Read Little Hearts Page 1


  I must thank my friends, everything started just because of your support. It was you, who found that I had a great path in this field. I am so lucky that you have given your support from my start and till the end. Hope I will satisfy your expectations.

   Thank you my dear for coming into my life making this story. Am sure that you won’t believe, it’s is me writing a book. Anyhow it was all your memories that made me to go ahead with my life.

   Thank you mom & dad for your scolding. It’s been helping me a lot in each and every aspects of my life. 


  I was sitting alone in my room, it was dark inside. I made a story for making a short film. Later I discussed with my friend, he said it was good. Then I developed the story a bid and thought of writing it as a book instead of wasting time. It took me a difficult task to finish of the story after all conclusions I finished it and named it as Little Hearts.

  Little hearts is a small fiction based on love. It shows various situations, that brings a change to life. It's based on a typical South Indian boy named Prasad, who fell’s in love with a typical South Indian girl named Rishma.

  Little Hearts

  Rishma had reached Chennai for her studies but her residence was near Salem. She was residing in a hostel nearby Prasad's college. Both, his college and her hostel were located in the heart of the city. It was a cloudy day, with no birds chirping. Prasad was sitting inside his class and making fun with his friends. His professor had sent him out for being disobedient in the class. He just went out to have a coffee. There was a park near the shop. He thought of spending few minutes inside the park. He went there and sat near a coconut tree. It was chill right there , he saw many of them going for a walk , some small boys playing and few couples sitting around him. He turned to his right, saw near the entrance of the park. There he saw Rishma coming inside with a pale blue colored dress. He again started to peep across the park. The girl sat opposite to him and she was busy in making calls to her house. He started looking her again and again. Rishma gave a stare at him, he was stunned to see looking at him and peeped near the boys playing. It was late for his class, so he left the park. His day was about to end, he was walking towards his house, something made him think about her looks that she had given in the park. He reached home finished his routine and was trying to sleep but he couldn't do so. She was the only thing in his mind, making him mad on her. It was next day, he was waiting for her in the same place and at the same time. She never came, he decided to go as it was getting late for class. By the time he stepped out, he saw her entering inside the park. He just thought of going back there, but his friend was waiting for him near his college so he went back to college, with all his disappointments. He reached his class and was sitting inside the class, thinking was about her. Then went through a thought that if she comes to the park by the next day’s evening, he must go and to talk to her for sure. It was the next evening, he was too early to the park this time. He was nervous a bid whether she would come or not. She came inside the park, seeing her suddenly he was about to shiver and struggled a lot to make a smile to her. She gave him back a cute smile that indicated he was no more a stranger. They both sat down in the same way they sat in their first meet. She was making calls and he was sitting like an idol. She ended her call and gave a look at him constantly. He too saw her but often but she never moved her eyes a bid from her sight. Everything inside her eyes was only his face. He gently rose up and gave her a smile and came outside the park with an emotion that he had never felt before. She too left the park and felt magical that it was not the way that she used to behave. She had fallen in love with him but she pretended as if, she wasn't ready for this situation. She was lying in bed, thinking about all her desires that she had about making love with someone. She knew that she had come here for studies but wished there could be some magic bond between them which is going to make a change in her life. On the other side, he was struggling to sleep, he felt like a dream come true. He was thinking about her all over the night. He wasn't stable with his mind but wanted to make love with her. He was confused whether she would love him or not, because he was just a stranger. Both of them thought about their crush they had about each other. He was going crazy about the Rishma, he decided to propose his love towards her. By next day’s evening, he came out from the college to the tea shop in his break-time, he was chatting there with his friends with a cup of tea in his hand. He saw her walking towards a bakery nearby. His friend was standing next to him had two tea cups and he was missing there within fraction of seconds. He followed her till the bakery but she went inside, so he came back to the tea shop. His friends started to make fun with him and everyone left from there to the college. His friends went for their "TAMIL" language class. He went for his "HINDI" Language class, he was the only one from his gang of friends to attend it. He saw his professor sitting alone in the chair, waiting for students from his class. He knew no one was there inside so he jumped from the steps near his class, gave a look towards the class whether that professor looked after him and then went out from the college. He was walking through the streets towards the tea shop. He was thinking that she must be right there in the bakery but it was already late. He crossed the street’s end, there was a church located at there. He stood outside closing his eyes, gave him a deep breathe and prayed "I am not the one, who believes in religion, I have come in search for a girl whom I think will make me a life that I dreamt for, I am not sure whether this would happen or not but am standing here in front of you wishing that everything that is about to happen must make a change in justice to truth", then he opened his eyes gave a look towards the church and walked towards the park. He saw her walking towards the opposite side of the church, she did not see him, and she went inside a house. He stood there for her till she entered the house. He was so happy that he found her house and will make his love soon, as she is residing here near his college. Then he gently walked casually towards her house, with music in his headphones. He peeped inside the house, he saw two doors at the entrance and nothing else was visible. Then he went to his college and asked his friend who is residing in the same locality about this house. He came to know that there, two buildings were attached together and one among that was a ladies hostel. He felt that it’s going to be a difficult task for him to make love with her if she was residing in the hostel. He was disappointed a bid. The next few days he never saw her.

  . . . 

   It was a raining in the evening, Prasad was standing outside State Bank ATM. He was enjoying by seeing the clouds going dark and drizzle, the ATM door had opened and a girl came outside. He turned back to see who it was. It was Rishma. She stood back of him. It was a difficult situation for him to deal with it, there was a silence between both of them. He started to shiver and he controlled his eyes seeing her. His eyes were disobeying him as it was looking at her again and again. And then with a fear inside, he turned back towards her saying “Your eyes looks awesome.”. She smiled and asked his name. He said about him, both of them kept talking for a while. He couldn't believe that he had been talking with that girl now. He was talking in such a way that she felt secured with him. She gave a smile and said "It’s time for me. Bye”. The rain had stopped. Both of them left the place with the same feel, she walked in her way, smiling at the trees and kept playing with the rain drops in leaves. On the other side he started to jump, pull the leaves that were wet and running towards his college. That day became his most memorable day. Then the next day he had been waiting for her in park for a while. She came there, saw him sitting there, gave a smile to him and started to make phone calls to her house. This time she ended her call, came and sat near him. As she knew that he was coming to park only to see her. She asked hi
m whether, we could talk for a while. He gently said yes. She looked his eyes and spoke "I’ve come here for my studies, I am new to this place and I’ve got nothing here, I am missing my parents and my sister". Before she finished her talk, he touched her hands saying "I LOVE YOU". She was stunned, looking blank with her silence. She was sitting like an idol and spoke nothing. He spoke everything that he wanted to say from his bottom of his heart. He said "Yes I am a stranger, we both know nothing about each other, love isn't something which comes after knowing each other. It’s something magical which comes from heart without knowing anything but let them to make a beautiful life. I know your situations are different but since the day I saw you here am not myself. All you need is trust. All I have got is love. You take your own time, but I can't hide this anymore. Am mad on you from the day I saw you here and I will make you feel secured till you stay here ". She nodded