Read Loner in Space Page 4

  Paul has the doorway cleared in no time at all. He then turns his attention to the area where the lights had appeared above ground. He gets down on his stomach, carefully leans down through one of the holes in the branches etc. that are covering the area. He finds a secure place where he can place the wireless web camera that he has borrowed from his uncle Jim. Then he sets about more efficiently covering the area with branches, bracken and leaves, so the lights from the control room can not be seen above ground. Paul opens the door to the den, it seems a lot quieter than previous times. The oil, that he had squirted into the tracks, had obviously done the trick. The least noise he makes the better, especially with all those people milling around the building site.

  Next Paul turns his attention to getting inside and closing the door, then he checks the intruder detection devices, no sign of visitors apart from himself.

  The control room seems a lot more inviting than his last visit. The fact that Paul is assured that there have been no other visitors helps. As he empties his bag and comes across the electric drill, Paul hopes that this place has good noise shielding, so his efforts are not heard outside. Paul busies himself with laying out everything in a logical order, that he thinks he is going to need, before getting to work. His action plan, is to try and remove that damaged panel first, then continue his experiments with triggering the glass bumps. He had placed the web camera outside, so he could keep an eye on the exterior of this place, in-case any of his triggering affects things outside, that he cannot see from here.

  Soon Paul is trying to drill out the first screw head. The particular drill bit that Paul has chosen was pretty useless. Paul swaps it for a slightly larger one, that looks altogether in better shape. Paul's decision is soon rewarded, as the drill bit bites into the metal and the curly swarf spirals away from the drill bit itself. Paul is enjoying the experience so much, he forgets that he only needed to go the depth of the screw head. He suddenly realises that he has gone too far and turns his attention to the other screws. Now why had he not thought of doing this earlier, it makes the job so much easier. Soon, the control panel plate, is so loose that is starts to make a rattling noise. Paul presses his other hand down on the plate itself, to keep it still and quiet. Every so often, Paul stops, to check that his efforts were not raising any external interest, but he can neither hear nor see anything adverse.

  The plate is soon totally free. Well that is, apart from some of the fibres were still attached to the underside. Paul decides to try and break then off rather than detach them, so that Zack will be able see what the fibres look like. Mind you, that is easier said than done, the fibres seem to be pretty tough and do not want to snap. Paul remembers that he had brought some wire cutters. With a lot of hand hurting squeezing, he manages to cut the fibres off.

  Having removed the panel, Paul puts it safely in his bag. The next job involves the laptop and connecting it to the web camera, so that he has external eyes. Speaking of which, as Paul glances out of the window, he catches sight of the little red LED on the web camera, for a moment it looks like a little eye winking out there.

  The laptop, a present from Paul's uncle Jim, had come from his Uncle's place of work, whilst not the highest of specifications, it was pretty good. The only down side of getting it from that source was the fact that when they wiped its hard drive, they had also removed the operating system, but between them, Paul and Jim had put a free operating system, called Linux, on it. Jim had downloaded it and showed Paul how to install it. Paul was now pretty handy at using it, he had even done some programming and written scripts. In fact it was his script writing skills that had got him a reputation as a thoroughly good guy, from some of his online gaming pals. Anyway back to the matters in-hand, Paul soon has the laptop up and running. The connecting of the web camera is surprisingly easy. It seems strange to watch himself from outside the den. Of course he has to wave at the camera, if only to assure himself that the person on the screen is him.

  Paul looks at the layout of the glass bumps on the control panel, trying to make some sense out of the layout. After much consideration, he decides to concentrate on those bumps that are in the centre of the panel between the two chairs, but start at the back of the panel and work down. Working on the basis that whoever designed this place was likely to have put the important controls nearest the operator and also the most important between both chairs so that either operator can reach them easily. Paul does not want to trigger anything noisy, as it will attract unwanted attention.

