Read Lila (Boyle Heights #1) Page 20

  “I think I was too concerned with what he told me about you two being chased to even think much about anything else. He called just before you walked in, so the call was real short.”

  Ali stared at her for a moment, somewhat lost in thought. “Did Sonny mention something about Friday?”

  Lila lay back on her bed with a groan, bringing her hands over her face. “He told you about that?”

  “I was in his car when he took the call from his friend’s sister asking if he’d be there. He told her he was bringing his girlfriend.” Lila peeked out at her sister through her open fingers and saw Ali tilt her head. “What’s the matter? It’s just a party or gathering, right?”

  “Not just any party,” Lila said, sitting up and leaning against her headboard. “Not like the only ones I’ve ever attended or any I’m used to attending. It’s his best friend’s thirtieth birthday party, but his wife and sisters are making him think it’s a wine-tasting charity event to get him there. And this isn’t just any guy either; apparently, he’s another superstar baseball player from his previous team, so there will be other celebrity athletes in attendance, which I don’t even care about,” she added with a frown because she really didn’t. “Just like this morning, I doubt I’ll recognize any of them.”

  “So, what’s the problem, then?”

  “Sonny said it really is a charity event. The guests are being asked to donate to their charity in lieu of gifts. But because of this and because he says most are very generous when donating, they’ve made it a black-tie affair.”

  Ali was still looking at her, as unmoved as previously. “So?”

  “What the hell do I own that I can wear to a black-tie affair, Ali? I can’t afford to buy anything fancy right now.”

  “You didn’t tell him you couldn’t go, did you?” Ali asked, tapping away at her phone.

  “No, but I didn’t give him a definite answer either. I said I had to work, which I really do.”

  “In the day,” Ali said, lifting her brow at Lila before going back to tapping her phone screen. “I’m assuming this thing is in the evening, right?”

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t know what my regular hours are. I told him my shifts always vary.”

  “And you need this dress by Friday, right?”

  “Yes,” Lila said, frustrated now that her sister obviously didn’t share the same anxiety about this as she did.

  “Done!” Ali said, glancing up from her phone screen with a big smile.

  “What do you mean done? I told you I can’t afford anything.”

  “You don’t have to pay. Jen’s mom is a seamstress, remember? She’ll do it for free.”

  Lila stared at her, remembering now the many times in the past when Marcelo’s mom had hemmed up and even made her and Ali outfits as gifts. She’d forgotten all about that since she barely ever saw the woman anymore. “She’s gonna be able to make me an evening gown by this Friday?”

  “It’s already made.” Ali smiled smugly. “Don’t you remember she always has dresses and stuff around the house that’s she’s working on for one reason or another? Jen says her mom has several gowns available for you to borrow. All she needs is for you to stop by at least a couple days prior and choose the one you like so she can get it specially fitted for you.”

  Admittedly, it was a relief. She wouldn’t have to admit to Sonny this soon that fitting into his lifestyle was already going to be an issue. Although Ali’s simple fix wasn’t so simple. Going to get fitted for this damn dress would mean she’d very likely have to see Marcelo, something she had no desire to ever do again. But this might be the only answer. She needed to save her pennies now that Stacia had confirmed this was her last month living with them. Paying this last month’s rent was clearly just a courtesy for her since she pretty much said she’d only be coming by to pick up her things little by little.

  Which brought Lila to the next big thing she needed to discuss with her sister. “I guess I can do that. But can you discreetly ask Jen when would be the best time that I’d least likely run into Marcelo?”

  Ali told her he’s never there in the evenings, which worked for Lila, so they set it up for the following evening and she got right to it. “Only reason I don’t just break down and go get a dress at the indoor swap meet or garment district downtown where I know I could get one for a lot cheaper than at the mall is because I have to watch every penny I spend this month.”

