Read Lila (Boyle Heights #1) Page 31

  “Can’t blame you for that. I would’ve wanted to beat his ass too. Still,” he said, leaning his forehead against hers. “You were amazing today.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “And thank you for showing up when you did. He was bigger and stronger than I was, so I was this close to trying to gouge his eyes out.”

  Sonny laughed. “Just one more reason not to piss my babe off. Ouch!”

  She kissed him softly then a little deeper until she had Sonny moaning. When she finally came up for air, Sonny stared at her, licking his lips. “Damn. What was that about?”

  Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she gazed at him adoringly. “I didn’t think I could feel any luckier than I already do to have you in my life. But after having to spend time with Marcelo today, there’s no doubt about it anymore. I’m the luckiest girl alive.”

  Smiling big, Sonny’s eyes went from her lips to her eyes. “That bad, huh?”

  She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut with a groan. “He just brings out the worst in me. And you . . .” She paused and smiled. “Well, let’s just say the moment you got there today I was reminded how far I’ve really come. How different I am from the girl I once was long ago. And so much of it is because of the love you’ve filled my heart with, a love I never in a million years thought I’d feel until I met you. I love you so much, Sonny.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Chapter 28


  Like every other video and photo taken of Sonny and Lila, clips of the confrontation between Lila, Eva, and then Sonny slamming Scar against the hood went viral. Fortunately, with Scar being such an asshole throughout the video, everyone agreed Lila had good reason to want to pull his tonsils through his throat. So, what Preston had feared, that she might lose sponsors, didn’t happen. There’d been some talk of a lawsuit from Scar for his “injuries” from having been slammed onto the hood by Sonny. But with Scar’s record and his probation violations piling up, the judge threw the case out and slapped the book at him. Ironically, the viral video helped. Sonny had only come to the defense of his girlfriend. He could’ve continued to pummel Scar once he had him on the hood. But he hadn’t.

  Lila couldn’t imagine why Scar would be stupid enough to take such a chance just a week and a half after getting out of jail. Sonny said it’s what greed did to people and he probably really thought he’d be getting a big payday out of this.

  Even though Ali agreed to drop the charges after Lila explained everything to her, she didn’t have to. Eva’s defense was able to plea bargain. Because of the circumstances, Scar being a career criminal who was obviously violent, Eva had had good reason to fear for her life had she not complied with what he’d asked her to do. She also agreed to testify against him in the lawsuit Preston and her lawyers had insisted Lila file against Scar. On top of all the other probation violations and assault charges for hitting Eva, he was now also being charged with conspiracy to commit extortion.

  Even though it’d only carry a misdemeanor punishment if he was convicted, they said it sent out a message to any other idiots who might get any funny ideas in the future. It also tacked on several more years to his already mounting sentence.

  Just like before the whole Eva debacle, everything was back to perfect again. Lila went on to win the rematch against Mannering. There was no knock out again, and she’d won by decision, so there was already talk of another rematch.

  They waited months before Preston gave the media a formal statement about Lila and Sonny’s engagement. The whole world knew now. It still amazed Lila that the wives of 5th Street had called it so early on. Sonny and Lila or rather Slyla—which Sonny still hated the sound of—were dubbed US professional sports’ royal couple.

  Ali couldn’t have been happier for Lila and Sonny. Lila was living on cloud nine. It was all too surreal. Her win had opened so many new avenues for her. Of course, Preston was quick to pounce on every lucrative endorsement deal possible, and she was high in demand as fitness superstar model as well.

  Lila knew her career might’ve had the same outcome had she not met Sonny when she did, but her heart knew life wouldn’t be as perfect as it felt now if she hadn’t. She even wondered now if the outcome with Eva would’ve been so much different. Things could’ve ended a lot worse had her reaction been what it was back in high school. Seeing Ali hurt in the hospital like that would’ve had the pre-Sonny jaded Lila out for blood. What she told Sonny that day was true. If it weren’t for him, she might not have had any sympathy for Eva. But she’d been there once herself, putting up with a disrespectful asshole and truly believing that’s just what all men were like. Maybe someday Eva would meet someone who might make her see how wonderful it could truly be.

