Read Lie Next to Me Page 20

  “Rory, stop. Those girls were Andrew’s cousins.”

  “Did you know they were going?”

  Ian looked down before he answered my question. “Yes, I knew they were going.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because, it’s none of your concern, Rory. Like I said earlier, we aren’t a couple. I’m sorry, sweetheart, if that hurts you, but I can’t help it.”

  I gnawed at my bottom lip as his words shot through my heart. My eyes started to fill with tears and my breathing became restricted.

  “I’m sorry, Ian. You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  The words just came out my mouth. I was apologizing to him for killing me. I needed to think things through. I couldn’t just up and leave like I was about to. I needed to think. Ian got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around me.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. “Come on; I’ll take you to my bed,” he said as he kissed my head.

  As I broke our embrace, I looked at him. “No, Ian. Not tonight.”

  “Are you sure? I’m already getting hard.”

  He was slowly killing me. I put my hand on his chest. “Then I suggest you either play with yourself or call one of your other girls, because this girl isn’t having sex with you tonight.”

  “Okay, fine. I’ll just go masturbate, then,” he said as he headed towards the door.

  “Seriously, it’s okay if you want to call one of the other girls over.”

  Ian shook his head and walked out the door. I jumped when I heard his bedroom door slam.

  Chapter 22

  I was up all night. I couldn’t run the risk of having a nightmare because I didn’t want Ian coming in to rescue me. I didn’t want to see him period and now it was Thanksgiving morning. How stupid was I to think that this Thanksgiving was going to be different. I walked into the kitchen and Charles handed me an apron.

  “Good morning, Rory. Happy Thanksgiving.” He smiled.

  “Happy Thanksgiving, Charles,” I said as I tied the apron around my waist.

  He handed me the recipe for the cranberry nut bread and I began to gather the ingredients. A few moments later, Ian walked into the kitchen. He walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” I replied.

  “No nightmare last night?” he asked.

  “I didn’t sleep. So no,” I said as I mixed the bread batter.

  “You didn’t sleep at all?”

  “No. See these,” I said as I put the spoon down and pointed to the bags underneath my eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Sorry for what? That I didn’t get any sleep or sorry for what you said?”

  “Now I’m sorry for even saying sorry,” he said as he walked out of the kitchen.

  “Oh, by the way, you don’t need to come with me to visit Stephen. I’m going by myself,” I shouted.

  “Good, have fun.”


  I put the bread in the oven and went upstairs to get ready to go and see Stephen. Even though Ian hurt me, I felt horrible for the two of us fighting on Thanksgiving. Shit. I let my conscience get the best of me. After I finished getting dressed, I went to find Ian. The smell of turkey started to infiltrate throughout the house as I walked down the stairs. I found him sitting in his study.

  “Hey,” I said as I stood in the doorway.

  “Is there something you need, Rory? I’m busy.”

  “It’s Thanksgiving. What could you possibly be busy with?”

  “I’m busy, Rory. What do you want?” he said in a stern tone.

  “I just wanted to apologize. So, I’m sorry about last night and this morning,” I said as I turned around and started to walk away.

  “Come here,” he said.

  I turned around and looked at him as he sat behind his desk, staring at me with eyes that were pleading with me to come closer.


  My face gave away a smile as I walked over to him and he stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly as he sighed.

  “I’m sorry too.”

  “I don’t want any tension or bad feelings today. It’s Thanksgiving and I want it to be perfect,” I said.

  “Me too,” he said as he broke our embrace. “I would like to go with you to see Stephen, if you don’t mind.” He smiled.

  “I would like that.” I smiled back as I kissed the tip of his nose.

  A couple of hours later, when we arrived home after our visit with Stephen, Ian poured me a glass of wine and we walked into the living room.

  “I’m sorry, but I really hope your dad doesn’t show up. I’m nervous about seeing him.”

  Ian let out a light chuckle. “Don’t be. I think after your little talk, he’s the one who’s nervous.”

  The door opened and Andrew walked in. “Happy Thanksgiving!” he shouted.

  My stomach dropped at the sound of his voice. He smiled as he walked over and hugged me. “You look gorgeous, Rory.”

  “Thank you, Andrew.”

  Ian and he shook hands before Andrew went over to the bar and poured himself a drink. I excused myself and went into the kitchen. A few moments later, Adalynn and Daniel strolled through the door.

  “It smells amazing in here!” she exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen. “How are you, sweetie?” she asked as she gave me a light hug.

  “I’m okay. Ian and I got into a huge fight last night after he came home. I let it slip that I was with you at the restaurant, and that I saw the women he was with.”

  “Ouch. What did he say?”

  “He pretty much told me it was none of my business and that we’re not a couple, so I need to stop acting like we are.”

  “Bastard. Would you like me to castrate him for you?” She smiled.

  “Thanks for the offer, but then I would suffer.” I winked.

  We walked to the living room, where everyone was gathered around talking. The door opened and Richard and his date walked in. She was young, tall, toothpick thin, and she had burgundy hair. She went by the name of Arianna. Richard glared at me before introducing her.