  As expected, she had her sister’s interest. “Stacia’s moving up north with Derek. His dad decided to retire early after that massive heart attack, and Derek put in for a transfer ASAP. Stacia didn’t think he’d get the transfer so soon, but he did. This is her last month here.” That had Ali’s eyes widening, and Lila saw the moment the concern hit. “But don’t worry. That promotion I mentioned? I got it.”

  Lila smiled, even though she was nervous as hell about admitting what exactly that promotion entailed.

  Ali smiled too, her expression swelling with pride. “Really? What are you gonna be doing now?”

  “Boxing,” Lila blurted out before she could change her mind.

  Instantly, Ali’s smile flattened but not in an angry way. Lila saw more disbelief and confusion in her eyes than anything else. “Boxing? Like in the ring against other girls?”

  With a nod and a wince, Lila confirmed. “It seems I have this natural talent for it. The trainers down there saw it in me, asked me to try it a few weeks ago, and they were right.”

  She explained in depth about Gio saying she’d be able to snag more fitness modeling jobs and endorsements if she had a title or two; how impressed he and all the owners of 5th Street had been with her natural skills, power, and ambidexterity; then about that morning’s presentation and how seeing Sonny with that reporter had nearly ruined it.

  To her surprise, Ali smiled big. “So, that bitch knows what she’s up against now? She saw you in action then heard you tell him off. I love it.”

  Shaking her head, Lila laughed then asked the burning question. “You’re not upset?”

  “About what?” Ali asked as her smiling expression morphed into confusion.

  “That I’ll be boxing?”

  Ali reached out for Lila’s hand and laced their fingers together. “I know you were angry about mom and grandpa for a long time. Maybe still are. But I never have been.” She shrugged. “I think I was too young at the time to understand what it was you were so mad about. But even as I got older and I overheard adults say you were still so angry with mom for risking her life fighting and stuff, I wasn’t. I’ve always been of the belief that when it’s your time it’s your time. Mom could’ve been a librarian working in the safe confinement of a library, surrounded by books, but if her time to go was at the age she went, then she would’ve, no matter what. Maybe in a freak accident at the library.” She smiled sweetly. “She might’ve plummeted to her death off one of those giant bookshelf ladders.”

  Of course, telling her Alikins about this turned out not nearly as painful as Lila had worried it would be. They talked about Lila’s new career, new relationship, and this crazy day’s happening until they were both too exhausted to talk anymore and called it a night. Lila lay there for a while, still unable to believe what a massive change her life was about to take. Thanks to Ali, however, she was more excited about it all now than scared. Though a tiny part of her, deep inside, was still absolutely terrified something was going to go very wrong.

  Chapter 16

  It was Tuesday, and the week was moving along with Lila having gotten a few awkward but inevitable to-dos out of the way. She’d been fitted for the dress without incident because, as promised, Marcelo wasn’t anywhere around. And she’d faced her bosses at the gym after Sunday’s fiasco. They were now all aware that she and Sonny were in a relationship. Hector thought it was hilarious that she’d been dating Sly Sabian all this time and didn’t know who he was.

  Lila was just glad she was past all the inquiries. Though she didn’t think Sonny would ever live it
down. The cracks about him having a girl who’d whoop his ass if he ever messed up were still ongoing. While some were funny enough to have Lila smirking, she couldn’t help being slightly bothered by it. She didn’t want to be known as the girl who had her man by the balls out of fear. She hated to admit to finally feeling a little envious of the girlie girls.

  Women like Nellie, Bianca, Ella, and Roni, all her bosses’ wives, seemed to have their men in check out of mutual love and respect, not fear of having their nut sack ripped off. Even smartass Hector turned into a pussycat whenever his wife Charlee happened to come into the gym.

  But then they all also had another thing in common that Lila had never felt. They were all so dainty and feminine. Not that being in Sonny’s arms didn’t make her feel daintier and girlier than Lila ever had. And she knew there was more to his attraction and respect for her than just fear of losing a limb. She just wished she could feel more like a lady now, especially since she’d be doing things like this Friday a lot more now that she was in a relationship with Sonny. She was even more grateful for Marcelo’s mom now. She was certain this wasn’t the last time she’d be needing her services.

