Read Lila (Boyle Heights #1) Page 19

  “Yes!” he said, and already his finger caressed the bottom of her bra.

  “Wait,” she said again with the nervous laugh. “I still get to guess. You have more?’

  Sonny huffed but complied, pulling away. He put another in her mouth. This time she made note of the oddly shaped food and thought maybe he cut something bigger small to trick her. “Is it a potato?”

  “Nope,” he said, leaning her back onto the sofa and pulling the strap of her bra down her shoulder.

  He quickly made himself comfortable over her body, and that was when she noticed. “Hey,” she said, pulling on his shirt. “You didn’t take your shirt off, cheater.”

  Sonny laughed, pulling away as she removed the blindfold and watched him pull his shirt off, exposing his gloriously muscled upper body. She’d seen the tattoo on his upper arm in some of the posters of him shirtless and asked him about it then. But now she touched it for herself. It was a tree in US flag colors. Underneath, the roots spread out just as wide as the tree above. Only they were red, white, and green. In between the two words, it read, American grown with Mexican Italian roots. He’d explained how perfect he thought it was when the tattoo artist pitched the idea since he was looking for something that would express that sort of thing. And since Italy’s and Mexico’s flags bear the same colors, it worked out beautifully.

  “You haven’t won,” she whispered as his kisses moved down her chin to her neck, making her entire body tremble in reaction.

  “I won the moment I laid eyes on you.” He nipped her neck then moved farther down.

  His words made her heart swell. “What was it,” she asked, breathing deeper.

  “Hmm?” He pulled her bra down, exposing her breasts, and began to suck her nipple, her toes curling in reaction.

  “The food I couldn’t guess.”

  He stopped for a moment. “Garbanzo bean,” he said then went right back to sucking.

  It felt so damn good she squirmed and arched her back. It went on for a while. The longer he sucked her nipples, the more comfortable he made himself—like he could be there forever—but she could hardly stand it anymore.

  Running her hands over his big hard shoulders, she shuddered every time he’d suck a little harder.

  “Sonny,” she whispered, in aching need now, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he sucked harder then slipped his hand down into her panties. “Sonny,” she said again as she felt his finger caress her slick folds.

  “Yeah,” he said, sounding just as breathless as she now felt.

  “Make love to me,” she heard herself practically beg.

  It’d been way too long, and the thought of waiting even another minute was just too much. Without doubt, she knew she’d regret not following her heart and just giving into her feelings for him. Besides, he’d been right when he said technically they’d already made love. She just could hardly wait to feel him inside her.

  “Make love to me, please.”

  Sonny looked up at her, his eyes a bit uncertain. “You sure about this? Just because I said I’d make it official the next time we were together doesn’t mean I’m not still willing to wait for as long as I need to, Lila. I still have every intention of going along with your request of taking things slow.”

  The sincerity in his words only made Lila more sure about this. She sat up, taking his face in her hands. “Fuck me, Sonny or so help me God—”

  Before she could finish, his lips were on hers. She gasped in nerve-wracking delight when he easily ripped her panties off her with one pull. “As you can see, I did plan on taking my time, but since you’re threatening me . . .” He smirked as he pulled off her and flung off his jeans in two seconds.

  “Yeah, don’t take threats from me lightly,” Lila said, watching his near naked gorgeously massive body move swiftly as he reached for his wallet on the coffee table.

  Pulling out the condom from it, he ripped it open, and Lila refrained from gasping when he lowered his boxer briefs and out he popped, fully erect and ready to go. Even though she’d seen it already, seeing it in person was even more breathtaking. Wasting no time, he stared at her as he slipped the condom on. Her eyes went from his back down to what he was doing. Words couldn’t describe the mixture of excitement and panic she was feeling now. She was really going through with this.

  Once done, he pulled his boxer briefs completely off, and her panic was quickly replaced with anxious anticipation as he lay back down over her and she was buried under the gloriousness of hot naked muscle. Running her hands over his hard back, Lila kissed his shoulders and upper arms until their lips met again.

