Read Lizard-Alien Origins Page 2

Chapter 3: Escaping Project Orion

  “ATTENTION PERSONEL, A TEST SUBJECT IS ESCAPING, REPEAT - A TEST SUBJECT IS ESCAPING! PERMISSION GRANTED - SHOOT ON SIGHT!” screeched the siren. Lizard-Alien got to the end of the corridor and was stopped by the constant gunfire from the turrets mounted on the walls surrounding him. The bullets bounced off of him as if they were rubber. He jumped towards the first turret and ripped it off the wall and used its gunfire against the other ones. Prepared to shoot, behind him he noticed a large military squad who were guarding the hanger.

  With a smirk on his face, he ran towards them, hopped on a soldier and ran across the bridge of heads that formed in front of him. He landed in the hanger and smashed the control panel for the door, and within a second the door slammed shut.

  He saw different types of space ships and used his super speed to destroy all of the flight controls on each of the ships, except one. He hopped into it and fired up the engine, while he was doing this the Colonel sprinted at him holding a Blaster 6000 (Which is basically a big ass shotgun) shooting at the engine to prevent Lizard-Alien from escaping. Lizard-Alien pulled the hyper drive lever.

  “Sir he's going to pull the hyper drive switch!!” said Private

  “SO??!!! STOP HIM THEN, SHOOT THAT DAMN THING DOWN BEFORE IT TAKES OFF OR ELSE YOU’RE FIRED!!!!!!!” Private instantly started jamming away at the buttons in front of him. But it was too late and he knew it, Lizard-Alien blasted out of the hangar, leaving an EMP behind which messed up all of the military’s computers up and sending the Colonel hurling backwards in to a wall.

  “Are you ok sir” said Private nervously.

  “NO I am not OK, he got away you twit! Have you got his co-ordinates? Where is he heading?!” shouted the Colonel.

  “Yes Sir, he's heading toward a small planet called Old Earth, also known as the slave planet Sir.”