  “Ari, this is Rory. She’s Ian’s houseguest.”

  “Hello.” She smiled as she lightly stuck out her hand.

  Ian walked over to me and whispered, “Be nice. I guess he changed his mind.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Arianna. Happy Thanksgiving,” I said with the biggest fake smile I’ve ever displayed.

  She giggled and Adalynn walked over and whispered in my ear, “Jesus. You have to be kidding me.”

  Since we were in the company of guests, I decided that I would stay away from Ian so I didn’t embarrass him. Mandy walked into the room and announced that dinner was ready. Before we sat down, Daniel pulled me to the side and told me he was proposing to Adalynn tonight. He asked me if I could play the piano. I smiled and told him that I would be honored. I didn’t know quite where to sit at the table. I didn’t want to take the chance of stepping over any boundaries by sitting next to Ian. So, to make it less awkward, I went into the kitchen to get the bread I made.

  “What are you doing in here?” Ian asked as he came up from behind.

  “Just getting the cranberry nut bread.”

  “Sweetheart, I have people who are serving. You don’t need to do that. Now, come on.” He smiled.

  “But I want to. I made it and I want to put it on the table.”

  “You’re too cute,” he said as he kissed me on lips.

  We walked back to the dining room and Ian pulled out my chair. The chair that I always sat in for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The chair that sat by his.

  “Thank you.” I smiled.


  Dinner was amazing. Charles really outdid himself with the food. We gathered into the living room for drinks.

  “Rory, Adalynn tells me you can play the piano,” Daniel said.

  I kn
ew that was my queue. “Yes, I can play.”

  “Why don’t you play something for us? I would love to hear it.”

  Ian looked over at me from the bar and smiled. I sat down at the piano, took in a deep breath, placed my hands on the keys, and began playing “Endless Love.” Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Daniel walked over to the bar where Adalynn was talking to Ian, took her hand, and led her to the middle of the room. He said a few beautiful romantic words and then got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Tears welled in my eyes as I played. Adalynn was in shock as she cupped her hand over her mouth and said yes. I looked over at Ian and he was staring at the two of them smiling. Everyone clapped and whistled after she said yes. Daniel picked her up and spun her around. It was so romantic and Adalynn was totally caught off guard. After I finished the song, I got up and walked over to her.

  “Congratulations.” I smiled as I hugged her.

  “Thank you. You knew, didn’t you?”

  “Daniel just told me before dinner because he asked me to play the piano.”

  “The song was beautiful, Rory. Thank you.”

  Ian walked up, shook Daniel’s hand, and then hugged and kissed Adalynn.

  “I’m really happy for the both of you,” he said.

  “Thanks, friend. Maybe you should try it.” Adalynn winked.

  “Nah, I’m good. I’m not marriage material.”

  My heart instantly broke. Why? I already knew how he was. But to hear the words again shot bolts of lightning through my heart. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to go on like this. I excused myself and walked into the kitchen. As I was cutting a slice of apple pie, Andrew walked up behind me. He put his hands on my hips and whispered in my ear.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  What the hell was he doing? “Hey,” I said nervously.

  “You know, I’ve been admiring you all night and I just want you to know how beautiful I think you are.”

  My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest; not out of excitement, but out of fear. “Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go say goodbye to Adalynn and Daniel.”

  His grip tightened on my hips as he leaned in closer. His hot breath traveling from my ear down to my neck was making me sick. “I think you want me to fuck you. If you’re worried about Ian, don’t be. We share women all the time and you’re no different.”

  Don’t break. Stay strong. “Actually, Andrew, I don’t want you anywhere near me. So, I’ll say it one last time. Please let go of me so I can say goodbye to my friends and I won’t tell Ian about this.”

  Andrew laughed as he released me. “Are you kidding me, Rory? Ian wouldn’t give a shit if I were to fuck you. We’re like brothers; we share everything and everyone. If you think that he’s in love with you or something, you’re crazy. He’s only using you because of your fine ass. It’s all he wants, at least for now, until he gets tired of it and moves on to a new hot ass.”

  “You’re right. I am crazy. Crazy for not drop kicking you right here in this kitchen. Now get the fuck out of my way,” I said as pushed him back and stormed out of the kitchen.

  I was shaking and I needed to control myself. I went into the bathroom by Ian’s study and locked the door. I sat down on the toilet as the tears began to fall. Suddenly, there was knock on the door.

  “Rory, are you okay?” Ian said.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Adalynn and Daniel are leaving now.”

  “Okay, tell them to hold on and I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped my eyes. I opened the door and walked to the foyer to say goodbye to Adalynn and Daniel.

  “Congratulations again. I’m so happy for the both of you.”

  “Thank you, Rory. Let’s do lunch. I’ll call you,” Adalynn said while she hugged me.

  I gave Daniel a hug and the both of them left. Richard and Arianna left before they did, but Andrew decided he was going to stay a while longer. I walked into the living room and looked at him while he sat on the couch.

  “Don’t you have some whore you need to go fuck?” I said.

