Read Loner in Space Page 5

  Paul returns to the bathroom, pyjamas in hand. Should he shower or just have a quick wash. He checks out the degree of dirt and settles upon a wash. He is washed, dressed and back down stairs by the time his Dad returns. He has the TV on and has settled down to watch a film.

  Paul's Dad glances at the TV on his way to the kitchen and says, Oh this one, its a classic, I think you'll like it. I can remember watching this at the cinema when it first came out. I'll just put the food on plates.

  Paul suggests, Lets not Dad, we can save washing up if we eat out of the containers.

  His Dad pauses a moment, then says, Hang it, can't be bothered to do the washing up, lets go for it. Here unpack the bag I'll get the eating irons.

  The latter phrase was a favourite with Paul's Dad, he always referred to knives and forks as 'Eating irons.' Paul always assumed that when his Dad was younger that his knives and forks had literally been made of rusty iron. He couldn't quite imagine how the food must have tasted.

  Soon Father and Son have settled down to enjoy a good meal and film..... together. A very rare occurrence, especially for these two.


  Chapter 7  And There's More...

  Paul is back at the space craft. He has decided to clear some space above the craft, in-case there is anything happening up there that the web camera could not see. Paul decides that his first task is to place the web camera somewhere safe. He is much more careful about its placement this time and marks the place, so he can spot it, but it isn't obvious to the casual observer. Next he manages to work his way below the camouflaged branches and starts clearing the area immediately above the craft, propping up the web of branches and undergrowth that were above him. At one point, Paul hears a noise, that sounds like someone is walking close by. He just hopes they have not heard his activities down here. He waits quietly, his heart beating lie mad. Stupid I know, but he wonders if whoever is out there can hear his heart beating.

  There are no further sounds, so after what seems like an eternity, Paul gets back to his work. He is glad when he has finished,as it is hot work down here. He is glad that he had the foresight to bring a couple of drinks with him. He is also delighted that the first bottle is still really cold, as if it had just been grabbed out of the fridge. Paul finishes his drink and then cautiously emerges back into the open air. No sign of anyone, or anything unusual. So Paul heads for the entrance to the craft. He is soon inside, the now familiar control room. He connects the laptop to the web camera and the pictures seem even clearer today. It probably helps the fact that Paul has a better idea of what he is looking at, helps.

  Paul resumes his testing and marking up routine. Noting any external reactions and there are some, especially from controls in the centre and towards the front of the control desk. He was right in his assumption that this is where the designers would put some of the most important controls. Furthermore Paul has now established that the left and right sides towards the operator's chairs, are mirror images of each other, so this craft is designed so it can be controlled from either chair. There are some minor differences, for example there are no weapons triggers on the right chair's controls, instead they appear to trigger some odd displays on the right wall. Paul wonders if these are something to do with navigation and possibly communications.

  During Paul's testing of the various trigger bumps, he comes across another of those secret liquid dispensing panels. It really makes him jump when it is activated. He thought someone was entering the craft.

  Paul is now working his way down the control panel in the centre. He keeps an eye on the laptop screen as he triggers the bumps. He reaches a group of display panels, he decides to ignore these, until the beam of his torch touches the edge of one of these, it lights up, he hears a click noise above his head. When he looks at the laptop, at first he cannot see anything out of the normal, but then notices that there is a slight difference at the top of the craft, as if a vent has opened slightly. Paul slides the beam of his torch up and down the edge of the display panel and he sees that his movements are replicated in terms of some sort of vent opens wider or closes down again. When he takes the torch right down to the bottom of the display, the vent closes and the clicking noise can be heard again. The other display panels in the same area as the first, cause other vents to open and close. As they do so the position of the vent is reflected in terms of a line drawn on the display.

  Paul puts his torch down to note the latest results on his laptop, when suddenly the torch rolls down the panel, it rolls over and over, suddenly the button touches the desk and the light comes on, there is suddenly a strange sound, that immediately grabs Paul's attention. It isn't too loud, but loud enough to make him panic and want to stop it, in-case it attracts any attention. As his eyes scan the panel and the direction that the torch is shining. Paul sees that one of the dark glass panels has sprung into life and is emitting light. It looks just like a sound level meter and just one bar is lit. Paul notices that there is a small glass bump to the bottom of this display and the torch is shining right into the bottom edge of this bump. Paul wonders why he has not spotted this one before. He carefully picks up the torch and shines the beam of light away from the bump, but the noise continues. Paul swings the torch back, at first the noise increases as the torch beam touches one side of the glass panel. Then, as the beam swings round and shines into the bottom edge of the little bump at the bottom of the panel, the noise stops and the panel goes out.

