top of my head.

  My tears started to slow down and I looked up at Ian. He smiled softly at me as he wiped the tears from my face. “Do you feel somewhat better now?” he asked. “I’m going to start a bath for you.”

  While Ian was starting the bath water, I twisted my hair up in a clip and took off my makeup. I got undressed and Ian held my hand while I climbed down into the tub.

  “What scent is this?” I asked as I smelled the bubbles.

  “I’m not sure. It was sitting on the shelf.” Ian grabbed the bottle of bubble bath and looked at it. “It’s cherry vanilla.”

  “I like it.” I smiled.

  “Well, then, I’ll make sure to buy a few bottles before we leave.” He winked.

  I brought my knees up to my chest as Ian washed my back. “Tonight is all about you, Rory. We’ll do whatever you want. Name it.”

  “That’s sweet, Ian, but I just want to stay in.”

  “Okay. We can do that. We’ll order in room service and rent movies.”


  “Of course. We’ll have quiet evening in,” he said as he lifted my chin and gave me a kiss. “Finish up your bath, and I’ll go order us a bottle of wine.”

  I didn’t want to stay in the tub anymore. I just wanted to lie on the bed in Ian’s arms. I stepped out and put on my pajama shorts and tank top. I climbed on the king-sized bed where Ian was looking over the dinner menu. I snuggled up next to him and we looked at it together.

  “What sounds good?” he asked.

  “Let’s eat burgers, fries, and a coke.”

  “I already ordered the wine,” he said.

  “We can drink it later.”

  “Do you like cheese on your burger?” Ian smiled.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  Ian dialed the number for room service and ordered two cheeseburgers, fries, and two cokes. After he hung up the phone, he wrapped his arms around me and we both sank down into each other. Being wrapped up in his arms took my pain away. I didn’t think about anything but him and the moment we were sharing. I could picture this always. I could picture us always. I knew that deep down, he felt the same way I did and he needed me just as much as I needed him. I just had to figure out a way to reach him. Room service arrived with our food and the bottle of wine Ian ordered. He rolled the cart to the middle of the room and took the tops off the silver trays. He looked at me and smiled as he picked up one plate and handed it to me on the bed.

  “Your gourmet burger, Miss Sinclair,” he said in a sexy accent.

  I took it from him with a smile and positioned it on my lap. Ian brought his plate over to the bed, climbed next to me, and turned on the TV.

  “What do you want to watch?” he asked.

  “I don’t care. Pick something,” I said as I took a bite of my burger.

  “Okay. Let’s see what they have in the way of porn.”

  “Ian!” I laughed as I smacked his arm.

  “I’m just teasing.” He chuckled.

  He turned to the movie channels and the movie Friends with Benefits was just starting.

  “I love Justin Timberlake,” I said.

  “Do you want to watch this? I kind of like the title,” he smirked.

  Of course he did. “Sure.” I smiled.

  Ian reached over and took a fry from my plate. “Hey,” I said as I smacked his hand.

  “I’m all out.”

  “You ate all those already?” I smiled.

  “I was hungry. What can I say?”

  I took a fry from my plate and put it in his mouth. Ian put his arm around me and I snuggled into him while we finished watching the movie.


  It was good to be back in Malibu and at Ian’s house. When we arrived home, Adalynn was in the kitchen, talking with Charles.

  “Oh goodie, you two are back. How was your trip?” she asked me.

  “Eventful, to say the least.”

  Ian walked over and kissed Adalynn on the cheek. “Are you bombarding Charles with requests for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow?” he asked.

  “You know me, Ian. I have to have my mother’s special cranberry nut bread.”

  “Then why don’t you make it yourself?”

  Adalynn waved her hand in the air. “You know I don’t bake. The last time I attempted to bake it, the bread was completely flat and tasted like pure yeast.”

  “I can make it for you,” I said.

  “Don’t be silly, Rory. Charles will bake it. Right, Charles?”

