Read Longing for You Page 10

  As she replaced the carafe on the warming plate, the phone signaled another incoming text.

  Trouble looks good on you, darlin’. Bet I would too.

  And he was back—playful Mike. The Mike that didn’t get jealous or mushy. The one that knew how to make her grip the sheets and work her hips with every one of his thrusts. She missed this Mike last night.

  Another text populated the screen.

  So what’s up? When do I get to see you again?

  Whenever. I’m free all weekend.

  She sipped her coffee as she waited on his response, but it wasn’t long before her phone buzzed.

  Cool. Maybe I can get you into some trouble. You game?

  She chuckled and punched in a reply.

  Sounds fun. When and where?

  Tonight. Around 9. I have a brief gig at a club near Brunswick. We could hang out after or go somewhere. Up to you.

  A wave of confusion washed over Cassie. Had Mike taken on a second job? He worked six nights a week at Midnight Blues. Why would he work at another bar, and in Brunswick of all places?

  She beat her thumbs against the screen. Gig? What gig?

  The one for my band.

  It felt as though a million needles poked Cassie’s skin. Realization sank in as she looked at the top of her phone. Under the clock, she noticed the contact name. What should have read Mr. O read something entirely different.

  Theo… Sweet Jesus

  She’d been talking to him the entire time, but how? She’d selected ‘m’ in her contacts for Mike, or rather, Mr. O. Why would it text Theo?

  As she tapped the screen again, she returned to her list of numbers and scrolled down to the m’s. Mr. O was right where it should be. Yet the contact name before it was different.

  Theo McCabe.

  Guess she’d tapped his name instead of Mike’s.


  She’d talked to him as though he were Mike. She said things, hinted to things…

  “Great.” she spoke aloud as she gawked at the phone, reading through the texts again. “What a fucking hot mess.”

  Thank goodness she hadn’t said anything specifically aimed toward Mike. For the most part, the messages were innocent, until she started teasing him. Now Theo would think she was interested.

  But wasn’t she?

  “No… Well, maybe a little—no! Don’t do this.”

  As if talking to herself wasn’t crazy enough, the fact that she was considering meeting Theo was insane. He’d left with two women last night. The only reason he wanted to hang out was to hook up with her, but he was wasting his time. She wasn’t about to give him what he wanted.

  You still there?

  She tapped her thumbs against the edge of the phone. She had to get herself out of this meet-up. One-night stands were one thing, but she knew Theo, had known him forever. Despite the attraction she’d felt last night, she wasn’t going to do this. Ally was her friend, Jonah was his brother, and this just wouldn’t end well. She couldn’t meet him.

  Come on, Cass. Don’t leave a guy hanging. I really want to see you.

  Staring at the new text, she felt her resolve crumbling. Would it really hurt to meet him, maybe have a drink and catch up? If he insinuated something more, she’d decline the offer and they could part ways. No biggie.

  9 works for me, but you still haven’t told me where to meet you.

  It’s a new place called Red, White, and Blues. Here’s the address. When you get there, ask for JP.

  Cassie paid little attention to the rest of the message. She knew the area well enough to get around. It wouldn’t be hard to find the bar, but she would put the address in her GPS just in case.

  Guess it was final. She was going. No more debating. For all she knew, she was worrying over nothing. Maybe Theo wasn’t interested in her. They were friends. Old friends. Tonight would be about catching up on the last six years, nothing more.

  So what if he was a lot hotter than the seventeen-year-old version she remembered from high school. She could behave when she wanted. Yet something about Theo said it wouldn’t be that easy. His dark curls and perfect smile ignited a fire deep within her, but those blue eyes affected her most. They monopolized her thoughts as well as her body. The fantasy she had last night was proof of that.

  Today, it was her wet panties…


  Cassie weaved between the throng of bodies inside Red, White, and Blues nightclub. It was stuffy, stuffier than she preferred, but it was to be expected. Savannah summers were sweltering. Nights provided little relief, and with a couple hundred people inside this building, she could count on leaving with sweat rolling down her back.

  Most of the patrons were departing from the bar with fresh drinks in hand. Some stopped to chat with people they knew while others proceeded toward the dance floor. The stage sat in the far corner and was midway between a set change. It was bigger than the one at Midnight Blues. So was the rest of the building.

  As she worked her way through the crowd, she noticed a clock above the cash register. She was five minutes ahead of schedule. Theo must be on time too. He said he would finish his performance by nine, and the empty stage was proof that he’d kept his word.

  Too bad she didn’t make it in time to hear him play. She enjoyed his band’s performance at Midnight Blues the prior night. It was the sultry rhythm that had her shaking her ass on the dance floor. Of course, had she known he and Jonah were the ones making the music, she and Ally would have left. Not because she didn’t want to hear them play, but for Ally’s sake, it would have been best.

  Still, it would have been a shame to miss the performance. From the moment she heard him belting out lyrics, she was drawn to his voice. It had grown deeper since the last time she saw him, but then, everything about him had changed. Well, almost everything. He still knew how to woo the ladies.