  Ali and Lila walked in the front door together. To her utter surprise, Sonny was there and something smelled heavenly. Seeing him, even if it’d only been a couple days since they were together last, had her choking up.

  She rushed to him, and he lifted her in his arms, kissing the side of her face as she buried it in his neck, chuckling. “I missed you too,” he whispered in her ear.

  Lila pulled away, wiping tears and feeling silly. “Why are you home early?”

  “Today was my actual travel day. I just didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you.”

  If she smiled any bigger, her face was going to hurt later. “What smells so good?”

  “My mom stopped by earlier to drop off a special order I put in: tortilla soup and some chile rellenos with all the fixings. When I told her they were two of her chiquita’s favorites, she freaked because they’re two of her specialties. She’s been waiting for the day she could make them for you. I was just warming everything up.”

  Sonny set the table, and they all sat and devoured the heavenly meal his mom made. Just as Lila sat back, stuffed, and patted her full belly, Ali got a text. It wasn’t unusual that she’d be engrossed in her phone while they were trying to enjoy a meal together. She was your typical twenty-year-old. But Lila noticed the troubled expression.

  “Something wrong?” Lila asked, sitting up.

  Ali glanced up from her phone at Lila. “No, just a developing story Jen had some updates on.” Ali got up, taking her plate, and excused herself to make a call.

  As was the case lately, as much as she wanted to have been her usual sex-kitten self tonight, Lila felt exhausted. After taking months off her training, she’d gotten back in the gym this past week, and it was kicking her butt. No sooner had she leaned against Sonny in bed than she felt herself dozing off. “Sorry, I’m so tired,” she murmured.

  Feeling Sonny wrap his big arms around her and pull her to him tightly made her smile and inhale his masculine scent blissfully. “It’s okay,” he whispered against the top of her head then kissed it. “You get some sleep. We have the rest of our lives for everything else.”

  Lila smiled, cuddling up next to him. “Mmm, the rest of our lives. I love the sound of that.”

  Earlier that same evening . . .


  As much as Allison tried to concentrate and enjoy the delicious dinner Sonny’s mom had prepared, it was impossible not to think of Beast. She felt so damn responsible for his having to hide out now. She was only glad Marcelo’s friend had been willing to put him up for a few days until the coast was clear enough for him to leave town.

  Nearly choking on her food when she read the text, she attempted not to look as panicked as this made her. So, she avoided making eye contact with either Lila or Sonny by keeping her eyes on the screen, and read the text again.

  Marcelo’s friend was arrested tonight for possession with intent to distribute. He’s in jail now, and while it might be okay for Leo to stay at his place still, Marcelo said there’s a possibility his place may get searched for more drugs.

  “Something wrong?” Lila asked.

  Allison glanced up at Lila as casually as she could and let her know it was just a developing story. But she couldn’t sit still any longe
r. Grabbing her near empty plate, she excused herself to make a call.

  For the millionth time, she thanked God there’d been too much going on at the time, and Lila had all but forgotten the name Eva used as the supposed boyfriend Ali was trying to move in on. On top of everything else Lila had, had to deal with, the last thing she needed was to know Ali was still in touch with Beast.

  Jen explained again about Marcelo’s friend Ron getting arrested. “Marcelo’s not sure they’ll search Ron’s apartment, but if they do, that could be very bad for Leo, right? I mean didn’t he already miss checking in with his probation officer?”

  “Yes, he did. He had no choice. He has to lay low.”

  “Maybe you should call him and at least warn him. Let him decide.”

  “But he can’t be seen on the streets, and I know he’ll refuse my helping him sneak out.”

  “So, what are you gonna do?”

  “How long ago did this happen?”