  The corners of his mouth curved upwards as he replied, “I tried. She turned me down.”

  Ian walked into the room just as I was getting ready to walk out. “What are you two talking about?” he asked.

  “I was just telling Rory how pretty she looks.”

  Ian smiled as he looked at me. “Yes, she does look very pretty.”

  The smug look on Andrew’s face was making me ill. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to head up to my room.”

  I started the water for a bath. I just wanted to lie back, relax, and not think about Ian or Andrew. As I climbed in and closed my eyes, Ian knocked on the door. Are you serious?

  “Rory, are you taking a bath?” he asked.

  “Yes, Ian, I am.”

  “I’m coming in.”

  “Sorry, but the door’s locked. I’ll talk to you when I get out.”

  The door opened. I opened one eye and looked at Ian standing in the doorway.

  “I can open any door.” He shrugged.

  “Why aren’t you downstairs with Andrew?” I asked.

  “He just left. He got a call from someone and said he had to go. You know, we’ve never taken a bath together.”

  “I know. I like to take my baths alone.”

  “I think I can change your mind about that,” he said as he started to undress.

  “Seriously, I don’t want you in the bathtub with me.”

  Before I knew it, he was completely naked and looking hotter than hell. His body was a wonderland, and I couldn’t help but to want more of it.

  “Scoot up so I can climb in behind you.”

  I did, and he climbed in, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him.

  “See, now isn’t this nice?” He smiled as he kissed my cheek.

  I could feel him getting hard beneath me. “Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?” he asked as he grabbed the loofah sponge and began rubbing it in circles on my shoulder.

  “Yes, it was wonderful, and I’m so happy for Adalynn and Daniel.”

  “Me too. They’re great together. I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “What is it?”

  “A friend of mine and his wife are flying in this weekend, and I usually entertain them while they’re here. There’s a business deal we’re working on, and we’ve been friends for a long time. I was hoping that you’d like to join us for dinner.”

  “Sure, I’ll join you.” I smiled.

  “We usually go golfing too, so maybe you and his wife can do some shopping or whatever.”

  “Sure. Sounds fun.”

  “Great. Now, turn around. I’m so hard for you. I’ve been wanting you so badly all day.”

  I turned around like he asked and we had amazing sex. As I lay in bed, and with Ian’s arms wrapped around me, my mind wouldn’t stop thinking about Andrew and the things he said about him and Ian sharing women. I could feel myself retreating, just like I used to when I was a child. I was slipping back into that world of loneliness and it scared me. I was beginning to become emotionally withdrawn. I wanted more out of this relationship. I wanted him to love me like I loved him. I needed him to want more from me than just sex. A tear fell from my eye as I slowly closed them both and finally fell asleep.

  Chapter 23

  We were taking Ian’s friends out tonight for dinner and dancing. I was still amazed that Ian wanted me to join them. I’d been emotionally withdrawn the past couple of days and I could tell Ian sensed it. He asked me if anything was bothering me and I lied and told him no. If I did discuss my feelings with him, it would end in a terrible argument, and I wasn’t up for that yet. We still had sex every day, sometimes twice, which made it harder on me because of the emotional attachment. Every day I spent with Ian, I fell deeper and deeper in love with him.

  “They’re here,” Ian sa
id as he knocked on my door.

  “Okay, I’ll be down in a second.”

  I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and walked down the stairs with a smile.

  “Rory, I would like you to meet Connor and Ellery Black.”

  Holy shit. He was hot.

  “Connor and Ellery, this is my houseguest, Rory Sinclair.”

  Houseguest. Nice. He couldn’t introduce me as his friend? No, I was his houseguest.

  Connor held out his hand and, with a smile, he told me how nice it was to meet me. I turned to Ellery and the two of us lightly hugged. She was amazingly beautiful and the two of them looked stunning together. We climbed in the back of Ian’s limo and headed to the restaurant. Ellery and I chatted while Connor and Ian were discussing business. Connor was interested in a piece of property that he said would be perfect for an art gallery.

  “Do the two of you have any children?” I asked her.

  “We have a daughter who’s six months old. Her name is Julia.”

  I smiled as Ellery pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of her. She was adorable and I couldn’t help but be a little envious. When we arrived at the restaurant, Connor helped Ellery out of the limo and Ian just stood there. That was odd because he always helped me out of the limo. I noticed Ellery gave him a strange look and then looked at me. The two of them walked hand in hand inside the restaurant while Ian walked next to me. Once we were promptly seated, I ordered a cosmopolitan. The four of us talked and enjoyed a nice dinner. I excused myself, and Ellery followed me into the bathroom.

  “Are you all right, Rory?” she asked as she touched up her lipstick.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Ian’s a pretty special guy.”

  “Pretty special asshole,” I accidentally let slip out.

  “I’ve known Ian for a couple of years, and you’re the first woman he’s ever brought to dinner.” She smiled.



  “He reminds me a lot of how Connor used to be when we first met. We can talk about that tomorrow. The men are going golfing, and I think maybe the two of us should go shopping. Julia can come with us and we’ll have a great time.”

  “Julia’s here?”