  “So, is it really true?”

  Lila and Bianca had been busy cleaning up the youth gym so they could wrap it up for the day. They turned to see Ella and Nellie walking in.

  Nellie smiled big. “I didn’t know what to think when Abel told me about what happened Sunday. I kept meaning to get in here and ask you about it.” Her expression went a little more sympathetic. “Mostly to see if you were okay because he said you’d been pretty upset. But I kept thinking he’d gotten something wrong. You really didn’t know who Sly was?”

  Lila shook her head, feeling her face flush. “Aside from boxing and that’s only now, I’ve never really followed sports,” she explained. “He introduced himself to me as Sonny, his middle name, and then kept to himself about being famous when he realized I didn’t know who he was.”

  She went on and explained briefly about why Sonny had kept his identity to himself then about them not being around each other too often because of his traveling so much several of those first weeks. She’d already explained some of it to Bianca, who’d asked her about it first thing when Lila got back that week.

  “But everything is okay now, right?” Nellie asked, looking genuinely concerned. “Between you and Sly, that is.”

  “Yes.” Lila nodded, feeling a little weird about the girl talk. “He explained it all and we’re good now.”

  “Well, it was a smart move, even if it did blow up in his face the way it did,” Ella said with a smile. “When I first met Felix, I balked at getting involved with him because of who he was. Sabian may’ve have had a backward reasoning for not being forthcoming from the beginning, but you don’t strike me as the type of girl who’d be falling all over herself for a guy just for his fame. Might’ve even been a turnoff for you if you’d known up front. Am I right?”

  Despite her smiling with a confirming nod, Lila inwardly frowned. She was certain Ella meant she didn’t strike her as the prissy fangirl type, more like the uptight aloof tomboy who’d never bend over backwards for a guy just because he’s good-looking. Something she’d always been and still was proud of. She had no desire to be one of those kinds of girls, but a part of her wouldn’t mind giving a more ladylike impression.

  “You sure everything is okay?” Ella asked, staring at her, a bit unsure.

  Apparently, Lila’s inward frown hadn’t been so subtle. She nodded again, trying to play it off, but Bianca, who she worked more closely with, cocked a brow. “I know you’re a very private person, Lila, but sometimes talking about what’s bothering you helps. I think maybe that’s why you’re wound so tight. Something tells me you hold a lot in. Not good for you, girl.”

  “No, not at all,” Ella quickly agreed.

  “I’ve told you from day one,” Nellie said with a cautious smile. “You can come to any of us at any time, and we’re here for you.”

  It was a foreign feeling to be surrounded by women—well-meaning mature women who Lila knew were sincere in their offers to lend an ear—not catty nosy women just trying to get the gossip. Strangely, Lila actually felt compelled to take them up on the offer. She was just so damn nervous about Friday; maybe talking about it would help.

  “I just,” she said, biting her lower lip. “I’m not like any of the girls I’ve seen him with on all those photos online.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Nellie said with a scoff.

  Lila smiled, nodding in agreement. “I know, but I’m so unsophisticated it just makes me nervous. Like we’re too different.”

  Ella put her arm around Lila’s shoulder. “Oh, honey, you’re preaching to the choir. When I first met Felix, I was told our worlds were so different they weren’t even in the same galaxy.”

  “Yeah, but by who?” Nellie asked with a roll of her eye. “Your jerk ex who was so jealous of Felix he couldn’t even see straight.” Nellie turned to Lila, shaking her head but smiled. “Babe, not only were my life and Abel’s different in the sense that he was a rising superstar and I was just a regular gal, I was also a divorcee eight years his senior.”

  Lila felt her eyes widen. “Sonny’s eight years older than me.”

  Nellie laughed. “Take it from me: age makes as much difference in love as distance, time, color, and weight. None whatsoever.”