  Had Ally not called an hour before she was supposed to leave, she would have made it in time to hear the last song. It would have been rude to hang up on her friend when she’d called to vent about Jonah. If Ally knew she was here tonight…

  Ally was in defense mode. She was out to protect her heart from being crushed by Jonah once again. But Ally didn’t have all the information she needed to pass judgment. If she knew the things her mother did behind her back, she would see the situation differently. The guilt of not telling her the truth still weighed on Cassie, but she wasn’t the same girl back then. Paula’s threats terrified her as much as they had Jonah.

  Arriving at the bar, Cassie found an empty stool and slid across the spongy cushion. It was the only open seat. Though multitudes of people were waiting for the next performance, many customers were still waiting on their drinks.

  Three bartenders worked the crowd, moving swiftly about the floor. Glasses and bottles clinked. Voices buzzed from every direction. Laughter erupted to the left. She observed the room, searching for one particular face in the crowd.

  Perhaps Theo hadn’t finished with band business. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be much longer. Halfway down the bar, a couple of men kept turning their heads in her direction. Their beady eyes raked over her body.


  She knew those looks. They were vultures, ready and waiting for the kill, their southern charm the deadly assassin. She wasn’t some piece of ass they could swoop in and claim. Regardless of how much she enjoyed having sex, she wouldn’t spread her legs for just anyone. She chose who, when, and where. Neither of them had a shot in hell.

  “Evening, darlin’.” A deep male voice drew her attention to one of the bartenders. “What can I get ya?”

  “Manhattan, please.”


  The second he stepped away, she questioned her choice. She’d grown used to Mike’s Manhattans. The ones she drank elsewhere were never as good. If this one proved to be as bad, she’d order a margarita.

  It wasn’t long before the bartender returned and set the drink in front of her. “Here you go, beautif
ul. Is there anything else I can get you?”

  “Drinkwise, no, but I’m looking for someone named J.P.”

  “You found him,” he chuckled as he spread his arms wide. “How may I help you?”

  “I’m supposed to be meeting a friend here. Theo McCabe. He told me to ask for you and you’d let him know I was here.”

  “You must be Cassie Clarke.” His reply caught her off guard. It wasn’t because he knew her name. It was the way the corner of his mouth lifted, the way he glanced at her hair, her face, and her breasts. When she nodded, his lips spread wider. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  “Thank you. What do I owe you for the drink?”

  “Nothing, doll. It’s on the house, courtesy of Theo.”

  She stammered for something else to say, but he disappeared toward the back of the building before anything would come out.

  Examining the drink, she said a silent prayer, held her breath, and sipped. The cool liquid passed through her lips, over her tongue, and down her throat. Warmth quickly followed, increasing to a burning sensation.

  Once it subsided, she released her breath and sucked her tongue. The cocktail was sweet, as sweet as Mike’s, yet a little tart. She took another drink, allowing more liquid to flow into her mouth. It was good, every bit as good as the ones Mike prepared. If she wasn’t careful, she’d have several before the night ended.

  Maybe she and Theo shouldn’t stay here. He gave her the option of going somewhere else. Staying meant more drinking. More drinking meant getting a cab or finding a hotel. Driving wasn’t an option. But it was more than getting home safely that weighed on her decision. Liquor was like an aphrodisiac. Considering her company this evening, she didn’t want to end up in Theo’s bed or fantasizing about him again if she went to Mike’s.

  No. She wouldn’t spend the night with either man. She was in control. This would be her only drink, especially since Theo paid for it. Whether it was a nice gesture on his end or an attempt at a one-night stand, she refused to be indebted to him. She’d pay him back tonight, before they parted ways. And they would part ways.

  Downing the last of her drink, she set it on the counter and turned toward the stage as a man began speaking. The words rolling off his tongue had something to do with the band about to perform…at least that’s what she thought.

  Nothing he said was comprehensible once she saw Theo walking her way.

  * * *

  Theo stood at the edge of the bar, scanning the swarm of bodies packed inside the club. Many were facing his direction less than twenty minutes ago. There were twice as many people at this club than the one they played last night. Big crowds didn’t bother him. The more people there were, the harder he performed.

  Despite the smaller turnout, last night’s gig wasn’t a waste. The club had been packed. The crowd’s reaction to their music was more than he’d hoped for. Even the lust-filled women engrossed with him were enough to stroke his ego. Yet nothing compared to seeing Cassie. It was the last thing he expected but the highlight of the night.

  It was the after-party that sucked. Maybe tonight would turn out differently. Anything would be better than getting blown inside a storage closet. Unless Cassie was the one inside, lips parted and waiting for him.

  He’d pretended as much…

  Damn. He’d become an expert at this game. Pretending. Fantasizing about the only woman that got under his skin. He’d invested many years in those fantasies, had taken her in every position possible, every place fathomable. There were no limits, other than his mind.

  And that was the kick in the teeth. None of it was real, except the women… but they weren’t Cassie. The fantasies wouldn’t subside until they became a reality. If he had his way, they would before he left town.

