Read Livid Clouds Page 6

  “Would you like to play a game of chess after this Russell? You know, brushing up your strategy right now wouldn’t be a bad idea. You didn’t hear this from me, but there is a period of three weeks where winners get top pick in chore duty,” slips Gene.

  “Is that so? Well then, I guess I’ll be looking forward to easy chore duties soon enough. I accept your challenge with a proposal of my own. Speed chess. Three minutes each. You down?” counters Russell.

  “I’m down like global warming… just getting started,” gloated Gene.

  Eagle Eye, Gene, and Russell eventually start heading to the library, where they played rounds of chess and talked more about boot camp for the next hour. After 13 games, 8 to 5 Gene, they head up to administration to get the paperwork finalized.

  “When does boot camp start by the way?” asked Russell.

  “Tomorrow my man,” replies Gene.

  Chapter 24

  Patrol Duty

  After lunch break, Eagle Eye meets up with Sir King at the weight room on floor B to start their first assignment, ‘To scout and patrol city areas for terrorist and civilians.’

  “Did you eat anything yet? I didn’t see you at the table. You know this is going to be an eight hour shift right?” asked Eagle Eye.

  “No worries my man, there’s a whole city out there. Besides, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I hid a stash near that campsite we were at. It better be dry by now,” whispers Sir King.

  “What kind of stash? Did you make your famous beef jerky again? Man, I’ve been craving that for months. Where did you get the ingredients?” Eagle Eye replies with a wondering look.

  “Seriously? That’s the first thing that came to mind? You didn’t think I was going to leave Joe’s farm without picking some herb did you?” Sir King said rhetorically.

  “Don’t be playing around with my emotions man. You better not be jazzing me up. I’ll start sing country on your ass. The whole damn trip too, I mean it,” retorts Eagle Eye.

  “Now why would I do that, you know how I hate country. The last time I listened to a band, I gained seven pounds from eating Ding Dongs. You can’t have abs like this listening to Martina McBride. How did that verse go again? ‘A statue stands in a shaded place… An angel girl with an unturned face… A name is written on polished rock… A broken heart that the world forgot.’ Concrete Angle is that name to that song. Damn near lost my six pack,” exclaimed Sir King.

  Eagle Eye laughs and says, “So we heading out yet or what? We’re due on the surface in 10 minutes. Come on.”

  They head to the surface and meet up with a ‘day’ shift general named Chris. “At ease, now I know what orders you’ve been given, but we’re going to do it my way tonight. I want you two to drive around town on ATVs and just familiarize yourself with the area. No report necessary today, unless you encounter something worth mentioning. Understood?” ordered Chris.

  “Yes sir, thank you sir,” they both said.

  “Here’s the map of this place. I don’t want you guys going off the grid. That shouldn’t be a problem, since it’s like a 15 mile radius. The O’s on the map indicate gas deposits left for you. The X’s indicate sites where we’ve spotted terrorist activities. Daring as you might, roam as you please. Now go break a leg,” says Chris as he hand the map.

  They drive off into the city with much enthusiasm. Nearly halfway to their old camping ground, they spot a pedestrian suddenly sprinting off away as soon as he saw Sir King’s ATV. Coming closer, the dude looked just like Square Face. The guy was in mixed matched expensive looking civilian clothes.

  They tried to stop him by yelling out, “We’re here to help you.” It didn’t work. The man appeared to be unarmed with the night vision. Sir King pulled up right in front of the guy and he stopped. As soon as Sir King got off the ATV and walked up close to him. The guy socked Sir King straight in the gut and sprinted off running again. He knocked the air knocked out of him. Eagle Eye drove pass Sir King, who waved he’s okay, and ran straight into the guy with the ATV. It knocked the guy on his two hands. The instant that Square Face looking guy got by up, Eagle Eye decked him out cold on the back of his head with a punch.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Eagle Eye asked over the radio.

  “Yea, let’s cuff him up somewhere until we know how to proceed,” suggested Sir King.

  Chapter 25

  The Talent Show

  It’s Friday morning, a big day for everybody: David’s entering the tournament to get Square Face’s gold watch back, Russell’s starting boot camp, Eagle Eye and Sir King are trying to get a hold of Gene to plot the fate of Square Face’s look alike, Buckoy is preparing for the upcoming talent show later this evening, and Gene’s behind a desk finalizing the paperwork needed to initiate the next boot camp.

  Buckoy, Russell, and David are the only three that showed up at breakfast early at the table today.

  “So, have you figured out what you’re going to do for the talent show?” asked Russell.

  “I’m going to do a Jimi Hendrix electric guitar solo, ‘Voodoo Child’,” replied Buckoy

  “That sounds really cool Buckoy,” complemented David, “but after private school today, I’m going to be entering a Call of Duty tournament to try and win Square Face’s gold watch back.”

  “They made Square Face’s watch into a prize? What place do you have to get?” asked Buckoy.

  “First Place. No worries, I’ll get his watch back,” David stated.

  “My boy has some cold moves, you better believe it,” added Russell.

