Read Lizard-Alien Origins Page 3

Chapter 4: Wherever You Go, You’re Just Making Friends!

  When Lizard-Alien was safely out of reach of the enemies, he decided to leave the wheel of the ship and started looking round for better clothes. After 10 minutes of searching round, he settled on some blue jeans, a white shirt with a purple jacket over the top, trainers and finally some pilot shades he'd found in a box under the cockpit.

  Meanwhile on Old Earth...

  A group of angry slave traders were protesting. “I hate this planet there's barely any light!”

  “It smells here...”

  “The atmosphere is too stuffy!”

  “Don't forget it's dangerous at night with all those messed up mutants running loose, eating our men and our slaves!”

  “How the hell are we going to sell these slaves, when we are spending more time worrying about them being eaten first!?”

  “Speaking of mutants, we better get inside, it's getting dark.”

  “Wait... she's escaped again, the little minx has disappeared - again!”

  “Screw it, it's her own fault, we can leave her to the mutants! At least they'll have a feast on her skinny bones.”

  “Yeah and her greasy blonde hair and tatty clothes!”

  “Exactly, it's not like she has a family to care about her! She's an orphan for crying out loud, I don't know about you lot but I don't care if she gets blown up or eaten!”

  About an hour away from the protest was that little nine year old girl they were talking about, she indeed had blonde hair but it wasn't greasy, she had rich blue eyes and an enthusiastic, funny personality. She was running as fast as she could away from the horrible slave traders when her plan was interrupted by two mutants, who began to pull and tug at her hair to see how they could eat her.

  She got a knife out of her pocket and stabbed one of the mutants in the head, it screamed in pain, and then she quickly slit the other mutant’s throat. The two mutants let go of her she started to run again but it was hard because it had started to go pitch black.

  She could hear more mutants shouting and screaming she turned her head while she was running to see what’s going on. She could she about twenty mutants running at her but as she turned her head she fell down a hill. Rolling down the hill she could hear them getting closer and closer; she stopped rolling but the world was spinning around her, she tried to get up but she kept on falling over. Her vision started to become normal she looked at the top of the hill and she could see the mutants, but not for long, it became darker within that minute all she could see was shapes.

  Lizard-Alien was walking in the dark peacefully till he heard a scream, he ran towards where the scream came from. He couldn't see anything, he used his night vision and then he stopped, he could see mutants taunting a little girl. She was trying to stab them with her knife but they kept on moving out of the way, it was like the mutants were playing with their food. One of mutants knocked her over then another one was about to grab her but Lizard-Alien grabbed the mutants legs so he hung upside down. Lizard-Alien ripped him in half with ease, the mutant was screamed in agony as he died. Another one tried to jump on Lizard-Alien from behind but Lizard-Alien grabbed the mutant by the neck, the mutant was struggling to get out of his grip.

  Lizard-Alien turned his to face to the mutant and shook his head in disgust, he choke-slammed the mutant to the ground, the mutant’s neck went with a crack. The rest of the mutants stood still, shocked by what they just seen. Just then it started to get brighter, the mutants started to scream in pain when the light hit their eyes. They all started to runaway. “Thanks for the help.”

  ”No problem kid.” shrugged Lizard-Alien.

  “OH, sorry, my name is Lea what's yours?”

  Lizard-Alien turned around to face her and said “My name is Lizard-Alien.”

  “Bulls**t! What is it really?” she almost laughed.

  Lizard-Alien rolled his eyes and said “It’s Alex really, I was only pulling your leg, don't need to swear. Well I better go then, places to see.” he started to walk away.

  Then Lea started to walk with him and said “Nice to meet you Alex, how old are you?”

  “A day old.” said Lizard-Alien smiling.

  “How old are you really?” said Lea, starting to get fed-up.

  “Ok I’ll stop lying to you now, I’m seventeen. Happy now?” said Lizard-Alien.

  “How old are you then Lea?”

  “I'm nine - anyway where are you going? You’re about to head in to a slave trader’s camp and I don't want to go back there.” said Lea sounding a bit scared.

  Then Lizard-Alien stopped and turned to face her. “So you’re a slave then, did they treat you well?” said Lizard-Alien looking a bit cross.

  “Yes I was a slave and no they didn't treat us well at all! They used to whip us if we didn't do what they said and sometimes they did it for fun especially on me!” cried Lea with two tears rolling down her face, she wiped them off with her hand quickly, hoping he didn’t see. Lizard-Alien said angrily “Who did it to you?”

  “The Captain, he has a red bandana around his neck and skulls on his belt. He never wears a t-shirt; he also has a robot arm which he can shoot out of. Anyway it doesn't matter, you can't get to him, he has an army and on top of that he has a big pet mutant which can go out even when it’s light! It’s very strong and it’s just you against all of them, you got no weapons, no armour, nothing!” said Lea.

  “We will see about that, now let’s go and kill ourselves a Captain!” said Lizard-Alien happily confident.

  So they kept on walking to the camp. One hour later they arrived on the outskirts of the camp. “Lea I need you to stay here ok? I’m going to kill some slave traders.” Lizard-Alien started to walk towards the camp.

  “Hey who in hell is that!?” came shouts from the camp.

  “I don't f**king know do I you dimwit!”

  Lizard-Alien was walking down to the camp, ignoring the camp guards, but then he heard “Shoot him, he’s Most Wanted!”

  Lizard-Alien ran to the person who gave the order to shoot and grabbed the slave trader’s gun and shot him in the head, suddenly they all started to shoot at him. One bullet hit his new sun glasses and Lizard-Alien shouted “Well that's crap! I liked them as well!”

  The slave traders stopped shooting and started to use hand to hand combat, one threw a punch but Lizard-Alien grabbed his arm, pushed his hand through the man's arm and broke the bone. The bone went through the man's skin, he was screaming out with pain, and then Lizard-Alien ripped his bone out of his arm and stabbed him in the neck. Tons of blood spread everywhere.

  From behind Lizard-Alien a man tried to hit him with his machete, when it hit Lizard-Alien the machete broke into pieces. Lizard-Alien turned to face the man and said “Well that didn't work did it?” the man turned to runaway but Lizard-Alien grabbed him before he could move.

  Lizard-Alien threw the trader out to space, at the same time the Captain got an RPG out and tried to shoot Lizard-Alien but he jumped out of the way and landed right in front of him. The Captain punched Lizard-Alien with his left hand but when it hit Lizard-Alien’s face the robot hand become dented. Lizard-Alien went to grab him but the Captain’s pet mutant punched Lizard-Alien and he went flying for about 20 meters.

  He landed on his back and shouted “Damn he can hit hard! So that means it’s going to be fun to kill it.”

  He got up on his two feet and shouted “Come and get me you freak of nature!” The mutant started to run at him, Lizard-Alien smiled and ran towards him. The mutant jumped and Lizard-Alien did too but doing a flying kick. It hit the mutant right in the head, his neck cracked. Lizard-Alien landed fine but the mutant landed on his back, Lizard-Alien turned to look at the mutant its head was facing the ground. Just when Lizard-Alien started to walk away from the mutant he heard a laugh from behind him.