  Grabbing torch in one hand and damp wipe in the other, Paul cleans his first target bump then sets about triggering it. The result, makes Paul jump in shock. The exterior of the den is suddenly bathed in light and everything out there can been seen as clearly, as if in daylight. Paul triggers the bump again and the lights go out. Paul writes out a label Ext Lites and sticks the label below the bump. Paul suddenly has an idea, grabs the laptop and sets about mapping out all the bumps on the control panel. He uses a spreadsheet to do this. Then counts the number of bumps across, that the external lights had been found. He enters the description Ext Lites. Then he works out the position of the weapons that he'd triggered yesterday. He colours the cell bright red and enters Weapons.

  Paul continues the exercise of triggering the bumps. Some do nothing, whilst others do some strange things like set off sounds in other places within the den. One bump causes a previously unknown opening to appear in the wall, revealing some sort of container. When Paul investigates further, he finds that the liquid within the container is quite warm, it also has a sweet smell. However, Paul does not trust it enough to want to taste it. He removes the container from the opening, which then disappears, as fast as it had appeared in the first place. Paul places the container in a safe place on the floor, thinking that he could carry out some form of experimentation on it at a later stage, to see what it is likely to be.

  Paul glances at his watch and realises that it is getting late, so decides that he must stop now. He is about to record his latest finding, but what should he call the secret container issuing panel, without knowing what is actually in the container? He decides to call it Drink M/C, after all it was a liquid, sweet smelling and quite warm at that.

  Next Paul packs everything away that he is likely to need at home, but everything else, he leaves here. Well after all, no-one else seems to be coming here, even if they do come back they will see from Paul's stickers that he has been here.

  Now comes the decision, does he retrieve the web camera or leave it in place? As it isn't his and is only on loan, Paul feels obligated to retrieve it, even though it will probably be difficult to do now he has improved the camouflage over the area in front of windows of the den.

  Once the den is all closed up, Paul leaves the laptop and bag on the path and gingerly crawls over to the area where he had placed the web camera. However, he mis-judges how far out it is and suddenly hears a cracking sound. He finds himself hurtling down into the hole in front of the windows. Luckily the lights have not gone out in the control room, so the area is lit up. Paul checks himself and finds the only damage is a few bruises on this right arm. Luckily the ground is soft and his fall was somewhat interrupted by branches etc. on his way down. As he looks back towards the control room, he is astounded at the sight that meets his eyes. Whilst he had seen it over the web camera, it had not been clear enough to make this much sense. What stands before Paul is clearly some sort of craft, it looks like a cross between some sort of submersible craft and a flying saucer.

  Crikey! exclaims Paul to himself, This is a bloomin' space ship, I knew it was special, but not that special..

  As he looks back in the direction of the hole that he had fallen through, Paul catches sight of the winking Web Camera, high above him. Paul wonders how he can get up there to rescue it, come to that how was he going to get out of this place? Paul sets about surveying the edges of the hole. Most of t
he edges are disguised by the now scorched branches and undergrowth that had grown up around them. It is impossible to tell what the ground is like below that undergrowth. Paul reaches into his pocket to fetch his torch, but is most disappointed to find that it isn't there any more. It must have fallen out of his pocket when he fell. Paul starts to walk back to where he had fallen, when suddenly the lights in the control room go out, leaving Paul in the dark. Apart from the faint light seeping in from the hole, Paul is totally in the dark. He will have to rely on touch to find the torch, without it he does not have a chance of finding his way out of here. Paul steps gingerly forward, as he puts his foot down, something touches the toe end of his shoe. Paul withdraws his foot in shock. Was it a branch or something living? Paul waits in anticipation, but nothing happens. He decides to venture out again in search of the torch. Paul gently swings his left leg in front of him, hoping that it touches the torch, without kicking it further away from him. His first six sweeps are fruitless, when suddenly his toot touches something, that is there one moment and gone the next. Drat I've kicked it. exclaims Paul more in whisper than anything else. He advances towards the spot where his foot had made contact. He sweeps his leg around again, being even more careful and slow in this motion, but nothing is found. He advances again, repeating his actions, when suddenly his foot touches something, but this time it does not move. Paul carefully reaches down and nervously touches whatever he has found. It does not have the feel of his torch though, instead it is rather bumpy, rough, hard, cold and an odd shape. Paul comes to the conclusion that it is a stone.