  He kissed her hard and deep as he spread her legs under him, then sucked her bottom lip and began to enter her. It felt almost like a soothing technique, to help with the raw stretch he had to know she was feeling. “You’re so tight,” he grunted as he slipped in deeper, stretching her as she’d never been stretched before.

  She and Marcelo had been kids when they’d been together. Sonny wasn’t just a full-grown man; he was a beast compared to Marcelo. The delicious burn had her spreading wider to help accommodate him as he pushed impossibly deeper. Lila could feel him to her very core, and that sensation had her moaning with pleasure.

  ‘You okay?”

  She moaned again then smiled against his lips. “Do I sound like I’m not?”

  Sonny finished slamming into her all the way and stayed there for a few moments not moving. He swayed his hips a little as if making enough room in there before pulling back and sliding in and out. Lila spread wider, as Sonny moved onto his knees. He lifted one of her legs, adjusting her so he could fuck her even deeper.

  With one hand, he held her leg up and the other played with her clit. “Oh!” she cried out as he slammed into her harder with each thrust.

  Again and again, he thrust in and out of her, his own moans beginning to get louder. The buildup was fast, and just like when she’d played with herself for him, she could already tell this would be explosive.

  Panting and moaning louder and unabashedly as she felt it building, building, until she reached that heavenly place, she cried out in ecstasy. With her entire body trembling now, Sonny slowed just as an explosion of pleasure seared through her body and she continued to moan. He buried himself deep inside her with a groan, and they came together breathlessly as tears escaped the corner of her eyes. Lila knew all about angry and sad tears. But she didn’t know there was such a thing as tears of pleasure.

  He brought his body down onto her and lay there, for a few long moments as they both struggled to catch their breaths. “Oh . . .” Lila said, sucking in a chunk of breath. “My God, that was brilliant.”

  Sonny chuckled. “Brilliant, huh? That’s a first.”

  Lila nudged him playfully. The last thing she wanted to discuss right now was how many other things his lovemaking had been called. Finally, he pulled away from her, offering his hand and helping her up. “Let’s go to my bedroom. That was just an appetizer, sweetheart. I have a lot of other brilliant things I wanna do to you.”

  Her heart rate had just begun to normalize, and just like that, it spiked again.

  Chapter 15

  “So how’d it go?” Ali asked as soon as Lila walked in the kitchen

  Lila eyed Ali’s plate: a cheeseburger patty—ground turkey no doubt—on lettuce and tomato, minus the bun. Ali had spread a little mayo, ketchup, and a sprinkle of cheese on them. She had what looked like a spinach salad on the side.

  “It went well.” Lila said, trying to hold in her excitement about just how good it’d gone.

  She was still trying to wrap her head around it. Today had been far more than good. It’d been too good, so amazing it still made her nervous that she might wake up and it’d all be a dream.

  Ali wiped her mouth after chewing her food. “He’s officially your boyfriend, then?”

  “Yes,” Lila said, walking over to the fridge. “I guess he was before today, actually. I just hadn’t said it out loud. I was afraid to j
inx it. Still am.”

  She grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and walked over to the table to take a seat across from Ali. “Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?” Ali asked, cutting into her patty with her fork. “You’re nervous about this? Because let me tell you. He seemed pretty desperate to explain himself today, Li. I don’t think anyone is that good about pretending to genuinely be into someone.”

  “Yeah, I know, but even before I found out who he really was, I felt like he was too good to be true. Too good for me.” That last part she added cautiously because she knew that’d likely piss her sister off.

  As expected, her sister’s brows were already pinched together even as she continued to chew. She covered her hand with her mouth as if she wasn’t willing to wait until she was done chewing. “Why?”

  Lila laughed, opening her bottle of water. “Why? God, where do I start?”

  “First of all, let me ask you something.” Ali let her fork down on her plate with a loud clink. “You said you’re officially a couple, right?”

  “Yes.” Lila nodded.

  “So, do you still feel that way? That he’s too good for you?”