  “Just now,” Jen said anxiously. “Marcelo walked out of the 7-Eleven where Ron was being arrested. Ron’s friends were let go, but they told Marcelo why they’d arrested Ron, and Marcelo called me.”


  Remembering the stories Beast had told her about being arrested, Allison knew she had time before Ron got processed. She’d wait a few hours until Lila, who slept like the dead lately, was out for the night.

  Allison didn’t even consider calling Beast. He’d leave before she could get to him. He’d want no part of her helping him. It’d been hard enough to convince him to take her help when she offered to sneak him into Ron’s apartment. But it was the least she could do. If it hadn’t been for her telling him about Eva using his name when she’d attacked her, this may’ve never happened.

  He’d been convinced it was no coincidence as Allison had begun to think. Eva assured her it was just a random name Scar had told her to use. But Beast hadn’t bought it for a minute. With Scar so recently out of jail, he’d been sure there was more to it. Maybe someone was sending him a message.

  Rushing around in her room putting together a small bag of her things, Allison shook her head. God, she could kick herself now for ever having mentioned it at all. He’d been livid because he thought maybe someone might’ve mistaken her for his girl—or just someone he cared about—and maybe that’s why she’d been targeted. As if he hadn’t already been so standoffish and reluctant to get any friendlier than their strictly business interviews. She’d tried to assure him it was all a setup for the sake of baiting Lila. That even Eva had testified that it had been. Still, he hadn’t been able to just sit still and let it go.

  Allison waited until almost midnight when she was sure Lila and Sonny were knocked out. Then she waited until she was just outside Ron’s apartment to send the text she knew would worry Lila regardless, but she had to at least give her this. It might be days before this was taken care of. Rereading it one last time with a wince, she took a deep breath.

  I had to leave very last minute and didn’t want to wake you. It’s that developing story I mentioned. I got a lead I have to follow up on. I may be gone a few days but DON’T WORRY. I’m fine. I’ll check in often and be home before you know it. Kiss, kiss, I love my sis!

  With her heart at her throat, she hit send, got out of her car and hurried to the apartment, glad it was on the first floor. She lifted her hand, hesitating for just a moment before knocking on the door. Her heart pounded even harder when she heard noise on the other side of the door then saw the curtain on the side window move. “Beast?” she whispered.

  The door opened, and there he was in all his glory in nothing but his boxer briefs with every tattoo on his bulging body exposed. His intense eyes devoured her from top to bottom just like they always did, making her heart spike further. Before she had a chance to say anything, he pulled her in and closed the door. Spinning her around in the dark room, he pinned her to the wall and pressed his hard body against hers. His snarled words against her ears both alarmed and aroused her. “What the hell part of ‘you need to stay away from me’ do you not understand, Jel?”


  (Boyle Heights 2)

  Coming in 2017!

  What’s next?

  Read an excerpt of Elizabeth Reyes’s next release right here!

  Girl in The Mirror


  Elizabeth Reyes

  Chapter 1

  The beeping sound and the feel of someone’s hand in mine was the only proof I had that I was alive. I couldn’t feel or move any other part of my body and I couldn’t see anything. I had no idea where I was, but something told me I was safe. I was being taken care of and then it dawned on me. Who was I?

  A wave of terror swept over me. I felt my eyelids flutter in response to the overwhelming emotion. I don’t know how, but I managed to control it and attempted to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. The fluttering was erratic; then I heard a gasp.

  “Maggie,” a woman’s voice, who I didn’t recognize, whispered anxiously. “Maggie, can you hear me?”

  Maggie? Was that me? I felt my throat constrict because I hadn’t the slightest idea who Maggie was. I fluttered my eyelids again, feeling the warmth underneath them.

  “Maggie,” the woman said again; then I felt her hand on my cheek. “It’s Mama. I’m right here, baby. Don’t cry. You’re gonna be okay.” I heard her sniffle as her words became more emotional. “Can you hear me, darling? Squeeze my hand if you can.”

  I did and she gasped again “Thank you, Jesus!” she said, and then she was crying.