  Whilst bent over like this, Paul decides to do a quick sweep with his hand. He is most shocked that the first thing he touches is rather slimy and moves away from his hand. He withdraws his hand quickly, then attempts the sweep again, but a little further on from his previous encounter. He touches something rather warm and feels it move away from him. There is a somewhat metallic rolling sound. Paul is convinced that this is his torch. Paul grasps at the object and lifts it up, sure enough it rises with his hand. Paul feels along the length of the shaft and finds the switch. As the light is emitted, Paul breathes a sigh of relief to have light again. His relief is somewhat short lived as the light of the torch catches, what he had touched, before the torch. It is a toad, which seems as shocked as Paul, as it jumps and heads away from him. However the shock is not over, as Paul catches sight of something shiny to his right. He quickly walks over to it and recognises that it looks just like the material that those suits had been made of, the one that had fallen on him when he had first gone into the den. Paul moves closer. Sure enough it is one of the suits, but what is it doing here? Someone else has been here and taken the suit out of the craft, but why leave it here?


  Chapter 6  In Trouble

  Paul examines the suit more closely, he does not really want to touch it, so he finds a loose branch and uses it to poke at the suit, part of which collapses as the stick touches it. Paul notices that this suit has some boots with it. They appear to be attached to the bottom of the suit, as he flicks one of the boots with the stick, Paul notices that the leg of the suit moves with it. But there appears to be some resistance to movement, as if there is something inside. Paul turns his attention to the globe at the top of the suit. At first it does not want to move. Paul eases the stick down the side that is away from him and flicks it upwards. The globe suddenly spins over, making Paul jump as he sees what is inside, it looks like a face. Not a recognisable face though, rather leathery in appearance. There are what look like four eyes, but no nose and the mouth was like no mouth that Paul had ever seen. It was somewhat smaller than normal and the lips, if lips you could call them, were considerably larger than normal. There was no evidence of any hair, nor ears, come to that.

  Paul reaches the inescapable conclusion that what he has discovered was not of this world. He has discovered some form of alien. 'Some form of alien', the words run through his mind again. He can't believe it, he, Paul had found an alien. How cool is this? Zack will never believe this. Shame he doesn't have a camera on him. That is ironic, above him somewhere is the web camera, but the laptop is still on the surface so to speak, both out of Paul's reach right now.

  So his den is a spacecraft and this thing before him in the suit is or should that be was, an alien, but what were they both doing here, in the woods. Had the space craft crashed? Had this alien been outside searching for a way out of this hole, just like Paul?

  Then the thought struck Paul like a bolt of lightning, if the alien couldn't get out of here, what chance does he have of ever getting out of here? Paul panics, he must get out of here, he can not end up like the alien, he must not end up like this. He looks down again at that leathery face. He wonders what had actually killed the alien, was it being trapped down here, or was it connected with the crash? If there had been a crash. Apart from the brown stains and the one broken panel, Paul had not seen any other signs of a crash.

  Anyway this was not getting Paul out of his current predicament. He turns his attention back to searching for a way to climb back to the surface again. He spots an area of undergrowth that just seems to be covered in ferns, he hopes there are no hidden holes. He steps gingerly amongst the ferns and makes his way cautiously up the slope. Once or twice he steps on uneven ground and nearly trips. As Paul has to proceed cautiously, it takes him quite a while to climb up to a level that enables him to retrieve the web camera. He can see that he is not far from the surface now. Paul picks his way cautiously upwards and soon emerges above the cover of the branches. Before retreating from the area, Paul quickly covers over the hole that he had fallen through, to keep prying eyes away.

  Paul gathers up his belongings and thanks his lucky stars that he has managed to escape the same fate as that alien down there. Paul heads off for home.

