Read Little Hearts Page 2

her head she spoke nothing. She left the place with silence. He took himself time to come out to normal and then he left the park. Then days passed by, they met often in the park, had a good bonding with each other. Then it was the college bag and a big black mobile phone kept idol for long time together in park, he always comes with his college bag and she comes with her big black colored mobile. They were kept aside and both used to spend time in talking with each other. He knew that she was missing her family a lot, so he came for her whenever she felt lonely and made her feel good. Then after few days, he stopped roaming with his friends and kept his time only for spending with her. He felt that she was the only women that can make him happy. It was his exams going on and he did not meet her for two days. It was the next day’s morning he had a phone call from her but she never spoke. He knew something was going wrong. He took his bag and ran towards the station and boarded the train to meet her. He knew she wasn't normal. He just entered the park knowing that she would come there if she felt lonely, he was searching for her all over the park. He found her sitting dull at the corner of the park. He sat down near her, she started to cry. She hugged him and cried for a while. She spoke "I wanna meet my mom.. I wanna go home please help me.. You've been doing everything for me and without you I can’t even imagine a day here.. I don’t wanna trouble you anymore.." He spoke "It’s common that everyone will miss their parents when they stay away from them ..  you also think that  even they miss you a lot .. just wait few more days go home in your holidays for a visit" . He wiped her tears took her for lunch. They went for a movie and by the evening they were sitting beside sea shore. He was making fun by imitating her. They were looking at the waves. She suddenly turned towards him said "I LOVE YOU". He couldn't believe that it was her saying like this. He felt like heaven, he went near the shore and kept shouting in joy. He came near her took her hands said "LOVE YOU TOO ". Both had a true love existing between them. He felt so happy that he made his dream come true. Then it was lovely days going on with each other. They had a perfect relationship between them. Then after few days it came to an end. It was her holidays which was about to come. She was so happy about going back home, but he felt so sad that he was going to miss her a lot. She started to show low interest towards him as she had hype towards going home. Then it was the day she was about to go home. He took her to the station, she was exaggerated about her journey going back home. He was happy seeing her being like this but he felt bad that she not even bothered him for a while. He bought her two packets of "Little hearts" cookies which she loved the most and kept it inside her bag when she was buying magazines. He knew that she would remember him when she looked the packs of cookies. The train was about to leave, he made her sit inside the train and he was standing out feeling sad. The train started, he saw through the window and she was giving him the last smile. The train left the station, he was walking back slow thinking of her, seeing whether she is somewhere near him. He couldn't hear anything but her voice, couldn't think of anything than her.  He felt like living in a hell form that time she had left. He did not get any calls or messages from her. He wished she must be happy there but she will be more happy when she is going to come back to see him again.

  . . .

  He was spending time alone in the park. This time he saw no boys playing, no one going for walk. Only thing in his mind was that, she was not with him here now. It has been three days since she left hostel. By the morning had got a message that she had come back yesterday. He felt happy that she is back, but was worried that she never said that she had reached here yesterday itself. He was in petty shop near his college with his friend when he got this message, he shouted for the bike’s key but his friend was still standing in shop. He ran there and grabbed the bike’s key, turned a bid faster which made the plate with the eggs placed in the shop to fall down. He felt embarrassed, paid for the eggs and left the place in hurry. He asked his friend to ride his bike as he wasn't normal. He reached the park thinking he was late and she would be waiting for him. He was wet, dusty, dark and tensed. He went inside, searched for her but she wasn't there, it was making him to his worst. She came inside, he was in stress couldn't resist anything as everything was going bad that day. They both sat down together and spoke nothing for a while. She asked "Is there anything important ! I've got to go early. I've got lot to study" . He nodded his head and asked her to go ahead continue her work. She left the park, he was sitting inside the park for a while. He knew she wasn't the one she used to be early. He was thinking about her change she had, after coming from her house. He too left the park and went to his home, slept for a while. He woke up by the evening and went for a walk to a lake nearby. He sat there for a while, thinking about her change after coming back, he knew she is trying to avoid him but he had confidence that she won't do so, as they had love and trust towards each other. He did not get any message or call from her that day. The next day he was sitting near a bus stop, through the way she used to go back to her hostel after her class. He went so early that did must not miss her, he must see and talk with her about her change. He was sitting there thinking of all negative outcomes that would happen to him if he is going to continue the same attitude with her. He was waiting for a while then he saw her coming with her friends. She saw him sitting there but she never looked him again, she went passing the bus stand. He started to follow her, she knew he is coming beside her but she did not look back. Then he went to the park gave a message for her to come there. She came there after a while. He knew she is going to sit like an idol with her silence, so he decided to speak that he wanted to say and said that something was going wrong between them, asked why she had changed after coming back from home, he wanted her to be the one who used to make fun of him, who makes him go mad on silly things, who makes him to give his best of him always. She was seeing down hearing what he said, she spoke after he finished, that the relationship they had is not going continue. She said that they don't deserve each other, she was not of his kind and he was not of her kind. She asked him not to meet her anymore and requested him not to convenience her with any of his words. As she knew if he speaks for a while she is going to speak the truth behind her behavior change. He had tears coming through his eyes but he never wanted her to see it. He wiped his tears facing the trees, only thing in his mind was, how is she going to manage herself being here as she had no one for her and she knew nothing here. He thought she is going to struggle a lot here without him. They both left the park, worrying about each other. Days passed by, he faced bad times that he couldn't have imagined.

  . . .

  He faded in every aspects of his life, where he shined. It became hard for him to focus over his studies. He wanted to make love with her and lead a life with her, but the words that she spoke made him depress. It was his examinations going on in his college, he couldn’t do it well. Then he had holidays. Those days made him feel like living in a hell, but he was stable that he must go back to college by making some decision about his life. He decided to move on with his life instead of thinking about the girl who doesn't deserve him. He changed his lifestyle, threw away everything that he had in her remembrance.  Though he had his mind set to accept his change, he couldn't still resist the pain inside him because of missing her. Then college had started, he went there knowing he must accept his new change and not to think about her, but he couldn’t do so. He went near her hostels saw the window, where she used to see him, when they had their love. The window was closed later he came know from her friend that, she had left the hostel. Days passed by, he started to do his routine work done by him during his early days. Then days passed by but still he wasn't able to forget her memories. One day when he was sitting in the terrace, wrote a quote about love and laughed by reading it aloud and assumed this gave him a kind of fun. Then afterwards he wrote three more quotes that suited his love. He never knew he had good writing skills. Then there was a trend that time, where everyone posted their photos with a caption in social networks in the internet. He
was good in editing photographs in computer, he embedded the quote that he wrote with his photographs and posted in social network. One among his friends, who speaks with him rarely saw those photos and gave him a message that the quote that he wrote was nice. He was surprised that many of them liked it. Another day while he was returning to his house in train, a friend of him said that he was very good in narrating and he made them feel reality when he narrates. He never showed any interest towards their compliments, he thought it time pass. Then after few days he was sitting alone in his house thinking about his love, he felt that though it came to an end, it was like a magic for that he had never seen before in his life. He wanted to make this magical feel to be with him always instead of making him feel depressed thinking of his love. He thought it would be good if he writes his own love story as a book, which would be step ahead to overcome the pain of love. Then he started taking many measures to make him feel comfortable for