  “And like me,” Ella added, “you’ll soon see that your socioeconomic status will have just as much weight on your feelings for one another.”

  “We’ve all had to adjust in one way or another.” Bianca laughed. “Even poor Charlee, who was once painfully shy, had no choice but to adjust to being married to someone so loud and outgoing as Hector.”

  “Don’t let her fool you.” Nellie smirked. “That girl was never that shy when it came to some things.”

  Ella and Bianca laughed, and Lila smiled, taking in a frustrated breath because she wasn’t making herself clear. “I know you guys were in similar situations as I am, but it was different for you.”

  They all peered at her, but Ella spoke first. “How so? Because I grew up just a few blocks away from here.” She stopped to giggle, bringing her hand to her mouth. “When I first met Felix, I was driving a car I had to warm up good and long before hitting the gas. Otherwise, it would backfire so loud I was afraid everyone around would dive for cover. Meanwhile, Felix drove a different luxury car every day.”

  As nervous as Lila was, the girls were all so down-to-earth that she laughed because she was beginning to feel a little comfortable talking to them. “I saw his home this weekend.” Lila shook her head, wide-eyed. “I live in the projects, so yeah, huge difference, but that’s not even what I’m most worried about.”

  “Then what is it?” Bianca asked, confused.

  Lila glanced down at herself and then up at the mirrored wall. She was still wearing her hair in cornrows from her training with Gio and Hector earlier. “He’s taking me to some black-tie affair thing this Friday, and I have no idea how I’m gonna fit in. I heard his friends are anxious about meeting me, and I just know I’m gonna blow it. I have a dress and all, but I’m seriously considering cancelling on him. Telling him—”

  “No, no.” Nellie shook her head adamantly. “Those things aren’t as bad as you’re thinking.”

  “Not at all,” Ella agreed immediately. “And trust me. I’d never been to one either until Felix. I was nervous too, but I was fine.”

  “Yes, but you all are so”—she paused, trying to find the right word— “ladylike. And I’m so . . .”

  “Look,” Bianca said, chiming in. “The fact that he’s taking you to meet his friends, who are anxious about meeting you, speaks volumes. Sabian’s been one of sports’ most eligible bachelors for years, and he chose you for a reason. Girl, look at you.” She waved her hand up and down in front of Lila. “The guy’s not blind. You got it going on. And obviously, he’s not worried about you blowing it with his friends. But if y
ou’re worried about first impressions and being more ladylike, which we can be sometimes”—she laughed, pointing at herself and the other girls— “we can give you a few tips.”

  “Yes!” Ella said, smiling big. “Tonight’s perfect, too, because we were just coming in to ask if Bianca was ready. Tonight, the dads are on kid duty and we’re doing girls’ margarita night over at Roni’s. You’re more than welcome to join us.”

  “Oh, this’ll be so much fun,” Nellie said, already tapping something onto her phone screen. “Roni will be so excited. She loves the idea of you and Sabian. She knows him better than any of us and says he’s perfect for you. And Charlee and Drew will be there too. Drew’s the resident single lady of our group, so she can set us straight in case our married asses are out of the loop when it comes to any of our tips.”

  Of course, Lila’s first instincts were to object. She started to, but all her excuses were swiftly shot down. She didn’t have to drink alcohol; they’d have plenty of other stuff including lots of desserts. Her sister was an adult and not disabled in any way, so she didn’t have to get home to her just yet. And they had a driver picking them up and taking them all home. She couldn’t even use having to see Sonny as an excuse since she’d already mentioned he was in New York until tomorrow.

  Before she knew it, she was out of excuses, in a car similar to the one she’d driven around with Sonny that first night they met, and headed to Roni’s place.

  Somehow, Lila had been talked into having a margarita. They sat in Roni and Noah’s outdoor sitting area that overlooked the lavish backyard. Roni lowered the music as she took a seat across from Lila. “So, first of all, I want details,” she said with a wicked smile. “Have you slept with him?”