  “Would you like a front ticket Russell?” offered Buckoy.

  “Hells Ya. Thank you,” accepts Russell.

  A voice went over the intercom, “Mr. Gene, please call 67125. Mr. Gene please call 67125.”

  “Already a busy man. That’s just like him,” said Buckoy with envy.

  “Yup,” topped Russell.

  The call for Gene was made by admin upon Sir King and Eagle Eye’s request. It took a moment to get Gene on the line, “Hello? Did someone page me?” Gene responds.

  “It’s us, me and Eagle Eye. We need to talk to you a.s.a.p. In person,” requested Sir King.

  “Where do you want to meet?” ask Gene.

  “Eagle Eye says to meet where you guys played chess least night,” relays Sir King.

  “I’ll be there in six minutes,” Gene set.

  They all started heading down to the library towards the official chess table. Eagle Eye and Sir King made it first and started setting up a game. Gene arrives two minutes later.

  “What’s the big hurry?” started Gene.

  “We’ve found a Square Face look alike out in the city yesterday on our duty patrol,” briefed Sir King.

  “Does he Speak English?” asked Gene.

  “He does not. This guy has a fight in him though. He punched the air out of Sir King. Luckily I was there to arrest him,” Eagle Eye answered as he moved a chess piece.

  “This is very good; so he doesn’t speak English and expects to go to jail. Where is he now?” inquired Gene.

  “He’s at the local Fred Meyer’s downtown handcuffed to a long chain surrounded with food and water in the second floor’s office,” replied Sir King.

  “Where’s Russell, I have a plan,” Gene whispers.

  “He’s probably eating breakfast right now,” Eagle Eye whispers back.

  Gene takes out a notepad from his shirt pocket and jots something down. He gives it to Eagle Eye to send to Russell.

  Chapter 26

  The Tag Along

  Everything came to be a success last night for the most part. David won Square Face’s watch back. Buckoy now has fans coming up to him for autographs. However, Sir King and Eagle Eye weren’t able to pass Gene’s message to Russell before boot camp. Now it’s going to be up to Gene. He’s the only one in the group that’s allowed in the boot camp’s training academy.

  It’s Saturday, the official day training begins after having had unpacke
d the day before. One of the instructors came to the Russell’s bunk at six in the morning banging two pans together asking who wants cooking duty. “Here we go,” Russell thought to himself, “better make my bed fit for a god tonight.”

  As Russell is making his bed, the drill instructor hands him a note and jokes, “Looks like you’re in trouble already. Here’s a note from Mr. Gene, one of our camp managers.”

  “I know the guy, it’s all good,” Russell accepts.

  Russell opens up the envelope. The note said:

  During the next earthquake, since you’re going for a Structural Maintenance Engineering position, you’ll be invited for a tag along for a maintenance check leading through the internment camp. There you will need to convince Square Face to do something to end up in jail. Tell him he must do this if he desires to be free. I have a plan to free him. You must be successful on your end though. Tell him to start a protest or something.

  Camp general,


  “Damn, this is pretty big. Better not attract attention,” Russell says to himself as he continues to make his bed, “It’s been four day without a significant earthquake. I guess one is due by now.”

  50 pushups, 125 sit-ups and 10 miles of jogging later, a 4.5 earthquake hits. The camp comes to a halt, and everyone is assigned to cleaning duty until further orders. An engineer with a hard yellow hat named Atom greets Russell in the middle of sweeping. He invites him for a tag along to observe what engineers do around here. Russell accepts.

  They go floor by floor explaining what they’re looking for and pointing at what areas are most important. The internment camp must have been the last place on their list, but they eventually arrive there.

  Russell looks around for Square Face. As soon as their eyes meet, Square Face stands up and nods his head as if to follow him. It became evident that Square Face began heading to the restroom. Russell excused himself from the group and followed his buddy there.

  Once they were privately alone, Square Face started telling Russell about a promotion to manager he got from his bilingual fluentness. Before Square Face could continue, Russell relayed Gene’s message. Square Face looked a bit stunned. Russell reassures him that Gene has always been good for his word. He continued saying that Gene has no intention of hurting him. Square Face took a moment to reflect and breath. A minute later, he silently uttered, “Yes… a protest!”

  Chapter 27

  The Game Plan

  The front page headline on The Bunker the following day showed a picture of a group of N. Koreans at the internment camp initiating a sit in hunger strike. It said, “No word yet on what they wish to achieve. Three N. Koreans have come forth admitting to have personally started the ordeal; they are now in military prison. No pictures will be given of them to reduce encouragement.”

  “Looks like our boy went to prison; I say it’s time we get him out,” said Gene.

  “How exactly are we supposed to free him again?” inquired Sir King.

  “Later on this evening, at around fourteen hundred, a mouse is going to start this massive power outage. Now, you’re going to have 10 minutes, as dressed up electric engineers, to enter the small prison and replace him before the backup generators come on. You’re going to need this,” Gene says while handing them two tranquilizers.