  “Of course I will,” Charles replied.

  “No, I’m serious. I want to help,” I said as I looked down.

  Ian walked over to me and put his hands on my hips. “What’s wrong?”

  “The last time I celebrated Thanksgiving with a home cooked meal was the last one before my mom died. She and I would go shopping together every year and then, on Thanksgiving morning, we’d cook. After she died, there wasn’t any more turkey or potatoes. Nancy didn’t believe in Thanksgiving because she said she had nothing to be thankful for, so she would just stay in bed all day and shoot herself up. Once I was old enough and worked, I would take Stephen to this little diner that was opened every Thanksgiving for the truckers that were passing through town and we’d order the turkey dinner. So, for me to help Charles out tomorrow would mean the world to me.”

  A tear dropped from Adalynn’s eye as she walked over and hugged me. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Charles, it looks like you’re going to have some help tomorrow,” Ian said.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Rory.” Charles smiled.

  Adalynn left and Ian went to his study. After Charles and I discussed the events of tomorrow morning, I walked into the study and Ian hung up the phone.

  “I tried to get Stephen out for tomorrow so he could have dinner with us, but the doctor said it was too soon and wouldn’t be a good idea. They’re having a lunch with all the works, so I thought we could go for a while and you could spend some time with him before the guests arrive here.”

  “That would be great.” I smiled as I leaned against the doorway. “Thank you for thinking of him.”

  “No problem. Andrew called and we’re going out in a bit,” he said as he got up from his chair.

  “Oh. Where are you going?”

  “Out to dinner. I’ll be back later.”

  “Maybe I’ll call Jordyn and see if she and Ollie want to do something,” I said as I turned around and walked into the living room.

  “Like what?” Ian asked as he followed me.

  “I don’t know. Maybe go to a club or something.”

  “Why do you have to go and do that? Why can’t you just stay here and read or watch a movie or something?”

  Was he serious? “No, I don’t feel like staying in. I’m going out,” I said as I walked up the stairs and sent Jordyn a text.

  I went to my room and Ian followed me in. “Seriously, Rory. Stay home.”

  I turned around and looked at him in confusion. It was okay for him to go out with that douchebag Andrew, but if I wanted to go out with my friend, he had a problem with it. No, this wasn’t okay anymore.

  “So, let me get this straight; you want me to sit around this house while you go out with your best friend again.”

  “Damn it, Rory. You act like we’re a fucking couple or something. This is the exact reason why I don’t do relationships.”

  The fire inside reared its ugly flames as I stood there and glared at him. “We aren’t a couple, and you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Ian.” That was it; once I started, I couldn’t stop. “Who the hell do you think you are?” I asked as I pointed my finger at him. “You’ve made it very clear what our relationship is, and what I do when you’re not fucking me is none of your business.”

  I could see the anger in his eyes as he stared at me. “Fine, Rory. You said it.
It’s none of my business what you do, just like it’s none of your business what I do. Go out with your friends. I don’t care,” he said as he looked at his watch. “I have to go get ready. Have fun tonight. But when you get into trouble, don’t call me.”

  “Fuck you!” I yelled as he walked out and slammed the door.

  I sat on the edge of my bed in tears. My phone beeped with a text message from Jordyn.

  “I’m sorry, Rory, but Ollie and I are staying in tonight. We’re both sick with the flu.”

  “I hope you two feel better before tomorrow. Get some rest.”

  Great. There was no way I was staying in this house alone tonight, so I called Adalynn to see if she was doing anything.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “Hi,” I said with a sad tone. “Do you want to hang out tonight? Ian is going out with douchebag Andrew, and I’m not sitting here alone.”

  Adalynn laughed loudly into the phone. “I’m sorry, Rory. But douchebag Andrew is brilliant. Anyway, Daniel and I are going to dinner. You are more than welcome to come with.”