  Paul takes a closer look at the bump, when observed from above, it appears to be a part of the display, it is as black as the display itself, but when observed from panel level, looking into the side of it, Paul can see that it is semi transparent. The black covering, must protect it from accidental triggering from above. Paul wonders if it had any external effect and mentally kicks himself for not checking the web camera when all the noise was taking place. Then he remembers that he can play the video sequence back. He sets about doing this and is most surprised at the result. At the time when the bump was first triggered, there appears to be no external reaction, but when the noise had increased, Paul can see that dust and leaves are being thrown up from the area below the craft. So this is the engine control. He examines the other similar glass panels in the same area and finds that they too have these small guarded bumps. He does not dare to trigger them, in-case it alerts anyone around that there are strange goings on here.

  A glance at his watch, tells Paul that it is time to pack up and get off home.

  Soon Paul has retrieved the web camera and is heading towards the woods exit. He is about to step through the gap in the fence between the woods and building site; when he hears something, he stops immediately and holds his breath. The noise is coming from the other side of the wooden fence. Paul eases himself to one side and hides behind a bush his side of the fence. He only just manages to hide himself away, as he hears the noise is getting closer and just catches sight of a man with a torch in his hand. As it is just starting to get a bit dark now, the man suddenly turns the torch on and shines it up and down the path that Paul has just been walking down. Then the man swings the torch round in the direction of Paul's bush, ending up on the bush itself. The man mutters something to himself. Whilst Paul does not hear what the man actually says, he does get the drift of what is meant. The man is telling himself off for hearing things that aren't there. Paul stays stock still holding his breath so long, it feels as if his lungs are going to burst. He wishes that the man would clear off. The torch swings about for a moment longer, then is turned off and the man turns and walks away.

  Cautiously Paul lets out the last remaining breath and slowly breathes in, a well needed breath of fresh air. He is careful to remain perfectly still as he regulates his breathing now and listens carefully as the man's footsteps retreat. He hears the man clearly say, must be a deer or something like that.

  Paul waits until he can no longer hear the man's re
treating footsteps and then gingerly, he heads off for the gap in the fence, cautiously he checks the road and footpath, both clear, so he darts out onto the pavement. As a precaution, he crosses the road and heads down towards the building site entrance. He hopes that being on the opposite side of the road, it will appear as if he has been nowhere near the rear of the building site.

  As the entrance of the building site draws near, Paul consciously keeps his head down and does not dare to glance over to the entrance. He hears a car heading down the road towards him. As it approaches, it seems to be slowing up. Cautiously, Paul glances round behind him, as he does so he can see that it is a police car and what is more its indicator is on, showing that it is about to pull up beside Paul. His heart races. He tries to recount what he had seen when he emerged from the rear of the building site, could the police officer have possibly seen him emerge from the site and woods? He had seen no cars though, the road was perfectly clear. Paul wonders if he should continue walking on or stop. As there is no-one else around, the police car must be stopping so the police office can talk to him. Perhaps the officer is only stopping to take a radio call. Paul decides to walk on. As he does so, the car stops. He can hear the handbrake being pulled on and the car door opens. Paul's pace quickens, his heart is beating rapidly as if it is trying to break out of his chest.

  Suddenly Paul hears a rather stern voice say, Excuse me lad, but can I have a word?

  Paul stops, looks round, then thinks, 'Perhaps, the officer wants to know how to get somewhere'. As he looks at the man's face, he tries to see if he recognises it, but no, he cannot say that he has seen this man before. Paul thinks, 'That's it, this is a new officer to the area and he's lost.' Paul summons he courage to ask, Yes officer, how can I help you?

  Paul's worst fears are confirmed as the officer says, I just wanted to ask what you are doing out here alone and so late? Where are you heading and where have you come from?

  Paul is silent for a bit, then answers, My that's a lot of questions.

  The officer smiles and says, Well let's hope that you have a lot of answers then, shall we start with, what are you doing out so late?

  Paul answers, I am just heading home...

  The officer interrupts with, That's a good starting place, where would home be?

  Paul tells the officer his address and the officer asks if there was likely to be anyone at home. Paul glances at his watch, if only to give himself time to think. Then he replies, Yes my Dad will be home now.

  The officer asks Paul for his home phone number, which Paul reels off with ease. The officer notes it in his book, then asks, Now back to my question, why are you out so late?

  Paul gaining confidence now, replies, I lost track of time.

  The officer frowns and asks, And just what were you doing to lose track of time?

  I was at a mate's house and we were playing on his Xbox, but I forgot to keep an eye on the time. replies Paul.