  Lila lifted a shoulder. “I don’t want to, but, Jesus—”

  “Jesus nothing,” Ali said with a scowl. “He seems like a smart and nice enough guy. If he’s gotten to know you, then he knows better than to just be blowing air up your ass to get you in bed. And you’re not stupid either. You’re an official couple now—two equals in a relationship, no matter how famous he is. If we’re going on just looks alone, he may be a hot celebrity athlete”—she shrugged— “with a body to die for. I’ve seen some of his underwear ads. But look at you. You’re fitness model material for crying out loud, and you’re beautiful both inside and out. I bet you anything that’s what he loves most about you. Unlike those celebs and models with the fake boobs and lips he’s dated, you’re real, Li.”

  “That’s exactly what he said.” Lila smiled, feeling all warm and fuzzy again like when Sonny had first said it. “Didn’t mention the celebs boobs and lips, but he pretty much said what you’re saying.”

  “You see. Don’t sell yourself short, sissy. You have so much to offer, and he knows this. If he didn’t genuinely care about you, there’s no way he’d be staking out the building the way he was when I got here today. Then he practically begged me to help him out because he was so worried that you might not give him a chance to explain.”

  Lila sighed. “I know. I get it now, and after today, I do believe that he really cares about me. But it’s hard not to be nervous about this. I mean I was even before I found out about him being famous. Now this just ups my anxiousness about this a million times.”

  “What are you worried about?” Lila stared at her sister, surprised that she wouldn’t know. “What?” Ali asked, clearly still not understanding Lila’s unease about all this.

  “What do you think, Ali? Did you not see all those glamorous women he’s dated? All the places he’s been? How in the world will I fit into all that?”

  Lila wasn’t even sure why she was still asking. After today, there’d be no turning back. Even if she tried to back out now, her heart would protest so adamantly she’d be putty in his hands the moment he tried to talk her out of it. Today was proof of that. She’d been so ready to spit in his face one minute, and then one reluctant read of his email—a few more explanations from him, sprinkled with more promises—and she’d been sold. Just like that.

  “If that’s what you’re worried about, then that’s an easy fix. I guarantee you most of those glamorous broads weren’t born glamorous. Like with everything, it’ll take some practice and getting used to. Think of all the audition tapes for some of the now famous American Idol alumni. None of them were the least bit glamorous back then. Some are unrecognizable now. Oh, and that chick”—Ali pointed at Lila with her fork, trying to remember— “that MMA fighter girl we watched on YouTube the other day. As hard as nails as she looks, have you seen how good she cleans up?” Ali picked up her phone, which was sitting right next to her plate. “What was her name again?”

  “Ronda Rousey.” Lila frowned as Ali started tapping on her phone screen because this was a reminder of that other thing she needed to talk to Ali about.

  “Look,” Ali said, handing Lila her phone. “Now you know that girl wasn’t born into the lap of luxury and then just decided she wanted to get into the ring and kick some ass just for giggles. Yet, you wouldn’t know she wasn’t born with the essence of glamour by looking at her all done up like the girls in the photos with Sonny.”

  Lila scrolled through a couple of the photos of the fighter girl, nodding in agreement. Her mind however was now on something else. Only there was something even more important she needed to ask about first. “I talked to Marcelo today.” She handed Ali her phone. “He called to ask if I’d talked to you today because he couldn’t get a hold of Jenny since she turns off her phone at work, but he was worried.”

  Ali’s eyes widened, but it was clear she knew about what. “Hmm.”

  “His friend works at the corner market up the street. He saw you two running and screaming then a car screeching around the corner. He thought maybe the guy in the car was chasing you two, so he called him to tell him about it.”

  Ali let her head fall back. “Jen mentioned him asking her about it when she got home from work, but he didn’t mention having called you.”

  Instantly, Lila’s entire body went taut. She knew her sister was fine, and when Marcelo let her in on what he’d heard, Lila knew for a fact Ali had just walked into the front room, safe. Seeing how unaffected Ali appeared, Lila even thought maybe Marcelo’s friend had confused her and Jen with two other girls. So, she’d postponed asking about it. But now Ali had that look on her face, the same one she always wore when she was trying to keep Lila from losing her shit over something going on with her. Like the bullies back in high school.