  As he continued surveying the crowd, he merged through the sea of blondes and brunettes. Many smiled in his direction. Some winked. One licked her lips. If Cassie stood him up, he wouldn’t spend the evening alone, but it wouldn’t fix the problem. It’s not what he wanted. Or who…

  The voice of the club owner filtered through the building as he pumped up the crowd for the next band. People began dispersing from the bar, but Theo continued scanning all the faces. Surely Cassie wouldn’t stand him up.

  Before the thought dampened his mood, he spotted a crimson streak in the distance. Big, beautiful eyes fell on his face then lowered down his body. Cassie was here. She was really here, sitting at the end of the bar. He loved the way she stared at him as he approached.

  He couldn’t let her affect him like this. He was on a mission—to make his fantasies a reality. One night with her would be the cure he needed. Then he could get his head back in the music and pursue his dreams.

  The moment her sweet scent hit his nose, reality came crashing down. This wasn’t some random one-night stand. This was Cassie Clarke—the one he always wanted, the one he compared other women to. If he was lucky enough to get a night with her, would one be enough?

  “So you really are here.” Cassie fought back a smile as she taunted him. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d made other plans.”

  “What?” he drew out the question. “And miss the chance to hang with you? No way.”

  She laughed at his joke then lowered her gaze, just like old times.

  Nothing between them had changed. He still flirted. She still thought it was a joke. He still pretended they were only friends… It would remain that way until he manned up and told her the truth.

  “I believe I owe you a drink.” She ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “I’m sure you’re ready for one after performing, and I’m one ahead of you. By the way, thanks for the drink.”

  The music kicked in before Theo could reply. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. J.P. set a beer in front of him and grinned. He shot a smile in Cassie’s direction before walking away.

  There was no need for an explanation. Cassie was sexy. She could have any guy in here with one bat of her lashes. That much about her was the same. Still, something was different. It was the way she held his gaze, the way her sexy lips lifted as she pressed her breasts against the bar. He held more than her attention. He held her interest.

  Pushing the thoughts from his mind, Theo examined the beer then placed it to his lips. The more he thought about Cassie, the more she consumed him. If he didn’t do something, he’d lose his willpower and kiss her.

  Half of the bottle disappeared, but he didn’t stop chugging. The icy liquid soothed the scratchiness in his throat. Women loved the gritty sound of his voice, but it was hard on his vocal chords. As smooth as this beer was, he could drink all night. Then again, he didn’t want to be inebriated and waste his time with Cassie. He needed a clear head if he planned to charm her out of the skirt she was wearing.

  Fuck, she looked good enough to eat…

  As he placed the bottle back on the bar, she leaned in closer. “So tell me, Theo. Why did you ask me here?”

  He’d been waiting on this question. Had decided hours ago how he would answer. If he wanted to see her while he was in Savannah, he needed a valid excuse. The one he concocted was more than perfect, and it would benefit more than him. It would give his brother a chance to right a wrong.

  “I need your help.”

  Cassie’s brows knitted. She parted her mouth as though she would speak, but her focus shifted past him. Before he could do the same, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

  “You selfish little shit. Where’s my drink?” Jesse came into view as he stopped beside Theo. He broke into a hearty laugh then pretended to punch his arm.

  “I haven’t even ordered one for myself.”

  “You lying bastard. What’s this?” Jesse picked up the bottle and shook it. “Appears empty to me, bro.”

  “Don’t blame Theo.” Cassie chimed in. “I ordered it for him.”

  Jesse glanced in her direction. A huge smile covered his face. “Well, feather my ass and call me a duck. Cassie fucking Clarke.”

  “Jesse Woods
. Wow… I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  “It’s been a minute. Damn girl, you still live around here?”

  Cassie peeked in Theo’s direction then back to Jesse. “Sure do.”

  “You look amazing. Did you come here with some friends?” As Jesse scanned the bar and dance floor, Theo cleared his throat.

  “She came to see me.”

  Jesse refaced him and grunted. “Bullshit.” He peered at Cassie, studying every inch of her once more. “There is no way this gorgeous woman is here to see you.”

  “It’s true,” she added.

  Jesse gaped.

  It was hard not to laugh at him. Theo forced his lips together in order to keep from doing so. He didn’t want to piss off Jesse. His friend knew too much, like how long Theo had obsessed over Cassie. She didn’t need those details.

  “I think hell just froze over,” Jesse mumbled. He shook his head and motioned for J.P. to bring him a drink. “I’m going to find Allen and grab a smoke. I’ll catch up with you two in a bit.”

  Great. That’s just what Theo wanted—Jesse hanging with them. He’d screw everything up with his big mouth. The drunker he got, the more his lips loosened. The last thing Theo needed was for Jesse to razz him more about Cassie, or even tell her a few of Theo’s secrets. Allen would be with him, just as eager to embarrass Theo anyway possible.

  Like hell. This was his night with her. The rest of them could fuck off.

  As the guitarist broke into a solo, the club grew twice as noisy. He waited until Jesse collected his drink and disappeared in the crowd before he leaned closer and motioned for Cassie to do the same.

  “If you want to talk someplace quieter, I know the perfect spot.”

  “You don’t want to hang out with Jesse?”

  “We can, but I see him all the time. Besides, I still haven’t told you why I asked you here.”