Read Little Hearts Page 3

writing a book. He created a lonely path that made him to go with his book. He started coming to the park where they met each other, started to write his book. He had spent his free time there in writing the book. A girl, named Sushma was coming to the park often for jogging. She had a kind of being talkative and friendly with others. She saw him writing something sitting inside the park. One day his friends had booked tickets for a movie and asked him to come with them, but he pretended that he was busy that day and said he was not coming with them. He went to the park in a hurry as he wanted to finish his book, he dashed the entrance door which was broken. He got hurt in his left leg, it was bleeding. Sushma who comes to park often, had entered inside and saw him struggling to walk. She went out, took the water bottle from her vehicle and gave him and asked him to wash. She gave him a cloth to tie over the wound. She sat near him and asked what was the book about that he was writing these many days. He said it was his love story. Then she introduced herself that, she was working as a faculty in an institution. He too introduced himself and they started to talk with each other. Then met often in the park and had a good relationship. One day she took him to her house introduced to her dad. He was impressed seeing such kind of a dad, he saw these kind of dad’s only in movies. Sushma and Prasad ,both of them knew they were the only child in their home, so they had build a relationship of brother and sister. One day he said her about his whole love story and he was missing the girl a bid. She gave him confidence that if you got dedication towards your love you will get her for sure. Then she said even she is in love. The boy she loved took five years to say his love. He is a man who's scared of fantasy but gentle in every aspect. Then she said I haven't said about this to dad yet and you must help me to make it. He was making fun about her love life and made her scare about her future. Then days passed by he had finished his studies, he was in search for a job. He decided to go and meet Sushma's father so that he can get him a job at ease. Then he went inside the house, he saw only her father was sitting there in the balcony. He started talking about his career and asked whether he could get him a job. Suddenly they heard someone knocking the door. It was the man whom Sushma is in love with. Her dad asked him to get in made him to sit. Prasad just took a snap of them hiding the camera to show Sushma and make fun of her and scare by saying they had a fight. Without any gesture Sushma’s dad found that, it was Sushma's lover. The man introduced himself, gave a vast description about his personality took few minutes to say about their love life and asked "Will you accept me as your son in law ? I assure that your daughter would be the same how she is with you." and waited for Sushma’s dad for his decision. Her dad was so casual that he tapped gently on the man's shoulder saying "I know nothing about you than you've said. Only thing is I trust my girl. I am not a dad who scolds his daughter if she is taking decision of her own. I wanted to be a dad who cares for his daughter knowing reality aspects. Yes I am happy that she has chosen a perfect gentle man. Well exactly am done son ! Go ahead ! Let’s make it soon". In Prasad's mind "Is this a movie or what ? Is this is how reality is ? ". Then her dad was busy with serving snacks. Then her dad came near him after the man had left, he asked Prasad whether he knew about the Sushma’s lover arrival before. He said “ No ! Nodded his head towards left and right.”. And asked “Uncle asked aren't you angry with Sushma  ? “. Her dad laughed seeing him and said "It's not that I must be angry as she broke my trust, it's happy that she had given me hope. I believe in reality and take decisions according to it. ". Then her father made a phone call to his friend, who was in Salem, asked him to get for a job there. He was happy that he got the job which was the field, he was wishing for. He was about to join with the job after Sushma's wedding. It was Sushma’s wedding. He wanted to get her the best gift than anyone could give her. The wedding got over. Everyone had left, he gave her the gift that he made, when she was about to leave. She opened that and had tears in her eyes, it was a portrait which had the snap of her father and her husband and was written that "These two men’s blamed each other for the blossomed flower".