  “What’s going on? Who was chasing you?”

  “God, this world is too small.” Ali huffed.

  Lila peered at her, not sure what she meant by that, but feeling her patience thin. “Allison—”

  “First, this guy happens to drive by the bus stop where I’d walked Jenny to and sees us. Then Marcelo’s stupid friend sees us too.”

  “Who is this guy, Al?”

  “We’re still investigating the allegations that there may be drug trafficking going on in the school. We’re getting close to blowing the thing wide open, but we need more.” Ali shook her head, and taking a drink of her milk, she went on, milk mustache and all.

  She explained about Jen taking a photo of what she thought might be a drug exchange on campus and how she’d been seen. She’d been chased through the campus but got away. Then the same guy saw them at the bus stop and did a U-turn, so they ran. “He didn’t see what building we went into.”

  “Okay, that’s it,” Lila said, tapping the table with her water bottle because halfway through Ali’s explanation she’d gone cold. “No more investigating this case.”

  “We can’t just drop it—”

  “Leave it to the authorities, Ali. I mean it. This is starting to sound dangerous.”

  “But we’re so close.”

  “Allison, what if that guy had caught you? What if he decides to do random drive-bys until he runs into you guys again?” Lila shook her head adamantly. “It’s bad enough I’ll have to worry that he might now, but I don’t want to worry that the daring duo will keep looking for trouble and find more. Promise me this ends now, or, so help me, I’ll attach myself to your hip, even if it means having to sit with you in class.”

  Ali exhaled loudly, letting her shoulders drop as she wiped her milk mustache away. “Alright, alright, we’ll keep any investigating we do strictly online.”

  Lila was going to add a few more things for Ali to promise she wouldn’t do, but she stopped when she had another worrisome thought. Ali was brilliant and beyond goal-oriented. Lila hadn’t even given much tho
ught to the real dangers of investigative journalism. This was community college and very likely a local small-potatoes dope dealer. What kind of danger was Ali in for when she started snooping around the bigger stuff? Corrupt politicians and corporate wrong doings of big wigs who’d be willing to stop at nothing to keep from being outed by a relentless investigative journalist like Ali.

  “Maybe you should stick to just regular journalism, Al. You just started and already you’re being chased by the bad guys.”

  Ali grinned, her big eyes nearly sparkling. “Isn’t it exciting?”

  “No,” Lila said, feeling exasperated. “No, it’s not exciting to realize my sister’s career choice is this dangerous.”

  “Oh stop,” Ali said, eating the last of her cheeseburger patty then wiping her mouth. “It’s edgy not dangerous. Most of my work will consist of me sitting in front of a computer, researching. So, how was it talking to Marcelo after all this time?”

  The sudden random change in subject caught Lila by surprise. She tried to shrug it off as if hearing from him after all this time hadn’t rattled her. But the truth was she’d hated the weirdness she’d felt during the entire short conversation she’d had with him—couldn’t get off the phone with him fast enough. She’d always thought, if she ever spoke to him again, she’d be mean. Rude. She’d wanted to hate him, wanted to be cold and indifferent, but the damn subject matter had thrown her, and she’d sounded more grateful for his heads-up than anything. Worst yet, she’d even promised to get back to him as soon as she knew more. Only the distraction of walking out into the front room and seeing Sonny then Ali’s seemingly unfazed demeanor had derailed that promise.

  Now that Ali had mentioned talking to Jenny and that she’d apparently spoken to her brother already, Lila didn’t see any reason for having to get back to him anymore. This relationship with Sonny was just getting started, and even though his jealousy over her interest in Zac Efron was cute, if not all out hilarious, she could already tell he wouldn’t take too kindly to her allowing her jerk of an ex back in her life. Not that she planned to, but even her calling him back when it wasn’t necessary might piss Sonny off. She’d already decided she wouldn’t be doing anything she knew would piss her off if, as he put it earlier today, the tables were turned. And Lila knew just how little it’d take to piss her off, especially when it came to this stuff.