  I fluttered my eyelids until I started seeing specks of light come in and out. But I couldn’t make anything out.

  “Did you call for a nurse?” I heard another woman’s voice ask.

  ‘Yes!” the woman who said she was my mama cried out. “She’s waking.” She squeezed my hand. “And look. She’s crying.”

  I heard more voices and beeping sounds, and then I started to feel more of my body as other parts were touched in different places. A big blur neared my face and spoke softly. “Maggie, this is Deandra. I’m your nurse. Squeeze your mother’s hand if you can hear me.”

  I squeezed the hand holding mine again.

  “Yes!” the woman said again still sounding very emotional.

  “Are you in any pain?” Deandra asked. “Squeeze once for yes and twice for no.”

  I squeezed twice. How could I be in any pain when I couldn’t feel anything? I wondered if maybe I was paralyzed. My eyelids fluttered nonstop in panic now. I needed answers.

  “Do you know where you are?” Deandra asked, and I could shake my head but just barely.

  “Do you remember the accident?” I shook my head again and this time managed to open one eye.

  A petite blond woman with sunken tired eyes, leaning over me, held her shaky hand to her mouth as her face crumbled. “Hi, baby,” she said through trembling lips.

  It was all too much to take, and then I realized I could feel my face now too. Because like her I felt my face crumble, and my lips were also trembling. “Oh, baby don’t cry,” she said, wiping tears from my cheeks.

  A tall dark-haired woman stood on the other side of the bed. “Do you know where you are?”

  The warm tears streamed down my cheeks as I attempted to shake my head again despite the pain of doing just that. “Don’t try to move,” Deandra said quickly and I stopped. “Just squeeze your mama’s hand.”

  I did twice. “She said no,” the petite woman said.

  “Do you know your name?”

  Even though the other woman had called me Maggie, I still wasn’t sure if that was really my name, so I squeezed twice.

  Deandra nodded at the other woman as she brought her other hand to her mouth. “That’s normal,” she said in a reassuring voice then turned to me and smiled. “It’s normal, sweetie. You’ve had some head trauma. Do you have any idea how long you’ve been out?”

  Again, I squeezed twice, feeling more panicked with each question. She nodded again
with a smile. “All normal. You’ve been through a lot. Sometimes it’s better that you don’t remember right away. Are you able to speak?”

  I tried in vain to move my mouth, but I had so little strength I couldn’t, much less muster the words from within me. So, I squeezed twice again.

  The woman trying to hold it together, holding my hand, shook her head. “It’s okay,” Deandra said. “Don’t exert yourself. It’s still early. But tell me. Do you know who this is?” She motioned to the woman holding my hand. My eyes were on the woman who was supposed to be my mama, but I didn’t recognize her. I squeezed twice, feeling the tear slide down my cheek again.

  Deandra wrote something down on the clipboard she’d lifted from somewhere to the left of me. “It’s okay,” she said even as she continued to write then check her watch. “You’re gonna be fine. You suffered a major head injury, but the doctors do believe with time and the right therapy you’ll make a full recovery.”

  She said something else about swelling in the brain and then me being in a medically induced coma for weeks. All I could think about was I didn’t recognize my mama in the least. And I couldn’t remember a single thing about myself or my life.

  After filling the complete blank in my head about who I was, I found out a few more things before succumbing to my exhaustion. I was just shy of nineteen years old. It was the summer just after my high-school graduation, and my ability to speak and the memories would come with time. I just had to be patient. Before I knew it, everything I worked so hard to do was gone when the exhaustion overcame me and everything went black.


  Each time I woke, I stayed awake a little longer. And each time I made more progress. I was opening both eyes now, but I still couldn’t talk. I could listen and understand everything my mama told me. I’d been in a car accident where I was thrown from the car. Aside from the head injury, I had a few broken bones, but otherwise, the doctors were calling it a miracle that it wasn’t worse. Only, unlike previously when I couldn't feel anything, the pain was alive and well now—everywhere.