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  Prasad left from the city and had reached Salem to start his job career. He stayed in a friend's house and was searching a house for rent. After two days he got a house. It was a tiny home on the terrace with sufficient needs. The house owner was a doing business, his wife was a homemaker and their daughter who was doing under graduation. The house owner's wife and daughter used to be alone when the house owner goes out of town. So he wanted someone that he can trust. He had inspected Prasad when he met with him, he granted his house for rent. Prasad came to his new tiny house and made "Apple Halwa" which was a sweet, by reaching there to begin his presence in that house. It was difficult for him to manage everything alone at the beginning. House owner's wife and daughter helped him and they were being jovial towards him, they spent their time in having a chat whenever he was free. Days passed by, it was a rainy evening, he reached home made a cup of coffee. He stood near the door seeing the rain drops through his eyes, but his eyes showed him Rishma and himself enjoying the rain that happened long time before. He went inside took few minutes to become normal and started his routine. It was a weekend, the house owner's wife and daughter asked whether, he could make them lunch as both loved the aroma of his dishes that he used to cook. Both of them came for lunch by noon, they enjoyed eating his dishes in lunch. Then the next day morning it was the house owner knocking the door asking whether, the tiffin was ready. He knew it was the daughter who made her dad to come for his breakfast. Then they finished their tiffin, he spent few minutes talking with the house owner after eating. House owner was talking about his daughter’s marriage. House owner asked him about the city life as he wanted his daughter to lead a life there. Then he finished the talk anf left the place. Days passed by, Prasad was busy in work, about getting promotion in his job and the house owner's daughter getting busy with her marriage proposals. By the weekend she came to his house saying she is going to get married by few months, her bridegroom is a software engineer who's residing in Chennai. Then she asked him whether, he can help her tomorrow by making any dish, as one of her schoolmate was coming to see her after a long time and mom used to cook only traditional foods. He laughed, saying he was busy and he won't help her anymore and asked her to make herself as she was about to get married. But the next day’s morning he gave a bowl of "Apple Halwa" to house owner's wife and stepped out of the house. He stopped there, nearby shop to take a photocopy, by the time he went inside shop. Outside a girl passed by, entered inside the house where he was residing. He left the shop and went to his office directly. The girl who entered the house was the friend of the house owner's daughter, it was Rishma. Both of them were best friends in their school days. Rishma had come to meet her after a long time. She was given the "Apple Halwa" made by him. She loved it, she said "It was awesome and it tasted good ". Then house owner's daughter said about her marriage. She asked about her future plans. Rishma replied she wanted to become a Charted Accountant and she is working on it. House owner's daughter asked whether, she had love with someone. Rishma's face changed a bid, she said let me tell you something and not share with anyone. She said "I was in Chennai, few months ago for doing a special course. There I used to go to a park where to spend time when I was bored, I saw a boy there, we became good friends, the boy helped me whenever I was in need for. We both fell in love with each other. Then after coming back home for my holiday, seeing mom and dad, thought what I was doing was wrong. I was scared that my mom and dad had sent me alone there trusting me, and they would feel bad about me if they come to know that I've been in love with someone. So I said that boy to leave me alone and I left him for no reason. He would have felt bad about me but I had no other go, it was my situation that made me to do so". House owner's daughter asked her whether, she was still in love with that boy. Rishma nodded her head saying “yes but don't know how am I going to make it”. Then both talked for a while, she went back to her home. By the evening Prasad came back
and asked house owner's daughter whether the bowl of "Halwa" was sufficient, she said yes and they started taking about her marriage celebration. Then it was her marriage days nearing. Suddenly he got a call from his boss that he has been promoted for a higher post and he must join the team in Banglore by next week. It was in same week house owner's daughter wedding was about to happen. He was confused where should he go with, He took time and decided to go to Banglore, as it was for a higher post and he won’t get back again. He was feeling bad for not attending the marriage, but left from there to Banglore and started a new life there.

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  He Started to feel lonely living in Banglore. In his new office he had only one friend called Sneha, she was also from Chennai.  She helped him in getting his hospitality. After few months passed by Prasad and Sneha had become good friends. One day, he called her for lunch. So he was busy in cleaning his room by the morning. He suddenly saw his book that