  “Two? Isn’t that a tad overkill?” asked Eagle Eye.

  “One for the boy you found, and one for Square Face to make sure they don’t get too uncomfortable during the transition. I’m going to be the one to open the gates for you; as I’ve volunteered myself to take over the prison during a power outage. You guys should start heading out there now to make sure everything is in order. Here are your passes to get to the surface,” explains Gene as he hands the passes over.

  They both start reading the pass after taking it from Gene. It said, “Your orders are to head into town to look for some great snake for a surprise party coming up. The duffel bag is to be filled before you may head back. –Gene.”

  “That’s perfect. I actually think we can pull this off now,” complemented Eagle Eye.

  “Thanks. Now get moving. I’ll meet you guys on the deck at thirteen-thirty. No earlier. No later. Got it?” ordered Gene.

  “Yes sir,” they each said.

  Finding Square Face’s look alike took a bit longer than expected. They forgot to bring a map with them. All they knew is that the guy’s on the second floor of a Fred Meyer somewhere around Morrison Street and Ash Avenue. After spending twenty minute looking for these streets, Sir King decided to get a local map from the nearest corner store.

  “There’s the damn street, we must have past Ash Avenue like a dozen times. It’s hard finding places anything in pitch black,” vented Eagle Eye.

  Ash Avenue turned out to be a fifth road stemming from a four way intersection. In addition, a pine tree grew in the way of the street sign.

  They were real close, so it didn’t take long to find the guy. Once he’s found, Eagle Eye chose to stay with him while Sir King gathered party goods. They had a little over an hour to kill, so Eagle Eye figured he’d teach this guy some English. It didn’t work. They guy refused and spat at him. Eagle Eye kicked him in the stomach and said, “You’re going to prison.”

  An hour goes by after a pack of cigarettes and conversations about Gene’s plans. Sir King reassures Eagle Eye, “I’m sure Gene’s thought of a forged ID for Square Face, so he can work in the bunker with us.”

  “I know a pretty cool low key job he could do,” said Eagle Eye.

  “Towel folding?” guessed Sir King.

  “Nah, I’m thinking he could be Gene’s personal receptionist. He’d probably like that,” insisted Eagle Eye.

  Chapter 28

  Power Outage

  They arrive with a bag full of goodies with a tranquilized N. Korean at thirteen thirty sharp at the surface. As expected, Gene’s there to greet them in. “We’re heading down to my room to get everything in place,” Gene directed as he pressed the fourth floor elevator button.

  “I bet you have one hell of a big room huh?” asked Eagle Eye.

  While handing over a yellow envelope to Sir King, Gene ordered, “Serious talk now. During the time you guys were out getting this guy, I’ve been searching through Korean American US citizen profiles to find a match that fit Square Face. Now I’ve found one and made an ID badge for him. I also got five sets of civilian clothes for him. What I need you guys to do after the swap is: bring him up to Sir King’s room, redress him, and tell him that he can’t leave the room without having memorized his new identity.”

  The elevator stopped and they walk shortly left down the hall to Gene’s room. There, they put the N. Korean guy into prison uniform and dress themselves into engineering clothes.

  Six minutes pass, and the power goes out. “That’s it boys, turn on your flashlights and meet me down there. We only got ten minutes to pull this off. Square Face is in cell A3. I’ll personally advise the guards to let you in,” assured Gene.

  They all start heading down there together with Gene leading the race. Sir King switched places with Eagle Eye in holding the head of the duffel bag because he began to be too slow walking down the stairs. Now at the front prison gates with four minutes to spare, “We’re here under orders of Mr. Gene,” said Sir King.

  The guards opened the gates, and the two lugged the bag to cell A3. Square Face’s found lying on his bed. “Hey, Square Face, it’s us. We’re here to get you out,” whispers Eagle Eye.

  “How are you going to do that?” asked Square Face.

  “Just stand up and turn around for a second. This will only sting a little,” warned Sir King.

  He turns around and Sir King shot him right in the ass with the tranquilizer. The cell door immediately opens after the shot. They quickly swap the two and close the cell door; it automatically locked. Someone with a flashlight started heading their direction. The person seemed too short to be Gene. “Are you guys the electricians?” he asked.

/>   “Yes, but we’ve come here specifically to fix something ordered by Gene,” replied Eagle Eye.

  “Well if you guys have the chance, I have some electrical outputs in my office that need to be fixed,” he pointed out.

  “We’ll see if we can get to it. Like I said, we’re on a busy schedule,” replied Eagle Eye.

  The lights turn back on and they head back to Sir King’s place. One of the guards pointed out that they did a pretty quick job. Eagle Eye thanked them and said it’s only a temporary fix. Another group of electricians should come shortly.

  They head out to the elevator and descend to floor to floor K. Once there, they quickly head to Sir King’s room. There Eagle Eye changed Square Face into civilian clothes and wrapped an ID lanyard around his neck. Sir King tries to prepare dinner before Square Face wakes up. “Don’t worry buddy, you’re going to start eating good tonight,” he whispers.