Read Livid Clouds Page 5

  “My pleasure,” replied Gene.

  “Is it true you've adopted a N. Korean into your crew?” he asked.

  “He's a misled honest and trustworthy man, and yes I did,” stated Gene.

  “Your ID has been verified sir,” confirmed the squad leader.

  “Just call me Gene,” he said.

  “Call me Justin. I'm very sorry Gene, but I'm under strict orders to escort Square Face to the internment camp. There he'll be spending his time working for food. We have a zero tolerance policy for anyone who's been involved with terrorist activities. It's best if you guys just say he was your prisoner. That will make things easier for the both of us. As for the two civilians, they will need to be blinded folded. This location is to be kept a military secret,” grounded Justin.

  “Bring me to Mr. Rifle,” Gene requested.

  They are brought to a US Embassy building, where, under a tiled floor, there's a switch which activates an elevator below the basement. The walls slide open, and they descend down towards their long awaited destination. With an elevator speed seemingly 3x that of a conventional limit, it took over 11 minutes for the front and back doors to reopen.

  “Please follow me to your new office bedrooms,” Justin insisted.

  The intercom went off, “Mr. Mark Rifle, your guesses await you in room R7.”

  Chapter 19

  The Briefing

  “It's been a long time,” introduced Mr. Rifle.

  “I've read into some articles about what's taking place outside, but I want to hear it from you,” said Gene; getting to the point.

  “The poles are shifting at this very moment. The effects of this can easily be witnessed by glancing at a compass from hour to hour. You'll notice a slight change in the north arrow from time to time. This is being caused by what we believe to be as the crossing of the galactic equator. Notice, when you look at the satellite imagery of our galaxy, the Milky Way, that it's shaped into a spinning Frisbee. Now, if you know the general effects of gravity, this shape should throw you off. Presumably, our galaxy should be filled with billions of stars encompassed in a huge sphere orbiting around a black hole similar to the effect of our sun to our solar system. Well, what eventually happened is, our Milky Way's black hole began spinning so phenomenally and incomputably fast that the black hole's spherically gravitational force spun into a flattened down, paper thin, disk shaped force that not only keeps millions of solar systems orbiting around it's disk shape, but having them fall and rise above and below the paper thin galactic equator. You see, our solar system has been falling for many long years towards the south side, or as you may call it, 'the bottom side of the Frisbee,' or scientifically stated the other side of the 'galactic equator.' Now the special thing about crossing this galactic equator is that once you fall to the other side, you'll be decelerating south and begin being pulled back to the north side; where, as you may now know, you'll eventually be pulled back to the north side, and it goes on and on like a yo-yo,” stated Rifle.

  “Now what does a shift in the north to south gravitational force have anything to do with the poles shifting?” asked Buckoy.

  “Let me guess. So since Earth, along with its entire solar system and all the stars north included, have been falling for such a long time towards this galactic equator, our inner core magma currents are now accustomed to this 'falling' effect; and once we stop falling and start decelerating back the opposite direction, this deceleration will disrupt the aged magma flows and in turn disrupt the magnetic poles; which, in turn, cause the north end of that compass to go haywire hour after hour,” answered Russell.

  “Very good Russell, but the disruption of magma flow doesn't just end at pole shifting. There's going to be earthquakes, which is going to cause tsunamis and dangerous volcanoes to go off. As you may have known, sealing Earth to its years of iciness, Yellowstone erupted. If we’re lucky, it'll only take 2 years for our atmosphere to be inhabitable once again.” It's a mystery how our land hasn't completely frozen over yet. Some experts believe there's multiple heat sources surrounding nine lava hot ocean beds of water throughout our sphere. The majority of my Archaeologist believe that a race of aliens called the Annunaki have returned to aid us through this time,” stated Mr. Rifle.

  “How do they believe this?” asked David.

  “There are many scriptures and artifacts spread out through many different ancient civilizations and periods of time that all describe an alien race known to be our creature,” Mr. Rifle explained.

  “That's interesting. So, what's life going to be like here?” asked David.

  “There are many jobs, all of them are filled, but people are always looking for shorter shifts. This safe house and all of its attachments are earthquake proof to a scale of an 8.5 quake. We have a nuclear reactor located at the very base of this structure for a seemingly unlimited source of electric energy. We have six stories of abundant farms and plenty of high powered Vitamin D artificial sunlight to grow crops and raise cattle. For active entertainment, we have indoor tennis, basketball, and our growing popular ping pong. For inactive entertainment, we have three huge 400 computer sized labs with many, if not all, games. StarCraft 2 is big here. We have many consoles, but with a limited 150 42'' flat screens to play on. It's always crowded in there. Again, Super Smash Brothers and Call of Duty is the growing favorite around there. All entertainment is located on floor E; unless you're a bookworm, then your floor is S. For now, have the rest of this day to yourselves. You'll see many people in different uniforms, but uniforms are optional if you're on break. You will each be given a list of jobs optional to you based on your qualifications. No need for a resume, our computers have everybody's records. A list of strengths and weakness is optional. Any questions?” Mr. Rifle surveyed.