  I didn’t want to be a third wheel and disrupt their dinner plans. “It’s okay, Adalynn; you and Daniel have a great dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “I’m sure. Have fun,” I said as I hung up.

  I sighed and got up from the bed. I walked down to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. When I turned around, Ian had just walked in. Goddamn it, his scent was amazing. He looked amazing and, at that moment, I hated him for going out looking and smelling like that. I looked away when he looked at me and headed towards the stairs.

  “Have a good night,” he said as he put his hand on the door handle.

  “You too,” I said as I put my hand up while walking up the stairs.

  “Don’t worry. I fully intend to,” he replied.

  I flinched when I heard the door shut. I stopped when I reached the top of the stairs and sat down with my back against the wall. I ran my hand through my hair and pressed my palm against my forehead. As I sat there, feeling sorry for myself and angrier than hell, I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Adalynn and Daniel standing in the foyer.

  “Why are you sitting there like that?” she asked.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Daniel and I are picking you up for dinner. It’s not even an option for you to tell us no, so go freshen up because I’m starving.”

  “Hi, Rory.” Daniel smiled and waved.

  “Hi, Daniel.” I smiled back. “Adalynn, I’m not hungry.”

  “Nonsense. Did something happen between you and Ian?”


  She walked up the stairs and took a hold of my arm. “Come on, up you go. You’re coming with us.”

  I knew if I didn’t go, she’d hound me to death. The one thing I noticed was that Adalynn always got her way.

  “Fine, just let me go brush my hair and I’ll tell you all about it in the car.”


  We arrived at the restaurant and were promptly seated in a corner booth. The waitress brought our drinks and took our food order. As Adalynn, Daniel, and I were talking, I heard a familiar voice and laugh. I stopped sipping my cosmopolitan and froze.

  “Are you okay, sweetie?” Adalynn asked.

  “That voice. That’s Andrew’s voice,” I said as I slowly turned my head and looked behind me.

  “Oh no,” Adalynn said as she looked where I was looking.

  Sitting at a table with Andrew, were Ian and two beautiful twin brunette women. Instantly, I felt sick to my stomach and it was getting hard to breathe.

  “Rory, calm down,” Adalynn said. “We don’t know the situation.”

  “The situation? They are both on dates with those women. Look at how Ian is smiling at her and leaning closer to her. He lied to me. He told me it was him and Andrew,” I said as tears sprang to my eyes.

  “You know, I’m getting really sick of him,” Adalynn spat as she got up from the booth.

  “Where are you going?” I said as I grabbed her wrist.

  “To say hi, darling.” She smiled.

  Adalynn walked over to the table and talked to Ian and Andrew.

  “Duck down, Rory,” Daniel said. “They’re looking over here,” he said as he smiled and gave a small wave to them.

  A few moments later, Adalynn came back to the table. “Well, wasn’t that pleasant.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing much. I asked Ian where you were and he said he didn’t know and that you mentioned something about going out with Jordyn. So I asked the bastard why he didn’t bring you to dinner. He didn’t answer me. Those two women are Andrew’s cousins from out of town. They’re here for the holiday, so Andrew decided to take them to dinner.”

  “I bet he did, and I bet Ian has fucked both of them too. I’m so sorry, Adalynn and Daniel, but I have to get out of here because I feel like I’m going to lose it any second.”

  The thing that sucked was that I would have to pass their table to get out of the restaurant. While I was contemplating my escape, the waitress came over and set down our food.

  “Excuse me, but is there another way out of this restaurant besides the front?”

  She looked at me like I was crazy. “There’s the back way through the kitchen, but customers aren’t allowed back there.”

  “Listen, just show me. I have to get out of here, but I can’t pass that table over there with those two men and women.”

  The waitress glanced over at the table and then at me. “Is one of those guys your boyfriend?”

  “Yes,” I lied.

  “Is he cheating on you, sweetie?” she asked.

  Oh my God, why couldn’t she just show me the way to the kitchen?