  The officer's frown has turned to a smile at the mention of the Xbox. He says, Yes I can well imagine that happening, you kids and those infernal games consoles. Right what's the name and address of this friend?

  Paul mentions a street that he knows of, says he can't remember the number, but Keiran's Dad has a white van. Paul remembered seeing a white van in the particular street, he just hopes the officer doesn't know the street and owner of the van. The officer asks what Keiran's surname is. Paul plays the 'I can't remember' card. The officer seems to be accepting Paul's explanation. He stops asking questions and un-clips his radio from this jumper, then starts talking to someone. He asks them to contact Paul's Dad and check whether he knows where his son is and in police codes he seems to ask if they can check out the address Paul has given for Keiran.

  The officer smiles at Paul and says, OK son we'll soon know if you are telling the truth. They wait for several minutes, the silence is painful. Then suddenly the officer's radio bursts out with sounds and a voice tells the officer that Paul's Dad knew that he was out visiting a friend called Keiran. They then report that they have been unable to raise anyone at the given address, but it is a valid address.

  The officer smiles at Paul and says, OK son, you're off the hook, this time, but don't let me catch you out again this late, otherwise it could be more serious. Then proceeds to give a lecture about the dangers of being unaccompanied and that there can be some pretty unsavoury characters about. He then instructs Paul to get in the car so he can make sure that Paul gets home safely.

  The journey whilst a lot shorter than Paul's usual walk home, seems to take an painful eternity, mainly due to the uncomfortable silence between the officer and Paul. It was a light relief when the officer's radio bursts into life once or twice along the way. It is almost as if the officer has gone deaf, as he seems to be ignoring the radio.

  Paul is relieved as the car pulls up outside his house. The front door opens and his Dad is standing in the door way. Paul wonders what sort of reception he is likely to receive. His Dad is bound not to be pleased at his son being delivered by the police.

  The officer is first to step out of the car, he walks round to Paul's door and opens it. Paul gets out and walks towards the front door, not daring to look up, he dreads what his Dad is going to say about all this. As they get within hearing distance, Paul's Dad says, Thank you so much officer for bringing Paul safely home. I was quite prepared to come out to pick him up.

  The officer sternly says, I was concerned to see him out so late and on his own. I understand you knew where he was, is that the case?

  Paul's Dad replies, Yes he had left me a note, that he had gone to his friend Keiran's house, but I must admit I had lost track of time and didn't realise that it was as late as it is. Paul you should have rung me, I would have picked you up. Thank you so much for your concern and for looking out for my son. He really should have known better than to walk back at such a time. We will make sure it doesn't happen again, won't we Paul?

  Paul nods.

  The officer, determined to have the last word on the subject says, OK sir, no harm done this time, it appears that your son lost track of time also. Do you have a telephone number for the other child's parents? If not I suggest you get it, so you can check with them when it is getting late, or if you have any concerns about your son's whereabouts. I know a lot of parents don't like their children having mobiles, but that is another way around the problem. Although often the children ignore or don't hear the mobile ringing, or so I have been told a number of times.

  Paul's Dad replies, Good idea regards having Keiran's phone number. I don't like the idea of young children having mobiles, likewise I have colleagues at work who say they give their kids a mobile and they still find they can't get hold of them.

  The officer's radio bursts into life again and this time he instantly responds. After establishing contact the officer says to Paul's Dad, OK sir, I have to respond to this call, I'll leave the matter with you. Oh I can assure you we won't be keeping any records on this, apart from my notes, I am satisfied that you have the matter in hand.

  Paul is quite relieved at the last comment, at least he won't have a Police record. He had heard that this can be a slippery slope towards being taken into the care of the authorities.

  Paul's Dad says, Thanks officer and goodnight.

  The officer says goodnight and sets off for his car at speed, whilst talking on the radio. The car soon speeds off up the road, with lights flashing. Shortly afterwards it speeds past the house again, heading back to the entrance to their road.

  Paul walks reluctantly to the door, his Dad steps out of the way. As Paul passes by, his dad roughs up his hair and says affectionately, What are we going to do with you young man? Have you had anything to eat?

  Paul looks up nervously to see his Dad is smiling..... smiling, he can't believe it, his Dad is actually smiling. Paul had expected him to be hopping mad. Paul replies, Yes th
anks Dad, I did some Spaghetti on toast before I went to Keiran's.

  Paul's Dad says, I was about to do some chicken stir fry, and rice, fancy some?

  This cannot be happening, Paul cannot believe it, his Dad isn't going to chew off his ears, he's offering instead to cook for him. Paul enthusiastically says, Well I could do with a little something.