  “I want to talk to you about the internment camp,” replied Gene.

  “The internment camp is located on floor F. There they are put into sweatshops with better working conditions than that of their homeland. Better being, if they get done with their assigned duties faster, they'll be given an early break with food. Their only punishment is withholding food. I'm over my 25 minute briefing. Sorry, duty calls,” Concludes Mr. Rifle.

  Chapter 20

  The Search for Square Face

  It was hard for any of them to sleep while knowing Square Face had been sent to an internment camp in the same structure. Each one of them had a thought that kept them up at night.

  “I hope Square Face doesn't think we betrayed him. We owe him our lives for what he’s done. And after swearing him in like that, how could this happen,” David said to himself.

  “That idiot, why did he have to go roaming about the city alone? Maybe he even radioed in for help. Stupid batteries. I thought Duracell was reliable,” Eagle Eye scorned.

  “Don't worry buddy, I'll get you out of this. I know Uncle Mark seeks justice, and this is not it,” encouraged Gene to himself.

  “I know this is probably all going to come down to my son. He's the only one that can seek through those air vents unnoticed. At least we can bring him some good food once in a while, at the very least,” Russell pouted to himself.

  “If we break him out, then where will we run? There's no way to get out of here unnoticed. Or is there? And if we do manage it, how will we survive? I believe we must implement a new reward system; you know, to increase productivity at the internment camp. Something like, slave-of-the-year gets his freedom back. Then we could rig the whole damn thing. They might go along with it, won't they?” Sir King pondered.

  “God, please look after Square Face for me. Give him extra energy each morning so that he can finish his shift early and eat supper. I know it's not easy Square Face, but keep your chin up. You have friends in high places buddy,” prayed Buckoy.

  Will Square Face ever make it out of the internment camp as a free man? Is the Safe House structure going to last another 2 years? What is life going to be like when the sun comes out again?

  Chapter 21

  The Cafeteria

  The intercom went off, “Breakfast is now being served. Please proceed to the cafeteria if you wish to eat. We will be doing breakfast till noon. Be sure to bring your ticket; they will be distributed to your mailbox one hour before each meal. The cafeteria encompasses floor C. Enjoy yourself, thank you.”

  David walks down from the bunk bed and wakes his dad up, “They’re serving breakfast. Come on, wake up.”

  “What time is it?” yawns Russell.

  “Well, according to the wall clock, it’s 8am,” said David.

  As his dad is waking up, David goes looking for the mailbox. He found it immediately to the right after opening the door. There’s a shiny lock on it. “Hey dad, did they give you a key or anything?” David asked.

  “I don’t know, I don’t think so, why?” replied Russell.

  “We need it to open the mailbox,” David said.

  “What, you got a girlfriend already? Why are you so eager to check the mail? We’ve barely arrived here,” Russell jokes.

  David ignores his dad and goes outside to the mailbox to try to open it anyways. It opens. In it: a manual containing details of what’s on each floor, two level 1 clearance IDs for him and his dad, a booklet explaining the limits of a level 1 clearance, the key to the mail box, and most importantly, breakfast tickets. “Are you hungry dad?” asks David.

  “A little, what do you have there?” squinted Russell.

  “I’ll show you when we get to the cafeteria. Come on, we got two breakfast tickets. It’s located on floor C. They announced it over the intercom while you were snoring. I have a map of the whole place right here. If we hurry, we might catch up with the other guys,” persisted David.

  Russell puts his shirt on and they start heading towards the elevator. Many strangers greet them with good mornings and welcomes on the way. This place doesn’t seem so bad, they commented to each other.

  Once they arrived at the cafeteria, a long line awaited them with roughly 40 people ahead. It didn’t become a problem though, the line moved quickly.

  The food selection turned out to be abundant. They had everything for breakfast you could think of: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, orange juice, and more. It’s all served in a buffet style; although one is only allowed a full plate.

  David’s the first to start looking for a table. He spotted Gene, Buckoy, and Eagle Eye dining near the far left. He waited for his dad, and they head to join the group.

  Once they get there, Gene and Eagle Eye greeted them good morning. Russell and David sit down noticing Buckoy reading a newspaper called The Bunker. Buckoy passed the paper to Gene and enthusiastically talked about his plans for the next couple days, “I’m totally going to prepare for this upcoming talent show this Friday. I don’t know exactly what to play, but it’s going to be one bad guitar solo. Sign-ins end before lunch. I think I’m going to head there right now. Are you guys going to come?”

  “I want to come, does it cost anything?” asks David.

  “It’s free to the community, which makes it even cooler in my opinion. I’ll let you guys think about it. I’m going to start heading down there right now to sign up,” Buckoy said as he scooted his chair back.

  They say bye to Buckoy and Gene starts talking to Russell, “Would you be interested in enlisting as one of us? There’s a new round of an indoor boot camp starting up soon. David can enlist in our private school to continue his education. Everything will be taken care of. Would you be interested?”

  “I’ll have to think about it. In the meantime, can we get the paperwork started for David to attend private school?” replied Russell.