  ~~ Later ~~

  What is it with Paul's Dad, he just has the knack of being in the hallway whenever Paul arrives back. His dad takes one look at Paul's dirt covered clothes and exclaims, Just look at what the cat dragged in! What on earth have you been up to? Why are you coming back so late too?

  'Well give us a chance to answer the first question.' thinks Paul to himself. Then he replies, Sorry dad, Keiran and I were playing a game in his garden and we got a bit carried away. Sorry about the mess.

  Mess, that's your school uniform young man. Carried away? What the heck were you two doing re-enacting world war one in the trenches? asks Paul's Dad.

  Er something like that, sorry. I forgot to change before I went out. replies Paul.

  How the heck am I going to get the dirt out of that uniform? asks his Dad.

  Be a good test for that new washing liquid you got the other day, see if it lives up to its claims, if it doesn't we can sue them eh? cheekily suggests Paul.

  Surprisingly his Dad follows Paul's lead as he says, You have a good plan there young Paul. What am I going to do with you?

  Paul is silent, expecting the worst. Instead of which, his dad smiles and puts out a hand and says, Come here you rascal. Let's get you changed and into your pyjamas. Then I can get your clothes into the washing machine. Have you...

  Paul expects the usual question of , 'have you done your homework'. Instead his Dad asks, Have you had something to eat? Only I was going to get a takeaway up at the Chinese, rather than bother to cook anything.

  Paul decides to chance his arm and replies, Well..... I did have a snack earlier, but nothing that you could call a substantial meal.

  Paul's Dad says, OK we can't have you starving can we? You get changed and don't get that dirt anywhere, whilst I pop up to the Chinese, fancy anything in particular?

  Paul thinks for a moment, then replies, That sweet and sour stuff that we had with mum that one time was nice.

  Sweet and Sour it is then and I'll get fried rice as I know you prefer that. Fancy trying some seaweed? asks his

  Seaweed! Sounds disgusting! replies Paul.

  It isn't I assure you. Fancy trying it? Oh I'll get some between us and if you like it you can have some. How about that? asks his Dad.

  Paul definitely thinks that something weird has happened to his Dad now, this man is far too reasonable to be his Dad. Perhaps he has been replaced by an alien. Paul replies, OK, that sounds good to me...... thanks Dad.

  With that Paul's Dad smiles an even wider smile, turns and walks out the door. Paul waits for the car to start up, but it doesn't. He can't be walking? surely not?

  Paul sneaks the rechargeable drill back to its charging cradle and puts the drill bits back in his Dad's tool box. Then bounds up the stairs towards the bathroom, once divested of his clothes, he cannot wait any longer to check if his Dad did walk or take the car. He looks out of his bedroom window. Spots the roof and boot of his Dad's car still on the driveway. He has walked, now that is totally out of character.

  Paul looks up and realises that he is being watched from a bedroom window across the street. He can just make out the long dark hair, as the face darts back behind the net curtains. Paul suddenly remembers that he is stark naked and his bedroom light is on. He cannot believe his bad luck, that new girl opposite has seen him in his altogether. He's usually so careful about things like that. He should have listened to his Mum, she said it would be best to have net curtains up at his window, but oh no he knew best and he can still remember kicking off about it the day after they had moved in to this house. He had caused such a rumpus that his Mum had given in just for the peace and quiet. She never pursued the matter again, well apart from that time when she almost got caught herself darting out of the bathroom with a dinky hand towel wrapped around her, as she'd forgotten to take a bath towel in with her. Paul's bedroom door and curtains were open, potentially exposing her to full view of the street. Luckily there was no-one around. Paul can still remember her kicking off about it, until Paul and his Dad had protested that it was her own fault for not taking a bath towel in with her. Paul smiles at this remembered moment. The returns to his own dilemma, he quickly pulls the curtain, only to briefly see that dainty face peeping round the net curtains again. Paul has mixed feelings, he's at once ashamed to have been caught out and at the same time, felt quite good that she even wanted to take a second peek at him, most girls didn't even glance at him.