  “Hold on.” She winked.

  Uh oh. I didn’t like the way she said that. Daniel kept an eye on the table and the waitress. He busted out laughing and told me to turn around quickly. The waitress had spilled drinks all over Ian and Andrew. They both looked pissed as they got up from their seats and went to the bathroom. The waitress walked over to our table and smiled.

  “Okay, sweetie, you can go out the front now.” She winked again.

  “Oh, you’re good,” Adalynn said as she reached in her purse, pulled out a fifty-dollar bill, and handed it to her.

  “You two stay and finish your dinner. I’ll call a cab. I meant it. Stay!” I exclaimed.

  Adalynn stood up and hugged me. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she pouted.

  I smiled at her and Daniel, and walked out of the restaurant. There was a cab coming down the street, so I put up my hand and he stopped. I climbed in and gave him Ian’s address.

  When I arrived home, I changed my clothes and headed down to the beach. I sat down in the sand to do some serious thinking. I kept going over and over in my head the things Ian said earlier about relationships. Maybe I was being selfish and only wanted to keep him to myself for the night, or maybe, it was because I was so in love with him and I didn’t trust him. His reputation was pretty bad when it came to women, and he’d made it very clear that we were not in a relationship. I picked up a stick that was next to me and started drawing in the sand. A few moments later, I heard a voice behind me.

  “You stayed home.”

  I took in a deep breath. “Yeah. Ollie and Jordyn are sick with the flu. Why are you back so early?”

  Ian walked over and sat down next to me. “The waitress at the restaurant we were at spilled drinks on me and Andrew. Needless to say, I was soaked. So, we called it a night and I came home and changed.”

  “Wow, what a bad waitress,” I said as I laughed hysterically inside.

  “Yeah. She didn’t get a tip.” He smiled. “You’ll never guess who I ran into there.”


  “Adalynn and Daniel. She asked where you were.”

  I waited for him to tell me about Andrew’s cousins, because maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to let
it go, but he didn’t.

  “Well, I’m sorry you got drinks spilled on you, but I’m really tired, so I’m going to head upstairs,” I said as I got up.

  Ian grabbed my hand. “Do you want some company?”

  I looked down into his amazing eyes. “No, I don’t,” I said with a small smile and walked away.

  Since I was already mad at him and we really weren’t on good terms at the moment, I decided to add a little fuel to the fire. It was better to bring it up now and get it over with. Before I reached the patio, I stopped.

  “Why is it that you’ve never taken me to your bed?” I asked.

  “I can take you there now,” he replied.

  Okay, so me and my big mouth. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me earlier. The only difference was that I don’t know if Ian Braxton could feel hurt.

  “Maybe you should’ve brought home one of those brunettes you were with tonight. I’m sure that she would’ve loved your bed.”

  “STOP!” he yelled.

  I just shook my head and walked up the stairs. I knew it was only a matter of time before he busted through the bedroom door. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. One. Two. Three.

  “Rory! Are you in there?” he shouted as he shook the door handle.

  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to the bathroom, Ian.”

  “Hurry up! I’ll be waiting on the bed.”

  I rolled my eyes as I sat on the counter with my feet on the toilet. I didn’t want to go out there and face him. Shit. I never should’ve said anything. Well, I was going to have to face him sooner or later. I unlocked the door and stepped into the bedroom. Ian was sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands folded.

  “Adalynn texted you, didn’t she?”

  Fuck. I couldn’t lie to him when it involved Adalynn. I had no choice; I had to tell him the truth.

  “No, I was there. I was at the restaurant with Adalynn and Daniel.”

  “What? No you weren’t. I didn’t see you and I waved to Daniel.”

  “That’s because I ducked down into the booth,” I said as I pulled out my nightshirt from the drawer.

  “Are you serious? Why the hell didn’t you come over and say something?”

  “Like what, Ian? Oh hi, who are these whores you’re with?”