  “Not a problem. I’ll do it myself. Just give me an answer by tomorrow okay?” Insisted Gene.

  “For sure. Thank you Gene,” Russell said sincerely.

  Eagle Eye breaks the news that he and Sir King signed up for patrol duty around the city. Russell and Gene congratulate him for taking it up. After that, they all start chowing down in silence and began breaking up one after another once finished with their meal.

  Chapter 22

  Private School

  “I thought it was easy street from here on out. Why couldn’t I just hang out in the entertainment room? What a drag,” David says to himself.

  “It looks like you’re not the only 9 year old in this bunker. I’ve decided to send you to a military private school for your own good. No complaining now. These teachers are the best in their field. They were willing to take their free time to teach you all the basics any 5th or 6th grader are required to learn. How do you feel about that?” asked Russell.

  “Is school going to be long? Tell me there’s summer vacation. Am I going to have enough free time to enter into gaming tournaments? I get the weekend off don’t I?” replies David.

  “About those tournaments, students are required a 2.5 GPA to attend them. But between me and you, I’m holding it at a B- 3.0 GPA. I don’t want you playing games when you have homework to do. Do we have a deal?” grounds Russell.

  “I guess. So do I get to choose what classes I’m attending?” David speculates.

  “I’m not sure how that works. I made an appointment for you to take a screening test for them to determine where you stand. You’ll start school tomorrow. Your screening starts in about an hour. It’ll be on floor S room 101. Keep in mind, the better you do on this test, the faster you’ll finish your school year and earn a possible vacation,” advised Russell.

  “Sounds good,” said David.

  “There’s also a school supply store on the S floor. Everything is on the house, but you can only get so much in each category. Like one backpack, a pack of color pencils, and so on. You should head down there right now. Remember, room 101 at eleven hundred. That’s 11 am David. You’re going to have to learn military time. Every flier is in that format here. Can you go on your own, or do you want me to go with you?” offered Russell.

  “I got it dad, thanks. I’m heading down there right now,” David said.

  It took a little snooping around, but David managed to find the supply store. David found himself surprised to see an array of AlienWare laptops and desktops just eager to be taken off the shelf. It’s like they robbed Fry’s or something. In this case, they probably did. He got himself: a brand new kickin laptop, a fly Element backpack, 4 mechanical pencils, 2 Dr. Grip pens, a couple Star Wars college bound notebooks, and called it good.

  After getting his supplies, he headed down to the screening room. He had arrived there 10 minutes early and encountered two peers roughly his age waiting for the same thing. David breaks the ice, “So how did you guys end up here?”

  “Well, my dad got this tip over the phone and led us on a huge road trip here from Florida. It took a long time. I slept through most of it through. I regret one thing for sure, should have brought my CD collection along. What about you?” asked the kid.

  “It’s a long story. Basically me and my dad found a map with an X on it and decided to go there for shits and giggles. We ended up here from Oregon. The ride proved rough, but we made it. My name is David,” introduced David.

  “Mine is Dudes. Nice to meet you,” greeted Dudes.

  “Name’s Brian, we’re brothers. So are you ready for this test?” Brian asks.

  “Not really sure, haven’t really studied for it or anything. I guess I’d do average,” gages David.

  They talk a little more and the exam room door opens. As soon as they step in, David notices a series event flyers posted on the surrounding walls. He honed into the gaming tournament spread and caught his eye on a FFA Call of Duty tourney. It isn’t that particular game that grabbed his attention, it’s the 1st prize. He could swear it looked just like Square Face’s gold watch. And with that on his mind, he proceeded to the exam.

  Chapter 23

  Boot Camp Indoors

  Now that David’s enrolled in private school, Russell feels more comfortable with Gene’s proposal of enlisting into the military as a private. This would mean a thre
e month boot camp commitment to a large gymnasium arena designed to push your mental, physical, and spiritual being to its limitations. “It’s the only way I can give back for all that has been afforded to me. And, it’s also the only way I’d be able to gain a clearance to see Square Face. It’s a destined opportunity.” Russell tells himself. Now pacing back and forth, he tries to decide what to specialize in. Going through the list of options afforded to him, he determines that a Structural Maintenance Engineering position wouldn’t be too bad. With a solid background of being a physics teacher, he figures he’s got the fundamentals down.

  At fifteen till noon, Russell goes outside his room to grab a lunch ticket from the mailbox and heads down to the cafeteria without David. He figures David should start the routine of getting meals on his own so he could build some independence and comfortably transition into this place. After all, I’m not going to be around for three months.

  Russell meets up with the fellas at their now official table and breaks the news of having been decided to join the force as a Structural Maintenance Engineer.

  “That’s great news Russell. You’re going to love our drill sergeants. Especially Gene, he’s going to be a part of running it too. There’s more recruits this round than last time. You’re going to be a part of the very second crop coming out of this boot camp style. I heard they made some improvements; but don’t think it’s going to be easier, rumors have it they’ve built in additional obstacles courses. No words yet on what they’ve added. I guess it’s still classified for your suspense and surprise. A word of advice, do your best so they can properly position you,” advised Eagle Eye.